Jezebel's Tale Ch. 13

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Supernatural Justice and an orgy!
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Part 13 of the 29 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 03/27/2013
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Chapter 13 – Supernatural Justice.

Jez woke up in a large king size bed in the master bedroom of the mansion. It had a huge walk in closet, a bathroom with a whirlpool bath and stand up shower; it even had a button to call a servant.

The only thing Jez really noticed at this time though was the feeling of Sandy's tongue running along the outside of her labia in an oval pattern tracing the outside of her swollen lips. The little vixen was teasing her mercilessly.

"Oh Dee, lick me you tease. Please?" Jez both demanded and begged.

She felt Sandy giggle into her pussy lips, which caused them to vibrate and her to gasp out.

Jez thought two could tease so she raised her foot, shape changing her big toe into something quite a bit bigger and longer, then teasingly ran it along Sandy's pussy lips then slid it between her ass cheeks, grazing her puckered hole.

She heard Sandy gasp and laugh then say in a breathless moan, "So not fair shape changing like that."

Jez then felt Sandy spank her pussy hard with her palm causing her to gasp and her clit to tingle.

Sandy said, "Put that foot down so I can sit on it, or I'll punish you more."

Jez was quiet, Sandy didn't even hear a peep.

Sandy said, "Well!?"

Jez replied, "I'm still weighing the benefits."

Sandy snickered and spanked her labia causing another sting that felt so good to Jez, it hurt but it was stimulating and felt good at the same time.

Jez gasps out, "Yes mistress. As you wish."

Sandy drops down onto Jez's very big toe and gasps in pleasure, then says, "Good pet, pet deserves a reward."

Jez felt Sandy suck her clit into her mouth and bite down on it softly while invading her pussy with three of her fingers as she grinded on Jez's toe.

They both had a mini orgasm on the spot together and decided to drop the horseplay part and got down to some kinky sex.

Sandy rode Jez's toe to orgasm while pleasuring Jez with her tongue and fingers. The toe wasn't playing fair as it seemed amazingly good at stroking and stimulating the g-spot, not that she would dream of complaining about it.

What followed was a series of escalating orgasms that ended in the two of them lying on their sides, completely over stimulated and shaking with aftershocks.

Sandy kissed her way up Jez's body whispering, "Good Demon pet, good succubus, thank you." over and over.

They kissed and Jez said, "Good morning Dee, thanks for that wake up."

Sandy said, "BTW, the mansion is completely booby trapped, I also put a one way portal in an out of the way place to our apartment, in case Daniel or Natalie needs to get to us in a hurry."

Jez was confused, "How did that happen?"

Sandy giggled, "Well good news and not so good news, at least for me."

"Not so good first."

Sandy said, "Well, when you and Daniel were together, I have no idea what it felt like, I can get in your mind, but what happened occurred in your soul."

"Hmmm," she murmured, "and the good news?"

Sandy said, "You had a power feed into me, I guess you always do now to feed me the excess. How do I put this? When two infinite souls join together it creates a ton of energy, it was all I could do to keep up with the feed imbuing the house with protections."

In a smaller voice, "Actually, if you weren't hooked up to me you could have gone up like a bomb, no one took into account that you would absorb all that energy with your succubus side instead of it just dissipating as if two Angels were doing it. So yeah, either I need to be there every time or something else you can shunt energy to, or it could be very bad, like goodbye neighborhood bad."

Jez shuddered. "I had no idea, I'm glad you told me though. Not the first time you saved my life."

Jez and Sandy head to the shower and wash each other with gently affection, pausing every once in a while to steal a kiss. They got dressed after the shower and headed down to the kitchen where the chef asked them what they want.

Jez said to Sandy, "Huh, I was planning to cook you breakfast this morning."

Sandy smiles because she almost sounds sad she won't be.

Sandy said, "Eggs, bacon and biscuits please, and orange juice if you have all that."

The chef gets busy as they sit at the table and wait, speculating on the day and the Were issue.

Shortly after ordering Daniel and Natalie walk in the room and both say, "Good morning Jez, Sandy," almost in stereo sound.

They parroted back a, "morning," to the Angels then started talking about the day.

Jez asked, "So, the challenge seems pretty strait forward, 8 fights, 8 deaths, and then what?"

Daniel answers, "Well after the fights they offer to let you joi.... Oh crap, how could I forget."

Jez looks at him and says, "Spit it out."

Looking embarrassed he answers, "Well normally at these things the offer the Arch to join in on their, after challenge activities if you know what I mean, which the arch usually says no to and leaves. They have never taken offense before because they know angels do not physically do that.

"However since they know you are half succubus, they are probably curious and, well, would probably take offence if you didn't join."

Sandy snorts. "So just to be clear, she is going to be invited to a Were orgy? A Were orgy that if she says no to will lead to more insults and challenges?"

Daniel looking very uncomfortable doesn't answer.

