Janice, Goes Dancing Ch. 02

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Janice dances Nude and has a gang bang
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George and Janice are home, cuddled up, on the sofa, watching tv a few months after Janice was going to cut George's cock off.

"George, I love you so much. Do you still love me?" purrs Janice as she rubs George's cock through his pants.

"I sure do Sweetheart. You are the most beautiful, sweet, and sexy women I have ever seen in my life. You are the complete package, Janice. I couldn't ask for anything more in a wife."

"With those large 38DD breasts, your flat tummy, your pretty face, your beautiful long hair, your sweet personality, your very loving nature, your slim figure, your tight ass, and that super sweet tight pussy, I couldn't be happier." says George

"Let's go to bed, get naked and talk, ok George?"

"Ok with me Janice, head on to the bedroom and I will lock up everything downstairs," says George

20 minutes later both are cuddled up, naked in bed for the night.

"Turn on your side toward me George, so I can hold that big cock of yours, while I can look into your eyes." purrs Janice.

"Yes, I like talking like this Janice. Besides feeling intimate, it feels good, the way you touch me when we cuddle like this," whispers George

"George, I'm glad that you like this feeling when I hold you. But I want to talk about something serious with you Honey. ok?"

"Ok Janice, what is on your mind tonight?"

"Well, George, I have been doing a lot of thinking and soul-searching about this. Remember when we had that little ceremony, where you thought I was going to cut your cock off?" purrs Janice.

"Oh, yes. That was an amazing night. I thought I was going to lose my cock that night for sure. It seemed like you were really going to do it to me, Honey." whispered George.

"I have a confession George, I hope you still love me after I tell you the truth," whispers Janice

"Don't worry Sweetheart, you can tell me anything. I will still love you," explains George.

"The reason I want to talk is that I need to confess and tell you the truth, about that night. I did intend to cut your cock off. I just chickened out at the last minute." Purrs Janice with the sweetest pout

"Really, Janice?" whispers George

"I have always had that fantasy, all my life. To castrate the man I love. That way he shows me he truly loves only me, plus can't cheat on me. That has always been my fantasy all my life." purrs Janice

"Really, Janice? Why, do you think?" whispers George.

"I honestly can't say for sure. Maybe, because my mother kept saying she wanted to castrate Daddy. He was always screwing around with other women and hurting my Momma."

"That is unfortunate." sympathizes George.

"Daddy was always cheating on my Momma. Coming home smelling like cigarettes, beer, and perfume. Always had lipstick on his collar. Momma was always saying how she was going to castrate my Daddy. That might be why I feel that way, George." purrs Janice

"Well, Janice that makes sense. I think I can understand that. But I have never cheated on you and I never will. But truthfully, though, I was very relieved that you didn't cut my cock off that night." insists George.

"Well, I'm really glad I didn't as well, Honey." purrs Janice

"Well, I think it was that you convinced me to prove my love to you. So I was pretty much ready to do anything you wanted to prove it to you. So when you said you didn't cut me, I was surprised!" whispered George

"Oh George, I am so sorry that I almost took your cock off. I love that big cock of yours. Will you ever forgive me, Honey?" pleads Janice.

"Of course Janice. I'm glad you didn't. I like to pee standing up and I like to have sex with you. But I am still willing to prove my love to you some other way. I love you so much and want to make you happy, Honey." whispers George.

"Well Sweetheart, I believe you. You have gotten so hard in my hands while we've been talking. It makes me so happy to touch you like this and feel you get hard for me. It makes a woman feel good to turn a man on." purrs Janice

"So, what did you have in mind Sweetheart? whispers George

"I have decided that, instead, I'm going to do something else to help you prove your love for me. It will still hurt you a lot, I mean it will, really, hurt you a lot. But if you agree, I will never ask you to prove your love to me again George." purrs Janice.

"Well, I am sure I will agree, What do you have in mind, Honey?"

"I am so sorry George. This is going to hurt you, please try to stay calm when I tell you. But, I want to have a black baby. I have stopped taking my birth control pills. And after we have sex tonight, while I'm still safe, I am putting you in a cock cage until I have our black baby."

"What? I can't believe you would want to do this to me! To us! To our love! To our marriage! To your beautiful body! Why? Why would you want to do something like that to us, Darling? Why?"

