Katie's Weekend in Hamburg Ch. 01

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English student visits friend and enters world of debauchery
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Katie Thomson looked out of the aeroplane window and saw the city of Hamburg spread out below her. The young English woman was very excited about her weekend trip to Germany's most hedonistic city. The final year of her postgraduate economics degree had proven to be very demanding both in terms of time and energy, and Katie rarely seemed to have a chance to let her hair down and have some fun. Now that the summer was here and she could take a break from her postgrad course for a few short weeks, she looked forward to a different type of night-life from her usual activity of working on a spreadsheet until 3 am.

Katie's old University friend and flatmate from her undergraduate days, Bettina, had recently moved to Hamburg to continue her studies back in her home city. After many lengthy phone calls and emails, Bettina had finally convinced her friend that she needed a break, and Katie had agreed to come to the German port city for a weekend of partying and relaxation.

As part of their drunken 'girl talk' back on campus, Katie had confided to Bettina about her submissive fantasies, where she dreamt of being controlled by a female Dominatrix, who would orchestrate a sexual servicing on her from several anonymous and muscled male studs.

Bettina too, had many sexual fantasies about bondage, domination and submission, and in fact had taken her fantasies one step further. Unknown to Katie, she had visited a professional Dominatrix a few times while in London, finding her name in one of the cards that litter London's payphone cubicles. Bettina had often considered talking to Katie about her BDSM experiences, but since they had parted after University, there never seemed to be the ideal moment to discuss these events.

Now that Katie was coming to Germany to party with her, Bettina decided this would be a perfect opportunity to confide in Katie about her own experiences in the submissive lifestyle. Since Katie was going to stay at Bettina's home, she also hoped to rekindle Katie's interests in BDSM, and perhaps make use of the delights of Hamburg's red light district to bring her friend's particular fantasy to reality.

Hamburg's red light district, known as the Reeperbahn, was famous for strip clubs such as Safari, which featured professionally choreographed live sex shows, involving performers dressed as vampires and other weird and wonderful characters. These shows were open to the general public, but experienced customers knew that they also offered private shows for those who desired something a little more adventurous.

Over the past few months, Bettina had become a regular visitor to these public and private performances. Through friends she had made at these shows, she arranged occasional sessions with the resident Dominatrix, and had continued to delve deeper into her submissive fantasies.

Bettina had arranged an itinerary for Katie's trip with daily sightseeing trips, and to enjoy the decadent night life in the Reeperbahn in the evenings, including the featured sex shows. She hoped the eroticism of the performances would make Katie receptive to the idea of taking things to the next level.

Katie's plane landed smoothly on the tarmac and taxied to the terminal building. As soon as the fasten seat belts signs were off, Katie excitedly hurried out of her seat and was the first in line to disembark from the plane. She felt the warmth of the late afternoon sun as she walked down the stairs to step on German soil and she smiled to herself. Bettina was right, she thought, I really did need a break.

Entering the terminal building, Katie handed her passport to the border guard, and while he studied the document, she quickly took the opportunity to check her reflection in the mirrored glass which covered one side of the large hall.

Standing five foot nine in her modest heels, Katie was a taller than average lady, with a mane of wavy brown hair that fell almost as far as her bum. Katie was proud of her long legs, although she looked forward to getting some sun on them after the seemingly never-ending London winter. Her pink floral summer skirt ended mid-thigh, which drew the attention of the men – and some of the women- in the line behind her. Katie was pleased with the effects of her twice weekly gym visits, as she studied her a well-toned arse and flat tummy.

The plunging neckline of her white t-shirt showed off her large, all-natural breasts to perfection, and as she turned round to receive back her passport from the border guard, she caught him staring at her ample chest. Katie smiled at the dumbstruck German. "Danke schon", she told him, using most of the few German words she knew. "D-d-d-danke" the man stammered back. "W-w-welcome to Hamburg".

