Jim and Edie Again Ch. 15-16


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My ten-minute timer went off and I stopped. After catching my breath, I said, "I am going to kill off every ounce of cellulite in my body."

He shook his head, "I don't think you can do that. You can slow down or stop the rate of accretion, at best. Elimination takes surgery. I am not thinking that any part of you is deficient, so don't go that route."

I ignored his comment, although I knew he was right. "I'm changing my diet, too; and I bought some new special creams that you can help spread around my backside."

He grinned, "With delight. May I use my tongue?"

I rolled my eyes, although I liked his idea. I said, "Maybe. I'm not sure about the ingredients or taste. We need to keep you healthy, too."

He said, "Funny you should mention this, and have some new equipment. The guys and I were talking about staying in shape over lunch. This is good stuff. Am I allowed to use it?"

"Oh, yes." I wiped the sweat off my face with a towel, and then kissed him.

He asked, "You going to shower or use the pool?"

"I thought I'd skinny-dip." I looked alluringly at him and then peeled my damp t-shirt over my head.

Five minutes later, we were fucking on one of the chaises beside the pool. We only went in the pool after we consummated our lovemaking.

* * * * *

I never thought that Edie needed to firm up or change her body, but she did. I have to admit after a month of her intense workouts, several things had happened.

First, she became even more delectable. The slight bit of flab under her arms that waved when she did disappeared. She had visible biceps and triceps. Her butt stopped having that extra jiggle when she walked. Her legs displayed distinct muscles in both her calves and her quads. Her pecs solidified and carried her breasts a little higher. Her ab muscles showed slightly, but she was thinner through her gut. The abdominal pooch almost all aged men and women get, all but vanished. Three hundred sit-ups a day were working, along with the Stairmaster. She was still adding reps or time each day to each exercise she did.

Second, she needed an afternoon nap. She'd spend over two hours in the morning working out until she was ready to drop, eat a piece of celery and a lettuce leaf for lunch, and then we'd make love. We'd both fall asleep, but she really needed it.

One day after she'd exercised, she asked, "Do you think I'm sexy?"

I was feeling especially randy, and we hadn't happened to make love when we got up that morning. At the risk of throwing my back out, I picked up Edie, put her over my shoulder fireman style, and walked into the bedroom with her protesting the entire way, mostly about me throwing my back out of whack.

In the bedroom, I removed every piece of clothing we both had -- not many. She was complaining that she needed a shower, had to call Mindy, needed to eat, and so on. I ignored her and plunged my tongue as deep into her sweaty crotch and wet vagina as I could make it go, and then got my fingers to join in the small fuck fest I was planning.

Forty-five minutes later, we'd fucked ourselves into a state of oblivion. I'd told her several dozen times about my love for her, but I had one further message.

"Edie, you asked if you are sexy? You are the hottest woman in existence. How can you even think of asking that? You turn me on every time I see you regardless of what you're wearing. Just thinking about you, gives me an erection because you're so sexy. So, to answer the question you asked almost an hour ago, 'YES, you are sexy to an extreme.'

"I want you to notice a few things when we get together with any of our friends that we have a relationship with. ALL the men want to be with you, especially the younger men. Why? Because you are not only sexy, but you are the best dispositioned of any of the other females. You also fuck like a mink, and can make your pussy do subtle things that leave every one of us breathless and satisfied beyond belief. You can dish out dirty talk like the town pump. We all want to go on again and again with you.

"The women also want you for the same reasons. Yes, you're sexy even to other females including your daughter and mine. You create calm and a loving atmosphere wherever you roam. Everyone loves you.

"I still worry that you'll get tired of me, and take up with a hot young bachelor whose got a cock the size of Kentucky, endurance like a race horse, and stamina to constantly please you. You inspire me in so many ways."

Edie had started to kiss all around my face as I talked, her bare breasts stroking across my chest and shoulder. She said, "I'M .NOT. EVER. LEAVING. YOU. I love you so much. You put up with my insecurities and deal with them in exactly the right way. One of the reasons I'm putting so much effort into reshaping my body is so that you don't leave ME. I want to be the best I can for you.

