It Was Only a Blowjob Ch. 03

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Stray blowjobs have consequences, all around.
13.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 12/30/2013
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Stray blowjobs have consequences, all around.


The ride home after dropping off Kelly, my little lost lady-of-the-night, was sad. I knew my wife would be upset.

I pulled into the garage and entered the house through the kitchen. Wendy was standing there, dressed to the nines, and she looked at me hopefully. I shook my head, and she nodded sadly.

"You look nice," I said. A little too nice. Like it was date night. I wondered if she was wearing her new bra and panty set. "We goin' somewhere?"

She smiled. "I need to go out for a while. It's part of making things better. I'm going to ask you to please trust me, even though I don't deserve it."

After the stunt she'd pulled she was asking a lot. I saw her watching me anxiously. Could I trust her? Did I believe her? It only took me a few seconds to realize if I didn't, I might as well walk away myself. If she was going to screw around, there was no way I could stop it. It was up to her.

I took her in my arms. "I'm not going to worry about what you do. I trust you completely. I refuse to look over your shoulder the rest of your life. I'm sure you understand the consequences if you were to stray again. For whatever reason."

She nodded. "Thank you. I promise you won't regret it."

She left half-an-hour later. I grabbed a beer, and parked myself in front of the TV. Monday night football. Four games in one weekend. I laughed to myself, wondering if it would ever happen again. I wouldn't mind if it never did, in spite of two damn good games the day before, I was all football'd out.

I had Jeannie in her playpen, and had to watch over her, but it's not like that was a chore. I kept thinking back to what Kelly had said, and what had happened to her, for her to be in the situation she was.

My idle thoughts wandered between whatever my wife was up to, what Kelly was doing, and how I was going to get revenge on the assholes. For the last, I wasn't looking for anything too complicated.

I took a few moments out to place some orders over the internet, supplies for some of my possible solutions. Then half-time was over, and I was back to watching the game.

Wendy came home at the beginning of the fourth quarter, and she looked happy. Almost too happy.

"How'd things go?" I asked, curious if she would finally tell me.

"It went well. I'm going to need a few more days, and then I'll explain everything. How's the game?"

"Not bad," I told her.

"Oh. I was hoping it was boring, and you might consider letting me entertain you instead."

I grinned. "I believe I could be talked into that."

She grabbed Jeannie out of the pen. "Let me feed her, and put her down for the night. Then we can let the entertainment begin."

We made it halfway through the fourth, before she got up. "Give me a few minutes, then you can join me in the bedroom."

I watched a couple of more plays, but the game was pretty much over by then. I turned off the TV, and checked the doors and lights.

Wendy was waiting for me in one of her new outfits. She undressed me, then had me lay back in the bed. She moved between my legs, and started to go down on me, pretty aggressively, nothing like the long lovemaking I'd received the night before.

She got me nice and hard, and kept it up for a couple of minutes before she stood, smiling, and removed her delicate panties. She went to climb on me, and I took her in my arms, kissing her, then rolled her over onto her back, moving down her body. I was looking forward to returning the favor she'd so generously bestowed on me.

After only a couple of minutes, she was begging me to fuck her. "I love it baby, but I need you inside of me. Please," she moaned.

I was happy enough to oblige, and we had good old fashioned sex. Dirty and sweaty, in several positions. I got her off toward the end, and worked toward my own completion. When I couldn't take it any longer, I pulled out of her and scrambled up beside her head, stroking my cock.

She grabbed me, and sucked me into her mouth. I was a little surprised, she didn't normally like to suck me after I'd been inside of her, but she had no problem at that moment. She only got a few good sucks in before I was ready to blow. She held me in her mouth, stroking my cock as I delivered the goods.

She sucked gently afterward, then smiled and swallowed. "You didn't want to finish inside me?"

"I love to, but I know how much you like it in your hot little mouth."

She grinned. "You know me so well. How about in the future, you finish the first one in my mouth, and the second one inside me?"

I smiled, leaning over and kissing her. "Are you hinting you'd like to go again."

"Let me give you more than a hint," she said, and pushed me back, her mouth seeking out my missile.

This time we took it easier, and I made love to her, taking my time before I finished between her legs. She held me afterward. "I love this so much. Tasting your cum in my mouth, while feeling it inside my pussy."

