Joel and Carrie Ch. 09


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Michelle was short like I expected and built like a typical gymnast. She was wearing a spandex-like practice outfit with shorts. The gymnast was thin and well muscled. She was also Asian.

"Happy?" Carrie gasped as I continued to move in and out of her ass.

"Hardly!" the girl said, her dark eyes lighting with desire. "This is so hot! I love watching!"

"Then watch and shut up!" Carrie cried. "I'm close!" Michelle moved around so she could see better.

"Oh my God!" the gymnast cried in disbelief. "Look at the size of his cock!"

"I don't have to look," Carrie moaned. "I can feel it!"

"Wait!" Michelle cried, moving closer for a better look. "He's fucking your ass?"

"Yes!" my girl cried.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Michelle asked, distracting Carrie's building orgasm again.

"Joel, please shut her up!"

I reached for Michelle. Her eyes grew big, but she didn't back away.

"I said watch!" she cried.

At that point I couldn't care less. I pulled her close to me until her face was inches from mine. Her almond eyes and Asian features were new to me.

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked, panting now.

"Whatever you want!" I growled. "After you shut up and let me finish Carrie."

"I don't want..." she began, but I cut her off by pulling her into a passionate kiss. She was definitely startled, but didn't pull away, at least not until Carrie decided to try something.

"What the..." Michelle cried. It only took me a second to see that Carrie had pushed down the shorts the gymnast was wearing and reached for the dark haired pussy.

"Is this a problem?" Carrie asked, reaching for Michelle's pussy again. The Asian girl stepped close again.

"No way!" she grinned. "I was just surprised is all. I would never have guessed you were this wild."

"You have no idea how wild I can be!" Carrie said hungrily, pushing Michelle's leotard to the side and placing her fingers at the entrance to the Asian girl's pussy. My girl paused for a second before pushing her fingers inside.

"Oh yeah!" Michelle cried. "So much for watching!"

"Kiss her!" I demanded.

"Like this?" the Asian girl grinned, leaning toward Carrie and opening her mouth. Carrie closed the distance. Their mouths locked together.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned, reaching for the gymnast tight ass. It was small, but very muscular.

"You like?" she asked, looking at me sexily. "You know, being a gymnast, I'm very flexible."

"Oh no!" Carrie laughed. "Joel, finish me first!"

"Shame, shame Joel," Michelle grinned. "Tormenting a girl so!"

I let go of the Asian girl's ass and took hold of Carrie's hips again. I wanted Michelle, but not as much as I wanted my Golden Goddess!

"How's this?" I asked, driving deep. "Better?"

"Much!" Carrie moaned.

"Wow!" Michelle said, shaking her head.

"Don't just stand there," Carrie said to the Asian girl. "Help!"

"My pleasure," Michelle smiled and then slipped down in front of Carrie. I wasn't sure what she was doing until I felt her tongue brush my cock accidentally as she began to lick my golden goddess's pussy.

"Oh! Keep doing that for just a few seconds more!" Carrie cried. It wasn't long before my girl added, "Now shift to my clit! Please!" I could tell that Carrie was holding the Asian girl's faced against her opening.

"Come on Carrie!" I grunted. "Cum for me. Cover Michelle's face with your juices! Do it!"

There were two cries a moment later, one right after the other. Carrie's was one of release. She came so hard that her juices sprayed into Michelle's mouth, causing the gymnast to cry out in a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

As soon as my girl was done the Asian girl tried to grab my hand and pull me toward the bed. Instead, I lifted Carrie and carried her. My girl was smiling in satisfaction as I placed her there.

"What now?" Michelle asked.

"First I want to return the favor you just did for me," Carrie answered. "After that, my boyfriend and I are going to see just how flexible you are."

"So you really are her boyfriend?" Michelle asked in surprise. "The one that goes to school across country?"

"Yes," I replied. The Asian girl nodded as if absorbing what I was saying.

"Well, I guess I can see why she didn't break up with you," she finally smiled.

"In a few minutes, you'll feel it too," Carrie put in. "After I get you ready. Unless you only like to give and not receive?"

"Oh," Michelle smiled. "I like to receive too!"

"Then come here," my girl laughed. "I'm still too tired to move." The Asian girl quickly moved over and straddled Carrie's face. My girl held the smaller woman's muscular thighs. I could see Carrie's tongue slip past the almond-eyed beauty's sparse hair and into her depths.

"Oh yeah!" Michelle cried. "You've clearly done this before!" I stood there enjoying the sight for a few minutes, but I needed to use the restroom.