Her ego more than a little boosted by the implied compliment from the flustered border guard, Katie strode through the airport to the arrivals hall where Bettina was waiting for her. Bettina wore a yellow sun dress cut low enough to show the ample cleavage of her superb breasts, and short enough to reveal her lovely tanned thighs. She was an average sized woman of five feet and four inches tall, with straight blonde hair that fell past her shoulders. Her waistline revealed that she worked out frequently and her braless breasts jiggled and swayed seductively as she walked. The two women hugged one another and exchanged kisses on their cheeks as they reacquainted.

They gathered Katie's luggage and carried the bags to Bettina's black BMW X6.

"Christ, nice car you got here" exclaimed Katie, as Bettina opened the cavernous trunk and placed her friend's bags safely inside.

"Thanks, but it's not mine, it's my dad's" beamed Bettina. "My parents have headed out of town for the weekend and they have left us the house and the car for ourselves".

"That's so awesome" said Katie.

"What's awesome is that you are here" replied Bettina. "We have so much to catch up on!"

Setting off down the autobahn towards the area where Hamburg's most expensive residences were located, Bettina told her friend about her lifestyle back in Germany.

"I go to classes in the morning, hit the gym for an hour to keep in shape, and then laze around the nude beaches on the river for the rest of the day, drinking cocktails and checking out guys" laughed the blonde German.

"You have nude beaches in Hamburg?" asked Katie in a curious tone.

"Sure we do, we love to get naked whenever the weather permits it. In fact, we are going there now for dinner."

"Dinner in a nudist beach? Now?" Panicked Katie. "I don't think I am up for going naked in front of strange people just yet."

"Relax, sweetie. The restaurant is in a mixed zone. We can stay dressed, but there will be lots of naked people there letting it all hang out."

After a short distance, Bettina pulled off the autobahn and drove down a road that took them past the beach. Katie watched the beautiful young people of Hamburg play and soak up the last of the day's sun on the golden sands, while on the other side of the river, she could see the industrial zone of the Port of Hamburg.

The road left the beach area and continued into a forested area of the city, where Katie could see the tops of expensive looking houses over the tops of the trees.

Bettina took a left turn into a single-track road and they passed a road sign that said 'Das Sommerbad – Privat'. Suddenly they emerged at the river again, but this time in a more secluded area. Katie could see that this must be one of the nude beaches her friend had spoken about, as she a group of totally naked men and women enjoy a game of volleyball on the sand.

They parked at a small wooden beach-side restaurant, and as they got out, Katie inhaled the warm summer air and soaked up the happy vibe of people enjoying life in total freedom.

The waitress seemed to know Bettina, and she gave the girls a table for two overlooking the beach.

As they dined, Katie could not help notice that many of the women were topless in the restaurant, wearing only their bikini bottoms. Meanwhile, out on the beach other women were actually completely nude. Bettina grinned at Katie and said. "I told you so." Katie saw that there were all sorts of shapes out there, even some that didn't look all that good naked, but they didn't seem to care.

"So, tell me about your love life?" Bettina asked her English friend.

"No time for a love life" Katie told her. "and anyway, postgrad courses are full of geeks. All the hot guys left Uni at the same time you did."

"So you're telling me that you haven't been laid recently," Bettina observed, "We ought to do something about that."

Katie listened intently as Bettina continued, "You remember when you told me about your fantasy of being controlled by a Dominatrix and her team of studs?"

"Well, I have a bit of a secret to tell you. When I was in London, I did visit a professional Dominatrix, actually, and played around a little myself. It was so hot!"

Katie was stunned. "I never would have thought that you were into the whole submission thing."

"I didn't think I would be either, but I was intrigued by your fantasy and decided to test the waters a little bit myself. I managed to visit her a few times, but then term ended and I came here."

Katie sat wide-eyed as her friend told her about her experiences with being dominated. "There are a lot of bondage groups here in Hamburg and I have visited them occasionally. I've only been with one Dominatrix here a couple of times, but I've gone to the shows a few times" she confided.

"Shows...you mean they have bondage shows here?"

"Yes, the public shows in the red light district are pretty famous, but they also do some private ones too." Bettina went on to tell Katie that the public shows were kind of tame by comparison to the private shows. "At the private shows the submissives are often into hard core bondage. The Doms will strap them into various devices and then whip them or spank them, or perform gynaecological exams on them."

