Kidnapped into Sexual Slavery


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Brian was dismayed. He had placed some hope that he might be found when his parents didn't hear from him, despite how remote Ellen had made that possibility seem. But she was right. By impersonating him via text messaging, she will keep his parents at bay for a very long time, since he mostly communicates that way.

Brian continued to eat without any more conversation. Slowly but surely, she was breaking him and he knew it. He thought for a moment if he could get ahold of his phone at some point, he could text for help, but then he realized he had no idea where the phone was, and it probably wouldn't work here in the woods anyway. She probably keeps it in New York and does the messaging when she is there. He wondered if there was any means of outside communication at all in this secluded cabin.

"How's your back?" Ellen finally asked.

"Uh, it's better. . . Mistress, thank you for asking."

"Turn around. I want to see for myself."

Brian stood up and turned for Ellen to look.

"Yes, not bad at all. You mark easily but you seem to heal quickly. A truly excellent combination in slave for a sadistic mistress. We can have more fun tonight!"

Brian let out a little weep.

"Oh, don't worry, Brian. I am not going to whip you again today. Next week, but not today. No, tonight we're going to put to rest any notion that you can take me. Not quite yet, though. We both need to digest our dinner a little first."

Brian wasn't sure what she had in mind until she retrieved some folding mats from a closet and spread them out on the floor. The big room now had a 10x10 space in which one could, obviously, wrestle. He knew a little about wrestling but also knew that Ellen outclassed him. Still, he couldn't help but get a little excited by this prospect: fantasies of being wrestled by powerful women were why he had the female muscle magazines that Ellen had found in his room.

Ellen then came over and let him out of his cell, although his hands and ankles were still handcuffed. "Come, make yourself useful." Ellen gestured that he was to go over to the couch and TV area. She followed him, stripped down to a running bra and skin-tight bicycle shorts and laid down on the couch. "We have to wait at least an hour before we can engage in a true test of strength. You will massage my body from head to toe until then."

This Brian did not mind. Although it was a little difficult with the cuffs on, he did not mind running his hands over a muscular woman's body for an hour, although by the end of that time his hands were a bit tired. Still, Ellen seemed to like this activity and they managed to engage in a little small talk along the way, although a fair amount of that small talk was a critique of Brian's technique or directing to do more or less of some particular thing. When he was done, Ellen actually smiled at him.

He felt compelled to ask: "Did you like that Mistress?"

"Very much, slave. You did a real nice job. I was thinking that this is what it is all about. It almost makes me a feel a little guilty that now I am going to kick your ass. But it is all part of your training."

Ellen then stood up and undid Brian's bonds, including his collar. She also retrieved a jock strap from one of the drawers nearby.

"Here, put this on. I don't want to destroy your manhood so early on. I have too many delicious plans for it."

Brian put on the first item of clothing he had worn now for three—or was it four?—days.

"As I assume you have figured out, we are going to have a wrestling contest. Feel free to try to win, but I wouldn't expect to if I were you. It is submission wrestling, you tap legs or mats or whatever to indicate you submit and want to be released from a hold. We wrestle for 30 minutes and whoever taps the least loses." Ellen giggled to herself, thinking she was unlikely to have to tap even once. "Okay, let's begin."



"What do I get if I win the contest?"

Ellen smiled and then laughed.

"I must admit I never entertained that as a possibility. Hmmm. How about, I let you go? Is that proper incentive enough for you to try to win?"

"Oh, yeah!" and Brian smiled, determined to get out of this if he could. He had done a little wrestling in high school and even though Ellen outclassed him, he was sure he knew the moves better and thought he had a 50-50 chance to score more submissions. Being with Ellen had its rewards, as last night showed, he thought, but all told, he didn't want to be here. It was the first time in almost a week Brian thought he could get out of this.

Ellen and Brian began circling each other on the mat. Each knew that the take-down would almost certainly lead to the first tap-out. Perhaps a little impatient, Brian darted in, grabbed Ellen's arm and cut under her legs causing her to fall.