"I'll be back in a couple of minutes," I smiled as I put back on my clothes and grabbed a towel. "Be ready."

"I will be!" Michelle cried. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning already. The Asian girl was riding my girl's face like a pro. Carrie squeezed Michelle's thick thighs and was obviously licking with everything she had. I smiled and left the room.

I walked down the hall to the bathroom shaking my head as I went. After everything that happened over the last few days, I really didn't expect to be in bed with Carrie and some random girl. On the other hand, Michelle was a hot little thing and a gymnast to boot.

"I guess we'll always end up getting involved with horny and hot people," I laughed to myself.

I brought the towel with me to wash up, but decided that I might as well take a quick shower. I had to put on the same clothes, but that was okay. I'd deal.

I was still thinking about how weird it was for Michelle to interrupt us, refuse to leave and then join us as I finished showering and dried. I pictured her the way I saw her last, straddling my girl's face. My cock stiffening and I left the bathroom and walking back toward Candice's room. I was daydreaming a bit and almost didn't notice Kip and Candice at the door. She had her key out.

"Wait!" I cried. "You might not want to go in there."

"Why?" Candice asked. "Are Andie and my sister still sleeping?"

"They're in Andie and Carrie's room," I said. "Carrie is in there, with a friend."

"A friend?" Kip asked.

I swallowed and looked between them. I wasn't a great liar and didn't like doing it. On the other hand, I had no idea how they'd react.

"Carrie and I slept in Candice's room last night," I began to explain. "Andie was drunk and we didn't want to move her. Summer stayed with her."

"Hm, should I go check on Andie?" Candice asked.

"No!" I said a little too quickly. I didn't want Candice walking in on her sister and Andie until they were ready to tell her the truth about them. "We checked earlier. They're fine. In fact, last I saw they were lying in bed again. They might have gone back to sleep." It wasn't really a lie. It was possible.

"Who is in there with Carrie?" Kip asked.

"Well," I said, decided that honestly was the best policy. Besides, there was no point in trying to be smart now that Michelle already in there. Candice and Kip would be interested in what I was about to offer. I was sure of it. Of course, I wasn't sure they'd accept it. "A girl came to the door while Carrie and I were occupied. She guessed what we were doing based on the noises she heard."

"That must have been embarrassing," Kip grinned.

"More annoying," I shrugged. "We were close."

"What happened?" Candice asked, blushing slightly.

"Well, she wouldn't leave so Carrie let her in," I said.

"She let her in?" Kip cried.

"Like I said, we were close and at that point we weren't thinking all that clearly," I explained.

"Wow," Kip said.

"But what are they doing in there if you're out here?" Candice asked.

"Um," I said, hesitating. "Think about what you saw in the movie last night."

"Holy shit!" Kip cried.

"Shush!" Candice snapped. "Someone might hear you!"

"I'm about to go back in if that's okay with you," I said.

"Be my guest!" Kip laughed. "You lucky shit!"

"Well, I was sort of asking Candice," I grinned. "It is her room."

"Go ahead, I guess," the blond said shaking her head. "I still can't believe it though."

"You're welcome to come in and see with your own eyes," I offered.

"You can't be serious!" Kip cried.

"Shush!" Candice cried again in annoyance. "Does it really excite you that much?"

"Of course it does!" I laughed. "Don't you remember his reaction when Carrie and you kissed?" I saw the pale blond touch her lips. My girl's kiss was still on her mind.

"Who is in there with Carrie?" Kip asked.

"Hmm," I said thoughtfully. "I'm not sure I should answer that question, unless of course you do want to join us."

"Join you?" Candice asked in surprise.

"Carrie would love another kiss," I smiled.

"Now that is something I'd like to see again!" Kip said excitedly.

"Oh, you'd be doing more than watching," I grinned. "But keep in mind, so would Candice."

"What do you mean?" he frowned.

"Kip," I said slowly, seeing his concern. It was funny really. Guys were supposed to be constantly horny and up for anything, but it always seemed like they were the ones to hesitate when Carrie and I invited a couple to join us. "There are two horny naked women in there. I know for a fact that one would be all over you if you joined us."

"And Candice," he grinned, picturing it.

"Sure," I shrugged. "Don't forget though, I'll be there too. Don't worry, I won't be bothering you, but I will be having just as much fun with the ladies. All of them."

It took Kip a moment for the truth to set in. Candice caught on quicker. She blushed and looked at me. I smiled and met her gaze. Her eyes sparkled in interested despite her embarrassment.

