Just the Six of Us Bk. 02 Ch. 04


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Finally, she came back to reality and immediately moved down to take his cock into her mouth. He protested briefly, but she ignored him, sliding her lips up and down his shaft, determined to make him cum.

On a whim, she grabbed her phone and took a picture of his impressively large and hard cock, then sent it off to Beth to tease her. Dropping her phone, she stroked and sucked until he got close, then quickly hopped off and slid him into her sore little pussy as quickly as she could.

Using her thighs, she worked her hips up and down, driving her pussy the length of his cock and coaxing his orgasm closer and closer.

"You're fucking your little sister right now," she said, reaching down and pushing a finger into his mouth.

Mike groaned, his eyes rolling back into his head as she flexed her Kegels and forced his cock to erupt, cum bursting out and filling her up.

"That's it," she purred, stroking his ungodly chest muscles and continuing to stroke her pussy up and down his cock.

A few minutes passed before she slid free and pulled her panties on over her still-gooey pussy.

"Jesus," Mike groaned weakly. She could tell that he was already on his way to sleep.

"I love you," she said, kissing him on the lips after she'd hastily pulled on clothes. "I'm going to go take care of Bethy."

"Love you," he mumbled.

Emma giggled at how quickly he was out of it, then made her way out of the apartment and over to the house.


Feeling delightfully wicked as she drove over, Emma had to force herself to drive the speed limit. Pulling up to the house, she hopped out and hurried to the door. Sarah was in the kitchen when Emma walked in.

"Hey," she said, looking up and smiling. "What are you up to?"

"Beth texted me," Emma said, grinning at her.

"Ah," Sarah said, snickering quietly. "BETH!" she called, turning to look back at the stairs as she did so.

"So... how are things?" Emma asked.

Before Sarah could answer, Beth came pounding down the stairs wearing panties and one of her ridiculously tight tank tops, then advanced right up to Emma.

"Oh... well then," Sarah said, giggling.

Beth's hands went to the bottom edge of Emma's shirt and yanked it off without hesitation. Emma started to do the same, reaching down to pull at the edge of Beth's shirt and starting to work it off.

"I knew you'd like that picture," Emma said between hurried, feverish kisses.

Beth grinned widely at her, nodding slowly as she worked Emma's shorts down past her thighs.

"I've got another surprise for you," she added, grinning as Beth reached her knees.

A single eyebrow was raised as she looked up at Emma. A second later, Beth had Emma's panties pulled to the side and groaned in a strange, almost animal-like tone.

Emma slid her panties down mere moments before Beth groaned deeply again and buried her tongue deep into her pussy. Emma took a handful of her sister's hair in her hands and pulled her tight as she felt her frantic slurping and sucking.

Sarah was half-watching with a bemused smile, though Emma could only barely focus on her from the sheer intensity of what Beth was doing. After a minute, though, she thought she noticed Sarah starting to leave and glanced over as Beth cupped both of her butt cheeks and pulled Emma's pussy more fully into her ever-hungry mouth.

Sarah sat back down in her chair then, holding Emma's panties in her hand. Her orgasm creeping closer and closer, Emma groaned weakly as she began to slide down to the floor, Beth never slowing as she devoured her. Each noisy, messy lick or slurp was punctuated by Beth swallowing, then followed by a whimper of pleasure.

Emma looked back up and watched as Sarah lifted her fingers up from Emma's disgarded panties, the fingertips glistening with Mike's pearly white cum.



One week later...

Everything that he, Danni, and Max would need for the trip was packed and stacked near the door of the apartment for him to load the following morning. He'd gotten his truck serviced and had the tires changed, trying to make sure that he hadn't missed anything. His schedule and trip plan were finished, and he'd contacted the people he would be visiting to make sure his arrival wouldn't be a surprise.

That Friday afternoon as he checked the bags and went over everything for the fifth time, he finally felt that everything was ready for the trip.

He'd been nervous throughout the previous week and the voice must have been able to tell, as it was extra noisy the whole time. Mostly it kept to its normal routine of bringing up old sex memories that involved his sisters or actively tried to convince him to go back over and instigate things with Beth or Sarah.

Mike appreciated the effort his weird little friend was making to keep him calm. That and the combination of daily sex from Danni and Emma, coupled with regular play time with Max, had meant that he hadn't had any nightmares or flashbacks since the previous Friday. He knew that they would show up again at some point, but it had been nice not having them for a while.

Emma and Danni continued their game and, for the most part, he was just a spectator. Danni got spanked nearly every day, and he and the voice were now completely convinced that she really enjoyed the punishment. Her little cries of pain were soaked with hints of pleasure and arousal.

For Emma's part, he was happy to see that she always snuggled up to Danni or cuddled after they'd finished playing and made sure that she was okay before going to bed or going about their days. He mainly served as the reward for Danni when she'd been good, or for after she'd been spanked and hadn't resisted taking her punishment.

That suited him fine, of course. He'd felt out of practice when he got back home, but now he was feeling like his younger self again. He was getting better and better at staving off his orgasm without having to slow down and ruin either of his sisters' fun.

