Kiss of the Spider Woman Pt. 08

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Oliver the Fly
6.8k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/31/2011
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Melissa Koenig stood naked in front of her full length mirror. She turned this way and that and considered that for a woman on the verge of her seventies she looked pretty damned good. Decades as a yoga instructor and practitioner had kept her figure trim, lean and incredibly muscled and flexible and she was just vain enough be quite satisfied with the result of her recent minor facelift. After all, as matriarch and CEO of the Gaian Commune Farm and Industries she could certainly afford it. And now that the swelling and redness were gone she was feeling quite the 'vintage dish'.

She tossed her long, silver hair and then, with a mischievous grin, fitted in her Feel-Doe ™ strapless dildo. Did she want to play the woman's part or the man's this day? It was a good question, but the real answer was 'Yes!' Musing over the possible events for the coming day she dressed in clothing most noticeable for its ready removability and went down for breakfast.

She cruised through the dining hall handing out generous quantities of kisses and hugs that ranged from the grandmotherly to the passionate before sitting down to a full English breakfast.

She looked around before digging in and asked, "Where's Kyle?"

Professor Konrad Koenig, her primary husband of many years, swallowed his bite of black pudding and responded, "Out doing his rounds. Now that the snow is melted he's back running instead of XC skiing for his workout and he got up before dawn, did a 10K, got cleaned up and had a quick bite before jumping on the quadrunner for a tour of the farm. You know, it's a good thing we talked the administration into okaying his development of Gaian Farm as undergraduate research or he'd probably never get his degree. He really is devoted to this place."

"Oh he would have," mused Melissa as she skewered a piece of roast hothouse tomato, "All I'd have to do is have his ladies start needling him about it and the classwork would have gotten finished. But your eloquence before the academic Senate prevailed and that's unnecessary now. And a good thing, too. With all three of them do to deliver within the next month or so they have better things to worry about."

Konrad chuckled, "Much as he hates being referred to as the farm's alpha male and being called One-Shot McAdams, both terms are absolutely apt. Freddi, Lara and Wendy wanted his children and within a week all three were pregnant. Impressive, I call it."

Melissa speared a chunk of roasted tomato. "Impressive in many ways, actually. As a sophomore he was proud, touchy and nursing a series of emotional wounds from unfortunate prior relationships. Now, three years later, he's matured greatly. He runs the farm operation, is the favored story reader to the toddlers and is quite the favorite among us ladies. And he's happy."

Konrad snorted as he swallowed the last of his bacon. "Why wouldn't he be? All the men here are kept warm, very well fed and have all the female attention we could desire. The male half of the population is really a simple sort of organism. Keep us warm, full and fucked and we're happy. Leaving the management of the business to you all is just that much better."

"Feminists have been telling men that for a long time. Getting most of you to believe it, though, has been a serious challenge!"

"Well, I'm off to campus. Lecture at ten, grad seminar at two. I'll see you this evening."

Melissa reached down and stroked the inside of Konrad's thigh. "Yes," she purred, "I'll seeall of you this evening!"


On the highest knoll of the rolling farmland, Kyle parked the electric quadrunner and walked over to a tree. Leaning against the bole, he sighed contentedly at the view. Orchards and clover pasture in bloom, lambs bouncing around, ewes grazing and the sound of chickens' cluck-putting about their business.

It was a bit worrisome how everything on the farm had turned out just as he'd planned. Life didn't usually go like that and he was sure that somewhere down the line there would be a mad scramble to fix some unforeseen catastrophe but for now life was good and he wasn't about to borrow trouble fretting. Careful research and unlimited capital thanks to Angela's Vigorilla and it would have been hard for too much to go wrong. A slow, broad smile spread itself across his face.

Then he heard the soft whirr of another electric quadrunner behind him. Turning around he saw Melissa stop, climb off and remove her helmet. She sauntered over with a grin and a wink and gave him a fond pat on the butt.

"Good morning, honey. Enjoying the view?"

Kyle wrapped an arm around the communal matriarch's shoulders and gave her a squeeze.

"I am. Spring is such a magical time on a farm, especially one that runs as well as this one. I've been very, very lucky."