Natalie said primly as if discussing a game of checkers says, "Exactly right. They will probably excuse you from the free for all fight without insult but not the orgy itself."

Jez shakes her head with her mouth open. She did not see that one coming, "Free for all fight?"

Natalie nods, "Yes, they say it 'gets the blood pumping' for the main event."

Jez says, "What about Sandy, I assume they are a little, rough so to speak, and her constitution is still human."

Natalie answers this one as well, "They will ask but she can say no without offense, they understand that witches are very powerful but not physically. The last time they forced the issue about 20 years ago the witch almost died and her mentor came out and, well, administered justice which severely cut down on pack numbers. They haven't made a peep about it since."

Jez looks relieved and Sandy looks very annoyed.

Jez says, "What's up Dee"

Sandy sighs, "It seems wrong, it is their traditions and I sort of understand that they can't be held to the human standard but it comes very close to rape, or maybe date rape, to me anyway. I almost wish you would say no then just kill one of the fuckers.

"Unless you want to of course, then I don't care. I will just be pissed if you feel forced into it out of some misplaced sentiment that makes it your responsibility to be violated just to keep the peace, which should never happen."

Jez pulls Sandy into a deep kiss wondering what she did to deserve this wonderful woman's love and protection. Sandy is such a sweet girl, until Jezebel herself is threatened that is, then the scary Witch came out. During the kiss she sends Sandy love and gratitude.

After the kiss Jez says, "I may join, I don't know. It will happen in the moment depending on my succubus side. I promise I won't do anything against my will though just to keep them happy."

Sandy is satisfied with that knowing she has Jez's love but her body is the body of a succubus and must be shared. Anything less than that would lead to ruin.

They finish breakfast right around 8:30 and start getting ready to head out at 9am, with the time difference they will have 7 hours to get there and visit the other mansion to see how things are going.

They wind up having a fun day together, Natalie opened up a lot more and Daniel was still himself but much more relaxed, after sharing who you are its hard to hide things Jez thought, so why bother.

They headed out around 11am heading for a national park, Daniel explained to Jez that all the park rangers are Weres in this park, two bears and a wolf. Apparently they closed the park for the general public today.

Jez could see the Weres had quite a spread going on for lunch. A large outdoor brick grill was covered in steaks. They also had burgers, hot dogs, BBQ chicken legs. You could almost mistake it for a human barbeque until you looked around and noticed there was not one potato or macaroni salad, no chips, just meat, meat, and more meat.

Jez considered the dichotomy of the Weres running around with little to no organization with all the traditional rules. She started to realize though that these guys were animals, literally part animal. Without the traditional rules and being constrained to a challenge fight they would be killing each other off left and right, which made a lot of sense.

She supposed the combination brawl/orgy served the same purpose, an outlet to ensure a lower death count as well as perpetuation of the species.

Jez made all these observations in the time it took to walk over to one of the picnic tables where Daniel introduced them all starting with her as 'Arch'.

Jez nodded to the alpha who surprisingly turned out to be a woman named Amy. She was a Weregrizzly that apparently was twice the size of a normal one, which means she can probably knock over an elephant. The second in the pack was a Werewolf named Thomas.

Jez nodded her head and said, "Good to meet you," then waited to be offered food before taking anything, Daniel had told them it's a bad idea to eat if it's not offered first.

Amy and Thomas chatted with them for a few minutes watching them, probably testing them. When she was satisfied she told them to enjoy some lunch at which point we dug in. Jezebel thought the steaks were amazing. The Weres must get choice cuts, or probably own a slaughter house. Normally to eat this good you need a high end restaurant.

It was close to 1pm when the 8 Angels showed up, Jez felt no mercy for them at all and was filled with disgust that they could enjoy watching another being get torn apart by blood sucking vampires. She watched coldly as one by one they admitted their guilt and offered themselves to a challenge to settle the matter.

The first 4 just died, they had no power over fire being very low powered Angels. The Were challenging them just moved to fast and slit their throats before they could even react. The next 4 were a little different.

The first fire wielder died quickly because he couldn't target the fast moving Were at all. The last three used a simple broad fire blast and hoped for the best, two of those actually won their challenge and the matter was dropped. Jez told Daniel to make sure those two were assigned to menial unpleasant positions where they couldn't do any damage and he said he would take care of it.

Jez was surreptitiously checking out their hosts, Amy and Thomas were hot, and the other Weres were nothing to shake a stick at either. Jez was actually looking forward to a little naughty time with these animals. She looked over at Sandy who snickered and gave her a knowing smile. Jez thought she actually looked a little disappointed that she wouldn't be able to join in.

They finished lunch, which was a long affair; Jez noted Weres eat a lot. She figured their metabolisms must be insanely high to fuel a change.

Amy said to Jez, "You going to join our after celebration?"

Jez responded, "Yes, after the fight part though."