I kissed her again, slowly and lovingly. "Imagine how good I feel," I told her.

"What would you say to making this a regular thing?" she asked. "One for each naughty mouth?"

"I believe I could live with that," I told her.

She got up and brought back a washcloth. I figured she'd clean both of us up, but she put it between her legs, and used her mouth on me. That was something new. I hate to admit it, but it was a little concerning. "I thought you didn't like that?"

"I was an idiot. I love the taste of your cum. You don't seem to mind the taste of me, and you know what? I guess I don't either. I love cleaning you after. I'm going to be doing a lot more of that, I promise. I hope you don't mind?"

I laughed. "Not in the least."

She gave me another little suck, then crawled up next to me. "Kelly and I talked about that. I never realized that I only suck you at the beginning of our sessions. I could have at least cleaned you up with a washcloth, and sucked you again. I know what we have is great, but I want it to be even better. Anything you want to try, anything you want to do, please ask me. I want to be everything for you. Never be embarrassed, or afraid. The worst I can say is I didn't like it much afterward."

"How about you? Anything you want to do?"

"I want to taste your cum every day for the rest of my life. You already know what I like most."

"I'll see what I can do to make you happy. Remember, the same applies. Anything you want to try, I'm happy to listen."

She hugged me, clinging to my side. "How come we never talked about this before?"

I shrugged. "Don't know. Didn't think we had to, I guess."

She nodded. "Me either. I'm happy with our sex life. I hope you are."

"I am. I love you. I think we got a little lost during and after the pregnancy. I'm sorry if that's what drove you to do what you did."

She shook her head. "No. I mean it might have been a small part of it, but it was more me just being stupid, and taking bad advice. I didn't really want it or need it. I gave in. I was drunk but that's a lousy excuse. I won't do that again. If I have any problem at all, I'll talk to you first. I promise."

"Me too."

We were quiet. I tried to sleep, but I kept seeing Kelly standing on a corner, leaning into strange cars.

"Are you thinking about her?" Wendy asked.

I didn't hesitate. "Yes. I hope she's alright."

"Me too."

* * *

For the next few days everything was pretty good. She went out again on Tuesday. She was spending a good bit of time on the phone. I asked her if Kelly had called, but she said no. I received my delivery from my online orders, and Wendy didn't ask me about it. She seemed to be giving me a little space.

At the same time, I was still concerned about us. She was keeping secrets in the evening, then seemed to be paying penance each night. She was fawning, and eager to do anything she could for me.

I wanted my Wendy back. Not a broken, terrified woman. I needed her to know that I loved her, and she didn't need to be constantly trying to make amends, making my favorite meals, cleaning up after me, offering me sex non-stop (Ok, she could keep doing that one), bringing me an after-work drink.

I left her a single rose. No reason. A little note in her purse telling her I'd been thinking of her. A bottle of my favorite perfume on her, just because.

Wendy was hot as a firecracker when she got home, and I was happy to indulge her. Three times, mouth, pussy and mouth again. She was wearing her grin when she fell asleep in my arms.

Wendy seemed happier than ever when she came home Thursday from her night out, and we made love again, as we had every day. I got to see a new outfit every night. Thursday the outfit didn't last long, and I was a little ashamed that I tore her panties in my eagerness. She giggled and assured me she didn't mind having to go shopping for new bottoms. She'd even buy spares.

It was almost 1:00 am when the phone rang. It woke me, and I was upset, wondering what would necessitate such a late call. I hoped everything was alright with our families.

I picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"John," a nervous voice responded.

"Kelly? Is that you? Are you alright?" I asked sitting up in the bed.

Wendy sat up looking at me nervously.

"I...I've been arrested. Can you bail me out? I'll pay you back."

"Where are you?"

She told me where she was, and that as a first time offender there was a $500 fine, and she'd have to face charges of up to 90 days in jail.

"I'll be there shortly. Don't say anything, don't sign anything. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Ok. Thank you, I didn't know who else to call."

"You did right, Angel. Hold on, I'm coming for you."

I got up and started to get dressed. I headed off the questions I knew Wendy would have. "She got arrested. I'm going to go get her."

"Bring her home, John."

I nodded. "I will. I'll be back as soon as I can."

