Land of the Giant Shemales


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Queen Katherine perked up a bit and finally turned to look at her visitors, "How do you know that I can do anything? That we can change anything. Without men to fuck, there is no village, no community."

"There's still hope. The worst thing we can do is let the village die. Let the people succumb to their worst instincts. We're friends, not fuck buddies. We need more servicers and I believe we can find them if we have more time." Tess offered.

"Perhaps you are right." Queen Katherine ran her fingers gently through the hair of one of the servicers at her side.

"I can't let this happen, my Queen. I can't let friends fuck friends. Jessica and I will try to put a stop to this even if you won't help us." Jessica, who has been attached to Tess' arm since the cave-in that freed the servicers, suddenly jumped away from Tess at those words.

"I will try." Tess hung her head and walked out.

Tess stumbled down the hill through the dark night until she got closer to the stadium where fires blazed. The cheering and screaming got louder in her eardrums. Two more giant shemales were now fucking for the entire stadium to see. Tess stomped right out there and pulled a very surprised shemale off the giantesses' ass below her. The Queen's sisters moved to intervene but Donna stopped them. She walked out onto the floor and faced Tess to the roar of the crowd.

"What do you think you're doing, Tess?"

"I'm ending this. It's barbaric. Shemales don't fuck shemales! It's been this way for generations!" The crowd booed her.

"Donna waved and the crowd quieted down. "I will make a deal with you, Tess. Defeat me, right here, right now. Defeat me and we'll stop. We'll listen to you. You've got to be willing to fight, Tess." Tess angrily stared Donna down, face to face, eye to eye, and accepted her challenge.

"But if I win... if I win... you and that little girlfriend of yours, what's her name? Jessica, that's right. You and Jessica spend a little quality time with me in the hut. How does that sound?" She smiled.

The crowd got louder than they ever had been before. Little else could be heard. Tess shouted that she accepted. The Queen's sisters got up on stage to start the battle just when...


All noise ceased and every set of eyes looked up to see the Queen standing there. The rest of the shemales who weren't partaking in this activity got out of their homes. Even Veronica and Amber left their private time in the hut, cum ran down Amber's butt cheeks.

"You will all listen to Tess. You will all listen to your me, your Queen. I tell you now that this stops tonight. Friend will not be pitted against friend. Not while I have anything to say about it!"

Donna looked out over the crowd and then over the people who had come from their homes and seemed to agree with the Queen. She spoke just as loudly as the Queen, "Those who don't agree with this new policy of no fun will not put up with this. We don't have to. Anyone who still wants to fuck can come with me! Get in line, girls!"

Almost every face from the crowded stadium joined the caravan. Veronica wandered over but Amber stayed behind. Most notably, the Queen's sisters got in line and followed Donna away from the village. The Queen told everyone to return home and made sure they all knew that she was holding a village discussion tomorrow.


The discussion was held just as Queen Katherine had promised. Tess looked out on the stadium which was filled with fewer people than normal. Donna and her allies had left a big hole on the village. Good riddance, Tess thought. Tess saw Jessica but didn't sit by her. Tess took a seat next to Marie who whispered that she had a hot little hole borrowed from the Queen at her house now and Tess could try him out if she wanted, Tess thought she would take her up on it, her dick aching from lack of use.

The Queen began, "Today isn't about what we lost. We lost Donna and we lost the people who were out last night to fuck. The people who made this a war pit instead of a stage and stadium for discussion. Losing that isn't losing anything at all. Today is about the future. If my very good friend, Tess, will accept, I'd like her to resume searching the ocean for ships."

Tess winked at Queen Katherine and the Queen smiled, "I'd like to announce today something that I've been thinking about for a long time. I'd like to announce to you all here today that I will abstain from all sexual contact until every shemale in this village has a tight ass to fill with cum at night. My servicers will go to the use of the village. I know how horny all of you are. Take mine and use it as yours, for today, we are one." The crowd clapped and a few even cheered, much different than the cheers from last night.

The Queen continued, "I will be facing the same situation all of you are until more booty is found. I expect no shemale-on-shemale sex during this time. We must keep this village safe. Donna's actions have hit us all hard, my very own sisters left with her. It hurts us all. We must not stoop to their level." With that, the village discussion was over.


