It's All Because Of Mia


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Speaking of loud, as the night wore on and I let myself go I remember screaming a lot. That's not like me AT ALL! I also remember Mitzy laughing about the neighbors and telling the other guys to fill my mouth so they didn't call the cops! Wow!

The other guys fucked real good too. No complaints about any of them, that's for sure. Mia was partial to Bo. I think she liked seeing the wild side of his buttoned down suburban personality. He's got a long cock too.

We haven't talked too much about the women yet, or about what happened between the two of us. We sort of did, enough to know we both liked it, but, I don't know, will we REALLY talk about it, or ever do something together again? Talking about the men and the cocks is like trying to reassure ourselves — NO, WE'RE NOT LESBIANS! It's kind of funny really. I know you can do both, girls and guys, but it's all new right now, and plenty confusing.

Feb 6

Nervous. Getting dressed to go dancing with Mia tonight. Friday has tuned into 'slut night'. Ha ha! Laughing about it is a good sign. Last Saturday I was FREAKED OUT! Haven't seen Mia since then, but we've talked a lot. Sort of decided to embrace our sexual side, at least for now, and see how it goes. Sounds easier than it is. Got a wicked case of nerves right now. I'm in a new little slut dress that I bought yesterday after work. As soon as I put it on I knew it was the one. It fits me SO PERFECT, but wow is it, uh, brief. It's black and skin tight and has these zig-zag cut-outs down one side. The way they're positioned they make it clear there's no underwear underneath. That's the really slutty part. That and how small and tight it is. I bought another little dress too, one that's not as blatant about it. I thought I'd wear that one, but here I am in the slut dress. I told Mia about it and she said she'd be mad at me if I chicken out and don't wear it, so...I guess I'm leaving it on and walking out the door in a few minutes. I'm glad it's winter and I'll have a long coat on over it.

Feb 7

Threeway with Mia last night! Wow, what has happened to me? Just a few weeks ago I wouldn't have even dreamt of this kind of stuff.

Okay, what happened... I had my cab swing by Mia's place, and on the ride to the club she told me the plan was to pick up guys and go to her place. She didn't get too specific because the creepy driver was listening, but I could tell she wanted an 'all together' thing like at Mitzy and Rocko's. I sort of put it out of my head when we got to the club, a nice new place we hadn't been to before. We had fun, but I didn't drink a lot and the guys I danced with didn't really do it for me. Mia hit the jackpot though with Bryan, a really cute guy about our age who gave her lots of attention. It didn't take long for her to get us out of there. At first I thought she was crazy, I was just going to go home, but she orchestrated the whole thing, and Bryan was into it. It was different because I wasn't drunk and I was thinking clearly. I'm glad about that because now I know I really like and want these experiences.

Bryan was more nervous than we were. Mia was in her usual Tequila buzz, and I was in this mostly sober but GOING FOR IT kind of a frame of mind. It's weird really, how confident I felt. Maybe it was BECAUSE Bryan was nervous, it kind of freed me up a little. I don't know. Whatever the reason, it felt good. Confidence around men and sex is something I've never experienced before, and boy did I like it!

So Bryan is really cute! Manly cute. Reddish hair, sort of long, with a darker beard, trimmed short. He's TALL! Like 6'3" maybe? Super cute ass. Oh my God, did he ever look good fucking Mia doggy style! I can't believe I just wrote that. I can't believe I watched it! I can't believe I joined in, wrapped my arms around him and played with his balls as he fucked her. God it was hot. Fuck, I'm on fire just thinking about it! And Mia, my God she's a hot little thing. I never realized how sexual she is. At Mitzy and Rocko's I was overwhelmed with everything that was going on and didn't watch her much I guess, but last night, wow did she ever blow my mind. I have a lot to learn from her. I already did last night. How to let the animal side out but still be womanly and feminine. God, it's like she oozes sex from her pores. So fucking hot.

Back to Bryan. For someone who was nervous and obviously not used to those situations, he was kind of amazing. Not super big like Rocko and not even as long as Bo, but we must have inspired him because he was rock hard for hours, with just 5 or 10 minutes of down time every once in a while. Impressive to say the least. Fucked us so good and was so nice, I've got all new respect for barroom pickups. Bravo Bryan!

Feb 8

I was thinking that I didn't write much yesterday about Mia. Just got off the phone with her this morning. We texted a few times yesterday, but it's still a little awkward talking about having sex with each other when it's fresh in our minds. It takes a day or two to break the ice and bring it up on the phone. Even this morning we didn't talk in depth about it, but we ARE slowly getting used to the idea I think.

