Kembe and The Tanning Salon

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Left to manage a salon, Kembe liberally enjoys the patrons.
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"Sure ma'am? It is quite nice and upgrade is free."

"Free? Well why didn't ya say so? Of course I'll take free, Kembe!"

"Very good choice ma'am." The young man worked the electronic register, calculating the lady's purchase. "That is $14 ma'am."

"Oh you know what Kembe...," The lady had trailed off as she rummaged through her purse. "I got my card in here somewheres." Kembe watched the middle-aged woman tinker around her purse. Her thin arms poked and prodded, moving lipsticks and compacts around until she finally produced the loyalty card. Kembe reached out for it.

"Mrs....Mick-G-r-..." Kembe started as he read the card.

"McGraw." The lady finished for him. "But you can call me Jeannie."

"Oh ok, there you go Miss..." Kembe handed the card back to her as he punched it, struggling slightly with the new name. "Jean." He noticed her big smile and in turn gave his own pearly whites a flash. She pointed toward the hallway and looked to him for confirmation. Kembe nodded his head in earnest and pointed down the hallway and made a gesture to turn the corner. At this point, his cheeks were started to fatigue from the smiling. Mrs. McGraw bent forward to reach for her bag, revealing the ample bosom Kembe was familiar with by now with her many visits.

Jean looked up to see the young African man feast on her cleavage. At her refined age, she thoroughly enjoyed the attention, not missing the opportunity to return a smile with her gratitude. She sauntered back to the room he had assigned. The pep and sultry walk wasn't something Kembe picked up on, but he sure did enjoy the view.

A few weeks earlier...

The screen door pulled back suddenly and Kembe quickly dropped his cigarette, stomping it out of sight.

"Hey there you are." Kembe looked back to see his salt-and-pepper haired dad, Joseph, waving to him. "Your mom said you were out here." Kembe smiled and remained silent. "So... son... you know you're about to graduate soon. Your mom and I were wondering if you had given college any thought?" More silence distanced to the two.

"Yes sir, I think so but I am not sure yet." Kembe replied.

"I'm sorry Kembe, what did you say?" His father asked. The young man's accent was still heavy and not easily deciphered by the untrained ear.

"I think I like to work first. Get experience." Kembe smiled as he clarified. He noticed his father's head drop in some kind of veiled disappointment.

"I see. Well then I suppose you better get to applying." Joe said as he got up to return inside. Kembe nodded.

Joe pulled back the screen door again and greeted his wife with the look of a man in despair. She was finishing up the dishes and it was clear she was watching the conversation the two men had outside. "Well... how did it go?" She asked.

"I don't know Anne... the boy wants to work. It doesn't make sense to me."

"Well you know, it wouldn't hurt would it?"

"It wouldn't, but he's got the potential to get into a good school. I don't know why he would want to waste that time at a job." Joe ventured.

"We all get sick of school sometime. I'm sure he'll want to go back as soon as he gets a job." Anne rationalized.

"That's not the only thing. I think I smelled some smoke out there. You don't think he's smoking do you?" Joe asked. There was a slight pause in Anne's reply.

"He's a good kid... I don't think he's got caught up in that." She looked out in to the yard, looking at Kembe sitting in the lawn chair on his phone. She thought back of the time when Joe and she first went to Central Africa and found the boy. He was only 13 at the time but the image of a tribal-torn country was seared in her mind. Anne recalled images of children Kembe's age holding guns and being groomed to be killers. She certainly remembered them being involved with drugs, but never imagined Kembe resorting to it. "I think he'll be fine Joe. He got some great scores in Science and Technology tests. He'll get into any school he wants. Don't worry about it." She looked over to see her husband with his chin in his palm, staring off.

"You're right, he's come a long way in the last five years. I guess I'm just..." Joe struggled to finish the thought. Anne walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"You're worried you won't be able to take care of him once he leaves the nest. I understand." She kissed him. "You know what, we've done a good job. Just look at him." They both looked out to the yard to see Kembe hunched over his phone.

Kembe held his breath as his focus was fixed on the image of a marijuana leaf censoring a blonde woman's pussy spread eagle. A drop-down notification of a text message he had just received read, "Want some kush? I got some dude!" He laughed to himself as he sent back a reply, "Ya MON!"

"Just think of what his life would've been if we left him in Bongui." Anne continued. "He would've just been another lost kid. At least here we've given him a chance to live a better life."

