Kat's Poker Game; The Lead-Up

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Hubby's Poker League leads her to unfamiliar territory.
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Authors Note:

This story involves a wife's infidelity. Without any repercussions. If you do not like these types of stories ... please move on to something you do like. However if such stories are something you can or do appreciate -- realizing they are mere fiction and fantasy -- please enjoy.


Katherine, or Kat as she preferred, wasn't sure how she felt about her husband being invited to join a poker party league. It wasn't the idea of him playing poker every week that bothered her; he worked for his money and could have a little fun anytime he wanted. It was the idea that on the nights that he was expected to host the game their home would be invaded by a handful of drinking, boisterous men. Men for whom she'd feel obligated to play hostess to.

Not that Tom would actually expect her to. He'd be fine with her disappearing, going out with her girlfriends, and leaving him to handle the hosting duties alone. But he would appreciate her sticking around and helping out. So, that's what she'd end up doing.

Just another part of their marriage.

Then his first night to host came and Kat was surprised by how much fun it was.

The participants that night were men she already knew and had spent time around at various parties or work functions. That night their jovial antics kept her lingering near the table more than she'd expected, or planned, laughing and flirting with them.

A month later Tom's turn to host came again. This time the group included a couple men she didn't already know. But they were just as fun as everyone else and again she ended up enjoying herself as she played hostess.

Over the next few months Tom hosted the game every few weeks or so and she got to know all the players. There was a core of eight players in the group, guys who could be counted on to be there nearly every week, of which Tom was one. There were also a few "fill-ins" that made it when they could. No matter who specifically showed though there were always five to seven players.

Kat found herself looking forward to Tom's hosting nights. She enjoyed the men and the attention they paid to her. Not that she ever wanted for such attentions. While her body was not as tone and taunt as it had been during her athletic school years, it was still trim and firm. Those years of athleticism coupled with her active lifestyle meant that her delicately rounded ass and ample breasts remained semi-firm, assets which were enhanced by her preference of wearing various short little skater style skirts and flattering tops. Additionally, the way her pixie-haircut amplified her naturally cute features didn't hurt either.

It was during those first months that she developed little crushes on a few of the men. None of them were bad looking, or too out of shape with the bulging beer bellies of so many men in their age brackets. But a few of the players were down right good looking or in better shape than the others and she found herself being drawn to them.

It was also during those first months that she unintentionally created a ritual that would lead her down a very unanticipated path.

While most of the time the pots were minimal, with the fun and camaraderie being more important than the money, occasionally one would grow substantial as multiple men wagered on their hand being the superior. Of course, only one of them was right, leaving the others dejected losers. One night Tom was just such an individual. As he sat feigning utter disbelief and despair Kat slid herself into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and cooing to him that "It'll be okay, Sweetie." Taking advantage of the moment Tom convinced her that she needed to be his good luck charm and remain in place until he'd won a hand, to which she agreed. The very next hand he won a sizable pot, releasing her from her indentureship.

That got the others crying "foul," insisting that if she was going to be a good luck charm for Tom, then she should be one for all of them. A few even pushed their chairs back to offer her their laps. Initially Kat laughed off their insistences. But after a few minutes she relented and agreed to stand next to anyone who "truly needs my luck to get them out of a slump."

It didn't take long before a string of misfortunes had her standing next to one chair or another for the remainder of the evening. A ritual that continued on the next night that Tom hosted. And the next, and the next.

One night Tom announced that the group needed him to host a game just two weeks after just doing so.

"Why so soon?" She asked, trying to sound annoyed and failing.

"Tim's been transferred. He's moving out of state and it was his turn. So, they asked me."

"Oh, okay." She just couldn't stop her lips from curling into a tiny smile.

"Yea. 'Oh, okay'." He mocked her.

"What?" she tried looking like she didn't understand, but failed wonderfully.

"I know you enjoy these nights, Baby."

"They are kinda fun," she tried downplaying it even though she knew she'd been caught in a not-so-secret secret.

"I'm glad you enjoy them, Baby. Really. I was afraid you would resent them . . . and me."

"Yea, I was worried about that too," she admitted sheepishly. "But it turns out your friends are kinda fun."

"Some of them are good looking too, huh?" he teased.

"Uh- What do you mean?" She sputtered, surprised that he'd say this aloud.

"Oh come on, Baby. I know you enjoy their attentions. Their flirtations. It's alright. You know I don't care where you get your appetite from, as long as I'm the meal."

While this wasn't the first time this sentiment had been shared between them, it was the first time it didn't pertain to some unattainable celebrity crush. But Kat saw the gleam in Tom's eye, the one that assured her he knew the truth. Her smile grew a little as her cheeks began to redden.

"Also, I'm no dummy," he added "I've noticed that on the nights we host the game not only do I get some after everyone's gone, but you are, how shall I put it . . . more enthusiastic as well. So hey, if that's my reward for you harmlessly flirting with a few of my buddies, I say flirt away."

So that Friday night the guys sat around their table drinking and laughing and playing cards while Kat lingered and laughed and flirted.

Somehow Tim's moving away ended up meaning that Tom actually hosted nearly every other week. The logistics of this were never really clear to Kat, not that she questioned it much.

Over the course of the next couple months she grew more relaxed with the men and their flirtations. This led to her growing less and less protective while being their lucky charm. At first she would simply stand next to the designated loser with a few inches between herself and them. This space quickly shrunk until her hip was leaning against their chair while her arm rested on the chair back, her hand settling innocently on the guy's shoulder. This easily morphed to her arm laying across whoever's shoulders.