"Calm down Sweetheart. I told you that it was going to hurt you. It has to hurt you to mean anything. If you agree to this it will show me that you love me, if you are still with me when my black baby is born I will never ask you to prove your love for me again." purrs Janice.

"I am glad that I at least, get to keep my cock now, but this is crazy, Sweetheart. How does your getting pregnant by a black man prove my love for you?" gasps George

"If I had cut your cock off before, I would have to start fucking other men. So, that is what I am going to do. I'm going to let other men fuck me for a while. How would you feel if I did that? Would that hurt you a lot George?" purrs Janice

"Janice, that would hurt me badly and scare me as well. Honey, I love you with all my heart and I don't want to lose you, and I certainly don't want you fucking other men," says George.

"Don't be scared Honey, I love only you. No big dick lover is ever going to take me away from you Sweetheart. I will always come home to you afterward. I promise. with all my love." purrs Janice.

"How can you be sure, Janice? You have never been with anyone else before, it has only been you and me since high school." pleads George.

"Yes, that is true. That is part of why I realized this is what I need to do. That if you can still love me after I disrespect you and cheat on you by fucking some black men, and having a black baby, I will know that you truly love me." purrs Janice.

"Janice, your pussy will be destroyed by the big black cocks. Once your start fucking black men you won't want me anymore," explains George.

"I will still love you, George, don't be afraid." purrs Janice.

"Don't you understand? Once, that You get used to their bigger cocks, you won't be satisfied by my smaller white dick anymore. I won't even be able to feel you and you won't be able to feel me anymore. Our sex life together will be ruined! explains George.

Janice watches George and listens carefully as George explains his feelings.

"The result will be that I won't be able to satisfy you anymore. Is that what you want? You will get your pussy so stretched out you won't even feel my cock inside you. Is that what you want? Do you think that will be good for our marriage?" whispers George.

"You have raised some good points, Honey. I certainly don't want to destroy our marriage. Tell you what I'm going to do then. Friday night I'm going out dancing with Karen. We can talk about it more this weekend. No major decisions tonight. OK?"

"Thank you, my sweetheart. I don't want to lose you. I love and treasure only you. I like that You have only been with me and that I can satisfy you." explain George

"Here, I know how to make you feel better. I'm just going to squeeze your left testicle a little bit. How does that feel George?" purrs Janice

"That hurts honey, it hurts a lot. Be careful, if it pops, I will be screaming in pain all the way to the ER. The only way to fix it will be to have it removed. You don't want to rupture me do you?"

"Of course not Honey. I only hurt you because I love you with all my heart. So when I hurt you like this, squeezing your smaller nut, just a bit, You know this is our secret sign of love and trust for each other." purrs Janice.

"Thank You, Janice, it hurts so much. But I love when you hurt me, because I know that means you love me," whispers George.

"Oh, George, I don't care if my lovers give me a hundred of the most powerful orgasms I have ever had. I will hurry home to give you all my love afterward," promises Janice.

"Are You sure Janice? How can you be sure, though? Honey? How can you be sure You won't fall in love with someone else?" whispers George

"With all my heart and soul I promise you, George. I love you with all my heart and I would never leave you. But I think that it would turn you on, to the ultimate thrill, when you have me after another man has been with me. Don't you think?"


"Truthfully Janice, I have fantasized about that before. It is exciting to think about, but, it was too scary to mention to you. I didn't ever want to take a chance of losing you. So, I never said anything about it. But please don't fuck another man when you go out Friday night. Please, Honey."

"You don't want me to fuck other guys? I am sorry George, that is part of the deal. Plus, I already have a cock cage for you and I'm going to go out Friday with my girlfriend from work. Her name is Karen, I don't think you have met her before." purrs Janice.

"Please, don't fuck anyone when you go out Sweetheart, please." cries' George.

"Karen says the black men are the best. So, then I am going to try a few of them out. So Friday night, Karen and I are going to this black nightclub she likes." purrs Janice.

"Really, Janice? Are you going to let them have your sweet tight pussy, that I love? Oh, Janice, I am so scared to share you with other men." Whispers George.

"We are going to pick up a couple of black men, fuck them and I will come home to you. It would be just like what I would have had to do if I had cut your cock off. Isn't that perfect George?" purrs Janice.

