Kellie and Brad Ch. 11


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"Your mom's going to make this shot, Kaity," he said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. "Just you watch."

Even so, Kaity held her breath as Kellie released the rock.

Her mother's form was perfect.

The rock ran true to its path. Amber and Heather swept in front of it to ensure no debris would interfere with it. It easily chipped out the other team's rock, guaranteeing victory. Kellie, Jennifer, Heather and Amber gathered into a celebratory hug, knowing that at long last they had claimed that elusive Olympic trials berth.

Kaity was so excited she yelled at the top of her lungs. She hugged Jamie and E.J., but she leapt into Brad's arms, saving her biggest hug for her dad.

"See, honey?" he happily asked her. "What did I tell you?"

"You were right, Daddy!" she replied cheerfully.

Once the victory ceremony was finished and their media interviews were completed, Kellie and her teammates found Jamie, Brad and the kids waiting for them in the concourse. Joyously tearful kisses and embraces were shared by all. Kaity hugged Jennifer, Heather and Amber tightly, and then, just like before, she shared her biggest hug with her parent, this time her mother.

"You were great, Mommy!" she cried. "I'm so happy!"

"Thanks, Kaity!" Kellie said, finding it hard to contain her emotions.

"Know what else, Mommy?!"

"What's that, honey?"

"I'm going to be just like you when I grow up!"

Kellie smiled and hugged Kaity again. She didn't put too much stock into what her daughter said at the time, instead figuring she was just caught up in the excitement of the moment.

But Kaitlyn had no such doubts. The thought actually startled her a little, considering she never had a thought that was so sure and clear in her young life until this moment.

No matter, though.

In her mind, Kaity was going to grow up to be a champion curler, just like her mother. And she knew in her heart that nothing anyone said or did would ever change her mind.


"I think we need to celebrate!"

That's what Jennifer said to Kellie, Heather and Amber, after they finished their review of their winning performance at the Players' Championship on the following Tuesday afternoon.

"That's a great idea!" Kellie said. "I talked to Brad about doing something soon, but we've just been so tired after scrambling back here and getting the kids back to school and all that. We should go out to dinner, or maybe you can all come to my place and I'll make something nice..."

Jennifer smiled crookedly and shared a strange look with Heather and Amber that stopped Kellie in her tracks. "What?" the team leader asked.

"Skip," she said, "I don't mean just celebrate, I mean..." and at this point she grinned and raised her eyebrows suggestively, "celebrate!"

"Oh!" Kellie exclaimed. "You mean, 'I-need-to-get-rid-of-the-kids-for-the-night-because-this-is-for-adults-only' celebrate?"

"Exactly!" Heather replied, and the others laughed brightly along with her.

"Why do I get the feeling you've already talked about this?" a teasingly suspicious Kellie asked.

"Well... maybe we did happen to remember what we did to help you get Brad revved up a few years ago!" Jennifer admitted.

"And maybe we did discuss another idea to get Brad and Jamie going this time!" Amber added.

"What is it?! Come on girls, don't hold back, spill it!"

Jennifer, Heather and Amber gave Kellie all the details of their juicy plan. When they finished, Kellie sat back, open-mouthed in surprise.

"I can't believe you girls!" she shouted. "Your plan... it's so naughty, so wanton! Evil, even!"

"So... you don't like it?" Jennifer asked nervously.

"Are you kidding?!" Kellie giggled. "I love it!"

The four women all laughed uproariously.

"Just one thing, Jen and Heather," Kellie asked. "Are you sure you two are up for this?"

"Oh yes!" Jennifer replied. "In fact, it was Heather's idea!"

"Heather! I had no idea you had it in you!"

Heather shrugged. "What can I say? I've always wanted to try!"

"What about you two?" Jen asked Kellie and Amber. "Will you be up for your part?"

Kellie nodded. "Yes, I'll do it!"

"Yeah, it'll be fun to try!" Amber chirped.

They finished planning everything, right down to the tiniest detail. When they were done, Kellie had little to do other than tell Brad to keep Friday night open and figure out what to do with the kids.

As it ended up, E.J. and Kaitlyn took care of the second problem for her.

"Mom?" E.J. asked later that same evening, "Can I stay over at Bryan's house Friday night?"

"And can I have a sleepover at Chelsea's on Friday night too?" Kaity asked right after.

