Kelsey's World Ch. 11


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"I can't imagine that," Barbara said.

"Let's go upstairs," Kelsey said, taking Barbara's hand. "We'll get all ready and have time for a drink before everybody comes."

Barbara glanced at the kitchen again as Kelsey whisked her away, but Bobby wasn't visible.

In the upstairs bathroom, Kelsey spread a towel on the toilet seat cover. "We'll do this first in case Daddy needs a shower."

Barbara looked around at the toiletries, a mix of men's and women's items. She wondered what Bobby used for cologne since he always smelled so good.

"Strip, girl," Kelsey said. "What are you waitin' for?"

"Oh. Nothing, I guess," Barbara said.

The fact that Kelsey was naked made it easier, but it still felt odd to take off all her clothes in a strange house. Kelsey went through the same procedure as the first time — wetting, soaping, shaving and oiling.

"I'm not gonna make you cum this time," Kelsey said matter of factly. "You'll wanna save that for the party." She massaged in the baby oil and patted the super smooth pussy. "There you go. Hop in the shower. You can do your makeup in my room if you want. I'll be in there gettin' ready."

Barbara was already becoming lost in an out-of-body experience. She stood in the shower and washed herself under a stream of hot water, being careful to keep her hair dry, wondering if Bobby ever masturbated in there. She knew Austin did it in the shower, and she was pretty sure her ex-husband did. Cleaning her pussy and asshole with soapy fingers almost made her moan. All the latent horniness inside her was starting to bubble to the surface.

She stepped out and dried herself. She wrapped herself in the towel, thinking it would be easier to dress in Kelsey's room. A peek outside the door looked all clear, so she wandered down the hall looking for the girl. Bobby bumped into her as she passed his bedroom doorway.

"Oh. Sorry," he said. "You move quietly. I was just...gonna see if the shower was available."

"Yes, I've just finished," she said, stunned to be standing inches away from Bobby's naked body.

"Good," he said. "Kelsey's just next door."

He padded off in bare feet. Barbara stared at the back of him like a star-struck school girl. An airy, silent chuckle puffed out of her when she was alone. She turned and continued the search for her son's girlfriend.

"You all clean?" Kelsey asked when she saw Barbara in the doorway. "Nothin' tastes sweeter than a clean pussy, don't you think?"

"I'm not that...up on those kind of things," Barbara said.

"What do you think of my leather?" Kelsey said, standing to show off her dominatrix-ish bra and panties. "It's some of my mom's vintage stuff that we dug out today. I don't think I'm gonna wear anything over it. It's just too cool to cover up, don't you think?"

"It's pretty amazing," Barbara said, wondering what Austin would think of it. "You could wear anything with that body and look amazing."

"So could you," Kelsey said. "We should go shopping sometime. If you dress right you'll have men hittin' on you all the time."

Barbara used to think she wouldn't like that, but lately she wasn't so sure. Now that Austin was grown she felt ready for men again, and making up for lost time seemed like a good idea, too.

She draped her towel on the edge of the bed, pulled on her panties and put on the matching bra.

"I thought this looked good when I was home, but compared to you I look awfully conservative."

"Are you kidding? That's super pretty," Kelsey said. "The guys are gonna love you. I feel like rollin' around with you right now."

Barbara laughed. Kelsey had a way of making everything right.

"Want me to do your eyes for you?" Kelsey asked.

"What would you do?"

"You'd look hot with some catty lines at the corners. Kinda slutty, like an old movie star. Not too much lipstick though. The eyes'll be the big thing."

Barbara wondered if she should do such a thing. She'd always tried to avoid looking slutty, but the circumstances made her feel differently on that night. She sat at the makeup table and watched in the mirror as Kelsey worked her magic.

"Holy shit! Your eyes are just awesome!" Kelsey said when the job was done. "They're so 'fuck me', don't you think? You want a little of my cologne? It's real soft. Put a little between your tits, and some between your ass cheeks. With that nice ass of yours everybody'll have their noses down there. Bend over. I'll do it for you."

Barbara let the moment sweep her away. She stood, pulled her panties down onto her thighs and bent over a little, feeling sexier than she had in ages.

"Oh yeah, fuckin' hot," Kelsey said as her finger brushed a touch of the mildly spicy scent onto soft skin. The sexy young girl dropped to a squat before Barbara knew what was happening, licking the freshly cleaned and perfumed asshole. "Fffuuck!" Kelsey said. "You're smokin, Honey."