So, let's see... I wrote about how hot and sizzlingly sexual she is, but I haven't really put my thoughts down on actually 'doing it' with her. 'Doing it', that sounds so teenaged, doesn't it? She makes me cum as good as any man, that's less teenaged I guess! Or maybe not, teenagers are pretty wild these days. I can't even put into words what it feels like to have her lick me down there. Down there! Ha! PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY! Gosh, I can barely write the words and I'm out there doing all this stuff! PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY! COCK COCK COCK! Fuck me with your cock in my pussy. Ha ha! Let me lick your pussy with my mouth. Ha ha! Too much fun!

So, Mia. Yeah, see, I can't even put it into words. She's kinda magical. I'll just leave it at that I guess.

Feb 9

Been thinking about orgasms today. It was a boring Monday at work, so what better to think about? Ha!

Hard to believe just a month ago I hadn't ever really had one. All these years of dancing around the perimeter and not really understanding it. Not that I had much experience.

Mike got me there for real for the first time (thanks Mom! Ha ha!). It was shocking really, totally surprised me, the 'full body' effect it had on me. At first, like for a minute of two after it happened, I thought no way, I can't let that happen again. Guess I felt out of control, too vulnerable. But now, that's exactly what I love about it, that minute or so when you give yourself over to it, to your lover, to the universe. Yeah, it feels that big.

Mike got me there twice, which is astonishing to think about.

Rocko, he got me there and didn't let me leave! Don't know if it's because he 'primed the pump' in such a big way or what, but ever since his big cock ripped me apart I can get there really easy. Maybe it's just because it's all so new. I don't know. I couldn't love it any more, I'll say that that without hesitation.

Women bring it on me in a whole other way. The end result is sort of the same (not like Rocko though! Gosh!) but it happens softer, floatier. Yesterday I wrote that Mia's kind of magical. An orgasm with her is like an otherworldly kind of thing. Maybe it's the friendship. Maybe if I have that with a guy someday it'll be like that with him too. A girl can dream, right?

Feb 10

Mia came over last night. It was late but she said she wanted to talk. Said she had a boring Monday and was depressed. Well, we didn't talk. Not much anyway. We took off each others clothes and made love. Our first time alone together. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! My gosh, my views on sex have changed SO MUCH. And it's all because of Mia. If I didn't want a man so bad she would be IT! She's so freakin hot and sexy and beautiful. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to keep my hands off her anymore. That's not such a bad thing I guess...

Feb 12

Went shopping on my way home from work. Hit a bunch of boutique type places that I've never paid much attention to before. Bought 2 new dancing dresses, hot ones, and some lingerie at a cool little shop. They had sex toys there too. Made me blush to even pass by them. Maybe I'll get there eventually. Never knew there was such a variety. It's funny, when I was picking out the dresses and sexy stuff I was thinking mostly of Mia, wondering if she'd like it on me. I'll wear it all for men too of course.

Ha! It's kind of funny — my mom loves a bargain, she's always saying "Try and get double usage out of your clothes. Why not buy work clothes you can wear to church." Well there you go Mom — lingerie I can wear for boys AND girls! Ha ha!.

Feb 13

Need to write some more real life stuff in here, not just all the sex stuff. Barb came over after work. Haven't seen her for a while so we got caught up. Was dying to tell her about all the sex but didn't. She's met Mia, so, I guess I could of said SOMETHING, but I didn't. She seems lonely. Now that I've thought about it I wish I had told her at least a little bit about it all, but how? "I've become a wanton slut and I love it"? I can picture her saying "It's fun right now, but where does it lead to in a year from now?" She'd be right of course — where does it lead to? She asked me about Valentine's Day tomorrow, if I had any plans. Mia wants to do happy hour, but I didn't mention it to Barb because I'd need to invite her and...suddenly everything's complicated.

Feb 14/15

2AM. Mia just left. Made love for HOURS! So nice! Valentine's Day happy hour was kinda weird. There were some guys there but it was an odd vibe, so we left and came back here. Getting naked with her seems almost normal now. Still super exciting and 'forbidden' feeling, which is hot. My skin is like on fire when she first starts touching me, and orgasm number 1 is never far away. Tonight it was a matter of minutes, while we were still standing up. She's got these long slender fingers. Oh yeah!

