Jenna's Anal Adventure Ch. 01

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The good wife finds a teacher.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/20/2013
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Sometimes married women like myself have sex with other men and sometimes we have really complex reasons for wanting to do that. I can say that based on personal experience. I wanted to share my story so I asked mjar65 to help me write it down. I did that because I was so angry at the comments from 'anonymous' readers who hate women and think that women should always be under the control of men. These men are pathetic losers and I think they pretty much realise that women hate them back for their attitudes.

My name is Jenna and I think I am a pretty normal sort of woman. I am married and I fucked another man.

In my case I did it because I had a burning desire to experience full anal sex for the first time. It wasn't an accident, I made a decision and I made a plan. So now you know. There were other reasons as well and, like I say, it was complicated and it took me a long time to decide. You can be assured that it had nothing to do with love or betrayal or wanting my husband to murder me.

I just had this incredible desire to experience being fucked by a hard dick in my butt. That might sound strange coming from me and I don't even remember how it started. I know that I wanted more from my sex life. I guess there was just this kind of itch that needed scratching and I knew more and more that I wanted to feel what its like to be fucked in my butt. Other people did it and I wanted to find out what they were enjoying so much.

As I said, it was more complicated than that. If I was being truthful I started thinking about the idea of fucking another man, about my fling, my affair, my act of adultery, as something like an act of defiance. It was a private defiance but I felt a little like I was taking revenge on my husband or that I was satisfying my feelings of jealousy.

Like most of you men, hubby has his private little porn stash on the computer at home. He thinks its private because, like most of you men, he assumes he has hidden the links away where I can't find them and see what is floating his boat sexually. Of course he never bothers to ask me what kid of porn I enjoy. He never asks about what interests me and what we could do to spice up our sex life. His porn is 'private' and a special treat he keeps for himself.

And, like most men, hubby likes to look at other woman and thinks I never catch him doing it. He just waits till he is with his buddies and then they 'compare notes' about the hot women they have been perving at. So he doesn't even realise how much I, his wife, enjoy seeing a nice young man really fill out the seat of his suit pants with a nice pair of buns.

He also has no idea that I know how much he loves flirting with a female co-worker of his. I am pretty sure nothing more has happened but its pathetic that he tries to tell me how much of a good friend she is when I know he really only thinks about getting into her pants.

So having put so much of my energy into our two young children I decided it was time that I had a secret little pleasure all of my own. I was only thirty two years old at the time and I was starting to be afraid that somehow I was going to miss out on some of the best things life has to offer.

As it happens, the man I most wanted to fuck my butt was my husband. I really wanted him to give me that extra spice in our sex life. So I didn't start out thinking I wanted to have sex with another man. At the same time, I knew that if I was going to take a dick in my butt I needed one of us to have some experience. Something inside me decided it was time I took charge a little so I could teach my hubby how to butt fuck me properly.

Its funny now but started thinking a lot about the word sodomy. Just the word sounded so 'nasty'. I thought about it a lot. I wanted my hubby to sodomise me. So I needed to learn how to do it. I needed some experience. That was the point when I started thinking about finding a man to teach me and realising I was heading down the path of being a cheating wife.

I never considered the difficulty of finding a man who would want to have sex with me. Lots of people tell me I have a very pretty face and I think my olive skin helps me look even better. I have deep brown eyes and my brown hair has big soft curls that fall down to my shoulders. I got rid of most of the pounds from having the kids though I still think my breasts are a little too big for my five foot eight body. Though it is a fact that my husband loves my breasts even more these days and while they do sag a little now my nipples still sit proudly, pointing straight out.

The one part of my body I have never liked is my butt. Now I just had to hope that I would find a man who liked it enough to want to fuck me there. Or a man who would look past my butt cheeks and still want to put his dick into my hole.

The real challenge would be finding a man who was skilled at anal sex and knew how to treat my virgin butt.

