Jim and Diane


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"You had no way of knowing how I'd react, Diane. I can't blame you either. I'm sure with you having a home in our neighborhood you couldn't afford to let the others know for fear that they'd drive you out too. I wouldn't have, nor some of my neighbors, but you never know. Lets go get something to eat. My treat?"

"I'd love to Jim. Very much."

We ate and then I found myself at Diane's house in her bedroom for the first time. I was impressed with her taste in decorations. Simple yet stated. Quite impressive. It had to have been to capture my attention. We romped all night in her bed...fucking and making love. It was different now. We knew that we loved each other and had declared our love to each other too.

I spent a lot of time just looking into her eyes, learning what they looked like, never wanting to forget the moments we shared. The next morning I went home and cleaned up. I thought about where we were heading together, and knew that at some point I'd have to decide if Diane was the one. At the moment I was sure of it, yet I held back.

A few days went by with Diane and I seeing each other every night. Then on Friday night she asked me if I wanted to go see her work. I was not sure how I'd handle it, and told her so.

"Jim, I've been thinking, would you want to come see me at work? I mean, you would see me in action...so to speak, and maybe get a handle on how I earn my living."

"Oh Diane, I want to see you dancing that's for sure, but I'm not sure about watching you do lap dances for some other guys. I...I'm not sure how I'll handle seeing you actually doing that with someone else."

"I could dance for you especially here and give you kind of an idea. I just thought that you were curious how I do it in front of other men. I know that you and I are heading into a serious relationship...I just want you to know what I deal with and how I handle...other men."

"What if I get so jealous that I get into a fight? I don't want you to get fired nor do I want to go to jail either."

"One of the bouncers dates a dancer. They've been pretty serious for over a year. Maybe I could get you to be with him while I dance and he could talk to you about how he feels and thinks while his girlfriend is dancing too. He'd keep you from getting into trouble I think...and then you'd have a first hand look at me at work. I want you to see me because I want you to understand that I don't accept 'dates' with anyone at the club, nor do I prostitute myself out."

"Well...I would or at least I think I would love to see you in action...so go ahead and talk to the bouncer and set me up I guess. I want you to know that I may have a hard time with it...but I won't hate you."

Prophetic last words there let me tell you. I assumed that Diane would dance and I'd get turned on watching her...the other men being there and seeing her like that bothered me, but I thought I'd be able to handle it all right.

The arrangements were made and I showed up at the club where Diane worked a bit ahead of time. I was nervous, and as I waited for her to come on, the bouncer and I talked about him and his girlfriend.

"So, you're Diane's man. Good to meet you."

Shaking his hand I discovered that he had one strong grip. He didn't do the 'macho' type handshake, it was a naturally strong grip. I could see his muscles were huge and he looked like a tough person that was capable of handling most situations.

"Yeah. I'm not sure how this will all turn out...I'm a bit nervous about watching her in front of so many men."

"Yeah, it is a rush the first few times. You know, if you can trust and love your lady enough though, it enhances things a lot too. I know that Diane is a straight dancer here. Her and Sue, my girlfriend are about the only ones that don't offer special 'services' on the side. She's definitely a keeper."

"I love her and I hope I'll be able to handle all of this tonight. Like I said, I'm nervous how this will all end up."

"I'll be here to watch your back and to make sure you don't mess up either. It's my normal night off, but Diane and Sue convinced me to come in and visit with you."

The way he said 'visit' told me volumes. He was here on his own time to make sure I didn't embarrass Diane or end up in a fight. Diane and Sue must have been pretty close friends in order to get him to do this like he was.

"So, how do you feel when you watch...Sue...when she's dancing?"

"At first it really bothered me. I mean, all those guys trying to grab a feel and propositioning her all the time. After a while the club owner managed to convince me that Sue was an up front dancer, not a whore. I did have some issues for a while though. You being here like this will go a long ways to helping you understand and maybe accept how Diane earns her keep. I do know that she has never done anything but dance since she's worked here. Lap dance and straight out stripping routines. No funny stuff for her that is certain. Not that some guys haven't tried their hardest to get into her panties."

