
Story Info
A young lawyer is led into nudism and exhibition.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/15/2020
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This story is a work of fiction. Some real institutions are mentioned, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those institutions has ever behaved as do the characters in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. Comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable, are always welcome. Thank you for reading this.


I met Kelli Stouffer at a Bar Association Holiday party in early December the year after I got my law license. After going to college in the Chicago area, I had graduated from law school in Virginia the year before. I moved home to Southwestern Ohio and was hired as an associate at a locally based, large, very old law firm. I was standing in the hors d'oeuvre line at the mixer when a very pleasant female voice asked if I'd hand her a paper plate.

When I turned to pass on the plate, I faced undoubtedly the most beautiful woman I'd ever met in person. The first thing I noticed about Kelli were her very bright blue eyes. Below the eyes were prominent cheeks bones, made more prominent by her smile. The smile revealed perfectly white teeth that contrasted with her red lips and a slightly dark complexion that suggested some Mediterranean heritage. Her face was framed by dark brown hair cut just above shoulder length.

Kelli's first words to me, after having asked for the plate, were "You're Will Lampe. You wrestled 197 in college." My wrestling career had ended almost five years ago and hadn't been particularly notable. I didn't expect anyone to remember me as a wrestler, least of all a beautiful young woman I'd never met before.

"I did," I said. "How do you know?"

"I was a cheerleader at OSU," Kelli replied. "We cheered at the wrestling matches. You wrestled in Columbus a couple of times. I remember your team wore white uniforms trimmed in purple and black. Those uniforms were pretty revealing you know."

"Yeah," I said. "We stopped using them my senior year for that reason." I chuckled. "It figures, I suppose, that the only person I've met who remembers me as a wrestler is from OSU. I never won a match in Columbus."

"But," Kelli said, "you looked better losing than a lot of guys."

I took Kelli's comments as a promising start. While the point of the mixer was to network, I spent the entire event talking to Kelli. She didn't seem to mind.

Kelli was wearing the standard woman lawyer uniform: low heels, a dark skirt that fell below her knees, and a dark jacket over a beige blouse. The uniform is, I think, intended to conceal a woman's figure. However, the swell of her blouse and jacket suggested that Kelli probably had a nice chest and the bit of her calves I could see looked firm and shapely.

Kelli had invoked two of my prejudices. Despite having grown up in Ohio, I had a low regard for OSU, and I had cheerleaders stereotyped as airheads. Kelli swiftly overcame my prejudices insofar as she was concerned. It took only a few minutes of conversation for me to realize that Kelli Stouffer was a very bright person. That conclusion was confirmed when she told me had gone to my college's law school in Chicago. It was generally considered one of the top ten law schools in the country. I hadn't bothered to apply to it knowing I had no chance of being admitted.

The mixer ended much sooner than I wanted it to. It was a Thursday night. We all had to be at work early the next morning billing hours, so asking Kelli to go somewhere after the mixer was out of the question. I was ridiculously pleased, though, when Kelli wrote down her direct line number on a scrap of paper, handed it to me, and said, "Call me. Let's have lunch soon."

I must admit that I had fantasies about Kelli Stouffer for the rest of the evening. In the cold, hard light of dawn, I convinced myself that Kelli had just been polite and that she would undoubtedly have reasons why she was never free for lunch. Still, I called her around 9:30 that Friday morning.

Kelli's voice sounded as nice over the phone as it did in person. Her normal speaking voice had a slightly low pitch which made her sound sexy, although I was sure that was not her intent. "Will! I'm glad you called," she said, which got my hopes up a little. "Unfortunately," she continued, "I have a memo which I have to get on a partner's desk by the close of business today. If I get lunch at all, it will be at my desk." That was what I had expected. "But," Kelli added, "I'm free Monday. Does that work for you?"

It didn't matter what I had scheduled the following Monday (not much in truth), I'd have blown that off to have lunch with Kelli. "It works very well," I replied.

"Great!" Kelli said. "Meet me in the lobby of my building at 11: 30."

That first lunch established that, although Kelli was by far the superior conversationalist, we shared several interests. We both liked sports, watching and playing. We both worked out. We both liked mystery novels. Both of us were unsure whether we wanted to spend our entire careers at big law firms.

