Jeremy Bayer, Dragon Layer Pt. 04

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Jeremy taps Penny Copper in school and fights a dragonhunter.
9.6k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/11/2022
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Monday came too fast.

"Ladies," Penny said, softly.

"Huh?" Jeremy asked -- but before he could say any of the things that he was thinking like 'this isn't a good idea' and 'won't people ask questions' and 'there's literally a dragon hunter posing as one of my teachers' and 'wait, you have elf ears' -- Cinder and Penny grabbed his arms and shoved the doors to Jeremy's high school and the entire entourage entered. Jeremy in the middle, Cinder and Penny to his left and right, Rayne and Syke to their left and right, and Nova and Morgan to their left and right.

Time seemed to slow as Jeremy saw the entire school population seem to pause and watch them as they walked forward. His girls were all as 'human' as they could manage -- meaning that Morgan was flaunting her cat ears, Cinder had elf ears, Nova was barefoot, and he was pretty sure Penny was wearing shorts so low people could see the tattoo she had given herself using draconic shapeshifting that said if you can read this, you're checking out my ass.

Cindi gaped at him.

Morgan's old friends gaped at him.

Mr. Spelling, his math teacher, gaped at him.

Then they were at the locker and Cinder grabbed a locker that was definitely not hers, stashing some books in it as she grinned toothily at Jeremy. "See? We fit right in!" She brushed her hair back behind her pointed elf ears, while Penny and Nova chatted, casually, about the best application of transmutation spells. Loudly enough that one of the dorks that was too cool to hang out with Jeremy stopped, then glanced over at them.

"D-Do you two play D&D? Er, I mean, uh...Dungeons and Dragons?" he asked.

"We are dragons?" Nova said, confused.

"More like D in my D, am I right?" Penny asked, wiggling her eyebrows at the dork.

"No, they don't play D&D!" Jeremy said, almost frantically. "Hey, hows it going Mark, everything still, uh, cool with your...uh...cousin?"

Mark blinked at him. "My cousin?"

"You were, uh, saying something about, uh, cousins, right?" Jeremy asked, while shifting to stand between Mark and Nova, while he thought as hard as he could: Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!

Nova blinked at him, then gasped. "Oh, shoes," she whispered, nodding.

"Right, uh, yeah, still in prison, why?" Mark asked, looking confused as Jeremy felt heavy, thick, leather shoes pressing against his palms. He looked back over his shoulder and Nova nodded, tapping her nose.

"Shoes," Penny whispered, giving him two thumbs up.

"So, what do you do in Dungeons and Dragons?" Skye asked, stepping over to loom over Mark. Mark gaped at her Korra-esque physique and immediately lost enough IQ points to think IQ was real. Jeremy grinned to himself at his cleverness, before he remembered he had stolen that gag from a youtube video -- and, more importantly...

"U-Uh, you, uh, explore dungeons, fight dragons, that kinda thing," Mark said.

"Fight dragons, huh?" Skye growled, quietly, narrowing her eyes.

"Evil ones!" Jeremy said, quickly.

"Y-Yeah, there are good dragons and bad dragons," Mark said, as if he was faintly aware of how dangerous a situation he was in. "Uh, good ones are metallic, like, uh, gold-"

"Gold!?" Skye growled, grabbing onto Mark's collar. "They put those smug, scale-huffing, self conceited, Mu destroying, arcane obsessed tail-for-brained assholes in as good?" She asked, shaking him with every word. Mark looked absolutely terrified, holding up his hands.

"T-They're lawful good!" he said, which...honestly, Jeremy wasn't sure if it was the most pertinent thing in the universe, but he also couldn't blame Mark's brain for short circuiting slightly.

"Oh of course they fucking are!" Skye dropped him, turned, then punched a hole in the locker the size of her fist. She jerked her hand backwards, revealing the crumbling hole she had put in the linoleum wall behind it. She huffed. "Fucking golds! If I ever meet a fucking gold, I'll kick his ass so freaking hard!"

"Skye, uh..." Jeremy said, while Mark gaped at the hole she had put through one layer of cold rolled steel, a bunch of textbooks, then another layer of cold rolled steel, then the wall, then whatever the wall was made of behind the linoleum. Brick? Maybe? Jeremy wasn't sure. Skye looked slowly at Mark, then at her fist, then at the hole, then at Mark again.

"Ow..." she said, slowly, her voice so fake that she might as well have been made of plastic. "My knuckles. I broke...them. Ow." She rubbed her wrist.