Barbara moaned at the thrilling surprise, but it ended as suddenly as it had started, with Kelsey giving her a light slap on her ass as she rose to her feet.

"Put that pretty dress on and let's go get a drink," Kelsey said. She looked in the mirror and fixed her lipstick.

Barbara was so horny she could barely stand it. Everyone in the Jonston household, and the very house itself, seemed to ooze beautiful, carefree sexuality. For the moment at least, she'd forgotten about Austin. She followed Kelsey down the big staircase to the kitchen. Bobby was already there, barefoot in dark grey shorts and a white linen shirt, his hair towel dry and fingered into place. Barbara couldn't get over his sexiness. Every time she saw him he looked different, and yet every time he was yummier and yummier.

Barbara was in the mood for something strong, so Bobby mixed her an appletini. Kelsey had one too. Kay joined the pre-party, looking stunning in a tight little leopard print dress with a plunging neckline in the front and a rising hemline in the back that nearly showed her pussy. The front was held up with delicate black lace straps that joined behind her neck, forming a frilly, see-through back.

"Good Lord!" Barbara said when she saw the sexy display. "You're making me look like a schoolmarm!"

"Are you kidding?" Kay said, taking in all of Barbara's nice body. "Bobby, does she look like a schoolmarm to you?"

"That's a school I want to go to every day," he said, winking at Barbara.

The wink hit her like a shot. Somehow she got her glass to her lips without spilling, and took a big sip.

"Who's going to school?" Sharron said when she joined the group.

"Bobby," Kay said. "He's hot for teacher."

Barbara's eyes met Bobby's. The level of sexual tension was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Bobby reluctantly looked away from her sexy, cat-like eyes. "What'll you have Sharron?" he asked.

"One of your special manhattans," Sharron said. "The ones that make me do naughty things."

"My pleasure, Sweetheart," Bobby said. "My pleasure."

Kay heard footsteps on the front porch. It was Happy and Koop.

"Come on in you guys," she yelled.

Hearing people arriving jolted Barbara into reality. She wondered who the two men were, and when Austin would arrive. Her heart pounded as Happy and Koop neared. She was surprised to see Happy go straight to Sharron and kiss her. His arm went around her waist and she laid her head against his shoulder.

"Happy, Koop, this is Barbara," Kay said. "She's Austin's mother."

"Oh, hi," Koop said. "Austin's a great guy."

"Hi Barbara, I'm Happy," Happy said, extending his hand.

Barbara shook it gently. She hadn't expected men without women, although Happy and Sharron looked like they knew each other intimately.

Kay smiled when Koop moved in next to Barbara at the makeshift bar. The two of them started chatting, tentatively at first, while Bobby mixed drinks for the men. Barbara's strong appletini was helping her along, but she was sure Koop could sense her nervousness.

"This is my, like this," she said quietly.

"It's my second," Koop said. "Yeah, last time was pretty nerve-wracking at first. That went away fast though. It ended up being one of the best nights of my life. When Kelsey invited me back tonight I felt like I'd won the lottery."

Barbara smiled shyly. She liked honest men, and she was hoping she'd feel the same way Koop did as the evening wore on. For the time being though, she was preoccupied with the front door, wondering when her son would arrive. She was deep in conversation with Koop when she heard the next group of footsteps on the porch.

"Come on in everybody," Kay yelled. "No formalities tonight. The party's just doin' it's own thing."

Barbara knew Brie was Kelsey's best friend, so she wasn't too surprised to see her, but seeing Tyler and Trina walk in shocked her. Especially Tyler. He'd been a friend of Austin's since kindergarten, and there were times over the years when he felt like a second son to Barbara.

"Barbara, you probably know these three, but this is Charity," Kay said. "She was Brie's college roommate. She and Brie are both going to be teaching at the elementary school. Pretty soon, right? When do you girls start?"

"Two weeks," Brie said. "We don't know if we're excited or freaked out."

Barbara knew the feeling.

"Hi Mrs. Lowe," Tyler said quietly. He looked just as stunned as Barbara did.

"Hi, Tyler," she said, barely getting the words out. "I didn't know you were..."

"He was a last minute addition," Kelsey said. "We had too many girls."

"One can never have too many girls," Bobby said, winking at Charity. She nearly melted.