"Are you into that kind of stuff too, Bettina?" Katie asked, still shocked at her friend's extra-curricular activities.

"No, I'm into the lighter stuff, being restrained, spanked, forced sex acts and the like, but I am thinking about being gang banged."

Katie shook her head in amazement she would never have guessed that Bettina would be a closet submissive.

"So, my little sub slut," Katie teased her, "when is the next private show?"

"Do you want to go to one, Katie?" asked Bettina, raising one eyebrow in challenge to her friend.

"Sure...why not. It seems like the thing to do on holiday...who knows, we might even learn something", countered Katie, her pussy becoming wet with excitement as she wondered what it would be like to take in such a live bondage show.

Pulling her chair closer to Katie, Bettina told her friend that there would be a show that evening at a club in the red light district.

"So as you are well and truly up for it, I will book a couple of seats" Bettina added, giving Katie no time to change her mind.

Picking up her phone, Bettina called the club and asked if there were any spare places at tonight's show. Katie watched her friend's face break into a broad smile, and she knew that tonight was on.

"Vielen Dank" said Bettina, finishing up the call. "Show starts in an hour...so drink up and let's go" the blonde beamed excitedly, hurriedly finishing her wine and motioning for Katie to do the same.

"I got us a table right at the front of the stage, so you will be able to see everything in all the gory details" said Bettina.

"Uh...gory details...that's nice" laughed Katie nervously.

They hurried to the car and soon were headed to the city centre.

As dusk fell, they approached what looked like an old - albeit recently refurbished - movie theatre with a parking lot full of top of the range BMW's, Mercs and Porsches.

"We've arrived!" said Bettina excitedly.

Katie couldn't quite believe this was going to happen. Barely an hour ago, she was talking about some vague sub-dom fantasies, now they had booked front-row seats to witness a live bondage sex show.

The girls got out of the car and walked towards the building.

Katie could hear the faint beat of a bongo drum from the club and wondered if this was anything to do with tonight's theme. The two women were approached by a valet who took the keys from Bettina and told them to enjoy the show.

Taking Katie arm-in-arm, Bettina walked through the large open doors of the club and into the reception area, which was a sea of red velvet curtains, carpets and even wallpaper. This place looks like a really stereotypical brothel, thought Katie.

It was obvious that the employees of the club knew Bettina rather well, and they greeted her by name as the two girls made their entrance.

As Bettina stood talking to several of the staff members, Katie stood behind her, slightly shy and embarrassed, her bodying swaying to the incessant beat of the bongo drums, their repetitive din sounding much louder now they were in the building. She located the noise coming from behind a pair of closed curtains, which she reasoned must be the entrance to the main area of the club.

"Meine liebe Bettina, how good to see you" said a deep voice from behind. The girls turned and saw tall, dark-haired thirty-something man in an expensively-tailored dark blue suit and open-necked white shirt, walking towards them and smiling.

"Guten Abend, Torsten" smiled back Bettina. "How's it going?"

As she watched Bettina and Torsten chatting away, Katie felt an instant attraction to the new character. He was rather handsome, reminding her somewhat of Ricky Martin, the pop star who Katie had a crush on when she was a teenager. His confident yet friendly manner suggested safety with just enough of a hint of danger to avoid being boring. The ideal personality type for a dom, Katie thought to herself.

Turning to Katie, Bettina told Torsten, "and please allow me to introduce you to my dear friend Katie, who is visiting me all the way from England".

"Pleased to meet you, Katie" charmed Torsten, bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing it gently, his eyes not breaking contact with Katie as he did so, forcing Katie to blush slightly.

"We have a very special show for you tonight, I hope you will enjoy it" Torsten told the girls. "I hope Katie will not find it a little too special" he added, his face tinged with mock concern.

"Don't worry Torsten, whatever it is, Katie is going to love it" reassured Bettina.

"Good...good...well, follow me please, tonight's show is about to start."

Torsten led the women through the heavy red curtain which separated the small lobby from the rest of the club, and as Katie's eyes became accustomed to the darkness, she saw that they were being led past already-seated guests, mostly respectable and well-dressed tourist couples.

