It's a Dead Man's World Ch. 05


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{{ Were you expecting EVERY mission to be a gunfight? }} the leader of Hybrid Security thought. {{ Ask Dennis and Allyson or Wyrm. Sitting around is most of what we do. In our business, 'interesting' tends to be synonymous with 'messy.' }}

Terillia sighed. She glanced around, spotting the three members of the Triad inconspicuously guarding the back entrance. The three of them had been more than willing to hook up with as profitable a group as Hybrid Security. Bear was their spokesman. Terillia wasn't sure if that was his real name or not, but it certainly fit. He was six feet, six inches tall and as broad across the chest as the animal whose name he bore. Then there was Boomer, an explosives expert. He and Wyrm got along famously, which made everyone nervous. Finally there was Snake, a small arms and martial arts guru. He was slender but muscular, with long blonde hair that almost gave him an effeminate look. If he hadn't been male, Terillia probably would have found him attractive. Eliza hadn't been able to find a lycanthrope that suited her purposes, but they were still pretty well set for this mission. Thug and Tiny were inside somewhere, while Allyson and Dennis were undercover somewhere. Eliza and Veronica were being very high profile in the lobby. But Terillia remained convinced that things were going to get really hairy at any moment.

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Two days later . . .

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"I can't believe it," Terillia said, still stunned. "Nothing happened!"

"Is she still stuck on that?" Dennis asked, his hat pulled down over his eyes.

"Honey, a day where we get paid rather than shot it is a GOOD day!" said Allyson. "Last time things got exciting, we got stuck in a year-long war."

"I would not have killed us to have at least one fight," Terillia muttered, mostly to herself.

"You almost had a fight," Eliza chortled. "When you ambushed that delivery guy."

Terillia buried her head in her hands. That had been a horribly embarrassing incident. She had seen a man approaching a group of delegates who were standing out front, and he had some form of rod in his hand. He was also carrying a mysterious package. Terillia, announcing her findings to the group AS she flew into action, soon discovered that the "rod" was just a ballpoint pen and the package had been official documents for the convention.

"It looked like a wand," Terillia grumbled.

Dennis chuckled. "Calm down," he told the young woman. "We all make mistakes, and at least you had the good sense not to use lethal force or anything. Just remember, we have procedures for a reason. Any one of us is an imperfect machine, and that's why we always wait for confirmation unless the threat is imminent and/or obvious. You'll get the hang of it. You're smart enough to ask questions, so keep doing that."

"If it makes you feel any better," Eliza said, "on my first job with this crew, I shot an elevator." Eliza waited for the laughter to subside. "I'm serious, the damn thing made a 'ding' noise right behind me, and I was already on edge."

Dennis smiled. He remembered that mission. "Hell, my wife almost got banned from Germany for life after some 'inopportune' comments about our employer and his family. His family happened to hold several offices in the government."

"Hey," Allyson replied, "let's not forget you and your little 'drag-queen' episode in Barcelona!"

Terillia began to feel better as all the members of the team started sharing their "worst case scenario" stories. By the time they were approaching the compound, she felt more like a member of the team than ever. She had her own story to tell when the next members joined.

"We're here!" came a deep voice from the front. Bear, amongst his other talents, apparently could drive just about any land-based military vehicle that had ever been built, including the military transports Eliza had bought. He and Snake were crashing with the Murgos for the time being while Boomer was sleeping on Wyrm's couch. Vicky had taken to crashing in the small spare room of Eliza and Veronica's house, and wherever Vicky went those days, Terillia went too. The two had been steadfast and energetic lovers for a month, and the one positive thing about having an uneventful mission was getting home and getting back to her sexual education. But Terillia was soon to discover that "excitement" didn't have a set tee-time.

As soon as the crew piled out of the vehicles into the compound, Terillia saw Vicky standing on the front porch, looking very nervous.

"Eliza," she said as soon as the white-haired Hybrid came into view, "you better come inside. A news story just broke from Terra. The Swords of Cleansing just made an attempt on your father's life."

Eliza felt . . . empty . . . for a moment. It was a cold kind of hollowness that was apparent even to those around you. Faster than most of the crew could even watch, she sprinted inside with Veronica hot on her heels. The holo-projector was up and running, with Wyrm ensuring the most reliable data-stream feed.

