Janice Gets a Wake Up Call #03

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Janice gets served with divorce papers.
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Janice - Gets a Wake Call #03

By Buster2U

Knock, Knock, Knock

Janice is taking a sick day due to her menstrual cramps and runs to the front door and opens it.

"Janice Wilson?" asks the young lady in a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Yes, I am. How can I help you?"

Handing Janice an envelope "You have been served!" and then the process server takes a picture of Janice an leaves quickly.

"What is this? George, are you divorcing me? How could you do that to me Honey?" says Janice to her heartbroken self. "I guess I was too hard on my George, now I've lost him. boo hooo I want to die" cries Janice as she closes her front door.

Janice is so afraid that she has lost the love of her life and quickly calls George on his cell. "George, I just got served with divorce papers. Don't you love me anymore? How can you do this Honey?" inquires a very stressed out Janice.

"I will be home at my regular time, Janice. We can talk about it then. I have to work now, I will see you at home." explains George as he hangs up. Janice spends the afternoon crying her heart out, alone.


George gets home at his regular time and comes in to the house. Janice looks completely defeated and heartbroken since she received her divorce papers.

"Hello Janice, I'm home. How are you doing Honey?" asks George as he takes a Bud light out of the frig.

Janice quickly runs to George and throws her arms around George.

"George Honey, Sweetheart. I am so sorry if I hurt you too much. I don't want to lose you Honey. I love you with all my heart, body and soul." pleads Janice.

"Sweetheart, let me explain something to you. It wasn't my idea for you to have me prove my love for you. It wasn't my idea for you to go out and have sex with other men. I liked that you had never had sex with anyone else when we got married."

"I'm so sorry Honey. I didn't realize it would hurt you so bad that you would leave me." cries Janice.

"Janice, Sweetheart, you don't realize what you have done. A young woman's pussy is very tight naturally. But when you take a series of big black cocks into your pussy it won't be tight anymore for smaller dicks." explains George.

"I didn't realize George. You mean I won't be able to satisfy you anymore?" cries Janice.

"Yes, and even worse than that Honey, You won't be able to even feel me anymore!" George explains calmly.

"I am so sorry Honey. I thought you were enjoying me having you prove your love for me." pleads Janice

"Janice Honey, you have almost taken away my will to live! You took ALL the joy out of my life! I never agreed, nor wanted. to share you with a bunch of black men. I never wanted your tight pussy to be stretched out so I can't even feel you anymore, Honey." explains George.

"I will take off your cock cage George, I will stop fucking other men. Please Honey don't Leave me or divorce me." Pleads Janice.

"Janice, Sweetheart. You don't understand. You have ruined everything Honey. You will never be satisfied by my smaller cock anymore. You will only enjoy the bigger black cocks like you have had. Don't you understand?" explains George.

"No, I don't see why you say that George. boo hoo" cries Janice. You don't love me anymore."

"Janice, Sweetheart. I love you with all my heart, but it is your bat shit crazy ideas of fucking black guys and having a black baby to prove MY love that has destroyed us. Your pussy will NEVER EVER be able to feel me again, after what you have done."

"Gee, I'm so sorry George. I thought things were going great for us." purrs Janice, as a tears run down her cheeks.

"Great for you maybe. Not for me. You and I haven't had sex since you began this insane idea to make me prove my love for you again. All you have done is destroy our ability to satisfy each other sexually, Honey." explains George.

"That can't be true George. Let me take that stupid cock cage off you and then put your cock in my pussy. I can't believe our love is gone." cries Janice.

"Janice, Honey, It isn't our love that is destroyed. It is my ability to satisfy you and your ability to satisfy me that is destroyed. Your pussy has been stretched and nothing can undo that. EVER!" George explains.

"George, I can't believe that. Here let me get that stupid cock cage off your cock, then put it in my pussy. It will be just like always. I am sure." cries Janice.

"We can try Sweetheart. but I already know what is going to happen." explains George.

Our couple tries to have sexual relations over and over. Janice gently touches George and massages his cock to get him hard. But as soon as he tries to enter Janice's stretched out pussy it deflates again, because they can't feel each other. They both cry themselves to sleep in each other's arms.


George really didn't want to divorce Janice. He just wanted to wake her up to how she was hurting him and their relationship.

George seeks and finds the great Doctor Zarkov, one of the most famous expert councilors skilled in sexual problems and schedules an appointment for him and Janice, unfortunately it takes 4 weeks to get in.

"Right this way folks." says Cindy, the young office assistant, as she opens the door into the Doctor's office.

"Thank You" says George as he urges Janice along in front of him.

"Come on in folks, and relax. Can I get you folks anything to drink?" asks the Doctor, as he points to the two comfortable chairs in front of his desk.

As George and Janice relax, the Doctor speaks again. "What brings you lovely young folks in here today? Please don't be nervous or shy. The more frank you are, the sooner we can begin to solve your problem." explains the Doctor.