"Do guys do that with Sue?"

"Oh yeah. Now I know that it is a kind of a benefit. I mean, It reminds me that there are a lot of guys out there that want what I have. I think it helps me to appreciate Sue a lot more. Besides, Sue handles herself quite well. She can get them worked up and still keep them off her. It's a technique that most dancers learn well."

The DJ was announcing Diane's turn next. She used the stage name 'Star' and when she came out I could see why. She looked different. A lot different. I had to look twice to see that it was indeed her.

She was wearing a glittery and skimpy dress. It was low cut in front with a deep plunge in front and back, and the sides were slit up above her hips. I could see she was wearing a G-string, and some kind of a bra, but the bra was almost invisible. Flesh toned I thought.

Dancing to what sounded like ZZ Top, she moved like someone that could make a blind man hard. Her body was glistening, like it had been lightly oiled up too. Under the lights the different colors that were shining on her made her look different with each color change.

I watched as most of the crowd moved in closer to the stage. Men were leaning in as far as they could trying to get a good place and view. It was obvious that Diane was one of the more popular dancers.

Otis, the bouncer leaned in and shouted over the loud music;

"She's one of the hotties. All the men drool over her. You'll see what I mean in a minute. Diane gets great tips. I think that a lot of the men here tip her well in hopes that one day she'll take them up on their more base offers for a good time off premises."

I felt a bit hot and a bit jealous watching as the person I had fallen in love with taking off her clothes in front of a crowd of men. She moved with the music and her legs were snapping up and down in time to the music.

She danced over to the pole and spun around it, and moved her butt in such a way that I wanted to grab her and fuck her right there. If I was this turned on and hadn't seen any titties or ass yet, how were these other men feeling?

Her dress was coming off now, and the men were throwing money on the stage at her. Her muscles were taught and I couldn't get over how hot she looked. I had to remember that this was Diane, and I had been having a relationship with her for a while now.

Her nude colored bra had two purple cups that covered her breasts perfectly. When she stealthily slipped it off the hollering and shouting got louder. These guys were hot to touch her. Suddenly one of the men down in front moved way out and managed to grab her leg. Diane just danced away, and a bouncer was right there having a discussion with the offender. He managed to not get kicked out...but it was close.

Diane now was slipping her G-string down her legs as she laid on the stage on her back. Sideways as she was I could only feel lust inside me. All the men were praising her loudly, throwing even more money at her.

She got her G-string off and then spread her legs wide. Real wide. Once they were about as far as she could get them, she spun around facing the men in front of the stage. The howls and drooling went full bore. I could see her pussy, all shaved and wet looking.

She allowed men to stuff money in her spike heels, and garter on her lower leg. She moved around the stage spreading her legs and giving all the men a good look at the most private part of her. Watching the men I started to feel a serious jealous feeling creeping up inside me. Otis must have noticed it because he moved closer and started talking to me as best he could over the noise.

"You're feeling a bit jealous. It happens. It happened to me for a while at first too. Look, all those men down there...they all want what they can't have. Diane only wants one man, and that man is you. All those guys will ever get is what they are now...a look see. Maybe a few lucky one's will get to touch her leg or thigh as they stuff money in her garter. You...you get the full real deal. Diane only has eyes for you."

As he told me that I came to an understanding. I finally noticed that Diane had been watching me this whole time. Her eyes were most always on me. Maybe she was afraid of how I'd react. Maybe she was making sure she saw how I looked so she could tell what would or could happen between us now.

Otis talked to me as Diane finished up her set and disappeared back stage. He reassured me that he knew Diane was in love with me and had never touched another man since I had come along. While she had worked here she had never been one to go for the extra money that way. She had done bachelor parties and the like, but never with any sexual favors during or after those events.