"Poo!" came the reply, "You've been very, very good. And Kyle, darling, we're all so happy for you and so very, very proud of you. When you joined you were a prickly ball of potential. Now, thanks to love and support of many kinds, the potential has been realized and the prickles are almost all gone. And that's a good thing. You wouldn't be Kyle if there wasn't some small reserve of contrariness."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at him fondly.

"You, Mr. McAdams, are a prime example of the principal that if you want a young man to become responsible, give him responsibility. Most men's brains don't mature until they're thirty but you have managed to make the transition from boy to man about seven years early. You have the body of a healthy boy and the mind of a man. It makes you absolutely adorable and very desirable. I see that you have a blanket strapped to the back of your 'runner. As it happens, so do I. I think it's time to find a sunny spot, lay them out and put them to use."

She pulled herself tight against his body and ground her hips on him. Half closing her eyes she ran the tip of her tongue around her lips, teasingly.

"Do I want the boy you were or the man you have become? I haven't been able to decide all morning. But I think this morning we should celebrate the man. I can always play pseudo-incestuous, quasi-maternal games with you some other time but today, lover, strip me down and use me. Make it rough!"

In a communal group marriage with a dozen husbands and a dozen-and-a-half wives, keeping everyone's preferences in mind could be complicated. However, three years with Melissa had taught Kyle one clear thing. There were only two men in the group she would tell 'make it rough', himself and Konrad. Melissa was strong and tough and on those rare occasions when she deliberately asked to be dominated, she didn't mean a little patty-cake. Yanking her sweater and bra off over her head and driving her broomstick skirt and panties down, he left her standing naked in the chill spring air while he laid out the blankets.

Melissa shivered, both from the temperature and in anticipation. She felt goose bumps form all over and her nipples perk up. This was going to be sweet. Nine months before she'd liberally dosed Kyle with Vigorilla and then had enjoyed being shared simultaneously by him and Konrad. It hadn't been the last time and in the following sessions she'd schooled her junior husband well in the kind of treatment that she wanted. Now all she had to do was wait. He would take charge, she would submit and the result would be very, very satisfying. The next time, it would be her turn . . .

When the blankets were down, Kyle grabbed his matriarch roughly by the pony-tail and pulled her over onto the wool. Forcing her to bend over he smacked her hard on the butt, leaving a bright red print. Melissa squalled. He spanked her again, just as hard, on the other cheek and then began a rapid drum beat that echoed across the landscape.

In calmer moments, Melissa could never explain what it was that she found so thrilling about being spanked. Did it hurt? Of course it hurt! Wasn't that the whole idea? But why was hurt good, because it certainly was. Yes, she thought, it did make her cry but it wasn't the pain that made her bawl. When the tension got unbearable she would burst into tears from the overwhelming emotion of the experience. It was like a burning kind of orgasm, as best as she was able to describe it. However, it was a very private thing to be shared only with Konrad, with her co-wife Angela and, now all these years later, with Kyle. No one else needed to know that their occasionally imperious leader and stern mother figure liked getting paddled.

The dam broke and tears flooded Melissa's cheeks. At once Kyle knew to stop the spanking. Now he pushed her down onto her knees and grabbing her silver hair with both hands pulled her face to his crotch. Obediently she undid his trousers, pulling them to his ankles. She took his swelling cock in her hands and mouth and, as she has so many times before, worshipped it into readiness.

Soon it was standing hard and proud. For a moment she wondered if he intended to come in her mouth, to make her swallow his salty seed. But no, instead the threw her onto the blankets, rolled her over face down and commanded, "Ass up!" and when she complied he dropped between her spread thighs, leaned forward and thrust.


At last he was inside her. Supporting himself on one hand, Kyle again grabbed the matriarch by the hair and pulled her head back as he pounded her with trip-hammer intensity. Melissa hoped he would keep it up just a little longer, a little longer, just a—"Oh, oh, oh, oh my gawd, oh fuuuuck!" and they came together.

A while later, wrapped up in the blankets because the breeze had picked up, Melissa nuzzled Kyle's neck. "Mmmm—definitely a man, now. My darling, you were heroic."

"Anything to please my matriarch," he murmured in reply.