What Brian had not anticipated, however, was that Ellen had taken hold of Brian with her other arm and thus went down with her. Brian landed on top of Ellen on his back and, unfortunately, with his torso between Ellen's powerful thighs, which immediately close around him and locked him as if he had been taken by a massive python. Quick as lightening she also trapped his arms under hers. He was on top but Ellen had total control. She instantly began to squeeze her legs shut.

Brian could not believe what had happened and so fast and the massive strength Ellen was demonstrating. Ellen had a firm grip on him but the pressure was so great that he felt the need to tap. Struggling pitifully in her grasp but he could not escape. Then he slowly began to realize that Ellen was tightening her holds and the pressure of her legs on his body intensifying. It didn't matter if he struggled or did not nothing, Ellen continued to tighten and soon he knew he had to tap out.

Ellen had been amused by Brian wanting to know what would happen if he should win. She had offered to let him go in the hope he would put some real effort into the contest. It never would have happened, of course. Dangling his freedom but then yanking it away would have been just one more sadistic game she would have played on her prisoner. But it was never in doubt.

After Brian tapped the first time, she released his body and let him recover his breath for a few moments. Then she went after him again twisting his body into various unnatural positions and putting him into a number of holds—full nelsons, half nelsons, grapevine—making him tap-out each time.

She even let him up to try and start from a standing position again, only this time she took him down, landing on top of him, pinning his arms, grapevining his legs, and suffocating him with her ample, aroused breasts until he tapped, and then she did it five more times for good measure.

She locked his head repeatedly between her thighs, from behind, favoring a position that forced his nose to press a bit between her cheeks and insisted he tap out by kissing her ass. At one point, near the end of the 30 minutes, when Brian was now clearly exhausted, she manipulated him to laying across her lap and gave the boy a hell of spanking—for no other reason than she could.

"Okay, Brian, stand up. One more time."

"No, no, that's okay. I concede."

"I SAID one more time—and take off your jockstrap."

As Brian complied, Ellen removed her few bits of clothing as well. Despite how bad and humiliated he felt, Brian loved the way Ellen's massive breasts spilled out of her bra and filled her chest when the garment was removed. And he couldn't help but sport a massive erection as Ellen approached him.

Ellen took Brian down with little effort and quickly locked his head between her thighs again with one leg coming around the back of his head, which was now held in place by her the calf of her right leg. His face was now pressed against her bare pussy. Brian knew the method of her madness now and did not particularly mind if it stopped her from beating him up more.

"Well, Brian, would you say we established who is the stronger between us?"

"Yes, Mistress. You are."

"Say it some more."

"You are superior. You are superior to me in every way."

"Go on."

'I am nothing but a pathetic weak male compared to your overwhelming superiority."

Ellen sighed. "Yes, indeed. You have to admit, deep down you like what I am doing to you. Your cock betrays you. You're hard as a rock. But it doesn't really matter one way or another." Ellen then pressed Brian's head into her pussy with her leg and simply said, "Get to work. You know what to do."

In that physically beaten position, Brian was forced to repeat the previous night's activities, licking, sucking, and worshipping Ellen's pussy to multiple orgasms. When she had enough of that, she brought his mouth to her breasts and had him continue there for some time, before she climbed on top of him and mounted him again, pounding his battered body into the mats until she came twice.

Once again, Brian managed to hang on to satisfy his mistress but he came as well, convinced that if he didn't while Ellen was pounding him, she wouldn't care whether he got any relief or not. Or worse, she might keep fucking him until he was black and blue. Still, as things were going, the sex was the only bright spot about his situation.

Once done, however, Ellen unceremoniously cuffed Brian back up, put his collar back on, and locked him in his cell for the night. After he had showered, he laid down and watched the TV through the bars, and wondered if she would ever let him sleep with her, in a real bed. He resolved that eventually he would ask in another week if she didn't.

He increasingly accepted that what had been saying was reality: he would never leave here, alive, and so thought he should try to make the best of it. Certainly sleeping in a bed with his Mistress was better than on this cot in a cell. As he drifted to sleep, he did not even realize that he had in his own mind begun to think of Ellen as his Mistress rather than his kidnapper.