"You're so trim and it doesn't seem to matter what you eat or drink. You're handsome to a fault. Look at how you turn on women you've never met at the relationship seminars. You end up with a few of them in our bed every time."

I chuckled, "You don't seem to mind their husbands, who are usually pretty good-looking and desirous of some time with you -- you gorgeous thing."

Edie grinned and then kissed my nose, "True, that. I do like variety, even outside our usual group of friends and family. If that's ever not okay with you, you've got to tell me."

I shook my head, "Unlikely. I love the other women, and being able to enjoy sex with them makes our get-togethers special. The women at the retreats, as you said about the men, add a little special variety beyond our normal group. I want to say the same thing to you; if our sexual liaisons with others bothers you, you've got to tell me, too. I'm a guy; I'll fuck a dead snake."

I laughed, "I think we're both so over-sexed most of the time that we love to have a 'naughty' fuck whenever we can."

Edie giggled, "I confess that you're right. Come on, let's shower and have lunch. I feel a nap coming on."

After our shower and drying off, Edie just slipped on her CFM shoes and headed for the kitchen with me right behind her admiring the landscape. Lunch was nice. The nap was superb.

We hosted the Saturday get-together for everyone at our house on the bay. Quickly after arriving, all the women wore only their bikini bottoms, except for Edie who went naked as usual. No one complained.

Penny, Carolyn, and Amy were successively pregnant, and progressively starting to show the signs of a rounded abdomen. Their chatter with each other discussed the various symptoms of the phenomenon they were undergoing. Jean, Mindy, Rita, and of course Edie all loved to listen and join in. The only non-mother in the group was Penny, and she was as worried as the proverbial cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

I did happen to note that my prognostication about the men having a slight preference for Edie was mostly true. That night my son Josh somehow got first dibs on her, and they ended up on the massage table putting on a show for the rest of us. It wasn't anything that unique, except a young man and an exceptionally beautiful older woman fucking the bejesus out of each other, while eleven others watched them as they also started to get romantic and fuck.

I collected Carolyn and Jean for my first foray of the evening. All three of us were eager to be with each other. Jean remained convinced that I'd sired little Diane, and that made me extra-special in her book. I remained touched by her gesture to name the baby after my late wife, but she said it was to also honor me for being such a great man. Hanging around her was ego gratifying. Making love with her was even better.

Carolyn, Jean, and I decided we'd be more comfortable in a bed, so we went into the master bedroom. I put one of Edie's porn videos on the television, and we started to romance each other. I loved seeing my daughter getting sexually involved with another woman, and she sure didn't disappoint me that night. Either she read my signals, or was just horny for sapphic interplay.

Several times, I'd just sit back and watch the two of them. I would have been in the way much of the time, in any case. What can a guy do while two women are tribbing? I did kiss them a lot, rub them all over, especially their breasts and then we took turns fucking as the other sat on my face or the face of the other woman. We were soon covered in cum and girl juice, a combination I happened to seriously enjoy.

I also knew from experience that both of them loved dirty talk. I described in sexy and erotic terms what I was seeing and my reaction, right to the end of my cock. I talked about how the others in the group would respond to seeing what they were doing. It was hot. They loved it all, and I'm sure it fired them up to more orgasms and a lasting sense of horniness.

About two hours later, Mindy came and joined us. Carolyn went out for some more cock, but Jean stayed and played for another round, making sure that Mindy got preferential treatment. When Mindy had been splattered with my cum, and then cleaned up, the three of us returned to the patio.

Edie was riding David cowgirl, and Matt was standing with his legs spread over David so that she could suck his cock as she looked forward. It was a sexy combination and positioning, but I wondered about the David's viewpoint. As I wandered by the trio, I leaned down, avoided Matt's cock, and kissed Edie. I got a great smile in return. She said, "I'm so happy."