Barbara was starting to get a clearer picture of her son's friends. She'd long suspected the sex was a bit free between some of them, but Tyler and Trina had never crossed her mind when she thought about any of that. Growing up, Trina was always the sweet young cheerleader, the daughter of a shy, quiet couple who Barbara liked. And Tyler, well, he was just Tyler. Barbara had mended his wounds when he was little, and fed him grape juice and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She held him, out on the street in front of her house, when he fell off his bicycle and cried.

She'd also watched his body change as adolescence hit — his chest filling out, his ass firming, his legs growing muscular. His legs were especially good looking, she'd always thought, with the same soft hair that graced his chest and the treasure trail on his ripply belly. Being at a sex party with him, and Brie, and Trina, and her own son for God's sake, seemed more and more insane by the minute.

With the additional people, the party quickly started to buzz. Barbara was glad. She turned back to her drink and the security of conversation with Koop.

"Good Lord!" she said quietly. "That boy's my son's best friend! I've known him since he was in kindergarten!"

"Why do I get the feeling Kelsey's behind this?" Koop said, glancing at the sexy little redhead.

"Shit! What do I do now?" Barbara asked. She was talking quietly, more to her drink than to Koop. "I mean it's bad enough my son's on his way..."

"Austin's coming?" Koop said, sounding a little surprised.

"This is a nightmare. Why did I agree to this?"

"Probably the same reason I agreed last time," Koop said. "I was tired of being alone, tired of thinking about the rest of the world having fun. Kelsey got me here, and I'm glad she did. I'm no expert, but...there's rooms upstairs. It doesn't have to be public if you don't want it to be."

Barbara looked at Koop, deep into his eyes. Her horniness was still there, smoldering under her confusion and uncertainty.

"Or, we could get out of here," Koop said. "Go on a regular date. We're already dressed for it."

"You'd wanna do that?" Barbara asked, her tense face relaxing into a smile.

"Absolutely," Koop said. He smiled too. Barbara loved the crinkly lines around his eyes, and his tattooed arms just about made her swoon. She finished her drink in a gulp and asked Bobby to make her another.

"We staying?" Koop asked.

"Wanna take me upstairs?" Barbara asked, her smile flittering on uncertainty.

Koop's nice smile gave her his answer. Bobby had overheard the whole conversation. He was glad they were staying.

"Use any room you want," he said as he poured the green elixir into Barbara's glass. "There's toys in the bedside drawers, and the blue room's got some extras."

Barbara's heart went in her throat. The dream was happening. For the first time in her life she was a slut at a sex party. She picked up her drink and walked with Koop to the big staircase. She could feel her ass moving in a way she'd never noticed before as they ascended the steps. She didn't look at anybody but she could feel plenty of eyes on her. It felt good to be escaping.

Barbara had some basic knowledge of which rooms belonged to people. It seemed wrong to her to use one of those, so she passed by Sharron's, Bobby and Kay's, and Kelsey's. The next door off the narrow hallway was open, but the room was dark. She switched on the light and stood frozen.

"Holy shit!" Koop said quietly. "I missed this last time."

The room was painted a rich, electric blue, and the small table lamps made it glow in a dim, almost fuzzy kind of way. There was a small mattress on a platform, accessible from all sides, with a full compliment of leather restraints. Out in the middle of the room, a sex swing hung from a hook, with an impossible looking amount of straps, pulleys and lashings hanging like black spaghetti under a heavy frame. A side table held an assortment of blindfolds, gags, whips, handcuffs, dildos and other accessories.

Koop was still in the hall, certain that Barbara would retreat and look for another room. Instead, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him in.

"Just so you know," he said, "I'm not really into being tied up."

"That's good, 'cause I am," Barbara said. She grabbed Koop and kissed him. Her smoldering horniness had caught fire.

The kiss was hotter than she'd expected, although her expectations were so far out of whack she didn't really know what was going on anymore. She held Koop's hand when the kiss ended and looked around the room again.

"You're a mechanic. Think you can figure this thing out?" she asked, looking over the swing contraption.

"It might take a whole bunch of tries," Koop smiled.

Barbara smiled too. She settled into what looked like a little seat and leaned back, running her fingers over the old, dusty leather and rope.

"I'm just guessin' here, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be naked," Koop said.

"Yeah, that...that does seem right, doesn't it," Barbara said, smiling a lovely smile. She glanced out into the hall. "The door?"

"Oh. They were all open last time," Koop said. "But I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

He had his hand on the doorknob, waiting for her decision. Barbara's mind was spinning wildly. She didn't want to be rude. She didn't want to seem like a prude. Seeing as how it was her first party at the house, fitting in seemed like the best thing to do.