When he awoke the next day, he saw Ellen sitting on the couch reading. He noticed she had, as usual, left him some breakfast—once again, it was a pile of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and milk. Well, at least it isn't gruel, he thought. Ellen made no motion to acknowledge him in any way. He ate in silence and then brushed his teeth.

Once he was done, Ellen got up and went over to the cell. She was once again dressed in a running bra, which flattered her muscles and breasts, and running shorts, which really flattered her muscular buttocks, of which Brian had had so much intimate contact with yesterday. He thought at first they were going to wrestle again but then noticed the mats were nowhere in sight.

"All right, slave-boy, there is going to be actual work for you to do, everyday, other than be my plaything. I mentioned to you earlier that his place had geothermal heating. That is because it is underground—a constant 55 degrees, summer or winter. But obviously I have kept this place much warmer, through propane heating from a very large tank buried underground. However, it is expensive and inconvenient to have that brought in. Fortunately, there is a solution.

"I also had installed down here a slow-burning, high-efficiency wood stove with ducts to distribute the heat throughout this lower living area. The upstairs is just a shell—technically, it has water and all that but I keep it drained. It is separate from the real space here. In any event, we are going to keep warm mostly by the wood burning stove, although we have the propane if we ever need it.

"That is where you come in. You will need to collect and cut firewood for us to use, pretty much all year round. It will have the salutary benefit of giving you a chance to get exercise. I expect you will need to spend about 3-4 hours every morning getting wood. I might give you the weekends off, it will depend on how efficient you are."

Ellen unlocked the cell and attached a leash to his collar. She loved leading her slave around by a leash, a simple gesture that was so completely controlling and humiliating at the same time. "Come, let me show you." Ellen led Brian over to one of two back rooms, which she opened. Inside was a sophisticated looking wood stove, but unattractive, you couldn't enjoy looking at the fire for example and a large storage area for wood. The walls and floor and ceiling were all concrete.

"The room holds about four cords, which is enough at our rate of usage to last three months. Alas, there is very little here now as you can see, which is where you come in. Once you are done each day collecting and cutting wood, you have to bring it in and then clean up. All that will probably take you 4-5 hours a day, now that I think about it."

"Aren't you afraid I will do something you won't like with the saws?"

"Not really, Brian. First of all, remember if you were to try to hurt me and FAIL, I would beat you to a bloody pulp. After yesterday, you know that I can do that with my bare hands, if necessary. Second, one of the reasons you will need to spend so much time doing this each and every day is because you will have only small handsaws to use. No chainsaws, no axes. The surrounding woods have lots and lots of deadwood for you to cut up. You just won't be able to do anything with the really large pieces."

Ellen brought Brian back out. She then separated his hand and ankle cuffs but placed two-foot chains on them. They allowed more movement for his arms and especially to walk with his legs, but he couldn't run. They both went up and out and Ellen provided Brian with his small saws and showed him a small cart he could use to cut the wood. He was still naked.

"Don't I get to wear anything while I work?"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." Ellen went back in the cabin and brought out a pair of work gloves. "Here."

"I mean, should I wear some clothes for this type of thing."

"No," Ellen replied quite nonchalantly. "Where's the fun of having one's slave perform menial labor if he isn't naked?" Ellen sat down on a chair on the cabin's small porch and gestured to the deadwood just a few feet from the cabin. Brian sighed, but got started.

All morning long, Brian sawed and hauled. Ellen did nothing to help. She watched him the entire time, however, but was usually reading, working on the computer, working out, and occasionally talking on her cell phone. She fed him lunch, peanut butter and jelly again, and he resumed work after he had eaten. Ellen on the other hand, was enjoying better looking sandwiches, cheese, and fruit, along with ice tea. It was still September, so the weather was warm but it wouldn't be long before Fall came.


"Yes, slave?"

"What happens when it gets cold? I am going to need something to wear then."

"Good point. I suggest you work hard over the next month or two. Maybe then you won't have to go out naked in the snow to collect wood."

Brian thought she couldn't be serious but chose not to argue the point. No reason to do so now, he thought, but I'll get frostbite if I have to work in the snow without proper clothing.

Ellen just smiled at the question. She had no intention of making Brian work in the snow naked, but she didn't mind letting him think she would until the first snow came.