"You put a-"

"No she didn't, see?" Jeremy said, gesturing to the hole. It was still there. He stepped between Mark and the hole, then stepped back away. The hole was gone. "See? See? No hole!"

"No hole here," Skye said.

"There was a hole here, it's gone now, trick of the eye, see you at lunch, we'll talk later," Jeremy said, putting his hands on Mark and shoving him gently away from the locker.


Mark stumbled as Jeremy pushed him out into the corridor, then Jeremy turned around, ready to go and stop his dragons from doing anything else stupid -- only to find himself nose to nose with Cindi Fong. The head of the cheerleader team was as gorgeous as ever, but Jeremy had never seen her look so suspicious in his life. Her eyes were narrowed, her arms crossed over her generous (for a cheerleader) chest, and her lips pursed.

"Jere, who are these girls?"

"They're, uh, new students. Cinder, Skye, Nova, Rayne and Penny," Jeremy said, gesturing to the girls in order of the names. "I'm showing them around school cause they're new!"

"Huh," Cindi said, while Penny leaned in from behind her.

"And who is this?" She asked.

"I'm Cindi," Cindi said, turning to face Penny.

Penny looked her up and down, then grinned. "A pleasure to meet you, Cindi!" she said. "What do you do here?" She clapped her hands together. "I wanna know all the people that I should know, and you seem like a big cheese!"

"Oh, I'm the head of the cheerleader team," Cindi said, brightening slightly, while Penny oohed.

"A kind of a princess, right?"

"No, not a princess, at all," Jeremy said, which caused Cindi to look at him with an icy expression. The bell rang warning everyone that there were only a few minutes until class, and Cindi took this as an excuse to turn and walk off, her skirts swishing around her rump, while Penny rubbed her palms together. Jeremy shook his head. "She's not a princess."

"Whatever do you think I'm thinking of, Jere?" Penny crooned.

"Kidnapping her for weird dragon stuff," Jeremy said.

Penny licked her lips. "Princesses do end up loving it, you know? And the struggle Or so I'm told."

Jeremy's face flushed and he felt a cold heat against his skin. Like many men, he had lots of fantasies that he knew were wrong. For instance, banging his own mom? Pretty wrong! And thanks to dragons, it was now living inside of his brain rent free. But before that, without any draconic influence, he had sometimes wondered what it would be like to fuck a girl even if she didn't really want him to. He had never gone into hardcore shit -- like, actual face slapping, throat choking, girl sobbing rape stuff, like you could see in some of the more intense hentai or porn websites. But he'd sometimes imagined 'hey, what if I had hypnosis powers' and...various girls in his class.

It was wrong, because that was just a nicer way of doing the throat choking, girl sobbing rape stuff.

But now he actually did have hypnosis power. But the last time he let his dragons just do whatever they wanted, they'd turned Morgan into a catgirl! Glancing past Penny, he saw Morgan casually sauntering to her class, her tail twitching from side to side. So far, no one had done more than look at her quizzically, and Jeremy hoped that everyone was just assuming she was a new girl who liked weird costumes. Still...

He had gotten lucky that Morgan had actually been trans.

"She totally has those fantasies, you know?" Penny murmured, her voice soft.

"Huh?" Jeremy asked.

Penny leaned in close. "It's pretty fucking common among girls and boys. Fantasies of losing control. Of...being...taken." Her hand caressed along his belly. Her voice was a hot croon in his ear. "Some boys I know actually kind of love the way that strong women in their lives know what they want and force them to indulge in it, no matter how much their ingrained mores are telling them to turn away." Her body was, despite her soft curves, shockingly strong and Jeremy found his front pressed against a locker, her hands pinning him against the red painted steel. Her crooning, breathy voice caused goosebumps to slide along his skin, and his cock to harden. "Admit it. You like the way we push you around."

"W-What?" Jeremy whispered.

"You're a cute little switch, Jeremy. There's" Penny interrupted each word with a soft kiss against his neck as she slid her hand, blocked from sight by the locker, between his legs. Her hands gripped his cock through his pants, squeezing his bulge as she purred. "You love the idea of domming some cute princess, but you also love the idea of a strong dragon girl showing you what's what. Admit it."

"I-" Jeremy's throat caught, his eyes half closed. His cheeks burned and he squirmed against her grip, but something about the raw strength of the copper dragon was making his brain go absolutely wild. His cock had never been harder in his life. "I...don't..."