When Emma had first gotten into the whole BDSM thing, she'd been the submissive one. It was a role that she seemed extremely well suited to play. But now that she'd tried her hand at being the dominant one, he could see that she was versatile enough to be good at both roles. When she was with Danni, she was the one in charge, but when it was just her and Mike, it was most definitely him that was calling the shots.

In truth, he was just happy to be a part of the fun. It did strike him as a little peculiar that Emma never made Danni do anything sexual to her, though he knew it was because Danni wasn't ready to go that far quite yet. He was relatively confident that they hadn't had sex with each other yet.

After he'd finally gotten to the point where he felt satisfied with the preparations for the trip, Mike went over to Sarah and Beth's and visited with them for a while. He knew he'd been in deep shit if he dared to leave town without visiting them first. After giving them both a warm hug, and getting an ass squeeze from Beth, Mike gave them both a kiss on the cheek and told them that he'd see them in a few weeks.

Hopping in his truck and starting the engine, he pulled out his phone to check in with his girlfriends. Both were home when he called, and he told them to go ahead and eat dinner if they were hungry. He had another stop to make and didn't know how long it was going to be.

Pulling into the bar parking lot, he found a spot and hopped out. Inside, he greeted the bartender with a smile and headed down to where the older Marine was sitting in his normal spot.

"Mikey," Jimbo said warmly, clapping him on the back and gesturing for the bartender to set him up.

For a couple of hours, the two laughed and talked, trading some of the good stories about their respective deployments and life in the Corp in general. Eventually, Mike checked his watch and winced at the time. He knew that he needed to get home and spend some time with Emma before he left.

But there were things left unspoken that needed to be said. He waited for the right moment, then cleared his throat.

"I uh... I need to tell you... thanks," he said, turning and looking at the older man directly.

Jimbo nodded and gave him a warm smile.

"You..." he said, but hesitated, trying to find the words. "Well... you have no idea how much you've helped me in the past weeks. It's been such a huge relief to have someone that knows. I'm glad that I've got a brother so close by."

Jimbo clapped him on the shoulder again. "Anything for a brother, Mike," he said.

"We're leaving on the trip tomorrow morning," Mike said. "I'm... I'm hoping that this isn't a bad idea."

"Those boys are your other family, Mike," Jimbo said reassuringly. "I'm not saying it's going to be easy, or that the visits will be easy, but you need to check on your guys. This is a good thing."

Mike wiped a single tear from his eye and nodded as Jimbo continued.

"When I got back from 'Nam, my wife was the only one I had in my life that would talk to me. Everyone else I knew shunned me. My folks had died by then and I didn't have any siblings. So, my lady was all I had. She... she had it rough for a while and I know that she thought more than a few times about leaving my ass. She didn't, though. She's tough as nails, that woman. She's way tougher than me. She's the one that keeps me in check, Mike. She's the one that keeps me from drinking myself to death over my own demons. Liquor is a great way to numb the pain and put the memories to sleep, but it's not the answer, son. You're going to have to find yours."

Mike nodded again but kept silent.

"When I was at my lowest and my old lady was set to start packing, I left the house and came here. I was resigned to my fate and determined to drink myself to death. I'd been slamming drinks back for a good hour when this grizzled old bastard sat down next to me and told me that I was going to be alright."

Jimbo smiled as he grew quiet for a few moments, lost in thought. "His name was Eddie Juarez, but the boys all called him Jojo. He was that one's grandfather," he said, pointing at the bartender who was a few feet away and listening quietly. "Korean War," Jimbo said with a wide grin.

"When I had gotten to a good place in my life again, I came back and told Eddie how much his help had meant to me, and like you said, that he wouldn't ever understand how much it meant to me. He simply nodded at me and said, 'Anything for a brother.'"

Mike smiled, looking up and giving the bartender a nod.

"I know how much it means, Jarhead," Jimbo said. "Just pass it on when your time comes."

"You've got my word," Mike replied, patting him on the shoulder. "One last shot before I go?"

"Hell yes," Jimbo said. "Come on and join us," he added, nodding at the bartender.

Grabbing a bottle of whiskey, the bartender set up three shot glasses and filled them up. The three grabbed them and held them up as Jimbo started a toast.

"To Jojo, Finley, Big Ugly Bastard, and Sanchez," he said, then looked at Mike.

"To Turner and Wilkins," Mike added.

"We'll see you again, brothers. Semper Fi," Jimbo finished and clinked glasses.

"Semper Fi," Mike replied, then downed the shot and set the glass down.

"Take care of yourself," Jimbo told him, reaching out and shaking his hand firmly. "You're a good man, Mike."

"You are too," Mike said, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Here," Jimbo said, reaching briefly over the bar and grabbing a pen and a napkin. "Take my number."

Mike watched as he scribbled on the napkin and handed it over.

"Call me if you ever you need anything," Jimbo said.

Mike quickly returned the gesture, writing his own down on another napkin and putting Jimbo's safely in his wallet.

"Thank you," Mike said, giving him a thankful smile.