"Hey! No way!" Kip began, but Candice stopped him.

"Calm down Kip," she said. "We're not going to do anything unless we both agreed."

"I don't agree..." he began, but his girl cut him off again.

"I said calm down," she interjected. "If you don't want to, that's fine. I'm not sure I want to go in there anyway."

"You don't have to. I understand if you don't want to sleep with a sleep with a guy you hardly know," Kip said quickly. "Besides, Joel is Carrie's boyfriend. I could see why you wouldn't want to be with him."

"Kip," Candice said carefully. "The whole situation is crazy, but if I were being honest, I'd have to say I'm less concerned about Joel than Carrie and the other girl. You get excited when you think about me with other girls, but it scares me a little."

"No problem," Kip said, relieved and disappointed at the same time. "We don't have to do this."

"I know that," she replied. "But I said I was scared, not uninterested. I see the way you react when it comes up and I can't deny that I enjoyed Carrie's kiss. If you want to go in, I will."

"You would let Joel..." he began, but this time I interrupted.

"She would let me do whatever you were doing to both Carrie and Michelle," I said. "Maybe."

"Michelle?" Kip cried, his eyes growing big. "The gymnast?"

"It would be her!" Candice sighed loudly.

"Damn," I frowned. I guess it wasn't a big deal, but I was mad at myself for letting slip the girl's name.

"Don't worry," Candice said. "Neither Kip or I will tell a soul."

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Only that Kip has had a thing for her almost as long as he has for me," the blond replied.

"It's not the same," he said. "I love you."

"But you want her," Candice said. "Be honest."

"I can't deny it," he shrugged. "But that doesn't mean I don't want you more."

"Even after last night?" she asked.

"Especially because of last night," he smiled.

"Well, we can't stand out here in the hall talking about it all day. I'm going inside. You two can follow or not."

"You're really willing to share Carrie with me?" Kip asked, shaking his head.

"Just her body and friendship," I shrugged. "Not her love. Just like you and Candice would be sharing her body and friendship with me."

"But not my love," the pale blond finished. "That's all yours."

"You want to do this?" Kip frowned.

"I really don't know," she shrugged. "But I know a part of you does. I guess I can't blame you. Carrie is absolutely gorgeous and you've had a thing for Michelle since freshman year. If you really want them, I'm willing to at least try."

"You're a lucky guy Kip," I smiled. "To have a woman that loves you that much. I'll be inside." I slipped past them and into the room.

"It's about time!" Carrie cried. Michelle was on her back now and my girl was between her legs, driving two fingers deep and licking the Asian girl's pussy.

"Is Michelle ready?" I grinned.

"And then some!" the gymnast cried. "Carrie's already licked me to one orgasm and I'm close to a second!"

"My tongue is tired," Carrie said. "You take over."

"Gladly," I said, but instead of lying down I reached for the Asian girl and lifted her from the bed. She was very light and I spun her until her pussy was inches from my mouth and her head was down between my legs. Her pussy was soaked with her juices and from my girl's wet kisses. I had no problem diving in and tasting the mix.

I felt the small girl's hands undoing my pants. Being upside down didn't seem to bother her at all. She quickly reached in and took my cock in her hands. She stroked it for a few seconds with both hands.

"It's even bigger than I thought!" Michelle cried hungrily, and then took the head of my cock into her mouth.

"She tastes good, doesn't she?" Carrie asked as she stood in front of me. The only thing separating us was Michelle small, tight body.

"Yes, she does," I smiled. Carrie leaned forward and kissed me briefly over Michelle.

"Let's make her cum this way," my girl said, reaching out and pushing two fingers into Michelle's pussy. I went to work on the Asian girl's clit. She moaned loudly.

"You two are going to kill me!" Michelle cried as she pulled my cock free of her mouth. A moment later she exploded. Her juices actually squirted up into the air. Carrie pulled her fingers free and shared Michelle's cum with me.

"You'd better turn her right side up again," Carrie grinned a few moments later. "Before she passes out."

"Now what?" Michelle gasped as I placed her on the bed.

"What do you think?" I grinned, lying on my back. Carrie grabbed my cock and stroked it a few times before holding it up and looking at the Asian girl.

"It's now of never," she smiled.

"Definitely now!" Michelle cried, squatting over my cock and slowly sinking down on it.

She was facing me and I loved watching her face as she took as much of me in as she could. Michelle was barely half way down the length of my cock when she stopped. I reached out and used the thumb of one hand on her clit.