I took a swim, and coming out of the pool I was confronted by Penny. She just walked into my arms and kissed me, and told me that she loved me. She helped me dry off and then we went to the master bedroom and made love.

Edie came in as Penny rode my body and I pawed and lapped at her breasts. She kissed both of us, and then got in bed. I could tell she'd been in the pool, too. She sucked on one of her daughter's breasts when she wasn't kissing me. Ultimately, I filled Penny's tight little fuzzy pussy, and then the three of us fell asleep with me between the two beauties.

Sunday morning, I was up early and found that only Bruce, Mindy, Rita, and Hank had left the house. The others were paired up in one of the guest rooms. I found Matt and Jean making love in one bed, so that left Josh cuddling with sister Carolyn, and David cuddling Amy. I loved the fluid relationships in our family.

I swam and by the time I got out Edie was getting ready for her speed walk across the bridge between our key and the city. I asked her to wait, and less than five minutes later, I joined her. We hustled down the street after leaving a note and breakfast suggestions. The coffee was perking.

When we got back about an hour later, we were sweaty but limbered up. Edie kept her exercise clothes on and went into our home gym to start her morning routine with the Stairmaster, weights, and the other equipment.

Josh, Matt, David, and all the women except Penny had left to go home and relieve the overnight baby sitters they'd hired. Penny was superbly naked except for an apron and had cooked us some eggs. She knew the dietary needs of her mom, and adhered to the portion control as well as the specific allowable foods. I ate the same allotted meal and felt a little hubris because of it. I'd lost ten pounds on Edie's diet, plus I was also getting in better shape than I'd been due to the exercises that I participated in.

As Edie pumped away on the Stairmaster, Penny went and talked to her about pregnancy and childbirth. I guess this was a talk they hadn't had before. I did some weights and sit-ups and then went off to my computer to do my online routine, and then to work on a story Edie had encouraged me to write.

David and Jean came back with baby Diane for lunch. Jean got naked and then nursed the baby while also having a sandwich. After lunch, they collected Penny and went off shopping. Edie and I had some reclamation sex, as she called it, and we took a nap. Later, we did a grocery list, and planned out the week's other errands. Life got terribly routine.

Monday, Eva and Alan stopped by for lunch. We went off with our opposites and made love for an hour and then went out for lunch. Both women were giggly about feeling the cum leaking from their pussies. I obviously hadn't cleaned up Eva at her request, and Edie had given Alan a pass on the activity because she wanted that 'special' feeling. She did wear undies and a pad. After lunch, we returned to the house, repeated the before lunch sexual activity only on our patio in the shade, took a swim, and then they joined us in cuddling and we all took brief naps. Did I mention that we both love variety?

We sat around after a post-nap swim and the couple both told us they had some relatively sad news to share.

Alan said in a somewhat sorrowful tone, "We're moving to Texas. I got head-hunted by a company in Austin, and accepted the post. It's a big move for my career."

Eva said, "I job searched the area, and I landed a great job out there, too. We have two more weeks here, and then we're gone. Alan's new company is taking over the house and will see to selling it, and all that end of things. They've given us a furnished apartment while we look for a home we like. We're flying out on the weekend to see homes."

Edie and I hugged the couple and told them how we'd miss them. We wanted constant reports about their lives. They both said that they would be trying to duplicate the Sexual Ten' again, or something close to it. We assured them that they'd always be welcome at any of our gatherings if they had occasion to be back in our area.

We'd had other people leave our lives, but this was the first time somebody in our intimate circle of friends was departing in a way so that we wouldn't see them for a long time, if ever. Among our older friends, I was a little more fatalistic, worrying about one of them dying as their way of departure.

* * * * *

The following Friday afternoon, Edie and I drove up to an address outside of Gainesville, Florida, that Alice and Carl had given us. The Center, as it was called, was at the end of a long curvy driveway that afforded the place a lot of privacy. The core building was modern and large, and about the same size as the more rustic lodge that I'd worked at several times in the past few months. There was one wing on the building that I suspected held the bedrooms for those staying over.