Although we missed the week between Christmas and New Year's, our lunches became a weekly event that I very much looked forward to. Nothing Kelli said during them suggested she had a boyfriend, and I was listening carefully. After about a month, I took what I thought was a huge chance. The local professional theater company was doing Herman Wouk's The Caine Mutiny. I overpaid for two tickets for a Saturday night performance a week hence. I invited Kelli over our Monday lunch and was almost dumbstruck when she accepted with seeming enthusiasm.

Every time I had seen Kelli, she'd been wearing that standard woman lawyer's uniform. I wondered whether she'd be wearing it again as I knocked on her apartment door that Saturday night. What she was wearing when she opened her door was tasteful, but it was a long way from the uniform. A cream-colored sweater confirmed that Kelli did indeed have a very nice, if slightly large, chest. Her dark brown corduroy skirt stopped at mid-thigh, showing very good legs. When Kelli turned to get her coat, I noticed that her skirt was tight enough to suggest a very beautiful ass.

The theater was the first of many dates. There were concerts, hockey games, dinners, a variety of things we both enjoyed. Kelli and I weren't lovers, but we quickly became a lot more than just friends. We were together almost every weekend, except Kelli was never available on the third Saturday of the month. I didn't ask why. If she wanted me to know, she'd tell me.

As the weather warmed, our activities moved outdoors. I was particularly honored to be invited to go with Kelli on a Saturday morning in late May when she golfed with three of her friends: Pam, Karla, and Clarissa. I didn't golf, so I was assigned the tasks of spotting where each woman's shots landed and having beer ready when any of the four of them asked. While none were as stunningly beautiful as Kelli, her friends were all very attractive women. I was happy to do my jobs.

The golf outing had felt something like an audition for Kelli's friends. I guess I passed. A couple of weeks later, we were having a Sunday afternoon picnic. "Will," Kelli said, "Fourth of July is a Saturday this year. I get that Friday off. My parents live just outside Columbus. I'm spending the Fourth weekend up there. My sister Karen and her husband are coming in from Pittsburgh. Uh, well, do you want to come with me?"

We hadn't had sex, but I had completely fallen for Kelli by that point. I took great heart from the fact that I was invited to meet her family. Of course, I wanted to go with her, and I said so.

As my anticipation of the trip grew so did Kelli's apparent anxiety. It came to a head the weekend before the Fourth. Kelli crushed me by saying, "Will, I know I invited you to spend the Fourth with me and my family, but I'm thinking it's not such a good idea."

I assumed she'd found out an old, longed-for, boyfriend was going to be in town. I knew better than to ask, but I did: "Why?"

Kelli blushed. "I, well, I like you. I like you a lot. I don't want you to lose respect for me."

"Kelli," I said. "I'm sure that there's nothing about you or your family that would cause me to lose an iota of the respect I have for you."

Kelli just looked at me for a moment. "Shit," she said. "I put myself in this corner. I don't see anything to do except tell you."

"Tell me what?" I asked.

Kelli started off indirectly. "Mom and Dad are both doctors. They have a lot of money. When I was very young and Karen was in grade school, they bought a piece of land outside Columbus and built our house there. It sits on several acres and there aren't any other houses close. They have a pool, jacuzzi, and tennis courts. There's a small lake behind the house. We have our own beach. The weather's supposed to be great next weekend so everyone will be using those."

"It sounds pretty nice to me," I said. "What's the problem?"

Kelli took a deep breath. Hurriedly, she said, "Harry, we don't wear any clothes at home. We never have. We're nudists. So's my brother-in-law. We'll be using all that stuff naked. We'll all be naked the whole weekend."

While I'd had no experience with nudism, it didn't strike me as deviant behavior. I was very surprised to find out that Kelli, the ex-cheerleader and young lawyer, hung out with her family in the buff. She was intelligent, charming, and extremely beautiful; not the kind of person I thought nudists were. I didn't see it as some character flaw, but her revelation was completely unexpected. I guess that showed in my face.

"Fuck," Kelli said. "I knew it! Now, you think I'm some kinky weirdo."

"No," I replied. "I know you too well to think that. I'm just surprised. I can understand, though, that your parents and your sister wouldn't want me around to see them in the altogether."

"That's not the problem at all," Kelli said. "For years, until I started law school in Chicago, we took family summer vacations to naturist resorts or places that had nude beaches. None of us has any problem with other people seeing us in the nude. The problem is that my family would want you to go nude too."