"Anything for a brother," Jimbo said, grinning widely at him.

Mike chuckled, then turned to leave.


Pulling back into the apartment a few minutes later, Mike quickly hopped out and went upstairs. Unlocking the door and stepping in, he found the apartment oddly quiet.

Kicking off his shoes in order to try and be quiet, he padded silently through the apartment to the bedroom and peeked in through the half-shut door. Immediately covering his mouth to stifle the rush of laughter, he retreated to the living room and took a minute to collect himself before returning to the door.

Stepping in silently, he surveyed the scene in amused silence.

His sisters were both nude, the covers of the bed kicked off and laying strewn about the floor around it. Danni was sprawled out on the bed, her head resting on Emma's stomach and one of her arms curling under a thigh with the hand disappearing under his twin's butt. Around her neck she wore a collar with a long leash attached to it, the end of which was clutched in one of Emma's hands.

Ropes were tied to both of Emma's ankles, then in turn were tied to the feet of the bed, securing her legs in a widely open position. Both of her hands were similarly secured, but with handcuffs instead of rope. Each wrist was bound to one rung in the headboard, ensuring that her hands were kept out of the way.

Not knowing what he should do, Mike could only stand and watch in amused silence.

"So uh... you gonna get in there or what?" the voice asked.

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THAT is one crazy thing to come home to...and one that just about anyone, male OR female would enjoy!!

I took a few minutes to read some of the other comments before I started on mine, just to see how much we readers might be, as far as being "on the same page" with our ideas about the story.

So-it has already been written; any idea about 'trashing' any chapters is wishful thinking. Not liking some of the stuff is natural, and we comment on those things. Overall, tho', WE LOVE THE SERIES...even with it's foibles and oddities...

Matt...is just a distraction here. Mike and ALL the sisters are going to have to "ADULT UP", and have the conversation that gets them ALL back together as the family they are and always need to be. Mike is the MAN of the house, and should take a stand, as such, to keep them all together; and, the old jealousies HAVE TO BE left behind!! GIVE MATT THE BOOT!! (How that affects the business...that is tough, but will be dealt with at the right time!!)


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really enjoyed reading the series. Hopefully there’s more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So it's just my conspiracy theory that Matt intentionally broke up mike and his sister's relationship just so that he can sleep with mike's sisters. He knew he can't have danni but he knew about rest of the sisters mentality. He knew Sarah will break and beth is just a nymph. So he snaked his way and planned it all from the start and now he have 2hotter sisters from mike. He was jealous that mike had 4hot women in his life while he can't be with one. He own sister. Missy was never going to extend their relationship so she left. He planned her leaving.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

First a little warning, my words will be very harsh because my opinion is a very radical opinion.

If you, dear Mentalcase, find it uncomfortable to read what I write, that is intentional and desirable.

I'm not going to say "Sorry, but"... there's no such thing as sorry or but.

I stand by what I say.

The first 29 chapters weren't always amazing, but I devoured them in just two days.

And then came chapter 30....

Long story short, it's hard to put into words how much I HATE Chapter 30.

Then tried to read Book Two Chapter 1 and couldn't.

I had to stop reading in the middle.


Hmm where do I start...

It wasn't until I read the first chapter of the second book that a few things became clear to me.

Firstly, Mike refuses to take responsibility and set clear rules for the girls, which leads to arguments between them.

And he waited four long years and still did nothing.

Second, his best friend Matt (who is a wimp, by the way) tells him a sob story that he (ie, Matt) just let the woman he apparently loved disappear from his life, which is what led to this his family broke up.

This leads Mike to think that something similar is going to happen to him and his family (who says that???) and then he can think of nothing better than to inflict incredible torment on the women he keeps telling himself he loves more than anything .

Even though his girls TOLD him that his family doesn't have to end up like Matt's.

All Mike had to do was learn from his friend's mistakes.

And what does he do instead?

He runs away and for another four years he can't find the courage to fix the shit he's caused.

What an indescribably cowardly pussy...

Then Mike comes back and at least two of the girls forgive him just like that.

Sure, of course...

Dear author, I would STRONGLY recommend that you trash chapter 30 and the first 4 chapters of book two.

But I'm sure it won't happen.


Why am I writing my comment here under Chapter 4 even though I haven't read it yet?

Because I'm not sure YET if I want to read those chapters (ie, 2-4).

As I wrote before, I would prefer that you Dear Mentalcase to trash these chapters.

The same thing happened to me with "My Sister Made Me", I stopped at chapter 11 as well.

I just say "Bryce you asshole"...


Regardless of my harsh words, dear Mentalcase, you should be proud of your work.

You managed to touch me deeply with your storys about Mike and his sisters AND especially about Alex and Toni.

Not every story does that...


Please excuse my spelling, English is not my first language.

MfkndragonMfkndragonabout 2 years ago

What you going to just leave us hanging and not write another chapter though you left it wide open and unfinished I truly hope your not going to be like so many other writers and leave us the readers hanging and leave your best story series unfinished this way if you on I'll never read another story from you again

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