Amy invited the two angels that were left, as well as Daniel and Natalie who demurred for obvious reasons. It was all a polite fiction Jez thought; Amy didn't seem serious about the question.

Amy then asked Sandy, "Do you want to join us luscious thing?"

Sandy shook her head and said, "No thanks, you all would be to rough for me."

Amy nodded looking disappointed but resigned.

Jez understood her disappointment, her witch was hot...

Sandy says unsure, "Unless. Nah, forget it."

Amy replies, "Unless what?"

Sandy says, "Well, if you let me use my magic in a restraining way I could protect myself, but I am thinking you would not enjoy that at all."

Amy sighs, "You are right; our animal sides would go absolutely bug fuck nuts if we were restrained, it would not be good. I can't promise to be careful or gentle either. Thank you though for your offer, it showed more respect to our traditions than most show."

Jez watched in fascination as they all started getting naked, she gathered the Angels and Sandy and put them in the close by park ranger cabin and stripped her own clothes off. She decided to watch from the cabin until the fighting turned to fucking. She was really turned on by the animal nature of it. There were brown bears, black bears, panthers, wolves, bobcats and lions out there going at it.

It did look like animals playing rough though, like puppy fights, granted a puppy fight that could rip her head off if she was out there, but for them it was playful almost. At some unknown signal they transformed back to human and started rutting. Jez opened the door and stepped out and to her delight was immediately grabbed by Amy and Thomas.

There was no foreplay so it was a good thing she was already wet, although I guess the fight was the foreplay for them, she just couldn't join in that.

Jezebel flung out 30 threads to connect to the Weres around her and was immediately drowned in lust. There was all different flavors as well, she felt angry lust, lust laced with affection, and plain old I'm fucking you just because you're standing next to me lust. Surprisingly, she was the target of the second type. Guess they liked her.

Thomas roughly pushed her into the ground on her back, went to his knees, pinned her legs back and slammed his cock in with no finesse. He just started rutting her like she was his fuck toy. She noted as she gasped in pleasure he didn't say anything, he just growled low and fierce.

Amy taking a similar approach sat on Jezebel's face and ground her hot wet dripping cunt along her nose and onto her mouth. All Jez did was stick her tongue out for something else Amy could grind against and felt Amy go to town.

Despite being limited because of their aggressive approach succubae were not noted for their passive stance in sex. She tightened her pussy using her muscles and shape shifted some new ones as well. She sort of corkscrewed her pussy walls as he pulled out every time, increasing the stimulation and friction he was getting from her hot wet pussy.

Amy was in heaven as Jez shifted her tongue to be long and snakelike, burrowing into Amy's pussy and massaging her g-spot with the tip of her tongue. Jez even enlarged her nose a little and made it sturdier, so that every time Amy ground herself against Jez's face she felt Jez's nose probe into her puckered star.

Jezebel was happy Sandy was left out, she had also needed to shape change her muscles and skin enough to not tear from how rough Thomas was being, not to mention what Amy was doing would have possibly crushed Sandy's skull.

With the shape changing however Jezebel's Succubus side was having a ball, she doesn't think she has ever felt this much raw animal lust as these 30 Weres. Of course she has never been in a 30 being orgy and connected to them all before either.

She considered the fact Sandy is always able to read her and realized Sandy must be masturbating as she is reading the lust of 30 werewolves along with her own. The idea that Sandy was taking some small part in this with her caused her own lust to spike higher as she threw a feeding thread her way to feel what she was feeling.

She felt Sandy welcome her in her mind and found what she had expected; she wished she had linked sooner right before she was dragged back down into a whirlpool of lust.

The rutting was building up fast toward orgasm and because Jez was tied to them all she was able to manipulate the rise. In what was sure to be talked about a lot in the future Jez crashed into orgasm as the 30 Weres and one hot sexy witch inside the cabin all came together as one.

Jez fed on their energy though still over full from the soul joining last night and fed the energy to her witch through the energy shunt she now maintained automatically at all times.

The group broke up surprisingly fast after that. The single Weres grabbing their clothes and taking off in all directions, the couples were finding each other in the melee and heading out as well. In a very short time Jez was alone lying on her back and feeling thoroughly fucked. She shifted her body back to normal and got dressed.

When she got into the Cabin she was surprised to see Sandy getting dressed alone a few feet away from a portal.

Jez looked and her eyebrow rose in question.

Sandy sheepishly replied, "I opened a portal using one of the stones to the Mansion in NY, I was so horny reading you out there but there is no way I was going to fiddle myself with 4 angels in this small one room cabin. Don't worry about our emergency exit though. I was able to recharge it and another one with all the energy you just tossed my way."

Jez giggled. "Yeah, I can see how that would get awkward, the angel part I mean," she replied.

Jez took Sandy's hand when she was finished dressing and said, "Let's go home Dee."

They stepped through the portal together.

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