Then their hands began to wander as well.

The first time this happened it was Chris, one of the guys she'd developed a little crush on. He'd just lost a bad hand and called for the resident lucky charm. As Kat reached his side he scooted his chair back and slid his arm behind her legs to nudge her forward to about even with his knees. She instantly realized this provided him with a close, unobstructed view of her skirt-covered ass and she started to blush. She felt her flesh simmer from the sensation of his palm resting on her outer thigh and her heartbeat sped up slightly.

She quickly scanned the faces of the others and saw the knowing smirks they all wore. Their expressions didn't surprise her in the least. But Tom's did. It also confused her.

He was sitting directly across from Chris and as their eyes met his gleamed mischievously.

Chris worked his cards with one hand so the other could remain on her leg.

Standing there Kat was extremely aware of her body's response. Her simmering flesh grew hotter with each passing moment. Her nerves tingled excitedly. Her heart raced a little faster. Soon she had to concentrate on her breathing just to keep it steady.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Chris won the hand and she was released from her services. Excusing herself she made her way to the kitchen on shaky legs. Once there she poured herself a stiff drink and swallowed most of it. It took her a couple minutes to compose herself enough to return to the game . . . and the men.

While her lucky-charms were not called upon again that night, the room seemed heavy with an extra ambiance.

After their guests left she attacked Tom, riding him on the couch feverishly. Afterwards they lay with their naked, sweaty bodies entwined, their hearts gradually slowing, their breathing settling.

"Damn, that was hot," he sighed.

"Yea. It was," she panted beside him.

"You were horny," he stated the obvious.

"Uh-huh," she agreed.

"Any idea why? Not complaining. Not complaining at all. Just trying to figure out how to get a repeat performance."

"I- I'm not sure," she lied.

"Well, if you figure it out. Let me know. Okay?"


Kat knew why. She also knew that he knew. But she didn't want to say and he was willing to play along, for now at least.

Two weeks later Tom hosted the game again. And once again Kat set to playing the dutiful hostess; keeping everyone's drinks fresh, including her own, while laughing and flirting with the men. Until partway through the evening when she was called upon to be the lucky charm.

This time it was Lee who needed her. Taking a cue from Chris and the previous night he slid his chair back from the table a little and casually slipped his arm behind her legs, scooting her forward so that he was provided with a similar view of her skirt-covered ass.

Although she didn't have a crush on Lee she still felt her flesh starting to simmer and her heart begin to race. And again, as she saw the knowing smirks on the other men and that same mischievous glint in Tom's eye, these sensations grew.

It was then she realized that, in addition to the feel of a hand against her flesh, her position was causing her body to react. The idea that she was on display was affecting her as well. And not only was she on display for Lee, or Chris the last time, but all the others. They were seeing it . . . witnessing her being displayed. Or was she being displayed for them? She didn't know, couldn't decide. Nor could she clarify why this aspect was affecting her. She could only recognize that it was. In fact, not only was it affecting her, it was enhancing her inner sensations.

Lee wasn't as adept at handling his cards single-handedly as Chris, but he refused to release her leg and trudged through. He also wasn't as lucky. It took him a few hands to win a pot, keeping her in position the entire time.

Once he did win and she was excused she made her way into the kitchen on shaky legs once more. Using the counter to help steady herself she poured herself a drink, sipping heavily at it. Again, once she composed herself she returned to the game.

A few minutes later Ken made a big deal out of losing a hand and called for her good luck charms. This time Kat's legs began to shake even as she walked toward him. As she suspected he scooted his chair back and maneuvered her into what was clearly her newly assigned position. Two hands later he won and she carefully made her way to the kitchen.

Halfway through her drink she heard Tom calling her. He was claiming his own need for her luck. Since the first night, whenever her husband needed her luck she'd sit in his lap. This time as she did she had to suppress a yelp of surprise. His engorged cock pressed firmly into her ass. Gazing into his glinting eyes her lips curled into a knowing little smile and she wiggled against him, extracting a reflexive grunt from him.

Hours later, once their guests departed, Kat jumped her husband as he cleared the table. Afterwards, they finished cleaning up then retreated to the bedroom where she used her mouth to get him hard again. Riding him a second time, she moaned and whimpered through multiple, explosive orgasms.

This time he didn't question her. Nor did she volunteer anything.

Kat may not have talked about what was happening, but she certainly thought about it . . . a lot.

During the following days she asked herself dozens of questions over and over again. Questions like: Why were these things affecting her so? Was it the contact with the individual men, or was it more the idea of the others witnessing it? Or was it that her husband seemed to be enjoying it so much? And why was he? Why was he even allowing it in the first place? Why was she? Could she stop it? Did she want to stop it? And many other questions. So many questions. Yet no matter how many times she asked them of herself she never felt close to any answers.

To Be Continued...

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150919621509196210 months ago

Very erotic, love the slow buildup, and final acceptance. Chapter one and two are exceptional. Reminds of a time when we party with a small group. Hope there are more stories to come.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Dawg, you have the absolutely perfect screen name for writing trash.

capri_cd2capri_cd2over 7 years ago

loved your story darling, loved her being displayed, check out a Penny for them story here, cant wait to read more of your work, big kiss

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