"Yeah, that is a perfect example, of worst my nightmare, Janice," whimpers George.

"Oh, Sweetheart, don't be so afraid Honey. I love to hurt you, but I will always try my best to never hurt you too much. I will still love you forever, even if I fuck other men from now on." explains Janice

"Plus, I will still be coming home to you afterward. I will hold you to my big breasts, cuddle, and reassure you of my love. I promise. I might even let you eat my cream pie. I just won't let you fuck me anymore. Doesn't that sound perfect, Honey?"

"Not really Janice. You said you aren't going to let me fuck you anymore?" whispers George.

"No, I can't George. Because we are pretending that I already cut your cock off. If I did that we wouldn't be able to have sex, Honey. Don't you see? Denying you sex and then hurting your testicles proves your complete devotion and love for me. When I get horny I will just go out and fuck some black men. Isn't that perfect George?" purrs Janice

"That scares me, really a lot Honey. If you go out and fuck other men, you are liable to fall in love with another man. Besides, not getting sex from my beautiful and sexy wife kind of takes away all of my life's pleasure. Probably, my will to live, as well. Please don't do this to me, Sweetheart. Please don't do this to us." cries, George.

"Oh, Sweetheart. That is no chance that you will lose me. You are the one I love and will be the father to all the children I have from all the black men. I have stopped taking my birth control pills. So now I can go out and be black-bred. Isn't that perfect Honey?" purrs Janice

"Janice, please don't do this to us Honey." cries George

"I going to fuck them when I'm fertile, I'm going to let them breed me, and you're going to push the baby carriage thru Walmart when we go shopping. So that everyone will know that I fuck black men and you're my husband." purrs Janice. "Will that hurt you, Honey?"

"Janice, Sweetheart, that will be so embarrassing for me. But it will also be so exciting! For you, my wife, to go out and fuck other men and have their babies. Especially black men and black babies. Oh, Janice please don't do that to me, and to us Honey." whispers George, as he starts to cry.

"George, don't be afraid Honey. Don't you trust me? Here, just let me rupture one of your testicles. Would you like that Honey?" Janice starts to lovingly and gently

squeeze George's left testicle just a little.

George starts to cry. "Yes, oh that is hurting so bad Honey. But I would rather you rupture me than have a black baby. Please don't fuck other men, especially black men."

"Oh George, my love, I need to hurt you. I want to hurt you. I want you to feel some deep pain to prove your love for me. I am going to hurt you as badly as I can so that you can prove your love for me. Won't that be perfect Honey?" purrs Janice.

"Please don't do that Janice, I am afraid you will fall in love with them and their big black cocks." cry's George.

"George, I am going to fuck every black man I can find and sometimes I am going to do it in front of you while you watch. Sometimes I am going to go out and pick them up and fuck them while you worry about where I am at. One way or another we are going to start having a family of black babies to raise."

"Please Janice, that scares me as well as hurts me," whispers George.

"Don't you trust me, George? Don't you love me? How can you deny me the pleasure of having big black cocks that make me pregnant? Don't you want to prove your love for me? I know, I need to hurt you to make you feel better." purrs Janice

"Please Honey, please Baby, don't go out and fuck other men." cries George

"I just want to hurt you, to help you prove your love. I can't wait to hurt you so badly George. I want to hurt you, so you know that I love you with all my heart Honey. Let me start by crushing your testicle." purrs Janice.

"OK, Janice, I love you so much. Crush my nuts all you want" cries' George.

"Oh my Sweet George, I am. I am going to gently squeeze this soft little member of your sexuality until it pops and you scream. Tell me to crush it, Honey. Tell me you are ready for me to do it right now." purrs Janice.

"Go ahead Janice. It is yours to do with as you please". crys' George "Hurt me as much as you want to, I love you with all my heart." whispers George.

"OK, how does this feel Honey?" Janice slaps George's balls.

"Oh, that hurts so bad Honey. But I would rather you hurt me that way than fuck black men." cries', George

"That is just the way it is going to be George, I'm going to be in control, and I'm going to hurt you both physically and emotionally. If you let me do all this it will prove you love me. And if you can take it, it will prove you are a man." purrs Janice.