After a short distance Torsten showed them to a table for two, only a couple of yards from the front of the stage.

The stage itself was raised some three feet above them, a heavy black curtain with gold cords concealing what lay behind it. Katie could now hear the bongo drumming very clearly, and she realized that the sound was coming from behind the curtain.

Seated at their table, Bettina ordered a bottle of Krug and two glasses from Torsten and he left them to talk.

Bettina turned to her friend and asked "What do you think of Torsten, then?"

"He is gorgeous, is he a manager here?"

"Yes, his father owns the theatre, and he directs the shows."

"So he is a pervert as well then." joked Katie "What do you think tonight's show is going to be about then? He said he hoped it wouldn't be too special for me" she said, sounding a little concerned.

"Relax, you will love it" reassured Bettina. "I always do", she giggled mischievously.

A waiter came with the bottle of Krug and poured the champagne for the girls.

"To us" Bettina toasted, raising her champagne flute. Katie lifted her glass and clinked it against her friend's.

"To us, indeed. Thanks for inviting me out here" said Katie "I am having such a great time".

"You are so welcome, sweetie" replied the petite blonde. "And the best is yet to come", she added wickedly.

As Bettina spoke, the bongo drumming suddenly stopped and Katie gasped in anticipation, realizing that the show was about to finally start.

The heavy black curtain was slowly raised from the stage, revealing a scene which Katie found both arousing and unsettling.

A pretty young Asian woman wearing a short white dress and matching sandals stood in the middle of the darkened stage, illuminated by a circle of light. The trembling girl was flanked by two muscled black men, each sat stone-faced behind a large African drum, covered in tribal markings.

The woman had a ball gag in her mouth so she could not make any sound other than to groan, and the look on her face was a mixture of sexual anticipation and fear. Katie estimated the woman to be in her late teens or early twenties, although she reminded herself that Asian women could look much younger than their actual age.

The two men stood up from behind their drums, showing themselves to be almost completely naked, save for skimpy leopard skin loin cloths which did little to hide the impressive bulges of their cocks. Their muscled, rock-hard bodies were coated in some kind of oil which glistened in the limelight, and Katie thought they looked like the depictions of Nubian slaves which she had seen from TV documentaries about Ancient Egypt.

Still without uttering a sound or showing any flicker of emotion, the two Nubians grasped the gagged woman by her shoulders, and marched her forward to a slightly raised circular platform at the front of the stage, just yards from where Katie and Bettina were sat. The platform had two posts pointing up towards the ceiling, and the men outstretched the woman's arms to her sides, tying each of her hands to a post, putting her in a crucifix position facing the audience.

Removing box cutters which were concealed their loin cloths; the two men began to cut and tear the white dress from the bound girl, and with their bare hands tore the remnants of the dress from her slender frame, leaving her only wearing a white lacy see through bra and matching thong panties. Now the girl appeared to be genuinely terrified about what was about to happen to her. Her searching eyes made contact with Katie's, and the English woman had to look away, as she did not know the proper way to react in these circumstances. She wondered if the girl really was a willing participant in this show, or if she had been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. Perhaps she was just very good at feigning fear. Either way, she trusted that Bettina would not go to any show that involved non-consent, so she gingerly brought her eyes back to the performance unfolding in front of her.

The two black men stepped off the platform and stationed themselves either side of the young Asian woman. Then they began to push and pull the poles in a clockwise direction, which had the effect of slowly revolving the platform and the girl who was stood on it, so that the audience could see every angle of the nearly naked captive. Katie admired the full roundness of the girl's arse-cheeks and the toned muscles of the backs of her legs as the platform was slowly rotated for the benefit of the audience.

After several full revolutions, the Nubian men brought the spinning platform to a stop so that all three actors were now facing the crowd once more.

Next, two naked black women, their bodies oiled much like the male performers, and their hair closely cropped in tight afros, walked out on the stage and kneeled in front of the two Nubians. Ah, these must be the Nubians' wives, Katie chuckled to herself.