"Don't want?" Penny chuckled. "Don't want to come into a room and find a tied up, gagged Cindi, her legs spread for you, her body waiting for you to ravage her? Or...don't want me to jerk you off without anyone being any the wiser?" She grinned, wickedly. "Cause I'm doing that whether you want me too or not."

Jeremy didn't think he could could have gotten harder. But it did. And Penny felt it -- and feeling that caused her to step backwards, giggling. "See!?" she asked, her tone now bright and bubbly. Jeremy spun to face her, flushing as he tried to adjust his pants.

"See!" he croaked.

"See, you like a bit of femdom -- though, you should really get Cinder or Skye to do it. Maybe Rayne," Penny said, nodding. "I can't really keep it up."

"I..." Jeremy put his hands over his face. "Penny. I get what you're saying, okay. But there's fantasies that Cindi may or may not have about, uh, non-con stuff. But those are fantasies. Fantasies aren't reality. If you actually kidnap Cindi and tie her to a chair, she's not going to have fun because it'll won't be fantasy, it'll be reality, and in that reality, she's not going to have a sexy funtime sexy sex, she's going to be raped, then probably dismembered and fed to pigs." He shook his head. "That's just how the real world works."

"I haven't seen a single pig in the entire time I've been in this weird city," Penny said, shaking her head and frowning. "'re forgetting one thing, Jeremy."

"Oh?" Jeremy asked, taking her hand and starting to walk with her towards his first class.

"...we're dragons and emit a constant, low level field of mystical energies that mean nothing has any consequences," Penny said, as if he was the dummy. "So, yeah, there'd be no long term consequences psychologically or physically, cause...magic." She wiggled her fingers. "Heck, you could even tie up someone who never even had rape fantasies and they'd be fine once it was over, cause everyone would be fine. So long as we dragons are involved." She nodded, primly.

"Yeah, but, there'd be consequences for me," Jeremy said, pointing at himself. "I have fantasies, but they're fantasies, not reality! Reality is different."

"Yeah, which is why Cindi is such a good candidate, cause she'd be into it, duh!" Penny rolled her eyes as they came to the first class of the day. "So, don't worry, we'll talk to her before we kidnap her and you rape her so it's a fantasy for her too." Then she winked, obviously.

"No, don't wink, that makes me think that you're just lying to me!" Jeremy said.

Penny nodded. "Don't worry-" Wink "-I'd never lie about this."

"You just-"

Jeremy hurried after Penny as she slid up towards the front row of seats. Skye and Rayne had perched out seats in the middle of the row, while Cinder looked as if she was five seconds away from laying down at the front of the class, curling up, and going to sleep. Nova was floating an inch off the ground, clearly planing to sit on the ceiling. Jeremy put his hands on her shoulders, shoved her down, and hissed in her ear. "Choose a seat on the floor."

"Oh!" she said. "I thought the lights would be warm."

"They're really not, they're fluorescent bulbs," Jeremy whispered to her, before he turned back to see his homeroom teacher looking at him as if he was being very weird. Jeremy gave him a slow, cautious smile, then slid into his seat. The teacher shook his head, turned back to scribble notes on the board, and then the entire world was eclipsed by glittering copper and wings. Jeremy froze, his eyes bugging, as he felt the cushy warmth of Penny's scaled ass grinding against his lap as she settled onto his chair, her tail slithering along his belly -- underneath his shirt and up against his chin.

"P...P...P...Penny..." Jeremy stammered. "W-What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I've cloaked us in an illusion! See?" Penny grinned, flicking her muzzle to indicate he should look around. Jeremy did look around. The room was notably not full of people gaping in shock at the sight of Penny, copper dragon, grinding against him. There was also a seat that was currently occupied by a very human looking Penny, who was leaning back in her chair, watching the teacher while popping two of the most obvious nipples that Jeremy had ever seen. Illusion Penny (Ienny?) had an expression on her face that was somewhere between speculative and raw lustf, her teeth dragging along her lower lip as her palms skimmed along her thighs. She had also positioned herself to be in clear view of what looked like half the nerds in the class, meaning all of them were oggling her and trying to look like they weren't oggling her.

"...why did you make your illusion look like it's not wearing a bra and is thinking of getting railed?" Jeremy whispered.

"Well, I wanted to be accurate..." Penny said, then grabbed onto the top of Jeremy's desk. Metal squealed and wood splintered and before Jeremy could even think, the upper half of his desk was chucked out of the window so hard that it sailed nearly a quarter of a block before smashing into the hood of an extremely expensive sports car seconds before some rich looking businessman opened the driver's side door. As the glass crinkled to the ground, Penny swung around so her thighs were spread above Jeremy and he could...really get a look at her.