I'm learning how to make her happy with my tongue. She seems to be effortless with hers on me, but I'm...I don't know, I guess I think about it too much. Tonight was better though, I'm learning to switch off that thinking side of me. It makes me so hot to have my head between her legs like that! God it's so thrillingly dirty. Just raw and sexual in a way that just makes me soar with...excitement. I can't even think of a good enough word for the way I feel when I'm doing it. Mia's got her hands on my head, she's moaning and getting off, an orgasm's building in her, WOW it's just AMAZING! And the taste of feminine. The taste of a woman. A massively sexual woman. Mia.

Feb 20

Wow, how many nights this past month have I had great sex? It's more than a record, it's UN-BE-LIEVABLE! Mia and I each picked up a guy on our own at the dance club, guys that didn't know each other, and we all went back to Mia's place and fucked. Fucked our brains out would be how the teenaged me would have said it. Yessiree, fucked our freekin' brains out! I'm starting to wonder if this is healthy, but DAMN it's SO MUCH FUN! So screw that mental health shit. I'm in baby, I'm in. Ha ha!

I have no idea what the guy's names are, and I don't think they know our names either. Isn't that just awful? I'm saying that with a smile on my face of course, but gee wiz, what is going on here! My mother would DIE if she knew I just had a fourway with 2 guys who's names I don't even know!

So Mia's guy, he's young and hip. Not real young, maybe 26 or something. My guy, he's a little older than us, maybe 2 or 3 years, and not hip at all. Just handsome and sort of out of place looking at the club, so I moved in next to him and he started talking to me. I was so hoping we'd hit it off, because he made me horny right away. Some guys do that to me, even back when I was a good girl. Of course I'm not to the point where I can initiate all the sex stuff yet. I leave that up to Mia. I shouldn't but I do. She's good at it. So she gets us all back to her place for 'drinks' and wham, she's all over the hip guy. My guy's real polite but he can tell I'm in the mood so he kisses me, real nice and soft and sexy. Mia's already half naked right there in the living room and my guy's trying to be polite, but he's trying to watch her too, which is kinda funny. I tell him "It's okay, you're probably gonna do a lot more than watch her before the night's over." He looks at me with this astonished look on his face. It was SO CUTE! I just wanted to rip his clothes off, so I did. Well, I'm not much of a ripper, I just helped him out of them while he helped me out of mine. He's a tit man for sure. My nips were hard as rocks and he loved them. I don't know if I've had anybody nibble on them so sexy before.

So I'm getting better at the cock sucking thing. I want to write that down because I'm proud of it. I've got this hair conditioner bottle that's about the size of a big cock, with a nice rounded top on it. It's perfect for fooling around, I've had it in my pussy more than once! Ha ha! I've been practicing with my mouth on it while I watch porn girls do it. I hope nobody's been watching through my window because I'm sure it looks RIDICULOUS, but practice makes perfect as they say and I'm already getting pretty good with a real cock. The guys seemed to like it and I'm really enjoying it myself. I mean REALLY enjoying it! Ha ha! There's something really primal about having a hard cock in your mouth.

So my guy...once he got rolling, boy did he ever loosen up. Fucked me and Mia like there was no tomorrow. Mia's guy was fun too, but my guy? Wow! Jackpot material. In this month-and-a-half long adventure I haven't had sex with a dud yet. I'm sure that day will come, but so far so AWESOME!

Feb 22

Mom called yesterday and asked me if I'd go to church with her today. I can't say no to Mom, even though I've never been a huge fan of the whole church thing. I dressed a tiny bit sexier than I probably should have, nothing blatant, but Mom picked up on it and gave me a look that let me know it. After all I've been up to lately I'm glad Protestant's don't have confession, or I would have been in there a while! Ha ha! They had a little coffee and sweets meet and greet after the service, and of course Mom wanted to stay for that. It was nice to see some of her old friends. Before I knew what she was up to she walks me over to a gentleman I'd never seen there before and she introduces herself, and me of course. I could immediately tell what she was up to, but I didn't mind too much because he really WAS a gentleman. Freshly cut hair with graying temples, an expensive tailored suit, the nicest shoes I've ever seen on a man. His name's Robert. He's new in the city, just transferred from the West coast, something to do with computers, but I think he's an executive. I'll find out because he asked me out! Mom drifted off and he and I talked for a little while. Before he left we made a dinner date for next Friday! Wow! Guess I wore the right dress!