The words brought back the countenance to Joe's face. "That's it." He replied. "We'll give him another chance." He looked to his wife in surprise as a response to her quizzical look. "Do you think he'd do good at the hardware store?"

"Maybe... but he might want something else. I don't think he'd want to work in his dad's shop forever."

"Well I don't mean forever, but at least so he get's some experience." Joe pleaded.

"I don't see anything wrong with it. It's worth asking him." Anne reckoned. Joe shrugged and got up to go back outside.

"I was starting to worry you wouldn't make it!" Joe called out as Kembe walked into the hardware store. He lazily made his way to the counter, his sunglasses still on and a big smile posted on his face.

"Sorry, bus from school was running late." Kembe apologized as he looked around. "What can I do?"

"There's plenty to do. Take those sunglasses off and get that clipboard over there. I need you to do the inventory." Kembe did as he was told by Joe. "Wait a minute. Are you okay?" Joe noticed Kembe's red eyes.

"Yes, I am just tired. I did not sleep much last night." Kembe coolly replied.

"Alright well don't push yourself." Joe conceded. "I'm going to be in the office back here working on the ledger for next door."

Kembe nodded and went back to his clipboard, making notes of the quantities of each item he saw on the shelf. This was the most boring work he had every done. To make matters worse, in his view, was that he was hardly getting paid for it. After getting through the first shelf, he looked back to the office area to see the door to his dad's office still closed. He moved to the next aisle and pulled out the bag in his cargo pockets. The sight of a bundle bunch of joints made his mouth water and he was tempted to light up right there. Unfortunately, the bell rang and a customer entered the store.

To his pleasant surprise, it was his friend Jake from school, a fellow senior classman. "Jake! What are you doing here man?"

"Hey Kembe, just dropping in to see what you're up to." Jake replied.

"Very boring here man, my father gave me some inventory work to do."

"That is boring. I'm trying to kill time too."

"Kill time?" The expression was lost on Kembe.

"Yeah dude. My girl is next door getting a tan, so I have to kill some time before she's done." Jake explained. He could see the gears turning from Kembe's confused expression.

"Jake, why do white people tan?"

"That's a good question Kembe. Some people want to be darker and have a glowing look. Usually most white people, including me, are really pale!" Jake laughed. "But you don't have to worry about that do you Kembe? You're as dark as the night!" He laughed louder with Kembe joining in.

"Yes it is true. I never have to tan!" Kembe smiled. "How long she stay in the tanning?"

"Just depends on how tanned she wants to be I guess."

Kembe nodded as Jake explained the process to him. This was abruptly interrupted as Joe returned from the office.

"Kembe, are you done with the inventory?" Joe asked. "Oh hey Jake, how's it going?"

"It's going alright Mr. Green. Just killing some time while Tammy is next door."

"That's good to hear. Has she been over there before?" Joe asked Jake.

"I think so."

"Well, you tell her next time it's on the house." Joe gave Jake a slap on the back. "Now, I'm going to need you to head off Jake. Kembe's got some more work to do."

"See ya man." Jake said to Kembe. "Let's hang after you get off or something."

"Okay, that will be nice." Kembe waved to his friend leaving.

"I'm going to be heading out in a little bit too Kembe." Joe said. "You going to be okay closing up in a couple hours?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright good. Give me a call if you need anything." Joe retreated back to his office to gather his things.

Kembe began working faster. The prospect that his father/boss was leaving the shop to him for the rest of the day made the little bag in his pocket feel extra heavy to carry. When he saw Joe with briefcase in hand, Kembe slowed down the task at hand and put on the guise of a hard work ethic. He held his hand up to wave and Joe nodded his head as he left.

As soon as he saw Joe turn the corner, Kembe took his small plastic bag out and pulled out a joint. He sat on the chair behind the counter and produced a lighter from his pocket. One quick glance over and he saw the coast was still clear. The first inhale was the most sharp but the exhale was pure bliss. The hours melded together as each joint was successfully consumed.

Outside the sky was taking on a deep purple color and Kembe's face was illuminated by his phone. He had moved his chair back to the furthest aisle, hidden from the view of the front of the shop. But before doing so, he walked up to the front door and turned the sign to "Closed." When he returned to his chair, he reclined back and put the headphone back in, resuming the rap song and watching a video of a girl twerking. Kembe's teeth glowed in the screen-light and his hand had found his crotch.