My friend at work, Louise, is a wild one and sometimes she talks a good game but I know she has experienced a lot in her life. That's especially so when it comes to sex. So one day I got the courage to ask her if she knew anything about anal sex or if she'd ever thought about trying it.

Louise told me she did know a little and she was really excited to know the reason I was asking. I didn't feel confident enough to tell her the reason but I suppose it was obvious enough.

When I asked Louise if she'd ever had anal sex she looked a little odd and told me 'no'. But straight away I was sure that was a lie. So a few days later I asked her again and this time I pushed for details.

Louise pretty much told me everything right then. Her husband wasn't at all interested in more kinky things and not even anal sex. She was really keen, however. Louise told me that she had started to experiment on her own. A bit like me, she had started thinking more and more about anal sex and started to see how her little hole would respond to being used like that. Louise had even gone as far as getting herself a small collection of butt plugs. She offered to take me shopping.

Then Louise really shocked me. She told me that about one year earlier she'd gotten the hots badly for a guy she met through work. Due to what she described as a lack of attention from her husband, she had decided to try for an affair with this guy. Louise explained it by saying that before getting engaged she'd always had a lot of sex. She told me she had fucked a lot of men and women. So now Louise was married she was finding it hard to cope with only getting sex twice a week when her husband made himself available. Plus in her case I think there was some revenge included because Louise mentioned that her husband been caught doing something inappropriate with another woman.

Louise told me she had already been having sex with a gorgeous older woman. But her husband had begun to suspect something was going on so that had ended. I was stunned at how easy Louise made it all seem. I knew I wouldn't go down that path. I didn't want to fuck lots of guys. I was interested in finding out more about anal sex and then turning my husband onto it.

But Louise told me that her 'other man' was what she described as a 'dirty bastard'. I knew Louise liked to talk about different and kinky sexual acts. So I knew that her other guy was interested in the same kind of things. Of course that included anal sex so Louise had my attention immediately.

Louise was so excited as she told me that the closer she got to fucking this man the more they had discussed the kinky things they each enjoyed. I knew Louise had been eager to try out everything he offered.

It didn't take long before he brought up anal sex. Louise confessed that, just like me, she had long been interested in trying anal but had also been a little afraid. She insisted on talking to this man a lot about anal before she let him know she was interested. Deep down, though, Louise always knew she was going to try it with this man. She told me that was when she had started wearing butt plugs to work. I was shocked even more at hearing that.

Soon they were meeting for discreet sex and Louise told me she had let this guy do everything he had talked about. The first time they were together he took her in the arse and Louise had been so turned on she had just laid back and let him do that to her. She told me that she had loved being butt fucked from the start.

Louise told me that they did a lot more things as well and Louise had let him use sex toys on her, let him spank her and more. Louise confessed that being spanked was another 'filthy' fantasy of hers and she told me she had been turned-on by being 'hurt' like that.

Louise assured me that anal was wonderful and she loved it and she insisted I had to try it somehow. She said being fucked back there had felt amazing and she'd had the most amazing orgasms with his dick in her butt hole. In fact, Louise told me that sometimes when being butt fucked she actually lost control and couldn't even remember what had happened after this man started thrusting deeper into her behind. She said she couldn't explain it but she'd never felt orgasms like that any other way and she quickly lost her fear that it would hurt or she wouldn't like it.

Preparation was the key thing that Louise stressed. She told me how this man had taught her to rub her clit to help with the discomfort when he first pressed himself inside her backdoor. It seemed like it worked and Louise said she never felt any pain.

The whole thing made my head spin and right then I knew I was hooked on wanting to experience anal sex. Louise warned me that not every woman enjoys anal. I didn't want to hear that. A woman I knew, a friend, had had butt sex and taken a man up her arse and I just knew somehow I had to have that experience for myself. If I could teach my husband to make me feel like that I would become the happiest women I know.

Despite Louise's offer to help I didn't buy butt plugs as I didn't want to have to hide them at home. I did start to play with my little backdoor just as she suggested. Long baths became a favourite for me where I could practice and imagine as I played with my pussy and my delicate little hole. The orgasms were sensational and made me all the more convinced I would learn how to take a cock in my bum and then get my husband to do it to me as well.