Feb 23

Went up on the roof at lunch today and called Mia. Talked for the whole hour. Told her about Robert. Are you gonna fuck him on the first date she says, like that's all that's on her mind lately. I have to admit I've already been wondering about it myself though. If we hit it off like we seemed to I don't want to screw it up.

So Mia was bummed a little about Friday. She had wanted to go dancing. Which these days means fucking. Ha ha! She suggested Thursday instead, one of the clubs has a 'ladies night' thing with drink specials early. We're going, but I'm not doing anything crazy because I've got to work the next day. Famous last words I'm guessing...

Feb 26

Home at a reasonable hour, just before 1AM. Should be falling into bed NOW for my big day tomorrow, er, today, but boy I like writing this stuff down. Never thought I'd be a 'journaler', but it's fun. I'm sure some of it's because I can't quite believe what's been happening to me, and I want to write it down to solidify it all in my spinning brain.

Mia and I solidified a cock tonight. Ha ha! He's a real live geek, Martin's his name. I think Mia was just sort of goofing on him when she first started flirting, which wasn't nice. He was alone, trying to act cool at this kind of lame ladies night thing. Not many people there, weeknight and too early I guess. So Mia gets him dancing. It was TOO FUNNY! I mean a total 'I can't dance' kind of guy, but he couldn't resist Mia. What guy could? So the three of us are dancing and she starts getting handsy with him and I can see where it's going. I say to myself, okay, lets do this. Next thing you know we're all naked at Mia's place and he's happier than a pig in shit. I don't think he could see much without his glasses, but he was way cuter without them. And without those clothes. Somebody really should help him shop a little. Funny thing was, after he came the first time he could just go and go and go! Turned out to be a really fun night. Sleep now. I'm wicked tired.

Feb 27

Just home from my date with Robert. Wow, is he ever a catch! Too soon to tell if we're going to reel each other in though. We both need to loosen up and get used to each other before we know if the personalities really mesh, but it looks VERY promising. He's so handsome it's almost ridiculous. He works for a cyber security company, big contracts, big money I think. Picked me up in an Audi. Not flashy or anything, but fast and sporty and super nice. Linen shirt, nice jeans, another pair of gorgeous shoes. Where does he get those shoes?

So the big question sort of answered itself — no sex. It felt right to wait. I could tell he felt that way to. A really nice kiss on the cheek ended the night. It was perfect. We're already set for another date next Friday. Mia won't be happy about that.

March 1

Sunday. I'm exhausted. Last night was CRAZY. After my date with Robert I really thought I'd go easy on the fun with Mia, try and get myself back to more 'respectable' behavior. Guess I want to be worthy of a nice guy like Robert. It was like I was having an argument with myself all day yesterday. Mia won out. I shouldn't blame her. She's seductive, yes, but what happened last night was way more than that.

During the day I told her no, I wasn't going out to a club. I was going to stay home, catch up on some chores around here. She was really disappointed. So I get a text from her later saying she's going, and where she'd be if I changed my mind. I almost did, but I thought about Robert and stayed home. She texted me again from the club, said it was a big crowd, lots of fun. Around midnight I was watching TV and got a text. "Come to my place NOW. You WON'T be disappointed."

Why did I do it? I don't know, she caught me right when I was feeling really horny I guess.

Speaking of horny, oh my God! Three college boys! I'm getting ahead of myself. So I zip over in a cab, and Mia answers the door naked. Her hair's all messed up and she's got that look on her face. God she's sexy. She kisses me hard and starts pulling off my t-shirt. There's music coming from her bedroom and a naked boy walks out to the kitchen. He's so young! I'm guessing they're all 19, 20 maybe. Leave it to Mia.

So I'm in my jeans and my bra and she leads me by the hand into the bedroom. My heart's pounding because I don't know what I'm walking into. "This is my friend. Take her clothes off and fuck her good" Mia says to the boys. I don't know if I've ever felt such a rush of excitement in my life. Pure adrenaline. Wow. Three young boys stripped me. I was still standing near the doorway. Their mouths and hands went everywhere. I came in about 30 seconds and melted into their arms. It was too wild for words.

It was a long night. Young boys have SO much ENERGY! We fucked like animals until the sun came up. Literally. It was light out when I got a cab home. I felt so sexy in that cab with the driver eyeing me in the mirror. I'm sure I looked well fucked. I certainly felt it. A couple months ago I would have been embarrassed by that feeling, but this morning it felt like heaven.