Since the subject had come up, I'd been trying to conceal my excitement at the prospect of seeing Kelli Stouffer naked. What she had just told me about her nudist upbringing added to her appeal in my mind. I hadn't considered that I'd have to be naked too. To my surprise, the idea of going naked with Kelli and her family, none of whom I'd yet met, sounded like great fun.

"Kelli," I said, "if we assume nudity isn't a problem, would you still want me to go with you on the Fourth?"

"Yes, absolutely!" Kelli said. The way she said that made me feel very good. I really wanted to go.

"Ok," I said, "let's just agree that it's not a problem. If the rule at your family's home is that people don't wear any clothes, as a guest, I'll follow your family's rules."

Kelli looked at me without saying anything. Finally, she leaned forward and kissed me. We'd given each other pecks before. This was a real kiss, on the lips. After a few moments, both of our lips opened, and our tongues met. We kissed for a long time.

When Kelli broke our kiss and sat back, I said, "Uh, there's one issue that occurs to me."

Kelli smiled. "What's that?"

"Well," I said, "you are an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Of course, I haven't seen you with your clothes off. I'm afraid that, when I do, there may be a, well, physical reaction."

"I knew that was where you were going," Kelli said. "It's no big deal if you get a hard on. Rob, my brother-in-law, has at least one every time the family gets together." Kelli thought for a moment. Then she said, "Will, I'd decided a few minutes ago that I was going to make love to you today. I've changed my mind. I'm going to wait until we get to my parents' house. I think a week of anticipation of seeing each other nude and knowing that we're going to make love will enhance the experience for both of us."

I initially thought Kelli was being a tease. However, she made the right call. The anticipation built between that Sunday and the following Friday, and it was exquisite. Kelli fed it during those five days with frequent references to "when I see you with your clothes off" and "when you see me naked." She even let those slip a couples of times while we had dinner with her friend Karla the Wednesday night before our trip. I glanced at Karla both times. Karla just smiled.

While I expected the trip would be a very special experience, I was nervous as we drove north on I-71 that Friday morning. I think Kelli was too. It came through in her voice as she gave me thumbnail descriptions of her family. Her mother and father were in their mid-fifties. Kathleen, her mother, was an oncologist. Jeff, her father, was a surgeon. Karen, her sister who was five years older, was an architect in Pittsburgh. Rob, Karen's husband, was an engineer who specialized in glass. "You say I'm beautiful," Kelli said. "Wait until you see Karen. She's gorgeous."

Kelli directed me onto the belt road to the east of Columbus. We exited the freeway and drove further east on a two-lane road. The area was becoming rural when Kelli said, "turn into the next driveway on the left." I turned and followed the drive about 500 yards up a small hill. The house atop the hill wasn't as big as I'd expected. "Mom and Dad didn't build a huge house," Kelli explained, "they put the money into things like the pool, the tennis courts, and the lake." A Japanese SUV was parked outside the two-car garage. "Karen and Rob are already here," Kelli said.

As I pulled up and parked, one of the garage doors went up. A tall, slender woman came out wearing a terry cloth bathrobe. Kelli got out of my car, went up to the woman, and they hugged briefly. Turning to me, Kelli said, "Will, this is my Mom."

The woman stepped forward towards me. "Kathleen Stouffer," she said. "It's nice to meet you. Kelli talks about you a lot." That was interesting. "I know Kelli's explained our lifestyle to you. You are ok participating in it?"

"I am," I replied.

"That's good," Mrs. Stouffer said. "We really aren't heavy-handed. Jeff and I built this place as a sanctuary from clothes. We've just learned that it doesn't work well if one or two people remain clothed while the rest of us go nude. I'm sure you're going to enjoy yourself."

I had the chance to observe Kelli's mom while she was talking. Mrs. Stouffer looked her age, but she was still a very handsome woman. I could see the source of some of Kelli's tremendous beauty.

Mrs. Stouffer smiled and said, "Of course, we put Karen and Rob together in have her room. That means the two of you will have to share Kelli's room. Any complaint?" After a short silence, Mrs. Stouffer said, "I thought not. Be good."

"Where is everyone?" Kelli asked.