So it was. Tess set sail again. She even allowed Jessica to board the ship and they were gone over a week this time. Not one ship was spotted during that time. Morale aboard the ship was at all an all-time low and she could only imagine how the village must feel. They came home with nothing once again.

This time though, the village didn't look too different. Shemales seemed to be watching their backs though. They whispered to one another when Tess returned. Tess made sure Jessica got home safely and then went to the Queen's residence.

The Queen's residence was messier than Tess remembered it. She found Queen Katherine pacing in the study. An enormous boner tented her skirt. Tess chuckled and them returned to her dark mood.

"Nothing again?"

Tess nodded, "Nothing again, my Queen. What happened here? Everybody seems to be on edge and where is Marie?"

"Oh, Tess. Donna has been raiding this village what seems like every night. They take food and shemales too. They got Marie..."

"This can't be. No! We must get her back!" Tess frantically shouted.

"We already tried. We found Marie dressed in their new cloth and snuggled up against Donna." Queen Katherine couldn't even look Tess in the eyes, "We found this note." The Queen pulled something out of her tented skirt and handed it to Tess. It read...

"I have Marie. She didn't struggle. I keep her close. She's safe in bed with me every night. You wouldn't know it because of your shemale-on-shemale ban but she has the cutest little mole on her left butt cheek. I love biting it. She moans and moans all night. XOXOXO Donna."

Tess looked up at Queen Katherine, "What of the village? Has there been any more trouble?"

"The people have been good. I feel like the tide could turn at any moment though, but there's something worse...." She sighed, "I can't go on like this, Tess. I've scheduled a village discussion within the hour but I can't do it."

"What?" Tess asked worriedly.

"I'm too horny. My boner won't leave me alone! I can't sleep. I can't eat. I can't even think. What do you think people would say if I joined Donna?" She laughed.

"My Queen! You must be strong! I suspect your pledge is the only thing keeping these people from turning on each other. This village would fall apart without you guiding it now, in one of its darkest hours."

Queen Katherine looked at Tess with fear in her eyes, "You don't understand. I don't know how you do it. You put the village first each and every day. I could do that as long as I had servicers to fill with cum every morning, every afternoon and every night. Now I don't. All I have is an aching cock which won't go away. I'm just not strong enough..."

Tess had only ever seen the Queen so uncertain of herself on that night during the war pits, but the Queen had overcome and showed up when it mattered most. The difference was that she had servicers then and she didn't now.

"...My Queen, if you can't, then I will help you. No one will know... you must accept."

Queen Katherine searched her eyes, "You can't be serious?"

"I will take your burden. It has to be done. The village needs you."

"You truly are a servant of the people, Tess. I just... I just..."

Tess moved forward and grabbed the Queen's hand, guiding her to a chair, Tess sunk to her knees in front of the Queen. "You'll be ready for the village discussion. I'm going to make sure of it." With that, Tess undid the Queen's skirt and freed a very hard cock. Precum ran down the veiny shaft. The huge cock of a Queen. Queen Katherine wrapped her hand around the big root and tangled her other hand in Tess' long hair.

"I shouldn't tell you this but I've thought about this before..." She bounced the hard tip against Tess' full lips. It was amazing that they could be so red and vibrant, her lips weren't chapped at all from the harsh wind on the ocean. They were soft, wet and everything Queen Katherine had been dreaming of.

Tess' tongue slithered out and captured the precum, licking up the long shaft. Queen Katherine moaned. "Don't make me beg. Be a dear and suck it, Tess."

Tess did as Katherine asked and swooped down on the hard cock, swallowing it in her velvetty mouth. Queen Katherine threw her head back and started bucking up at Tess' mouth. Tess worked her tongue around the musky shaft, sending a shiver down Queen Katherine's spine. "You're the best friend a girl could ever have, Tess." Tess swallowed up a spurt of precum.

Slurping and slobbering noises filled the room as Tess really began to suck the hot pipe of her Queen's cock. Her mouth swallowed on as much as it could. More of the shaft slid between Tess' lips. Her tongue ran over the tight surface skin. "You're wonderful, Tess. I don't know where I'd be without you. Oh... fuck... take more. Your tongue is... it's everywhere at once!" She moaned, wrapping her hands around Tess' head and pushing it lower on the enormous cock.