By mid-afternoon, Ellen ordered Brian to stop his work and clean up. He had managed to generate a respectable little pile in the wood room, but it was clear he would need a couple of months to fill it. Small hand-saws don't make for quick work. Once everything was all cleaned up, Ellen relocked his cuffs together and ordered him to shower. She said she would not have a filthy slave. Brian thought that maybe if he refused to shower, Ellen would improve his conditions. Then he thought better of it. She would just whip him extra hard for disobedience.

Once he was all cleaned up, Ellen declared it was play time. Rather than the skimpy clothes she had favored over the past week, today Ellen put on thigh-high leather boots, crotchless latex shorts, a tight leather vest, long black gloves, a black military style hat, and sunglasses.

Brian's mouth went dry when he saw her She was the ideal image of a magnificent dominatrix!

Ellen admired admired herself in the mirror. She was the ideal image of a magnificent dominatrix!

Ellen trussed Brian up to a one of the pieces of bondage furniture. Ellen called it a bondage bench: she laid Brian down on it, so that his headed rested at waist height, he was lying on his stomach but with lower ledges for his knees to rest on—essentially, he was on all fours but at chair height. Ellen secured him with numerous straps and some rope, tied up his cock and balls again (the image of her meant she did not need to stroke Brian to erection—he was already excited), and she put a black hood on his head with the ability to blindfold him or zipper his mouth shut. As it was, she wanted both his eyes and mouth open.

Ellen began with paddling his ass. It was not the hardcore whipping he received earlier in the week, but it did redden him nicely. She also spent a lot of time teasing, tormenting, and torturing his imprisoned cock. Ellen delighted in the various sounds and noises Brian would make as she did things to him. When she tired of that activity—after a VERY long time—she went around to Brian's face. Quite by design, the face of his immobile body was positioned right at Ellen's pussy. She pushed in, grabbing Brian's head with both her hands.

"Go ahead, Brian. Worship me until I tell you to stop."

Brian attempted to repeat his activities there of the past few days, but found today that his Mistress wasn't really interested in that. She quite quickly took control of the process and essentially masturbated herself with Brian's face, sometimes forgetting to let him breathe properly. After she had satiated herself, Ellen walked over to her various toys and began putting some on, but Brian couldn't see what because her back was to him and his sightline was limited. Strapped as he was to the bondage bench.

"Now Brian, something completely different for you. I am fairly certain none of your high school girlfriends ever put one of these on." Ellen turned around and Brian saw she was now wearing a rubber phallus attached to a harness that Ellen had put on her groin.

Brian was alarmed.

"Mistress, please, please! I don't want that! I beg you, please don't use that on me."

Ellen just laughed.

"Brian, you are the gift that just keeps on giving! Here you are, trussed to my 'raping bench' (that was the first time Ellen called it that and he knew why) with a hard-on from eating my pussy, but yet you fear my strap-on. I just couldn't have picked any better! If you weren't interested in being dominated, it would be hard to get you to do many of things you already have. But there is still enough fear, reluctance, and downright unwillingness to make this fun for me and for quite some time until you are completely broken to my will."

Brian actually started to cry a little.

"Oh, yes, Brian, that's it! I will just love it if you scream and cry through this. Hopefully every time! But you are going to have to get used to it, it is one of my favorite activities!"

Ellen moved behind her slave and slathered Brian's anus and her strap-on liberally with lube. She then leaned down to him—he felt the dildo against his body as she whispered in his ear.

"You get the big end, of course, but it also is inside me! It will stimulate me as I thrust. I will literally get off as I rape you!"

Ellen stood back up.

"Here it comes!" Brian involuntarily constricted his sphincter.

"Loosen up, Brian, you're taking all of this, but the more you resist, the more difficult it will be for you."

Try as he might, Brian couldn't relax himself enough to allow Ellen to penetrate him with ease. So she penetrated him with difficulty. With her strap-on resting on his anus and her legs pushing and her hands holding onto Brian's thighs to pull, Ellen forced her sex toy into Brian's body, invading his most intimate space. Brian let out a loud shriek of pain as Ellen pushed all 8 inches of the device in.