Kellie went into 'concerned mother' mode immediately to help hide her happiness at how this part of the plan was coming together so easily. She called Bryan and Chelsea's parents and confirmed with each of them that it was OK for her kids to stay over with their friends. They each said it was no problem for them to visit and stay until Saturday afternoon. Kellie made E.J. and Kaity promise that any and all chores and homework would have to be done on Sunday before giving them permission, to which they both readily agreed.

At night, when they were in bed, Brad shared with Kellie what he thought was a great idea.

"Honey? You know what I think?"

"What's that?"

"I think we should celebrate your big win!" he suggested.

Kellie smiled. 'Way ahead of you!" she thought to herself.

Out loud, she told Brad, "Funny you should mention that. I was thinking the same thing myself."

"That's great... any ideas in particular?" he asked cheekily as he stroked her shoulder.

Kellie grinned. "It's all planned out. All you have to do is be ready Friday night."

Brad tried to hide his disappointment, as he was hoping for a more immediate, sexy payoff. "Friday night?" he repeated.

"That's right," she said. "And, by the way, the kids have already planned sleepovers at their friends which I've allowed, so no need to worry there."

"OK. So... what do you have planned, then?"

"Not telling!"

"Nothing? Not even a hint?"

"Nope, nothing! Not until Friday night!"

"I can't wait that long!"

"Well too bad, you're just going to have to!"

Brad narrowed his eyes. That mischievous smirk on Kellie's face made him crazy.

"You're up to something, aren't you?" he demanded to know.

"That's for me to know and you to find out!" she taunted him. "Until Friday, Brad, my dear, my lips are sealed!"

Kellie kissed Brad on the cheek and went to sleep, leaving him frustrated and pondering just what, exactly, was going on in that pretty little head of hers.


The waiting and teasing were driving him nuts.

True to her word, Kellie gave nothing away regarding Friday night. Brad tried everything he could think of to get her to spill the beans, without success.

All he knew was she seemed to be spending a lot of time the past couple of days getting ready and making preparations for... well, whatever it was she had planned. It filled him with hope that it would be something memorable, as well as give him plenty of opportunity for him to show her how much love and pride he had for her and her accomplishments.

Still... a hint would have been nice.

Finally, Friday evening came. Brad rushed home in excitement.

He found nothing but an empty house.

He knew the kids had gone straight from school for their sleepovers with their friends; they left voice mails as they had been instructed to.

But where was Kellie?

Brad groaned and stomped his way to their bedroom. On the bed, he found some nice clothes laid out for him and a note, written in Kellie's polished script.

The note read, "Wear this tonight. Reservations made under your name for table for two, for 8:00pm at Rockland's in the Hilton. Please don't be late!"

Brad smiled and pumped his fist. Rockland's was a fancy steakhouse he had wanted to try for a long time. Already this was shaping up to be a great night!

He had more than enough time, so he slowly prepared himself. He shaved and took a long hot shower. He got dressed in the clothes laid out for him. He wasn't at all surprised to find the shirt Kellie picked out fit tightly on his frame and properly showcased his strong upper body. A quick comb of the hair and a small splash of his favourite cologne were the finishing touches.

He wound his way through the downtown traffic and parked at the hotel with time to spare. He walked into the restaurant with a spring in his step, whistling a happy tune. When he gave his name at the front the maître d' smiled and said, "Very good, sir." He led him to a table for two, right in the middle of the prime dining area.

Brad read the menu while he waited. When the maître d' approached the table again he smiled.

Only for the smile to turn into a frown when he saw Jamie in tow.

"Jamie?" he asked. "No offense... but what the hell are you doing here?"

"No offense taken," an equally perplexed Jamie answered as he sat down, "but I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Kellie left me a note saying I should meet her here. That there was a table for two reserved for us in my name."

"Really? Well, that's strange."

"What do you mean?"

"Amber left me a note telling me to come here and ask for the reservation under your name. I just assumed you and the girls would all be sitting here waiting for me."

Brad shook his head, trying to make sense of Kellie and Amber's mixed messages. The night had definitely taken a very weird turn.

"So where do you suppose the girls are?" he asked.

"No idea," Jamie replied. "I was hoping you'd know."

The maître d' suddenly reappeared and cleared his throat. "My apologies, gentlemen," he said, "but I couldn't help overhearing you discuss your, shall we say, situation. Perhaps this will help."