The video suddenly stopped and Joe's face appeared on the screen. Kembe's grin faded as he answered the called. "Hello?"

"Hey Kembe. Are you closing up?" Joe asked. Kembe glanced at the time and saw it was nearly time to actually close the shop.

"Yes, I am just cleaning up the aisles. Very close to closed." Kembe responsed.

"Great. I need you to do me a favor. Go ahead and sweep up but don't do the full clean down. I need you to go help Patricia next door." Kembe was silent. "Can you do that?" Joe asked again.

"Yes I can do that. Should I go now?"

"Sure, I can get in a little earlier tomorrow to clean up the rest of the shop. Go ahead and go over." Joe replied. "Thanks a lot!" He hung up.

Kembe rubbed his eyes and tried to sober up from his high. He wasn't ready to get up and if it was up to him, he probably would've taken a nap right there. With what remaining willpower he had, Kembe managed to get the rest of his duties done and lock the door behind him. The short walk next door jarringly woke him up with the glare of the flourescent lights greeted him.

Inside, Patricia sprayed herself with a misting spray bottle. The sheer heat of the operation was oppressive to her all day and every time the door opened, it was a relief. On this time however, when the door opened, the temperature increased. She wiped her forehead with a small hand towel and looked up the handsome, dark young man walk in.

She studied him while he looked around the lobby. He had a slim, thin figure... a wiry build but with big hands and feet. Skin and bones, she thought, bless his heart. The little bald head with big lips and flat nose. "You must be Kembe. Joe said you were here to help out?" Patricia called out in a sign-song voice. Kembe smiled and nodded. Patricia also appreciated the beaming white smile.

He walked up and put his hands on the counter. "Yes, I am Kembe. Are you Patricia?"

"Yes sir I am. But you can call me Patty." She smiled. Kembe struggled to maintain his smile at the leathery faced lady in front of him. Patricia had clearly had an affinity for all things tanning. "Joe tells me you're about to graduate?"

"Yes ma'am. I am graduating next month. It is very exciting."

"Well good for you! That's real exciting." Patty cried out. She began shuffling through her purse. "Now I'm going to need your help here closing up." She produced her keys. "But first, can you drive? I parked a little down the street and I need you to bring it up a little closer."

"Yes ma'am. I can drive. I received my license a few weeks ago when I celebrated my 18th birthday." Kembe replied.

"Great! Go ahead and get it. It's about two blocks down the street, a white SUV." She handed him the keys. "I'll get the cleaning stuff ready while you move it."

Kembe did as he was told and took the opportunity in walking to sober up before he drove Patty's car. While he struggled to make haste, he made it back and parked infront of the shop with ease. Upon returning inside, Kembe found Patricia waiting for him with a vaccuum that had a spray bottle and towel hanging from it. "Alright Kembe, you're going to just vaccum up some of these rooms and spray down then wipe the equipment. Think you can handle that?" Kembe nodded. "Good," Patricia turned to the doors and stretched her arm out towards them, "these three rooms need a cleaning. That should do it. Once that last person is done, we'll lock up for the day."

Patricia gestured to the last room adjacent to one of the rooms Kembe had to clean, a purple glow came from it that illuminated it. "Go on now, get to it." Patricia shooed him as she got on her seat again behind the counter. "Oh yeah. Now if someone left something behind, just bring it up to the desk and we'll put it in the Lost and Found bin." Patricia pulled it out, a box containing mostly cell phone chargers and lipsticks. "They eventually come back for it."

Despite Joe owning the place, Kembe had never been in here. He had always seen it from the outside, but the concept of the service sold here was very foreign to him. Who wanted to get darker? He had wondered. The first room yielded the surprise of a giant machine forced into a tiny rectangular space. Kembe thought if this little sliver a carpet was all he had to vaccuum, they'd be done in no time. A few passes of the machine and the carpet looked clean enough. Kembe lifted the tanning bed top and gave it a good spray down with the cleaning solution. This work wasn't as demanding as being next door.