The whole thing started to drive me crazy and one day I dragged Louise off for coffee and demanded she give me some advice on what to do. I didn't want to wait any longer or hope for some man to come along and offer it to me. At that stage I still hadn't made any decision about having sex with another man but I was feeling desperate. All I knew was that I needed to how I would find a man who could teach me about butt sex. I needed to know he would be good so I would enjoy my first experience. Louise had stopped seeing her man by then and, besides, I wasn't happy about sharing her ex-lover. She was all excited and told me again how wonderful anal sex was for her. She promised she would think of something to help me.

Two days later we had coffee again and Louise said she had the answer. A woman friend of hers, who Louise said was even more 'dirty' than her, had recently broken up with a man about my age. The important thing was that apparently he came with really good references about his ability in bed. In particular, Louise had interrogated her friend who, Louise said, has had anal with lots of guys.

It seemed this man, Nick, was a very experienced and very talented lover. Importantly, her friend had vouched to Louise that this man was especially good when it came to fucking a woman's bottom. Of course I was nervous and afraid to even admit to Louise I was thinking of going through with it. But I couldn't deny that this 'Nick' seemed perfect for a woman in my situation. Louise also assured me he was the sort of man who'd love to teach a 'newbie' like myself. She had gotten his contact details and promised to discreetly get us in touch.

So that was how I reached my decision to have sex with another man. I wasn't looking for an affair, as such, or to betray hubby. I just wanted a new experience and I wanted to learn some new sexual tricks I could introduce to my sex life at home. I wanted any sex I had with a stranger to be sensational, of course, but I told myself that fucking Nick wasn't 'cheating'. I wanted to become a better and more adventurous lover for my husband. Nick was just someone who would do me a fantastic favour. Or so I hoped.

A few days later Louise gave me the news. She had been in touch with Nick and told him to expect to hear from me. I was horribly embarrassed that Louise had already told this man the reason for me wanting to make contact. I was even more embarrassed to discuss anal with anyone, even my friend. But Louise assured me she had warned Nick to 'take good care of me' and that if he hurt me there would be hell to pay. I knew Louise meant it as well.

By then I was scared and was having second thoughts. I told myself that I hadn't really decided to have sex with this man, to have a sexual fling with a stranger. Then again, looking back, I know I was already hooked. There was no way I was going to back out. Louise had made anal sound even more pleasurable than I had imagined and I couldn't live with myself without finding out for sure.

Thank god I got to call him the first time we spoke. I was grateful to be more or less anonymous because I was blushing furiously and I could hardly speak. Only Louise and this man, out of everyone in the world, knew about my powerful desire to have anal sex.

It turned out Nick was really nice on the phone. He quickly raised the fact that Louise had mentioned to him about 'a friend' and that made it so much easier for me. He also assured me that I would not be his first 'newbie'. Then he told me that 'if' anything happened it was completely up to me. 'If' we met he didn't expect me to go through with anything.

Naturally he said all that to make me more relaxed and confident. It worked though and I was grateful to him. Louise had picked a good one and I just knew he was the kind of man that could teach me all the things I needed to know.

We got to chat a few more times on the phone and I started to ask him lots of questions. I was just following Louise's approach. I asked Nick how many women he had slept with. Nick was a little shy on that topic but he did admit he had slept with married women before me. Then I asked him if all the women he fucked enjoyed anal sex and he said 'no'. He repeated the warning from Louise that not all women were able to enjoy anal sex.

So I asked him why he liked doing that to women so much. His answer was that he was turned on by the idea of breaking a societal taboo and I understood exactly what he meant. I know good little wives like me are not supposed to lust after having a dick in their butt. I also asked him whether he enjoyed anal and whether he had ever cum in a woman's butt. He assured me that he always enjoyed anal and that he occasionally did get the pleasure of ejaculating into a woman's bum.