Carl welcomed us in the parking lot. He was naked, much to Edie's delight. She kissed him and played with his equipment as he tried to bat her hand away. He didn't want to play just then. As I set our single bag on the ground, he commented, "You won't need clothes for this seminar. We're being nudists ... and hedonists, although we're underplaying the second role for everyone. I knew you wouldn't mind."

I raised my eyebrows at him. Alice came out of the core building, also beautifully naked. After our greetings, she said, "I'm sorry I forgot to talk about the dress code. The day I signed you up I was thinking about content and not the rest of the atmosphere.

"We want people open, vulnerable, and exposed for this, plus we want to foster some unique new relationships between attendees ... and faculty. Others have held nude retreats of all kinds, so we thought we'd try it. That led to finding this facility."

I asked, "So, we're going to be naked the whole time we're here?"

Alice nodded, "Yes. We want to foster an erotic atmosphere. The people attending know; it was part of what they signed up for. They're all at different stages, however. I'm counting on you to get them on the same page."

Edie was already removing her clothes and laying them on the hood of the car. She said, "I don't need details, just some of those hedonistic orgasms that I'm guessing are lurking around this seminar somewhere. I hope you have lots of virile and handsome men attending."

Alice laughed, "Knowing you, you'll be right at home. We're emphasizing sexuality and the Tantric lovemaking in this two-and-a-half-day session. As I told you on the phone, your part is to extend their thinking about relationships and intimacy. We want to see lots of sexual interaction between the participants, especially people that don't know each other. You'll get the drift this afternoon. Come on, we'll talk over lunch.

I smiled. "We'd talked about this situation, but this is reality. Edie and I are up for it. I just didn't expect the nudity for everyone. I hope I don't have to teach with a hard-on." I chuckled.

Carl led us inside and to our assigned 'dorm' room. We left our suitcase and clothes. There were two king-size beds in the room. I commented to Carl, "Party Central?"

He laughed, "If you want it to be. We're openly encouraging that to happen. The attendees got told that was one of the agenda items for the retreat -- I believe the words were 'fostering intimate relationships with other retreat attendees'."

We strolled around the grounds for a few moments and talked about the afternoon's sessions and content, and then went inside to the dining area for lunch. Twenty years earlier, my late wife Diane and I had gone to a nudist camp over a summer weekend near Annapolis, Maryland. The scene that greeted us in the dining area made me recall all of that.

Before a word could be said, "Alice stood from her seat at one of the dining tables, and said in a loud voice, "Your attention, please. I want to introduce our third faculty member and his partner, Jim and Edie. I'll do more of an introduction in our classroom, but here they are."

Edie and I waved at everyone and I tried to make eye contact at each of the tables. We got our lunches buffet style and sat. We quickly met Lisa, Gail, Don, and Trey. Only then did we see that almost everyone at the tables was blushing and slightly embarrassed. I guess because of our frequent group sex, I wasn't embarrassed being naked in a crowd, and I checked with Edie and she seemed just fine.

As we made small talk and greeting conversations, I tried to think of an exercise that would relax everyone about their nudity. I mentioned it to Alice, but she didn't seem to see the problem. If people weren't relaxed, they weren't learning or absorbing the material and the changes they'd come to the seminar for.

I pulled out my iPhone to do some quick research. There wasn't a lot on nude group retreats. The most popular subject was Nude Yoga. Google gave me about fifty million responses to my question, so I started scanning for ideas.

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BrokenLance13BrokenLance13almost 3 years ago

Wonderful wonderful story! We are enjoying this immensely!!

I started out by reading ‘The Circle’ by myself and a germ started to grow. When I started reading ‘Loosening Up’ I included my wife Roxy while engaged in bedtime reading. That lead to some in depth conversations and some lifestyle changes.

Now as we started reading ‘Jim and Edie Again’, Bev is an addition to our loving union.

Love really is not a zero sum game and we are making that work for us!!

Please keep writing and inspiring!

We love everything you write.

Much love,

Lance, Roxy and Bev💜

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