The anchor was discussing the aftermath of what was apparently a Phoenix Trap, which was a clever kind of trap where one spell dispelled any protective magic in the area, including the wards surrounding a hidden fireball spell also laid by the attackers. Getting rid of such traps was difficult since most counter-trap spells instantly set them off. Somehow, an insurgent sorcerer or sorceress got into the Prime Minister's Palace while Evlidone Msabdteelfinclor was there, and the trap had definitely been laid for him. He was in charge of security for the entire continent, including Terminal Point, and he was an outspoken proponent of inter-world trade and relations. No word was given as to his condition.

Eliza hurried into the bedroom and grabbed her communication orb from the closet. The orb had been dormant since the dimensional portal had been sealed over a year earlier. She hadn't bothered to reactivate it, since there wasn't anyone on the other side that she really wanted to talk to . . . or who might want to talk to her. She concentrated on it, following the magical thread through a web-like network back into the Terran dimension and straight to her parent's house.

{{ ANYONE! }} she screamed mentally. Right behind her, Veronica actually felt pain from telepathic shout. {{ MOM?!? DAD?!? Someone fucking answer me! }} There was no response. Then she felt her communication being drawn in another direction. Finally, she felt a familiar mind.

{{ Eliza? }}

{{ Mom? Where . . . }}

{{ I'm almost at the Palace Medical Center. I knew you would try and communicate, so I had your transmission forwarded to the coach. Don't worry, your father is okay, }} she added, heading off Eliza's next thought. {{ He wasn't caught in the blast. His bodyguards weren't so lucky. }}

{{ Mom . . . Mom I'm sorry, }} Eliza started, tears in her eyes. {{ I should've been there . . . }}

{{ Please, don't start that now, }} her mother said. {{ If you had been here, I would be worried about two people I love instead of one. But saying that . . . I know he'd never ask, so I will. Your father needs you, Eliza. Please come. }}

{{ I will, }} Eliza said, clenching her fists. Then her mother's coach entered the palace grounds and the communication was cut off. Eliza turned and found that Veronica had already started packing two suitcases.

"Before you even say anything, yes I AM going with you," Veronica told her lover. "So don't even try and talk me . . ."

Veronica found herself silenced by a kiss from Eliza. "I'll never leave you behind," she whispered. "I just didn't want . . . I didn't want it to be like this."

"'Like this'? Love, this is the way our lives work these days. Now lets go. Your father needs you."

The two of them grabbed their bags and headed out to the transport. They didn't see any of the team out in the main room, so Eliza figured she would just call them from the road. When they got out to the transport, they were in for another surprise. The entire team was packed up, personnel and gear divided amongst two transports, with Bear driving one and Dennis driving the other.

"What the hell . . ." Eliza started.

Allyson was the first to speak. "Boss, I know this is personal business. But what's personal to you is personal to the team, even the new guys," she said, looking behind her at their most recent acquisitions. "If there's going to be a fight, we're going to be there with you. You can let us go with you or you can deal with us following you."

Eliza hugged her dear friend. "Saddle up boys," she said, tossing her bags into the back of a transport. "We're going to pick a fight!"

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Several days later . . .

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A series of coaches pulled up to the Msabdteelfinclor palatial estate. Veronica's mouth was hanging open. If they had come under different circumstances, she'd probably be gushing all over the place. Eliza's parents lived in a castle in every sense of the word, and it was bigger than a couple of towns Veronica and Vicky had lived in as kids. And it was gorgeous. Even Vicky and Terillia were impressed, and they had spent a lot more time on Terra than most. Tiny and Thug just grunted, then started grabbing bags.

"Thug, you remember where the guest rooms are? And you have that list of passwords for the security spells?"

|| YES AND GOT 'EM, || Thug said, hauling their equipment up to the front door.

"Mom ordered the servants to give us free access," Eliza said to Veronica as everyone else headed inside, with the exception of Vicky and Terillia. "She 'ordered' them. Crap, even the people who fertilize the gardens look down on me," she said.

"I'm sure that's not what your mom meant," Veronica returned, rubbing her head. That annoying buzzing "sound" she had felt when she crossed over the last time had returned with a vengeance. She was beginning to wonder if dimension hopping had side effects.