He produced an envelope and presented it to the two men. Brad eyed it suspiciously, but he took it, opened it, removed a folded piece of paper and read its contents.

"Huh," he finally said out loud. "Intriguing."

"What?" Jamie asked. "What does it say?"

Brad passed the note to Jamie, who read it aloud. "Enjoy your dinner, guys, it's already paid for. Meet us in room 906 when you are done, but don't keep us waiting too long!" He looked up at Brad, who showed him the keycard for the room in question.

Jamie finished reading the note. "And don't forget to eat ALL of your appetizers!" He looked at Brad and wondered out loud, "Appetizers?"

Just as Brad was about to say something, a waitress approached the table and placed a plate in front of each of the two men.

Brad chuckled. "Oysters," he said. "This could be a very interesting night."

Jamie still looked confused for a moment, but then he nodded and started to understand. "Oysters are an aphrodisiac, aren't they?

"Oh yeah!"

Brad and Jamie shared a laugh and proceeded to consume all the oysters on their plates. They relaxed and enjoyed the rest of their dinner, each having a wonderfully prepared steak dish and a single glass of red wine, enough to keep them satisfied yet not overfilled.

When they were finished they left the wait staff a generous tip. They quickly left the restaurant by the hotel lobby exit. Finding the elevators, they rode up to the ninth floor and entered room 906.

No one else was in the room.

Jamie groaned. "Now what?" he asked.

"I guess we wait," Brad sighed.

So they sat in the chairs in the well-appointed living space and waited. And waited. And waited some more.

"Man, I hope they show up soon," an impatient Jamie spoke. "The suspense is killing me!"

"Tell me about it!" Brad agreed. "They're acting so mysteriously!"

"They definitely have something up their sleeves!"

"No doubt!"

"I just hope it's all worthwhile."

"Me too."

Just then, the door opened.

Before Jamie and Brad knew what hit them, Kellie, Amber, Jennifer and Heather slowly strutted into the room. They stood impassively before the two men, who by now were incapable of anything resembling intelligent speech.

The four women looked like they were pulled directly from the casting call for leading ladies in a James Bond movie. They wore perfectly matching outfits. Thin, tight, cream-coloured pullover shirts were perfectly molded to the shapes of their torsos. The guys could clearly see the women had not bothered to wear bras, noting with sheer delight the swells of their well-rounded breasts and how their pointy, aroused nipples were threatening to burst through the fabric. Very short black mini-skirts and very tall black stiletto heels, with nothing but white, smooth expanses of thigh and calf in between, showcased the ladies' athletic, shapely legs and taut, curvy asses for their very appreciative captive audience. Finely styled hair cascaded in waves down to their shoulders, framing beautiful faces highlighted by shiny lips coloured with fiery red lipstick.

As much as Jamie loved Amber, and as much as Brad loved Kellie, the two men found it impossible not to look at the other women as well. Quite simply, all four looked absolutely stunning.

Kellie, Amber, Jennifer and Heather didn't say a word for some time. They were having a difficult time keeping a straight face, and any attempt to speak would have given their game away too early. They didn't want that to happen because they were having way too much fun posing and watching the hungry stares and trance-like reactions of Brad and Jamie.

Finally, with a nod, Kellie got the others' attention.

"Girls," she said, "we've accomplished a great thing by making the Olympic Trials. Now, our work is not over. Far from it, in fact. But I do think we've earned the right to celebrate our achievement, and who better for each of us to do it with than the love of our life?"

With a wicked grin, Heather said to her partner, "Mmmm. I couldn't agree more. Jen? What do you think?"

"I think we should start by rewarding the guys for their support," Jennifer seductively replied. "You know... give a little show for them to appreciate!" She turned to Kellie and Amber and added, "If you two don't mind, that is?"

Kellie and Amber looked at each other, smiled and quietly stepped to the side. "Be my guest," Kellie said, and Amber nodded in agreement.

This left Jennifer and Heather with the floor. Jennifer gave a nod and a wink to Brad and Jamie and said, "Do you think you two can sit still, enjoy the show and behave yourselves, like good boys?"

Brad and Jamie looked at each other in confusion and shrugged.

Jennifer and Heather giggled at Brad and Jamie's reaction. They looked into each other's eyes, smiled and held each other before engaging in a kiss that started soft and tender. The kiss slowly but surely progressed from there to become hot, lustful and passionate.