George begins, "Well, about a year ago, my wife, Janice, decided she wanted me to 'prove' my love for her. I don't know what brought that on. Regardless, she wanted me to let her cut my cock off, to prove my love."

"I see." said the Doctor without showing any expression.

George continues "I finally agreed to let her, but fortunately, at the last minute she chickened out. So then, about 3 months ago Janice has decided that I need to prove my love again."

"I see." said the Doctor.

But this time her idea was to put me in a cock cage, stop taking her birth control pills, and start having sex with black men until she has a black baby."

"I see." said the Doctor.

"She thought that if I stayed with her, through all this humiliation, heartache, fear, and pain, that this would prove my love for her."

"I see." said the Doctor "And how did this affect you George?"

"It broke my heart Doctor. Janice went out and had a gang bang at the Oreo Club having sex with over a hundred black men, her first night out. Now, she has had a regular black lover come over to service her several times a week. We still haven't had sex, since this has begun over almost 3 months ago now."

"i see." said the Doctor "please continue, George."

"It killed me to do it, but I had to file for divorce. I love Janice with all my heart, but she is killing my love for her by doing this. I figure that if she were to ever have sex with me again, her pussy will be too stretched out for me now. She probably won't even be able to feel me, if she were to want me again. I am sure that I won't be able to feel her anymore as well." explained George.

"Hmmmm. Janice, let's hear how you feel about all this." says the Doctor.

"Well Doctor, I think it all started with my Momma and Daddy. He always was screwing around on Momma. She always said she wanted to castrate my Daddy because of the way he did her, all the time. So I was afraid that George was going to screw around on me, as well. I just wanted to keep him loyal to me." explained Janice.

"I see." said the Doctor. "How did the other men come in to this?" asked the Doctor.

"After I changed my mind about cutting George's cock off and considerable soul searching, I thought that if I humiliated George, cheated on George, and had other men's black babies and if George still loved me and stayed with me, that that would prove he really loved me. That way I could feel safe to love him, with all my heart." explained Janice.

"I see." said the Doctor. "Ok, I think I'm beginning to see the issues here. So, how determined are you folks to solve these issues?"

"We deeply love each other. We would do anything to solve our issues so we don't get divorced." said Janice

"That is right, I agree completely." said George.

"Ok, I hope you really are, because the next steps are going to be difficult. I want you to begin to make love, on the bed behind that screen. Once you begin, I am going to come around and observe for a moment." explained the Doctor.

"That won't be possible Doctor." said George.

"Why would that be George?" asked the Doctor.

"Janice still has me in a cock cage." explained George.

"Stand up, and drop your pants George. We'll take that awful contraption off you permanently, right now." said the Doctor.

George follows the Doctors instructions, as the Doctor gets some tools out of his cabinet and approaches George.

"This won't take a moment to remove." said the Doctor. "How long have you been forced to wear this George?" he inquired.

"Almost 3 months now," explained George.

"I am sorry to tell you this George, but this type of cock cage shrinks the penis at an average of about 1 inch per month that you wear it. So you have probably lost 3 full inches when erect now. This will be permanent unless we treat it quickly." explained the Doctor as he cuts the padlock off and removes the cock cage.

"Oh NO!" screams Janice. "George, I am so sorry Honey. I didn't mean to hurt your erection. Oh, George, how can you ever forgive me?" pleads Janice.

"Honestly Honey, I don't know if I can." whispered George

"There, how does that feel George?" inquires the Doctor.

"Much better, much better." answers George.

"Ok, now. Janice get on your knees, and begin to give your husband fellatio to bring him erect quickly." instructs the Doctor.

"Oh, Doctor, I can't do that. I can only do that kind of stuff to black men." explains Janice.

"Hmmmm I see. And why would that be Janice?" asks the Doctor.

"That is so dirty, perverted, filthy and wicked. I can't possibly do that to my poor husband." explained Janice.

"Hmmmmm. I see. George. I am beginning to understand your problem. It is more serious than I thought at first. Your wife has obviously had an exposure to the MSR! This is very serious. But fortunately you have come to the right person to help."

"What is the MSR, Doctor?" inquires George.

"That is the Martian Slut Ray, it is a very real thing. It is the reason our country has been trying in get to Mars to stop the destruction of our world. When the Martian Slut Ray strikes women, it makes even the most loyal and devoted wife turn into a cheating lying low-life slut. It usually has disastrous results on families." explained the Doctor.

"What can we do, Doctor?" asks Janice. "We don't want to get a divorce. We love each other with all our hearts." pleads Janice.

"Treatment is experimental and expensive. But I believe that the new techniques I've been working on, will cure you Janice. It will involve daily Hypnosis."

"George, let me ask you this. Is it the fact that Janice has cut you off completely from sex, while she has sex with other men? Or just the fact that she was having sex with other men, the main issue?" inquires the Doctor.

"I never wanted Janice to have ever sex with other men, even though I used to fantasize about it early on. When we first got married she was a virgin. Her pussy has always been nice and tight for my cock. Now, she has fucked so many black men, I expect her pussy is totally destroyed for me now, Doctor." explained George.