Tess' lips took Queen Katherine's fat cock all the way to the root. It entered her tight throat and Queen Katherine's legs shook. The pleasure was so intense that she couldn't speak anymore and communicated by saying, "Oh Fuck. Oh Fuck. You're... Oh Fuck."

Queen Katherine's cock swelled even harder, she threw her legs out, held Tess' head tighter, she gave a loud shout and started ejaculating. More than a week's worth of giantess shemale cum funneled from Queen Katherine's cock down Tess' throat. Tess swallowed and then she swallowed some more, keeping the pressure on the Queen's cock.

Cum rolled down Tess' chin and dropped between the Queen's legs to the floor. The eruption finally subsided but Tess continued to tease the tip with her tongue, leaving the last inch in her sucking mouth. Queen Katherine looked down at her new cocksucker and smiled brightly. They got up and the Queen thanked her profusely.

"You've done a great service for your Queen and for your village. It won't be forgotten. Blowjobs like that never are." She gave Tess a playful tap on the ass, Tess' face turned a shade of red, and they both walked out. Queen Katherine happily jogged down the hill while Tess struggled to reposition her hard cock and anxiously wiped the leftover cum from her lips.

Tess sat next to Jessica. Jessica elbowed her and asked, "What did the Queen say? I've been hearing some strange things here. Marie is gone."

"Nothing. We'll talk later."

"Your breath smells weird, Tess. What is that? Sort of musky..."

"Quiet now and let's listen."


The Queen gave a stirring speech and warned against Donna's attacks. The crowd was still on edge but seemed in much better spirits. It was nearly dark out by the time the long discussion had ended. Tess was going to head home for the night when the Queen beckoned her over. Tess was hopeful that she'd be tapped to lead another journey on the ocean. The Queen smiled and motioned to the tent in her skirt and then to her residence.

During another blowjob, Tess managed to get out of Queen Katherine (along with a lot of cum) that she intended Jessica to go in her place and lead the ship. Tess swallowed every drop of cum again and let the shrinking cock fall to the Queen's thighs, she licked her lips of cum and begged the Queen, "This is my mission. Jessica wouldn't know what to do. These women trust me. I beg you, let me go instead."

Queen Katherine wrapped her arms around Tess and rubbed her boobs against Tess', "You're much more valuable to me here. I need you here, little cocksucker. Jessica will be fine. Leading the ship isn't that hard."

Tess was thanked again for the fantastic blowjob and departed. Her mind was a blur. Jessica would go instead of her? Leading a ship wasn't that hard? Her job sucking the Queen's cock was more important than finding men to fill the reservoir? Tess didn't know what to make of today.

Tess went home and found Jessica waiting for her. "What are you discussing with the Queen? You're keeping things from me and I don't like it!" Jessica shouted like a little girl.

"Calm down, Jessica. Tonight isn't the night to do this." She warned.

"You have a secret supply of booty. You and the Queen. I know it! I get some too or I'll tell everyone!" Jessica whined.

"There is NO secret supply of booty! There is nothing! The Queen wants you to go in my place to lead the expedition for men."

"She... she wants me?" Jessica's mood quickly changed and she smiled excitedly, "I get to run a ship! Oh, this is great, Tess. People will do what I say and we'll find men and I'll be a hero!"

"They're replacing me with you and you think that's just great!"


"I save you from Donna and you desert me when it matters most. Then you accuse me of keeping a booty supply from you and are just so glad that you've replaced me!"


"Donna took a real liking to you. She'll foam at the mouth when she learns you're back tonight. Don't expect me to protect you. Donna will probably try to take you the first chance she gets before you board the ship and are out of her reach." Tess told her coldly.

"Oh my. Oh, Tess. You're... you're right." Her pretty eyes started to well up with tears, "Where will I go?"

"Why do you think I would care? I think I've stuck my neck out enough for you and gotten nothing good in return."

"She might be on her way here right now! People were saying that she has spies here that pass along information. She knows I'm back! I'm not safe. These people talking at the town square, they said Marie isn't the same since Donna got her. Donna takes people and they aren't ever the same again, Tess. She does things to them. You've got to help me!" The young giantess wailed.

Tess couldn't help but feel her heart soften for Jessica. She was just a young, helpless little giantess. Letting her fall into Donna's hands would be like feeding her to the sharks. Tess pulled Jessica's body against her. They embraced as Jessica let out a long sob. Tess patted her back gently and whispered that everything would be alright.