The guys' jaws immediately dropped when they realized this incredibly sexy and completely unexpected Sapphic embrace was really happening, and not just a figment of their overheated imaginations. In the display that followed, both Brad and Jamie occasionally peeked at their wives, difficult though it was to take their eyes off what Jennifer and Heather were doing. But they couldn't help feeling like little kids with their hand in the cookie jar, fearful that at any second they would be caught red-handed and scolded for staring so blatantly at what they should not desire to see.

Kellie and Amber, though, didn't say a word or bat an eye. Not even once.

Jennifer felt flush with sexual desire. She and Heather had never been this hot and heavy in front of an audience before. Perhaps it had something to do with who was in this audience, because she found the experience to be a real thrill as opposed to the nervousness she thought she would feel.

The fact that this display was Heather's idea... her continued and intensifying attraction to Heather's innate sexiness... the blissful sound of Heather's whimpers of pleasure that were swallowed up in their kiss... these factors combined sent Jennifer's libido to a state of extreme readiness.

She unbuttoned Heather's tight skirt to make it easier to reach the prize inside. She wriggled her hand inside her lover's panties, where she found her pussy to be already dripping wet. Jennifer stroked her with her nimble fingers, making Heather shudder and moan.

"You like this, don't you, Heather?" she demanded to know, in a voice just loud enough for the guys to hear.

"Yes, Jen, I love it!" Heather groaned in reply.

"You love being a naughty tease, don't you? You love me rubbing your hot little pussy while you tease these naughty boys! Don't you?"


"Hmmmm, well that won't be the only fantasy of yours I make come true tonight, my shameless little girl!" Jennifer purred.

"W-what? What do you mean?" Heather asked. She was nervous but also very, very excited.

Jennifer whispered something in Heather's ear. Brad and Jamie would have given anything in the world at that moment, if only they could have heard what she said.

At the same time as Jennifer breathed to Heather those words promising pure sin and depraved pleasure, her fingers rapidly frigged Heather's engorged clit.

"Oh god! Oh GOD! OOOOHHHHHH!!" It was all too much for Heather. Her orgasm was ferocious and earth-shattering, and she had to hold on to Jennifer tightly to avoid collapsing into a puddle on the floor. Her head was swimming with lust and disbelief, wondering how it was possible that, as amazing as this climax was, the best was yet to come.

When she came to, Heather heard Jennifer say with a wicked grin, "Look at what you've done."

Heather looked at Brad and Jamie and smirked. She tilted her head and asked, in a provocative tone, "Did you like that, boys?"

The guys were still wide-eyed, and wide-mouthed, with shock. They also had large bulges in their pants that Jen and Heather knew Kellie and Amber would properly enjoy and appreciate.

Jennifer buttoned up Heather's skirt and took her hand. The two approached Kellie and Amber, and Jennifer said, "That was fun, girls, but I think our time here is done."

"Yeah," Heather added, "we really should be going now."

Brad and Jamie watched Jennifer give her sister a goodbye hug and peck on the cheek, while Heather did the same with Kellie.

Then, as if the night's festivities weren't surreal enough, they watched Jennifer kiss Kellie goodnight, and Heather kiss Amber goodnight. These weren't pecks on the cheek, though, or even innocent kisses on the lips.

They were seriously making out with each other. There was even some hot and heavy tongue action thrown in for good measure.

The two pairs of women, Jennifer with Kellie, and Heather with Amber, sensually kissed for a good minute, maybe more. When they were done, Kellie and Amber did not register distaste, or even surprise. Instead they wore odd looks of quiet contentment.

Heather and Jennifer licked their lips and slowly sauntered over to the guys. "Good night, boys," they whispered in unison. They both planted lingering kisses on Brad's and Jamie's cheeks before slinking sexily out of the room, both women already imagining the myriad ways they would please each other the whole night through.

Both men stared intently at the door well after it softly clicked shut, both of them barely believing what had just transpired, and both of them hornier than they could ever remember feeling.

"Wow," Brad whispered in awe.

"Yeah," Jamie said, equally awestruck.

Kellie and Amber looked at their men, and then back to each other. They smiled, shook their heads and rolled their eyes.

"Men!" Kellie said, faking annoyance.

"Yeah, men!" Amber echoed. "SO predictable!"

They took slow, alluring steps towards the two reeling men. Kellie planted a soft, sweet kiss of her own on Jamie's cheek, while Amber did the same for Brad. Then Kellie stood back to the side again.