"Karen, Rob, and Jeff are at the beach," Mrs. Stouffer replied. "I'm going down there now. Take your things upstairs, get your clothes off, and come out. Don't forget your sunscreen."

Still wearing her robe, Mrs. Stouffer walked around the corner of the house. I got Kelli's and my small bags out of the car and followed Kelli through the garage into the house and upstairs. Kelli stopped at a door midway along the hallway. "This is my old room," she said. "I cleared my stuff out several years ago so my parents could use the room." The room had a chair, a dresser with a mirror on top, a closet, and one queen size bed. I followed Kelli into the room and set our bags on the floor.

Kelli turned to face me. "Are you ready for this Will?" The reality hit me that Kelli and I were about to take our clothes off in front of each other. My dick started getting stiff.

"Uh, I suppose I'm as ready as I'm going to be," I replied.

Kelli smiled. She gathered the hem of her sundress in her hands, pulled it over her head, and tossed it on the bed. Underneath her dress, Kelli wore a bra but no panties. She reached behind her back, unhooked the bra, and let it slide down her arms. She tossed the bra on the bed and stood in front of me with her arms at her sides. "What do you think?" she asked.

Kelli Stouffer was (and is) very beautiful clothed. However, she is infinitely more beautiful in the nude. Her breasts were slightly larger than you'd expect for her body-size but were firm. Her nipples, pointing at that moment, were upturned. Her stomach was flat and smooth. Her hips flared alluringly above smooth firm thighs. Between her thighs was a narrow landing strip of brown hair. Her Mediterranean complexion extended over her whole body, unmarred by any tan lines.

"I, uh," I stammered. "My god Kelli!," I blurted, "you're more beautiful than I imagined."

Kelli giggled. "I'm glad you like it. I haven't shown you this outfit before. I was worried whether it would live up to your expectations. Now, get your clothes off. I want to see the real you."

Apart from her astounding beauty, there was something very appealing about Kelli standing there naked. She seemed so comfortable and confident. I wondered whether I could manage that trick. I suddenly wanted to find out. I wanted to take my clothes off and stand nude with Kelli. I was looking forward to being nude in front of Kelli's mom and family, seeing them nude and having them see me.

I slid off my sandals and pulled my polo shirt over my head. Kelli took the shirt from me and tossed it on the bed on top of her clothes. I unbuttoned the waistband of my cargo shorts and lowered the zipper. Knowing I would be doing this, I had gone commando. I let the shorts fall to my feet and was as naked as Kelli. The difference was that I had a hard on.

"Damn Will," Kelli said, "you look better nude than in your college wrestling uniform. Turn around." I slowly turned 360 degrees. When I faced Kelli again, she said, "We used to love those white wrestling uniforms you guys wore because we could see your butts and your packages pretty clearly. I like your butt and dick a lot better completely uncovered." Kelli giggled. "I also like your dick hard and standing up like that." I know it's base, but there's something very nice about a woman with who you're infatuated telling you she likes your hard-on.

Kelli and I hugged tightly. Kelli said. "your dick's poking me, but I like it." We hugged again and kissed. The feeling of her bare body against mine was an indescribably wonderful sensation. Finally, I reached up and started to rub one of her nipples. Kelli leaned back. "I want to also," she said, "but I have to take you out and show you off to the family. We'll have all night. When Mom said, 'Be good,' what she meant was 'make sure you get my daughter off.'" Kelli laughed. "Don't worry about it," she added. "Mom and Dad are enthusiastic about me having sex, as long as they like the guy. Come on, there's sunscreen in the bathroom."

I followed Kelli down the hall to a large bathroom where we spread sunscreen over each other. Running my hands over her bare skin seemed like handling a rare gem. I didn't want to let go. Kelli took my hand and said, "Come on."

I followed Kelli's gorgeous bare ass back to the first floor and through a sliding glass door onto the Stouffers' patio. Standing outdoors nude was a new experience for me. It felt nice. Kelli picked up two large towels that were folded on top of a patio table. She smiled. "Let's go to the beach." We walked side-by-side, holding hands, across the Stouffers' back lawn. The lawn had been recently cut. The yard was surrounded by trees. Birds were singing. It was a beautiful day. Kelli looked perfectly natural, and exquisite, nude in that setting.

As we walked, Kelli said, "you know, when you're outside on a great day like this, it really should be illegal to have any clothes on."