"I've been such a horrible friend, Tess. You've.. you've been so good to me." Jessica whimpered.

"It's okay. It's okay. Nothing bad will happen to you tonight." Tess' hands slowly ran down Jessica's back and stopped just before hitting the swell of her butt.

"You do everything for everyone and they're so ungrateful. I see it now, Tess. I've been so worried about my own hard cock that I never even thought how horny you must be." Jessica pushed her head against Tess' breasts, "You haven't had a servicer since the cave-in. You've been too busy trying to keep this place from collapsing..."

Jessica pulled her head from Tess' chest and they stared into each others' eyes. Tess brushed the blond hair out of Jessica's face, her eyes sparkled with tears. Before either shemale knew what was happening, their lips pressed together. Tess slipped her tongue between Jessica's pliable lips. Tess' hands dug into the soft flesh of Jessica's young butt as their tongues mingled. They both moaned as the kiss broke. Big boners had formed in their skirts.

"There's that flavor again. The one I smelled on your breath earlier today..." Tess captured her lips again before Jessica could finish the thought.

They kissed for several minutes, their hands freely roaming the others' body. Jessica smiled sweetly at Tess and said, "I want to make you feel good Tess. I know how badly you need it." They both looked down at their hard cocks. Tess' precum was showing through the skirt and she already felt like she could cum at any moment.

Tess sat back on the bed with her big tent pointed toward Jessica. The young shemale walked over to her friend and got on her knees. Her nimble fingers undid Tess' tight skirt. Tess' hard boner was unbelievably hard. Her swollen balls were overflowing with cum and precum ran her cock, pooling on her balls. The reddened mass was capped off with a twitching, purple head.

Jessica shoved the purple head in her mouth and started applying suction. Tess' cock was so sensitive that her balls threatened to cum at every swirl of Jessica's tongue. She knew that it wouldn't be long before she unloaded a gigantic payload into Jessica's mouth. Jessica's soft lips pulled on Tess' massive shaft. She took even more of Tess' cock until her mouth was full to the brim.

Her head bounced vigorously on Tess' cock and that sent her boobs flying in every direction. Tess felt guilty for looking but she couldn't help it. They swung against themselves and looked about to ready to rip out of Jessica's top. Jessica took her warm mouth off Tess' aching dick and the spit-covered cock shivered in the cool night air. Tess didn't have time to question it before Jessica's tongue was licking the precum off Tess' balls. Her lips wrapped around one of the big balls and sucked loudly, which sent a shiver through Tess' entire body this time.

Jessica rubbed Tess' hard, red cock over her face as her lips broke into a smile. Tess smiled too and blew a kiss. Jessica's hands jerked Tess' shaft gently and pointed the tip at her mouth. That's when she took Tess' cock back into her mouth and really started to suck.

"Jessica... Jessica... Jessica!" Tess called out. "Suck that cock you beautiful shemale. Fuck. Suck it good or your ass is Donna's!" Tess' hands cupped the back of Jessica's head and pulled her lower on the big pipe.

Jessica tried to answer but it was hard with such a thick cock filling her mouth, "Ye... mmmmmhmph... Ma'am."

"I'm going to cum! That's a good girl! Keep sucking....!" Tess' voice broke into a cry as her balls began to expel the copious liquid they held. It was like a fire hydrant went off. Jessica struggled to maintain her composure as her throat worked overtime to keep up with the huge load. Tess' eyes were clenched shut. Jessica's lips kept milking her cock...

Just then! The door burst open. Donna, with Marie next to her along with the Queen's sisters stormed into Tess' home. "I hope we're not interrupting." Donna laughed.

Jessica jumped to her feet and wiped her face with her arm. Tess shoved her sticky cock back in her skirt.

"What do you want, Donna? You shouldn't be here." Tess had fixed her skirt and stood up now.

"I came for the girl. I see you beat me to it though. What a shame. I guess I'll have to take both of you." Donna poked the Queen's sisters and they walked toward Tess and Jessica.

"Leave them alone!" Everyone in Tess' house looked back and saw Amber, Tess' old friend and the giantess who'd lost her fight in the war pit.

"I assumed you'd have a sore ass. I didn't think you'd be a sore loser too. This doesn't concern you. Get out of here now." Donna ordered her. When Donna ordered, most people listened, but Amber stood her ground.