Otis also told me how Diane had stressed over how I would react once I knew what she did for a living. She was so afraid of losing me she had even considered quitting dancing. I bounced some of my worries off of him and he was also reassuring on those too. I soon settled in my mind that what Diane did for a living was not much different than what any dancer would do.

In my mind I knew that I was a lucky man. I had the love and affections of a very beautiful woman. She was very good looking as attested to by all those drooling men down front. She loved me...I loved her. I had to trust her. Somehow I knew that things would work out for us.

Over the next months I worked it all out of my system and came to appreciate Diane's job as a benefit for me too. I knew that she'd get worked up thinking about me as she danced, and then when she got home after work she'd be over at my place waking me up at times to some great sex.

I would go watch her dance, seeing the men desiring her, and knowing that I was the one she came home to at the end of the night. In some ways it gave me confidence that I had lacked in certain areas. After all was said and done, our lives went on quite normally. Our sex life got super charged.

One night, after about eight months of dating, I finally realized I had to ask her to marry me. I arranged a date for us and then went in search of the perfect ring for her. My intent was to find an engagement ring myself, then if she wanted, we could go exchange it for one that suited her taste.

The diamond solitaire I picked out was perfect in my mind, and when I paid for it I had a feeling that things were going to get better than they already were. Diane, by this time had managed to find a job in a firm near where my business was located, and she had been learning the ropes there while still dancing. She was a hard worker, that was for sure.

The night of the dinner date I got dressed alone, as she was at her place dressing. I think she knew that something was in the wind for tonight...something very special. I had tried to down play the whole dinner date thing, but the place we were going to was a bit upscale from our usual list of places to go.

Once at the table and eating I noticed that there was a quite a crowd. I hadn't figured on other people seeing me on my knee asking her to marry me...but in some ways it kind of made me proud to be able to share my longing and love for her...showing her that I could ask her in style. I only hoped that she hadn't changed her mind, or worse, would tell me she had to think about it first. I was nervous as we ate, and the closer the time for me to ask her came the more nervous I got.

Finally, dinner done and desert on the way, I decided it was now or never. I got up and went around the table to one side of her chair. She had turned as I moved, a curious look with a smile on her face. As I knelt I heard the room go quiet. It was obvious what I was about to do...and the other patrons were waiting almost breathlessly as I got on one knee.

"Diane...I've thought about this for a long time now...and knowing that I love you as much as I do, there is only one thing I need. One person I need in my life...the one person I love. Diane...would you...marry me...please?"

You could have heard a pin drop at that point. Diane had tears in her eyes, and as I knelt there in the middle of the room, she just smiled and nodded...too choked up to talk at that moment. I, being a bit devious at that moment, stayed on my knee, digging around for the box with the ring in it...then handing it out...waited.

Her hands took mine, and as I pressed the ring box into her hands she finally managed to get out a simple, yet all encompassing word...one that I would take to my grave and never forget...ever.

"Yes." Clapping started all over the place, and people were cheering. The couple at the table next to where I was kneeling were talking to us...congratulating both of us. The waiter brought out a bottle of the house champagne compliments of the house.

Diane threw her arms around me, hugging me tight. We kissed...lightly as we were in a very public spot...what with all the people around...and as I watched, she placed that ring on her finger. I had been right...it fit her perfectly. Tears streaming down her face, she hugged me again, then I got up and sat back down in my seat.

"Yes...I'll marry you...Oh...yes. When you went to your knee... I knew...I just knew."

"You didn't catch on when I mentioned where we were going on our date?"

"I had an idea it was an important date...I never thought you were going to ask me to marry you here though. Actually, I figured you were going to ask me to move in with you."

"Oh? If I had what would your answer have been?"

"Yes. I had thought it out while we drove here...I was prepared to say yes. Then you got up and went around and knelt...I was thinking 'Oh My God...He's going to ask me to marry him!' and then you did. You've made me the most happy woman on the face of the planet...honestly...the absolute happiest in the world."