"Leave it," she said. She nearly exploded with excitement at the thought of Tyler walking past the door, seeing her in the throws of something wild. For some reason Austin didn't enter her mind. Tyler had nudged him out.

She wiggled off the swing and kissed Koop again, cupping his swelling groin in her squeezing hand.

"You said something about being naked?" Barbara said. "Care to join me?"

Moments later they were stripped bare. Barbara was on her knees, sucking the first tattooed man's cock she'd ever tasted. A few minutes later she was on her back on the small bed, her ass right at the edge, legs spread wide, with Koop's nice tongue lapping at her softness.

"I hope this doesn't make me seem like a slut, but, I love how you girls all shave these days," Koop said, nuzzling Barbara's baby-soft slippery pussy lips with his mouth. "This just feels so good. I could do this all night."

"Put me in that thing and do it some more," Barbara purred, gesturing with her sexy eyes at the swing.

Austin finally showed up, an hour later. He was as shocked to see Tyler there as Barbara had been. Kay and Trinny were double-teaming him on the couch.

"What the fuck Tyler! Is my mom here? Where's Kelsey?"

"They're both upstairs I think," Kay said. "You okay, Honey?"

Austin didn't answer. He went up the stairs

"Mom?" Austin called quietly as he walked past the first two rooms. He moved slowly down the hall, silently the rest of the way, looking tentatively through each doorway. Sharron and Happy were in her room with Brie, all of them in a tangle on the bed, moaning softly. Bobby was with Trina and Charity and Kelsey in her room, making some more spirited noise. Kelsey didn't see him, so he passed right by. The blue room was next.

Austin knew he'd found his mother. He remembered the noises she was making from the time he and Kelsey found her hanging from the hook in her bedroom. He stood just around the corner of the doorway, wondering what to do. The mattress with the restraints was visible, but it wasn't in use. Blue light seemed to spill out of the room like a hazy fog.

"Mom?" he said quietly. Barbara didn't hear him. He couldn't tell what was happening from the noise she was making. He suddenly wondered if she was all right, if she was under duress. Was someone taking advantage of her? His protective instincts proved too much to hold back — he had to see for himself.

"Mom?" he said as he stepped into the open doorway. What he saw hit him with a mix of shock, awe and excitement. Barbara was in the swing, hanging on her back, wrists and knees lashed with leather straps pulled high above her. Her head was hanging upside-down, with Albert standing at that end of her. She sucked furiously on his cock while Koop, standing at the pussy end of her, fucked her with long, steady strokes that drove her mouth onto Albert's shaft.

"Mom?" Austin said, a little louder.

All the movement ceased. Koop and Albert weren't sure what to do, so they just stood there, Koop still deep inside Barbara's pussy.

"Austin?" Barbara said. She was blindfolded, so couldn't see him. The surprise of hearing his voice seemed almost surreal.

"Sorry," he said, retreating back into the hallway, just out of sight. "I just...wanted to see if you're all right."

"Yes...I'm all right," she said breathlessly. "Are you?"

The darkness of the blindfold helped her, tricking her mind into thinking the situation was a little less awkward than it was.

"Do you know Tyler's here?"

"Yes," Barbara said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I know."

"Oh," Austin said. He was trying to sound cool, too, even though he was far from it. "All right. I'll...see you later."

"Okay," Barbara said. The real world flooded back and she suddenly felt her physical surroundings again — Koop's somewhat softer cock in her and the lashings holding up her limbs. There was a few moments of silence. "Is he gone?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah," Koop said. "You okay? You want us to get you down?"

"Give me a minute," she said. Koop started to pull out. "No! Don't do that! Slow. Just...fuck me slow."

She leaned her head back again and extended her tongue, inviting Albert back in. It was a slow, gentle acceleration, but soon they were right back at it, Barbara even more energetic than before, screaming, "Harder!...Harder!" before melting down in a wildly quivering orgasm. The sight was too much for the men — Koop pumped his seed inside her, and Albert filled her upside-down mouth. She sucked the white liquid warmth out of him and swallowed every drop.

Austin was back downstairs. He wanted to talk to Kelsey but seeing her with her father's cock in her hand had jolted him as much as finding his mother the way he did. Kay knew he was having a hard time. She left Trinny with Tyler on the couch and went out on the front porch with him.