Penny had gone for the half-human, half-dragon look, then gone, eh, fuck it and dialed it from 'Final Fantasy Online Character' to 'Full on Furry Bait.' Well, scalie bait, if you wanted to be a pedantic dickhead. Her breasts were scaled. Her belly was scaled. Her thighs were scaled. The only parts of her that weren't covered with fine, smooth snakeskin scaling was her nipples and areolas and the soft folds of her bright copper pussy, which was spreading slightly as she nestled down against Jeremy, pressing her full breasts against his chest. Her breath was warm in his ear.

"The comments have been thinking that you've really not been fucking us enough," she crooned. "They call it a bait and switch."

"Fucking w-eee!" Jeremy gasped as Penny's tongue -- long and snakelike -- slid into his ear, teasing against him as her claws grabbed onto the back of his shirt and ripped into it. Her claws tore through clothes with ease and left Jeremy completely shirtless in a shockingly short amount of time. Jeremy squirmed and, then gasped as Penny cupped his cheek, turned his head, then leaned in. Her muzzle was a combination of a cute little draconic snoot and slightly flexible lips, meaning that she was able to press her muzzle to his mouth and, after a fashion, give him a kiss.

And then her tongue slid into his mouth.

And in...

And in...

And in...

Jeremy was pretty sure he had never been kissed so much in his life -- not just because of the tongue, but because Penny threw every iota of herself into making out with him, her nose flaring as she breathed out tiny puffs of smoke against his face -- the scent of it all woodsmoke and promised lust. Penny's mouth drew back and her tongue lolled down her scaled chin, her eyes closing as she breathed slowly in and out.

"Mmmm, yeah," she whispered.

"...what comments?" Jeremy asked.


"What the comments have you been reading?" Jeremy asked.

"Oh, I got a twitter profile!" Penny said, holding up her phone with her tail. Where she had gotten it and how it was hers was a mystery to Jeremy, who had never seen it before. "But that was boring, so I just started transcribing everything that happened in third person close on you, added some extra details for flavor like your burning lust to fuck your mom, a few extra action scenes, there was a bit where you killed, like, eight Hunters single handed..." She shrugged, which did...amazingly distracting things to her large, glittering breasts. "And then I've been posting them up on various websites that let me put up smutty stuff."

Jeremy gaped at her. "You changed the names, right?"

"Yeah, in the story, your name's Jason Bucker, Dragon F-"

Jeremy put his hands over his face.

"Hey, I thought it was clever!"

Penny grinned. Her teeth were sharp. Her eyes glittered.

"I'll help." She grabbed onto his pants, then slid down. Her wings fanned out, bending the frame of the desk that was left outwards, leaving him sitting in a chair with her having plenty of room to kneel down before him. Her nose pressed against his underwear's bulge, her tongue flicking against the pale white cloth of all that he was left wearing. Well. Save for his shoes and socks. Jeremy gulped while the teacher continued to drone on and on, unaware that right before him, Penny was tugging the edge of Jeremy's underwear down inch by inch by inch, using her teeth to tease him naked...until...

His cock sprang up and slapped against his belly.

Penny's nose flared. "Mmmm," she sighed. "This dick is just a work of fucking art." She pressed her nose-tip against the base of his cock, breathing him in. Her eyes glittered. "Did you know we dragons don't even lust for any male save our protectors?" She licked her muzzle slowly. "In the whole world, this is the only cock we'll ever truly want. We might ride another man, if you want to watch. We might suck off your friends or enemies, we might screw kings and popes to get you some favors..." She pushed her breasts against his knees, then slid forward, so that the soft, scaled curved of her tits enfolded his cock, her hands cupping the sides of her breasts, pressing them together around his shaft. She squeezed him and flicked her tongue around the head of his cock, teasing him with the slithering motion of it, before drawing her tongue back, flicking up to scoop some pre-cum off his foreskin.

"...but you're the only man we'll long for," Penny crooned.

Jeremy gulped, trying to wet his throat. He felt like every bit of blood in his entire body had all rushed away from his brain and directly into his throbbing cock. He shifted in his seat, sat up, and croaked: "R-Really?"

"Fuck no!" Penny said, laughing. "We're fucking dragons. We're lust and sensuality and desire incarnate. Gold and women, men and power, we want it all." Her eyes glittered as she closed her hand around the base of his cock, her tail twitching from side to side. "But the idea turned you on something fierce didn't it?"