The second room was nearly identical as the first except for the brand of the bed and the lengthwise mirror behind the door. The vaccum swept quickly across the carpet again but Kembe caught a cord in it that led to the tanning bed. He turned it off and bend over, a little behind the bed, to undo the cord from the vaccum. However, in the moment of searching for the cord, something white caught Kembe's eyes. He reached deep between the bed and the wall, retreiving the article. Wide-eyed, Kembe couldn't believe it. He held the white lace thong up with his fingers, mystified at its form. Seeking a closer inspection, he leaned into it and registered the sweet, yeasty scent that greeted his already large nostrils. It caught him off-guard but he couldn't shake it, he buried his nose on the crotch and inhaled. Finally satisfied for the moment, he looked around and stuffed it in his pocket.

The final room was again, the same as the others prior, except for a small chair in the corner and a slightly wider area. The purple hue from the next door spilled into the room as Kembe squinted to clean the rest of the tanning bed. He noticed this one appeared to have a fan at the top side of it along with a screen for the user to watch while tanning. The budding scientist in him had many questions, he had to sit to process them. It seemed like these machines did a lot of things but he had never seen one actually in operation. The glow from behind him made Kembe wonder how such a machine emitted this sort of light. The chair beneath him would help give some answered he thought.

Kembe put one foot on after the other and tested the stability of it. He was plenty tall and was crouching to make sure the chair wouldn't give, at least he could brace for the fall. At the far end of the wall, away from the hallway, Kembe faced towards the adjacent room and slowly stood up to view over the diving wall. Initially the purple glow was very intense. But once his eyes adjusted, below he could see the outline of a purse on the chair. On the floor, he could see flip-flops nearly glowing in the light. Next to them, a discarded white tank top and a pair of pink panties nested in khaki short shorts. Kembe's interest quickly piqued, as well as the rod in his pants.

In the small sliver of light that escaped from the tanning bed, he could make out the flesh of a woman. He followed the view of her feet, up her legs, with her bare hips, and her elbow facing up. Though he couldn't see what color hair she had, it did drape to cover her face as she laid on her stomach. As he squinted to see more, the timer from the bed began dinging and the bed lights began to dim. The woman slowly pushed the top half of the bed up, revealing a plump ass to Kembe. He didn't want to tear himself away from the sight, but the woman was beginning to sit and would surely see him over the partition.

Before he could be caught, Kembe lowered himself from the chair and noticed the giant bulge in his pants. He attempted to think about other things. Bread, squirrels, girls he thought were ugly at school, anything to get his erection to go away. A few minutes subsided and he finally set to exit the room. Just as he opened the door, the adjacent door opened as well. The woman within abruptly stopped and smiled to Kembe. "Oops! Sorry!" She said. Kembe only managed to smile apologetically and extended his hand to gesture she could go ahead. He averted his gaze as she walked by, but it fell down her body. The woman walked towards the counter and Kembe could only focus on the shifting of her ass from side to side in shorts. The pink panties flashed in his mind's-eye, perfectly hidden now save from his memory.

That evening, after getting home, Kembe ran straight to his room and rubbed one out to the recollection of what he had seen at the tanning salon. His big dick, plump and spent, continued to slowly ooze out in the open as he laid back on his bed, hands folded behind his head. The daydreams of everything he could see over a simple partition raced in his mind. It was only broken by the knock at his bedroom door.

"Kembe!" His mother called out. "Time for dinner!" Kembe pulled his shorts up and concealed the monster for now. His mother had disappeared to the kitchen by the time he had made it down the stairs. Joe was already at the table and Anne was bringing some food from the kitchen.

"There he is..." Joe smiled at Kembe as he took a seat. "Looks like you had a good long day at work. How's it feel?"

"It does feel really good." Kembe smiled. "What is for dinner?"

"Grilled chicken and green beans, some roasted potatoes too." Anne chimed in. "Your favorite." Kembe beamed. They quietly began eating their dinner. Generally, Joe and Anne struck up a conversation over food, but they hardly ever got anything out of Kembe besides a few statements here and there. They noticed on this evening in particular that Kembe was eating very quickly.

"Whoa, slow down there buddy." Joe laughed. "What's the rush?"

"No rush... just very hungry." Kembe managed to say between bites.

"You been working hard this past week. I don't blame ya." Joe said. "You think you can handle the workload I'm giving you? If you want to have less hours, just tell me. You know you're not obligated to overwork." He watched Kembe swallow a bite.

"No I can handle the work. I just want to do a good job and improve the hardware store." Kembe volunteered as he went into the chicken again.