In the car, I got out my phone and called my lawyer and friend, Jim Friedland. When he got done chewing me out for waking him up at that ungodly hour, he gave me a number to call for a law-firm that specialized in solicitation. "Are you in jail?" he asked me.

"It's not me. It's a family friend."

"Understood. David's firm is very good. Good luck."

I hung up and made the second call. The person answering the phone assured me they could handle it. I pulled over and gave him a credit-card number over the phone. I told him how I'd been referred, and gave him Jim's name, and mentioned the partner whose name was among the firms'. He said they'd take care of it, and things should be in order by the time I got to the jail.

I didn't know how things worked, and should have been more concerned. Normally you'd have to stay in jail until arraignment, or pay a fine, and accept the charges, before facing the judge. By the time I got to where Kelly was, they'd already set up some Deferred Prosecution thing, as a first time offender. She'd be out with some drug testing, community service, a limitation on where she could go, and probation.

Kelly was a mess, and ran into my arms crying.

"It was horrible, John. Horrible."

"Shh. It'll be Ok. Come on, let's get you home."

She didn't say anything as I drove back toward my house, instead of her apartment or whatever she stayed in. I explained the terms of her release, and she thanked me repeatedly.

I didn't ask her how she'd gotten in trouble. She didn't offer an explanation. She asked me how Wendy and Jeannie were doing, and I opened up to her, telling her what was going on, about Wendy going out, and even about our love life.

"You trust her, don't you?" she asked.

"I do. At least I'm trying. I have to admit, I'm more than a little anxious. It's not easy."

"I know. If she's been out three times, it's probably almost over. You both are getting along?"

"Better than ever." I heard her stomach growling, and laughed.

She pouted. "It's not funny. It's almost 3:00am."

"I know. I'm going to stop at the 24-hour Burger King. I don't think we have enough at home to feed you, if you're anything like the last time."

She grinned. "No, I just don't like to eat before going out to work. There's a late-night McDonald's where I usually go afterward."

"Burger King's alright then?"


She ate on the last part of the drive, and polished off a Whopper and fries before we got to the house. She laughed as we pulled up. "You always feed me so well. I would have gotten the kid's meal on my own."

"Nothing's too good for my girl," I teased as I closed the garage door behind us.

She suddenly seemed nervous, as we entered the house. "Come on. Wendy will want to see you. She talks about you every day. She's so worried."

"She shouldn't worry about me. I'm a big girl."

"We both worry about you. Come. A quick hello, and you can take a bath and hit the sack."

She walked with me into the bedroom, and Wendy was awake. She jumped up and hugged Kelly, until they both were crying. I lost them then, when they went into the bathroom together.

Jeannie was fussing, but we were still working on getting her to sleep through the night, so I let her. She didn't start a crying jag, which was good, that was always hard on me. I wanted to go to her at those times, but Wendy always reminded me I couldn't. I'd spent more than one night sitting outside her door, listening to her crying. I'd probably have cried myself, if I wasn't too damn manly for that kind of stuff.

The girls were taking their time, and I was surprised when I was being woken up and told to move over. I moved to the side of the bed, and Kelly was between us, naked in my bed again, with Wendy on her other side.

It was late, and I hugged her, putting my arm across her waist. "I'm glad you're home, Angel," I whispered, then kissed her on the cheek, before falling asleep.

* * *

I woke to a morning blowjob from my wife, while Kelly slept next to me, her arm thrown across my chest. A hell of a way to wake up.

Kelly woke up near the finish, and looked down. "Lucky girl," she whispered, before giggling.

"Lucky guy," I reminded her.

"Yes, you are. Sorry for the trouble."

I tilted her chin up and kissed her softly. I was beyond speaking, as Wendy decided it was time for me to come. The kiss became more intense, more passionate, as I came for my wife. It was a big one, and I shot off several times. She swallowed most of it, then pulled away, letting the rest spill onto my skin.

"Want to help?" she asked Kelly. "It's your damn fault there's so much," she said laughing.

Kelly pulled her lips away from mine, with a last playful swipe of her tongue. She scooted down the bed and accepted a naughty kiss from Wendy before she assisted with the cleaning.

I was surprised and quite pleased at the job they did. At one point they had both of their mouths on my shaft, as I firmed up for them. Wendy made a point of going down on me, until I was stiff again.

She sat up laughing. "Three times last night, and twice more this morning? What are you, 18 again?"