Again I was just following Lousie's lead but it made complete sense to me. It seemed a good idea to find out as much about this man as I could before I went through with anything. Also I admit it mad me turned on to think about the possibility of other sexual experiences I might have. Though I did remember that Louise's man had wanted to do other things I didn't want to do and that he had wanted to spank her. I asked Nick about this but he said that 'no', he didn't have any desire to spank me or hurt me in any way.

Now you have to remember that at this point I was still telling myself I could decide not to go ahead with it. I desperately wanted to experience anal sex but I could still tell myself that I wasn't lusting after this fellow and that I didn't think his voice was sounding more sexy every time we spoke.

Which is how I got such a shock when one day I realised that we were discussing a date to meet up and also how we would arrange a hotel room if I decided to go ahead with things.

So it happened that the next day we met for coffee -- our first face-to-face meeting. I remember I was shaking but that was about the fact I still felt terribly embarrassed to admit my desire to anyone.

Whatever was going to happen I suppose there was always going to have to be some kind of physical attraction. I knew Nick would like what he saw. It turned out Nick was rather good looking and I liked the way he carried himself physically. He told me he doesn't work out but that he does play a lot of sport. His eyes were brown as well but his hair was lighter than mine. I enjoyed the way his bulky chest made his shirt stretch.

Nothing much happened on that first meeting and we barely discussed sex or likes and dislikes. That was good because I still felt terribly embarrassed and foolish for having divulged my secret desire to Louise and to Nick.

We met again the next week and this time we did discuss sex and the kinds of things we have done and what we enjoy. Obviously Nick was so much more experienced than me but it turned out he had quite normal desires. He told me he really liked to perform oral on a woman and while I was a little doubtful about that it did make Nick even more 'attractive'.

Nick also wanted to discuss what he called the 'ground rules'. That was the easy part because I was still in a kind of denial about how much I wanted this attractive guy to stick his hard dick into my bum hole and fuck me deep. Nick talked mostly and he kept saying 'if' and he told me I could stop anything at any time. He also suggested condoms which I was too silly to think of first.

Suddenly, in a kind of fog, I realised I had agreed to meet this man in a hotel the following week. I would be naked in front of him, in the bed with him. It was scary and overwhelming. I would be letting another man have my body. I would be having sex with someone I barely knew. For the first time ever a lover would play with my butt hole.

There was no question about not going through with it. Whatever Nick did to me I wanted to experience it. It did make me start shaking, though, every time I thought about what was going to happen.

At the hotel one week later Nick was really nice and charming. I could see how experienced he was at this kind of thing so I happily let him take the lead. I just concentrated on his sexy voice and his nice body. I discovered that he is also a pretty good kisser.

I just let him have his way as he started to remove all my clothes. I was a little frightened but soon he had me undressed. Finally I was totally naked in front of this man I barely knew. Of course I felt vulnerable in that position but by then I was feeling so turned on about what was to come that I hardly thought about it. Besides, what was to come would make me even more vulnerable.

I got a surprise when Nick went to his knees in front of me. He was just the right height to reach my breasts and I felt so good when I saw him down there in front of me. Nick gently kissed my breasts and somehow we were both moaning already. He even sucked a little on my nipples and I remember just how good that felt. I could feel them get harder and more pointy. Nick was turning me on so much I just wanted him to go ahead and fuck me.

He really surprised me next by bending down and kissing me right on my mound. That was so completely new to me and it felt great that Nick was so hungry for my body. He even probed my slit a little with his tongue and I couldn't help but moan some more. I reached down to his soft brown hair and ran my fingers through it. Yes this was adultery but right then I felt as if I was being worshipped.

Soon Nick put me on the bed while he undressed and I couldn't help but check out his dick as it thickened and grew. I suppose it wasn't so special but I was fascinated by it all the same. As he came closer I reached out and took his shaft in my hand and sort of guided Nick to me. I was more turned on than I had ever imagined and this man had hardly touched me.