"Janice, baby, I love you more than anything. Please don't go giving my treasure away like some floozy, Honey. You, your beauty, your body, your pussy, you are all I have in life. Please don't give it away. Please" cries', George

"Then it is settled, now stick that big cock in me and show me how much you love me, while you still have it." purrs Janice.


Friday Night comes quickly

Janice comes down the stairs all ready to go out....

"How do I look Honey?" says Janice

"Good enough to eat." says George. "Whoa, that skirt is short though!"

"Karen tells me I have to look hot as I can, because a lot of white women go out on the prowl for black cock. So I have to look ready for it when we go out. Watch this".... purrs Janice as she adjusts her top and her bare breasts are easily brought out.

"Whoa, do you really have to show your breasts when you go out?" inquires George.

"It all depends on the black man I pick up. If he wants all the other black men there to see what he has, then I will help him by pulling my breasts out." says Janice

"So what kind of underwear are you wearing Honey?" asks George.

"None at all Sweetheart. See" says Janice, as she lifts her short skirt to show her hairless bare pussy.

"Holy Moly Janice! Looks like you are really ready to get blacked. I wish you wouldn't do this Honey." says George.

"Drop your pants George, and your shorts too." demands Janice.

"OK Honey, why?" asks George as he bares his privates to Janice.

"George, Honey, I am sorry that I have to punish you for acting like this." says Janice as she flicks her finger into George's testicles as George groans in pain, then just slaps his balls sternly, a couple more times.

"Oh, Gosh, that hurts Honey. I'm gonna throw up. Yeach.".....as George throws up into the small garbage can in the living room.

"Ok, I'm leaving now, George. Don't wait up for me. Wish me luck. Love you George." says Janice as she walks out the door.

Driving over to Karen's house, Janice thinks to herself that she hopes she is doing the right thing. That it would be so much easier just to actually castrate George, as she originally intended. But she just can't bring herself to really do that to her beloved husband George now.

Knock, Knock, Knock...... Janice knocks on Karen's front door.

"Hey Janice, come on in." says Karen

"Hi Karen, I'm so nervous." says Janice

"Here, have a little wine to help you relax while we wait for our Uber. There is nothing to be nervous about. Black men are just men, and they just expect their women to act like women. Just do like I do, and we both will have fun." say Karen

"I've just never done anything like this before." explains Janice as she take a big swallow of wine. "I have never gone out alone since we have been married. Heck it has just been George and me since high school." explains Janice

Honk Honk from the Uber horn.

"Uber is here." says Karen "Let's get going."

The girls giggle a they quickly trot to the Uber in their high heels.

A few minutes later on the other side of town....

"Thank You ladies for using Uber" the driver says as the girls get out at the front door of the Oreo Club.

"Look at that big line to get in!" says Janice.

"Don't worry about that, just follow my lead." says Karen.

The two twenty something Hotties strut up to the front of the line with their breasts out and a big smile.

"Right this way Ladies! My, my, my you ladies are looking fine tonight!" says the door man as he welcomes them into the club.

The two excited women enter the club and are amazed how busy it is. Karen takes Janice over to the seating area and grabs a table by the dance floor.

One of the waitresses comes by to get their orders.

Then Janice inquires of Karen "Shouldn't we put our breasts away yet?"

"You can if you want to Janice, but it has been my experience that having our breasts showing we will have a lot more fun." explains Karen quietly.

"Good evening Ladies, how are you doing tonight. My name is Jamal." says the good looking black man that approached the table. "Are you ladies here for the dance contest or just to dance with a partner out here on the dance floor, like normal?" Jamal inquires.

"There is a dance contest tonight?" asks Janice.

Karen explains quietly to Janice "Friday nights a couple of white women will get up on that stage, we passed coming in, and dance naked for the crowd. Then the winner is taken into a back room and does a gang bang. It is lots of fun, I've done it myself several times."

"Wow, Karen, that does sound like fun. Just not tonight, since this is my first time out of the house since we've been married." answers Janice.

"Well, the band is about to start. Who would like to dance?" says Jamal as he holds out his hand to Karen.

"I would love this dance Jamal" says Karen as the music starts and she takes Jamal's hand.

Karen stands and Jamal takes Karen easily into his arms as they slow dance together. Karen's C-cup breasts are still out so Jamal quickly takes advantage of the ease of access to Karen's beautiful breasts as he grinds his bulging cock into her pussy as they dance.