"She's going to be staying with my father at the Palace. They're both under high security until the person who cast that trap spell is caught. Shit, I came all this way and I don't even know what to do next," Eliza said, sitting on the low concrete wall surrounding the parking area. "It's not like I'm going to be able to work incognito around here. Everyone knows me and not many of them are exactly willing to help a 'half-breed lesbian' anyway."

"So you're going to quit and go home then?" Vicky asked, interrupting the conversation and earning her a dirty look from her sister and Eliza. "Hey, I'm just sayin' . . . We all know that it ain't gonna happen, so let's see some of that original thinking I've been hearing so much about."

"If all your conventional avenues have been lost to you . . ." started Terillia.

"Then use some unconventional ones," finished Veronica.

"Some people have friends," Eliza said, smiling in spite of herself. "I have a booster club. All right, all right. I'll think of something."

Veronica smiled back. "So . . ." she started with a drawl. "Where's YOUR room?"

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In Eliza's old bedroom . . .

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Veronica couldn't stop laughing. Eliza's parents had apparently left her room just the way it was from when Eliza had gone off for her "extended vacation" on Earth. Veronica had never imagined Eliza as a "teenager" before, but she apparently had been. There were posters of popular musicians and theatre performers, as well as an all-girl team for some sport called "Grenslonvaas," which was like a magical combination of rugby and field hockey without all the niceties. And the stuff animals! Tons and tons of stuffed animals! Apparently, small collectible stuffed animals weren't just a human tradition. While blushing, Eliza admitted that she actually had one of the most extensive collections in the southern provinces.

"Stop it," Eliza said to her chortling girlfriend.

"I can't help it," Veronica said, trying to compose herself. "It's just . . . they're so cute!" she added, waving her hand at the shelves of plush toys. "I just never imagined you like this . . . Not that I was any different, mind you."

"I never thought I'd be back here," Eliza said, picking up what had been one of her favorite toys as a kid; a stuffed griffin named "Kachecki." "I don't even know if he'll let me try to help him," she added, not needing to mention who "he" was.

"Since when did you ever need permission from someone to get involved?" Veronica mentioned.

"This is different. You didn't hear some of the things that he said . . . that I said."

"I know," Veronica said, looking towards the door. "You feeling okay? Or better at least?"

"A bit," Eliza replied, sitting down on her bed. "My father's okay, but apparently pissed. He's safe now, and so is my mom. All the security spells are back in place, and everyone has their shift assignments for tonight."

"So, when's our shift?" Veronica asked, leisurely leaning back on the bed, pulling at the strings that kept her vest tied together.

"Veronica!" Eliza said.

"What? Don't tell me you're the only girl who didn't want to do it when her parents were out of the house!" Secretly, Veronica wanted to do something that would take her mind off the annoying buzzing in her head.

Eliza had to admit that the thought had crossed her mind. Of course, she had always pictured one of those grenslonvaas players in her bed, but Veronica was a pretty good substitute. "All the time," Eliza replied. "I just never thought there was a chance in hell it would happen."

Veronica pulled the last string of her vest apart and the garment sprung open, letting those luscious tits pop free. "Well hell just froze over," she said, lying back and pinching her nipples so they stood out proudly. "It must be cold in here."

"I could start a fire," Eliza said, straddling the blonde woman's hips and placing Veronica's hands on Eliza's ass.

"I think you already did," Veronica said, squeezing her lover's ass and watching as Eliza unzipped the top of her jumpsuit.

Eliza let her top fall to her waist, then lay on the bed next to Veronica so she could finish getting the jumpsuit off. Veronica stood up and made a big production of sliding her jeans off. She had on a pair of bikini panties, tied at the side. Two quick tugs and the underwear was a thing of the past. Then she pounced on Eliza, pinning her to the bed and kissing her heavily.

The two of them had done many things together, but this felt . . . delightfully naughty to Eliza. It was one of those time-honored rites of adolescence, regardless of what race you were from . . . making out in a teenage girl's bedroom. Of course, there had been twenty-three U. S. presidents since Eliza was a teenager, but that fact was lost on the two grown-up women rolling around on Eliza's old bed.

Something occurred to Veronica . . . something that was supposed to be said in situations like this. "C'mon," she murmured. "If you REALLY love me, you'll do it," she added with a giggle.