"You are undoubtedly correct, George." explains the Doctor.

"Now, after she has 'ruined' my treasure, her pussy, I really don't care if she is having sex with other men so much. But then, when she put my cock in that cock cage so we couldn't even have sex after she fucked other men, it totally crushed me." explained George.

"Yes, the proverbial 'sloppy seconds' is highly desirable to most men when the slut wife is cheating. Janice, we are going to address this in your hypnosis sessions. You must always give your sloppy seconds to your Husband. It is imperative!" explains the Doctor.

"I see that our time is almost up now. So before you go, George, here is a vacuum device I want you to use everyday. An hour in the morning and an hour at night before bed." explains the Doctor This will allow you to regain your previous cock size, and more, with the help of this prescription for testosterone. Be sure to get this filled on your way home. That should fix your issues within a few months."

"Thank you Doctor." Says Janice and George both

"Janice, I'd like you to wait outside in the waiting room for a moment while I chat with George. But be sure to schedule with our gal, Cindy, out there for your Hypnosis sessions everyday for the next 100 days. George I need to discuss some things with you for a moment." says the Doctor.

Janice exit's the office....

"George, this is important. Do you want Janice to be completely celibate with other men? Or do you want you sloppy seconds? This important to set our goals early, what you want for you final outcome." explains Doctor Zarkov.

"Like I said Doctor, originally, I didn't want to share her and lose that tight pussy. But now that she has ruined it, I don't care anymore. She has just broken my will to live." says George.

"How about we do this, George. Everytime that Janice fucks someone else, she will come straight home and give you sloppy seconds. At the same time she will explain every sexy detail while you two make love. Or, If you take her to some bar, and you want to see her seduce some man, she will and take you with her to his room to watch. Would that be better for you?"

"Sure would Doctor Zarkov! That would be perfect! I would love that!" exclaims George.

"I am pretty good with this Hypnosis therapy, but it will still take a few weeks to change things completely. Meanwhile, I want you to be sure to put aluminum foil insulation, in your attic, above your bed to protect your wife from the MSR. At least over the bed, if you can do the rest of your attic in your house, all the better." explained Dr Zarkov.

"Thanks so much Doctor Zarkov. I can't wait to enjoy my wife's sloppy seconds now!" says George.

"You are very welcome young man. Don't expect immediate results, it may take a while before it becomes a regular thing with Janice. Keep in touch with me, if you have any concerns or questions. Here is my card. Oh, when your cock is big enough stop using the machine and bring it back as it is very expensive."


George and Janice try to think positive about their marriage, on their way home, about about all the things that the Doctor explained to them. George didn't really care if Janice has his or a black baby. So that really wasn't addressed. But, no matter, at least he will be getting his sloppy seconds when Janice has sex with Derwood or any other men, soon.


10 months later Janice has her mixed race black baby girl. George is actually happy about it. George really loved Janice's pregnant body and her wonderful breast milk.

Janice finishes nursing baby Derweena for the night, and put her to bed and comes back and cuddles with George in front of the TV.

"George, do you still love me?" purrs Janice as she rubs Georges cock thru his pants.

"Yes, of course I do, Janice." whispers George.

"I'm glad Honey. What would you think of me getting some Queen of Spades tattoos and some sexy nipple piercings?" purrs Janice.

"That sounds hot, baby. I think I would love that. Then when we go out, any black men can see that you are available to fuck, if they see your tattoo." whispers George.

"Yes, that is what I was thinking also. By the way, do you want me to start taking my birth control pills again or should we have another black baby. Derwood should be coming by in a couple days again." purrs Janice.

"I love your sloppy seconds. No birth control necessary, as far as I'm concerned Janice. Derweena needs a baby brother, don't you think?" whispers George.

"By the way George, did you ever take that vacuum machine back to Doctor Zarkov?" purrs Janice.

"Sure did Janice. When I hit 12 inches I thought that was more than enough. Don't You?" whispered George.

"Absolutely George, 12 inches is my favorite cock size now."

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AlanDavidAlanDavid5 months ago

Degrading to white men…..

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

kolejne opowiadanie dla idiotów, ale tez tacy się znajdują

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

26thNC just squirted all over hisself trying to read this. Mention BBC and he cums, unglue as he is. Poor little guy.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 1 year ago

This is great. The humor is over the top. I was wondering when someone would write a story that belittles the stupid ideas that cheaters expound on to excuse themselves. Front in the center "I never meant to hurt you" ? Dead from the chin up! Second in line is the concept that a spouse would even try and forgive the cheater,,,

Third finally is the "CUCK the could" stories, Thanks for sharing....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

5 stars awarded for the most deliberately absurd story I have yet had the pleasure to read on Lit. Sorry if the 5 is a speedbump on your race to the bottom but I just couldn't help myself. Must be a case of the Ming Stupid Ray hitting me as I was reading. This story was a triumph really in the annals of creatively bad storytelling. Thank you for an enjoyable few minutes read!

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