"No, just a very lucky man."

She grinned, and pulled on her robe, while Kelly kept kissing and licking. Wendy watched for a few seconds. "I'll leave you to take care of that one, while I fix breakfast," she said.

Kelly stopped. "Oh no, I can't," she said.

"You helped make it that way. The least you can do is deal with it. I'm worn out, trying to take care of the beast. I have a baby to feed, and a breakfast to make. You've got 15 minutes before he has to start getting ready." She left without waiting for an answer.

Kelly looked up at me hesitantly. "John?"

"Don't look at me. I wasn't expecting that," I laughed.

She looked down at my cock, and her hand slowly closed on it. "I shouldn't," she whispered.

"You should. Soon. Time's wasting."

She looked back at me, then got on her hands and knees. "Are you sure?"

"Please," I told her.

She did. It was different. She made love to my cock, much as Wendy had done the first time. She took her time, kissing my skin, my thighs, licking me all over. She sucked me, and swallowed my entire length, holding me in the back of her mouth, while she looked up at me. She had a little smile at the corner of her lips, while she pulled away.

She spent ten minutes teasing and torturing me, checking the clock regularly. Then she spent five minutes showing off her skills, and had me erupting between her lips at the 15 minute mark.

She smiled, her mouth full, and nodded to the clock. Then she got up without a word and walked out of the bedroom.

I shaved and showered, all the regular morning ablutions. Put on my monkey-suit, and joined my wife and Kelly in the kitchen.

They were laughing and chatting, and I got a big hug and kiss from each of them. Wendy laughed, "How was your morning so far, dear?"

"Excellent. Thank you for asking."

She smiled. "I got a second taste, thanks to sweet-cheeks. I think my morning was pretty excellent too."

Kelly giggled. "Me too!"

I ate breakfast with a naked 18 year old, the mother of my child sitting in an open robe, her goodies on display, and my daughter in the corner, making pretty little baby sounds. I hardly tasted the bacon and egg sandwich.

"We're going to run some errands today. I think I'm going to drop Jeannie off at my mother's. You going to be home on time?"

"I can pretty much guarantee that," I promised.

Wendy laughed. "That have anything to do with the pretty, naked girl, sitting at the table?"

"It has everything to do with my having the best damn wife in the whole world. No more late nights, if I can help it. I want to spend all my free time with the love of my life."

She got up and kissed me. "You know flattery doesn't work on me."

"Liar. You know damn well it does."

She kissed me again, giggling. "Ok, it does. You're going to get sooo lucky tonight."

I escaped her loving clutches and gave Kelly a quick kiss before I headed over to my daughter. I picked her up and kissed her, blowing a raspberry on her belly. "Be good for your Mommy, Angel," I told her, knowing damn well she couldn't understand a word I said. She cooed for me, and I thought life couldn't get any better.

"Do we have a spending limit?" Wendy asked as I passed her.

"Whatever the credit card is. Have fun. Think of me often."

"No way. I'm going to think of you all the time," she laughed.

* * *

Work was like any other day, until about 3:30. That's when Paul walked into my office. I felt a shiver run down my spine, and my blood pressure rising.

He closed the door.

I clenched my fists, under the desk.

"Hey, John. I just wanted to tell you I knew that Tom was a fucking liar. I can't believe that shit he said about your wife. We all know how crazy she is about you."

I was surprised, and blurted out, "What shit?"

He looked nervous. "I figured you knew. It doesn't matter. He told me he made it up, to get even with her for teasing him once too often, and said he was going to apologize to you. Whatever. I just wanted you to know. I figure you'd been acting a little weird since the party, and I hope it wasn't anything I said or did. I don't know if any of the other guys said anything, but I swear, I didn't or wouldn't. No way it was true, anyhow. Especially not with him. We're cool, right?"

I nodded slowly. "Sure. You and me are. I'm not happy with him. Spreading stupid rumors."

Paul finally sat down. "Shit, everyone knows he wants to get into your wife's pants, but she's shot him down so hard every time. I guess he felt he had to make stuff up, not to look like a fucking loser. Made him look all the more stupid if you ask me."

"I appreciate you telling me," I said, honestly.

"No problem. If anyone said crap about my wife that way, I'd want to know it, and I'd probably have to take matters into my own hands."