"Oh, I know that," she chuckled, "but next time I'll make you my bitch. I've gotten a new custom dildo called the Grande Baroque from The Beautiful Project that I just can't wait to try out on you. It's got baroque swirls and texture. I've been imagining it sliding in and out of you ever since I opened the box."

Kyle's eyes locked left. "How big is it? I've seen some of your collection and . . ."

"Kyle, you know most of those are just silly. I wouldn't dream of doing that to any of my guys. No, this one is a perfectly normal size. It isn't the size that sold me; it was the shape and color. Trust me, stud muffin, you'll like it. After all, you always do."


"But you can't be married to everyone in the commune, Willow. It's illegal. My parents are lawyers. I know about things like this." The preppy clad young man was aghast as Willow guiding him around the commune's verdant fields and groves. His family had visions of joining their portfolio with Willow's though they tried to keep their eyes on the young couple's happiness. Willow's domestic situation was a shock.

Willow sniffed. "Oliver, your vision of marriage is too restricted. You're just prejudiced by your environment and social class. This is a contractual agreement that shares the work and proceeds of Gaian Farm and Industries in exchange for labor, physical and intellectual, and for any intellectual property that a member may come up with. It also includes 'carnal access' to other consenting members of the commune. Believe me, it's a good contract. Even your parents would approve the wording."

Willow's former classmate looked dubious. "But Willow, some of these people are old enough to be our grandparents! Who would want to have sex with them?"

"Well, me, for one. Oliver, there's a treasure trove of erotic knowledge and experience here the like of which you wouldn't believe. And I don't just mean the senior husbands. Getting laid by some of the senior wives will give you a whole new view of things. Believe me on this. I've certainly learned a lot!"

"But Willow, communes are for hippies, not people like us. You have a responsibility for your late parents' estate to think about."

"Oliver, I'm going to be a scientist. That money is in trust for me until I get old enough to access it. When I do, it will put me through graduate school and fund my research. It has nothing to do with Gaian. And since I want a career in biomimetic chemistry, who better to have mentoring me than Angela Phillips? Since she lives here it's perfectly logical for me to live here and anyone who wants to do that has to join. So I did and haven't regretted a moment!"

Oliver stopped, his face fallen. He looked at Willow with puppy eyes and trying manfully to maintain his composure said, "But—I mean—back at the social events and dances the schools let us have—Willow, I had such hopes! I fell in love with you, Willow, and then you went away. You didn't even go to a college any of us recognized. You came here . . ."

Willow was startled. Oliver was a sweet boy and had always been wonderfully nice to her. He was one of the few who did. And now he was telling her he loved her. She sucked her lips in for a few moments indecision and then smiled broadly. She stepped up to him and put her arms around his neck and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"Oliver, we can still be friends. We can be lovers. You can come visit me or even transfer to the campus here. It's a fine school, even if it is small, and you know that with your parents' influence you can get into any grad school in the country. Gaian is big time, Oliver, ever since Angela developed Vigorilla. We need good people. You can either get your degree and move in or," she winked at him coquettishly, "you can join now for your undergraduate degree and then spend summers here when you're not pursuing a doctorate. We can have lots of fun?"

"Uh, I—I'll have to think about it. I'm not sure what Mum and Dad would say," he wrapped his arms around her waist, "I just don't know if I could stand sharing you with other men."

"Oh, we have a fix for that, Oliver. But first let's go over to the barn . . ."

Taking his hand, she gleefully tugged him inside the big doors and down into an empty stall. Looking at him through playfully lowered eyes she whispered, "Don't tell anyone!" and dropped to her knees. Her eyes alight, Willow unzipped Oliver's trousers and reached inside.

"Willow, what are you doing?"

"I'm giving you a blowjob, Oliver. I'll bet you've never had one? Relax, this is just the first kind of thing we do to make our men feel good."

Withdrawing his hardening manhood from his boxers (in the family tartan!) she grinned up at Oliver as she slowly licked the length and then pursed her lips around the helmet. Slowly, lovingly she played with him, making him moan in appreciation, sucking him in and swallowing him all the way.I'll bet he's a virgin, she mused, so maybe I (or we) will have to do something about that. Such a sweet guy! I wonder what The Rules are about seducing a new member. Eventually Oliver could stand the attention no longer and with a groan sent a salty stream down Willow's throat and then another until he was completely spent.