Eliza grabbed Veronica by the shoulders and pushed them against the bed, riding the woman's hips like a saddle. She gripped her lover's breasts, lowering her head to them and sucking eagerly on her nipples. "Do what?" she asked. "This?" Eliza sucked lovingly on both breasts again. "Or this?" she asked, kissing her lover's bellybutton. "Or maybe this?" Eliza asked, planting a kiss on Veronica's clitoral hood. Veronica shuddered. "Or maybe . . ."

{{ Oh shut up and eat me! }} Veronica thought, her patience reaching its limit. She hooked her legs over Eliza's shoulders and pressed her thighs together on either side of Eliza's face.

{{ So insistent, }} Eliza thought, burying her tongue in her girlfriend's sweet box and reveling in its wet warmth. She took a long lick, prepping that pussy for an evening of debauchery. Then she took another. She pushed her lips into the opening and wiggled her tongue around. She sunk one thumb into Veronica's asshole as she began to eat that pretty cunt like a woman possessed.

Whatever buzzing sensation was going on in Veronica's head was quickly being overshadowed by pure pleasure. Every time with Eliza was like the first time . . . namely, magnificent. She grasped her own hair as Eliza's tongue explored her like Magellan going around the world, stopping every now and then to wreak some havoc. But unlike Magellan, Eliza's tongue made it the entire trip around Veronica's insides, then made a return trip. And with a thumb prodding the inside of her backside, she let herself go. After a few minutes of oral attention, she was cumming on Eliza's face.

{{ Consider yourself eaten, }} Eliza thought as she licked her lips.

Veronica pulled Eliza onto the bed and kissed her girlfriend again, licking the remnants of her own orgasm from her lover's lips. Then she leaned back on one elbow and spread her legs in a v-shape. Not missing a beat, Eliza did the same thing with her own legs, turning them until they formed a right angle from her lover's limbs. She scooted forward until her mound came into contact with Veronica's. Each woman grabbed one of the other's legs for leverage, then their eyes locked.

{{ Ready? }} Veronica asked.

Eliza humped her hips, pressing her pussy against her lover's. {{ For you, I'm always ready. }}

Veronica grinned. {{ You're so romantic when you're horny! }} She ground her hips against Eliza. Both women's nether region was fairly slick, so they were able to rub together quickly and easily. {{ Hurry up! Before your parents come home! }}

Eliza stopped and looked pained. {{ Please don't mention my parents during sex. That is phenomenally gross! }}

Veronica smiled and gyrated her hips again. {{ Okay, okay! }} she said, giggling. {{ So I guess asking 'Whose you're daddy?' is right out? }}

Eliza couldn't help but smile back as she humped against Veronica's mound. {{ Only if you never want to do this again! }} She moaned and started kissing her lover's calf as she held onto her leg. Veronica fell back onto the bed, moving her hips while she inserted her index finger into her own asshole. The two of them ground their slick openings together harder and harder. Their constant humping was positively delightful for both women. Veronica was watching every muscle in Eliza's body strain, while Eliza was watching her lover's breast jiggle. When Eliza finally climaxed, she grabbed on to Veronica's leg and just held on for dear life as the two women's junction became even slicker. And Veronica wasn't far behind. She was sure that sometimes . . . just sometimes . . . that thought of Eliza's orgasm was enough to push Veronica over the top.

The two fell back onto the bed, their legs still intertwined.

"God, I wish I'd brought the toys," Veronica said.

Eliza laughed. Her girlfriend has such an affinity for sex toys that . . . "Wait a minute," she muttered as she disentangled herself and got off the bed. Veronica must have thought her lover had gone insane as Eliza stood, naked and sweaty, in the middle of the room, kicking at the floor with her heel. Finally, she heard a slightly muffled thump, and she got on her knees so she could pry a particular stone out of the floor. Underneath was a treasure trove of all the things she had kept hidden from her parents when she was younger. She pulled out a bag of stuff and shifted through it, finally emerging with what appeared to Veronica to be a glass dildo. "Old reliable," Eliza said. Then she noticed Veronica was staring at her. "What?"

"Are there any OTHER things I should know about?"

Eliza shrugged, then looked in another small bag. She opened it, sniffed inside, then made a face of disgust. "Looks like the preservation spell wore off a couple decades ago," she said. "No way I'll be able to smoke that shit," she said as she wiped the dust of the sex toy. Then she climbed onto the bed.