"Well then, soon to be Mrs. Anderson...Mrs. Diane Anderson...hmmm...has a certain ring to it doesn't it? Shall we have our dessert?"

"Yes...Mr. Anderson...my husband to be...Oh God...I can't believe it...you actually asked me on one knee...a girls dream come true. I love you so much Jim...I really do."

"I know...just as I love you too Diane."

I'd like to say that the ensuing years have been without problems...but like any married couple we have had a few small arguments...nothing major...and usually we have them all settled and made up before bed time.

Diane just did quit dancing last year...and having been married three years now...I found out that having a wife that is, or rather was, a stripper has some benefits. Now all her dancing is for me...and I make sure that I get her costumes (not that she needs them by the way) as often as I can.

She sold her house to a young couple and moved in with me. Together we have built our business up even more, and I have found her to be most helpful running the office. She is a natural hard worker, and very intelligent too. We have plans to add to our family starting next year too. I'm wanting a boy...she's wanting a girl. Wonder who's going to 'win' that one?

If you'll excuse me now... I hear some ZZ Top playing in the bedroom...it seems that my private dancer is getting ready for a special dance for me. I never have, nor will I ever even think of passing up one of those from my wife. Life is good.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

curious you did it again. you killed this story within 2 minutes of reading. TRY realism..Having a party and inviting your Immediate neighbors is a natural thing to do. why would you feel you may look foolish? because she is attractive? wow, that did this story in for me, knowing the rest would continue with the same lameness...

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

What a great love story, the fact she was a stripper was awkward but in the end she was not a whore or a slut. Jim was that special man that looked beyond the dancing to what a special individual she really was. Well done, great storyline and character development. 5 stars

GoodhueGoodhueabout 7 years ago
It takes a Certain Type of Man

It takes a Certain Type of Man to be able to accept his girlfriend/wife as a stripper. Lap dances and Bachelor Parties would have to make him think/worry/get jealous though.

While he's not exactly a cuck,there is that element involved in this relationship.I mean,is having other guys starring at your wife's naked pussy and tits as she undulates all over a stage or having her naked body rubbing all over a guy during a lap dance as she glides against his hard-on really being faithful? I guess if you believe Bill Clinton it is (Then again,he's a low-class sleaze with a wife who looks like/and is a horse's ass!)

All I can say for sure is that I don't think that I could handle it!

a BIG 5 for this well-written fantasy!

TheNextGuyTheNextGuyabout 10 years ago

I wonder why this good story only received nine reviews so far, it certainly deserves more!

If I was in Jim's shoes, I would have had a much harder time with Diane's job. It's one thing to know that your would-be girlfriend has been earning her money by taking her clothes off while dancing sexily in front of a bunch of horny guys. It's a whole other thing however, to keep that job until after the marriage. That's the one thing I would never be able to accept - but good on Jim if it has worked for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Not Just A Fantasy

Lovely story, very nicely done. One of the comments doubted that a dancer could be just that, and nothing more.

By the time I finished my army duty I was on my own. My parents had died in an auto accident. My sister was living in Los Angeles and my brother in Great Neck. I had been in gymnastics and I started dancing in Tel Aviv while doing Bar Ilan College. I know there is a G-d. I keep kosher. I took a room near the place I danced so I could walk there on Friday nights (Shabbat). No one in my personal life could have a clue what I was doing. There were a few times I needed my combat training to keep drunk male hands off me, but I did it. I met and was going with an orthodox Jewish fellow student. The night I was going to tell him what I did we were walking by the water's edge on the beach in Tel Aviv. I stopped and turned to face him. I was so nervous I partially peed my panties. Fortunately I was wearing an aline skirt. I told him three things: that I loved him, that I was a strip dancer and that I was still a virgin...not knowing what his reaction would be. He reached into his left pants pocket for a little box. "The best way I can prove I still love you is this." He took out a diamond ring and asked me to marry him on the spot. Yes, we were both virgins on our wedding night.

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