Willow licked her lips, tucked him back inside and then stood up.

"How was that? Does being part of a matriarchal commune seem like a better idea, now? We like to keep our men happy. They're so much more agreeable that way."

"That—that was wonderful!" Oliver panted between sentences, "Are all of you like that?"

"Nope," came the cheerful reply, "some of the more senior wives are even better. I'm still learning. Sure you don't think joining would be a good idea?"


Angela Phillips drummed her fingers on the arm of the chair with a long-suffering expression on her face.

"No, Willow, wedon't permit the use of Surrenderone for men on non-members. Period! Vigorilla and Surrenderone for women are both on the market (with a doctor's prescription) but the 'for men' version is for internal use only. And no, I don't care how much you want Oliver to join and how valuable an addition to the community you think he would be. The poor lad does deserve some degree of autonomy. Yes, you can use all manner of feminine wiles to seduce him into membership. While not exactly 'okay' we will let it pass since you are both young and he's obviously in love with you. You cannot, however, chemically mess with his mind until he's aware of the possibility. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Professor Phillips. But can I introduce him to some of the senior wives who might—further his interest? Like you?"

"Oh, Willow, you underestimate yourself. You are a most toothsome little number with a wonderfully slutty view of the world. I have no doubt that you can beguile him until he is unable to refuse. Then once he signs on the dotted line I will be perfectly happy to show him why it was a good idea. But up to that time, the job is yours. All clear?"


"Good. Now go get him, girl, I'm looking forward to making him into a happy junior husband and sex toy!"


Reading the text message from their son sent Oliver's mother into a tizzy. She ranted and fumed for just under five minutes. Then her husband brought her up short.

"Brandy! This 'commune' Oliver is talking about is Gaian Farm and Industries! You know? The developers and licensors of Vigorilla and Surrenderone? The two most popular sexual assist medications on the planet? Have you any idea what the net worth of the place is? And they also happen to be the primary funding source behind the Beckham College which is why that small, old, respectable school is turning into one of the nation's powerhouses in the field of biomimetics. If Oliver really is interested in pursuing his dream of robotics I can't think of a better place to do it. As good, perhaps. Better? None. And let's not forget their introduction of Appalachian Springdale, the sheep's milk cheese that's taking all the top restaurants by storm. If the boy wants to go there, let him. And if he decides to join an omnigamous commune to be with Willow what can it hurt? All we have to do is make sure that the trust fund is protected for any grandchildren that show up."

Brandy McTavish stood thinking in silence. She rolled her memory back to an article in the Journal she'd glanced over.

"Gaian—good lord. I'd forgotten all about that. Why, their estimated IPO would be in the billions if they ever decided to go public. Not that I think they would. A bunch of academics who would prefer to spend their earnings on research than gold braid. I do believe you're right, Simon. This really is a good idea for Oliver. And it will put him back together with dear Willow. I will send our congratulations as once and remind him to start the transfer process. The semester is almost over, after all."


The small moving van had arrived at Gaian and been swiftly unloaded. The contents, distributed among so many helping hands, flowed into Oliver's apartment and were put away. It looked, he thought, even more like a college dorm room than his old college dorm room.

"Now, just to remind you Oliver, this is where you stay whenever you haven't been invited to sleep somewhere else. It may not get much use! I believe Kyle, for example, only sleeps in his when he's sick and given the shine in Willow's eyes it seems unlikely you will spend much time here. However, a man needs his space and this is yours. Any questions?"

"No, ma'am," Melissa was a good three inches shorter than Oliver but there was no doubt as to who was in charge. Even if he hadn't known that her position of Matriarch gave her ultimate authority over almost everything, her personality alone demanded the honorific.

"Good. Now run along to the dining hall. It's time for lunch and then the siesta. Such a wonderful invention, the siesta. I don't understand why everyone doesn't take them."

As they walked together back to the dining hall, Oliver remarked quizzically to Willow, "Siesta? What if you're not sleepy?"