"Oh fuck!" Michelle cried, shaking as her next orgasm took her.

Carrie was behind her, helping her hold herself up. The Asian girl leaned back into my girl's heavy breasts and rested her head back on Carrie's shoulder. My Golden Goddess tilted her head and kissed Michelle. That's when Candice and Kip walked in.

"Oh my fucking God!" Kip cried. Candice remained silent, but she was licking her lips. Carrie and I exchanged a look. I winked and she smiled slightly.

"What the fuck?" Michelle cried in concern.

She tried to pull off of me, but I grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled down. Another inch of my cock drove up into her. Carrie started kissing the Asian girl more passionately. She also began to seriously massage the gymnast's small breasts with one hand and reaching lower with the other. I turned to Candice and Kip.

"Come help," I said. "Michelle may need more convincing."

"More!" the Asian girl cried, but I don't think it was convincing she was talking about. Kip and Candice hesitated.

"Carrie, go get Candice," I said.

"With pleasure," my girl smiled.

"No!" Michelle cried. "Don't stop!"

"Don't," Candice said, her expression losing that stunned look. "It would be too cruel."

"Then come here," Carrie smiled. The pale blond looked at Kip, but he was still standing there with his mouth hanging open. She looked back at my girl and her inviting smile.

"Okay," Candice said softly and slowly drifted over. Carrie reached out with one hand and pulled the pale blond to her when she was close enough. Candice moved slowly, but eventually their lips met.

"That is still so damn hot!" Kip cried.

"How is this then?" my girl grinned, pushing Candice's head toward Michelle.

The two looked at each other for a moment. There was desire there and acceptance. They kissed. Kip's groan this time wasn't the only one.

Carrie watched for a few moments before shifting away and letting Candice take her place. My girl was smiling sexily as she walked toward Kip. Carrie exuded a sexual magnetism that was impossible to ignore when she was like this, not that Kip tried.

"I knew you were beautiful, but this is something else!" he said softly as she approached. Carrie didn't bother answering. She just helped him pull off his clothes. After that she made him sit on the desk chair. My girl straddled Kip facing toward him and sank down on his cock slowly. She also pulled his face to her full breasts.

The angle wasn't easy for Candice to see, but I noticed her trying. I smiled and got her attention. She looked at me and I pointed toward the big mirror. Carrie and Kip were easily visible there. She watched for a few seconds.

"Candice," I said softly. "Carrie was massaging Michelle's breasts before."

The pale blond reached down with both hands. The Asian girl moaned and kissed Candice again. This continued for a few minutes.

"Carrie also had one hand lower," I prompted. This time the pale blond hesitated.

"Please!" Michelle cried. "Please! I'm so close! Rub my clit!"

Candice continued to hesitate. I reached out and took one of her hands in mine. I slowly moved it to the almond-eyed beauty's center. Candice locked eyes with me as she slowly began rubbing. I let go and moved my hand around Michelle's hip to her ass. I played with the opening gently. That was all it took.

"Oh fuck!" Michelle cried as her orgasm exploded. She stayed on top of me and rode my cock until she was done. After that, she fell off and to the side.

It was the first good look Candice got of my cock. Her eyes grew big for a second and then surprisingly hungry. She pulled her clothes off quickly, glanced at Kip who was oblivious because Carrie was bouncing on his lap, and then moved toward me. I got up and let her take my place on the bed.

"Watch him!" Michelle giggled as she sat up. "He has a thing for asses!"

"Really?" the pale blond asked as the Asian girl moved off the bed. I couldn't tell if she was interested or no, but decided to leave it for the moment.

"I have a thing for beautiful women," I smiled. "And you're certainly that."

Candice lay on her back and opened her arms to me. I moved into them and kissed her. Her tongue danced in my mouth with quite a bit of ferocity. I returned the passion and slipped one hand between us. He pussy was opened and ready. It was also extremely hot and sticky.

"Put it in!" she demanded softly. "I've never had a cock so big!"

I pushed in slowly, expecting to have to stop a few times. Girls usually couldn't take me all at once the first time. Candice surprised me by grabbing my ass and pulling me hard toward her. I followed her lead and pushed the full length of my cock inside.

"Oh my God!" she gasped, still whispering. "I've never felt so full!" Her eyes grew big at her own words and she covered her mouth. She quickly tried to look over at Kip, but he'd moved.

I shifted her head so that she was looking in the mirror again. It was hard to see, but Kip was now on the floor. This time Michelle was riding him while Carrie wrapped his head in her thighs and pussy.