It Has Led to Dancing


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She groaned in surrender then. She knew she had to try it, just to know if it was even possible. She raised her hips and slid the new shorts and panties down her legs. Her fingers found her aroused puffy little lips already soaked with her juices. She rose from her bed and got her hand mirror from atop her dresser, then lay back down. She reached under the pillow and her hand shook as it closed around the thick shaft of the waiting dildo.

She put the pillow up against the headboard of the bed so that she could recline against it. She could see her own aroused little pussy clearly in the mirror. It seemed far too tiny to take the fat head of the fake dick, much less the entire veiny shaft. She watched in fascination as she rubbed the latex knob between her glistening pussy lips. They seemed to open around the bulbous cock head as if eager to engulf it.

Sally couldn't believe how aroused she felt as she slid the toy up and down the furrow of her pussy. It looked so sinfully hot in that little mirror. She gasped when she applied a little more pressure and felt herself being spread open. It was actually going inside her! Not only that, but it felt absolutely amazing. She started to understand, as she slowly worked more and more of that fake cock into her, why people had sex. Never before had she understood the levels of pleasure that this simple act unleashed.

Her mind felt like it melted a little when the thick head of the dildo first stroked her g-spot. Her mouth opened in a wide 'O' of pleasure and her hands shook. The deeper she drove the toy inside her, the better it felt. Sally once again pictured Dana's cock as it drove in and out of that anonymous woman's pussy. She tried to emulate that same motion with the artificial member.

It was a little awkward at first, but then she started to get the hang of it. The sensations were beyond anything she had imagined as the thick toy plunged in and out of her. She could only gasp as deep, thunderous orgasms wracked her body. She pounded the toy in and out of her clutching little pussy for a half hour.

Afterwards, she was a bit tender down there from all that novel activity. The muscles in her legs and bottom were also a little sore from the unaccustomed exercise. Sally quietly made her way into the bathroom and washed the latex toy in the sink. She still marveled that the whole thing had actually fit inside her. She dried it off and returned to her room, stashing the toy beneath her pillow again.

She heard Dana moving around the apartment a bit later, and realized that she had walked to the bathroom and back without putting anything on her bottom. She could only shake her head softly at that. She pulled her panties and shorts back on and went out to see what he was doing.

Dana was completely drained after last night at Jill's apartment. She had sucked four loads of cum from him. He had never before had four orgasms in one night, and the intense way she pulled the semen from his body was just beyond belief. His balls actually ached as he gingerly made his way to the dining room table to eat lunch. It was nothing fancy, just a baloney sandwich and a bag of chips. He had a cold beer to wash it down.

Dana was surprised to see Sally as she joined him at the table. She really looked like a different person now.

"Hi, Dana," she said as she sat down, "How are you today?"

Dana suppressed a groan. He really was worn out, despite sleeping in. "Alright, I guess," he answered, "How are you?"

"I feel really...different," Sally answered truthfully. "I appreciate your candor. It has really made me think about things in a whole new light."

"You're welcome, I think," Dana said with a slight grin, "I really didn't think I did anything all that special."

"Well, I appreciate it anyway," Sally said with a smile. She looked thoughtful then. "Dana, I've been meaning to ask, are you planning to go to church tomorrow?"

Dana was a little surprised. "As a matter of fact, I was. I was going to meet my parents there and stay at their place after church for a family visit."

"If you don't mind, could I go with you?" Sally asked, "I haven't attended church here, and I don't know anyone else besides you and Pastor Julie. Honestly, I only met her once, so I'm not sure that even counts."

Dana looked at her and nodded. "I would like that," he said, "Plus, I'm sure my parents would love to meet you." Dana was thoughtful for a bit, and then almost blurted out, "You know, I never thanked you for taking me in. You really saved my butt. Thank you, Sally. I really owe you for that."

Sally's smile was warm. "I'm glad I was here for you." She then realized she had not shared her good fortune from earlier in the morning. Her eyes opened a bit wider. "Oh! I totally neglected to mention it, but I got great news in the mail this morning. My grant money finally cleared on Friday, and I no longer have to pay taxes on most of it. I already paid our rent for the next three months."

Dana was stunned at that news. He couldn't have afforded to pay the rent on a one-bedroom apartment on his own. He was actually accumulating student loan debt while he attended grad school. His look was questioning.

Sally got up and brought her laptop to the dining room. She slid a chair next to Dana's and sat next to him, her thigh touching his as she brought up a spreadsheet detailing her finances. Dana went from stunned to blown away as he saw how organized and prepared Sally was. Her mind was out of his league. In fact, with her finances in order, she had no need to keep him around.

Dana was uncomfortable as he contemplated that reality. Sally was continuing to explain everything in a bright and cheerful manner. She stopped when she saw him looking at her with that expression.

"Dana, what's the matter?" she asked.

"Do you want me to move out?" he asked softly, "You obviously don't need me financially anymore."

It was Sally's turn to be caught off-guard. "No!" she answered without thought. She colored slightly, but continued. "I like having you as a roommate. I don't feel like I'm alone and helpless here. You have made such a difference in my life. It's true I don't need you financially, but that just means we both have more funds available to spend on other things."

She looked so amazing that Dana couldn't help himself. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the mouth. Sally's eyes shot open in surprise, but she didn't stop him. She didn't really kiss him back, either. After his eyes caught her expression, he gently broke off the kiss.

"I'm sorry about that," he said softly, "I should have asked."

Sally shook her head, unsure what to say. Her heart was hammering in her chest after that amazing kiss. "I've..." she started, but then stopped. Her voice was hoarse as she finally managed to get out, "That's the first time a man has ever kissed me."

Dana blurted out, "Really?" He immediately followed it up with, "I'm sorry. Of course you are serious. You wouldn't make up something like that. I just...I had no idea. I feel awful for—"

Then she was kissing him. She wasn't the polished kisser that he was, but her lips were hot and passionate as she leaned into him. They kissed for a good minute, and smiled hesitantly afterwards. Sally put her hand on Dana's forearm reassuringly.

"Thank you," she said softly.

She gathered her laptop and got up from the table, still smiling as she took it back to her room. Dana watched her go. You could really tell she had an excellent ass in those shorts, even though they weren't tight. He almost felt guilty for thinking it.

Dana finished his lunch and beer and cleaned up afterward. Sally hadn't emerged from her bedroom, but he hadn't heard her close the door either. He walked tentatively to her doorway and knocked on the open door. Sally was seated at her desk with her laptop open and three books spread around her. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Hey," she said, "What can I do for you?"

"I was just checking to see what you were doing."

"Just some particle physics and quantum mechanics," she answered indicating two of the books, "Pretty basic stuff, really."

Dana snorted out a laugh at that. "'Basic stuff' for you, maybe," he said with a smile. "I just...I was worried you were mad at me, or that I freaked you out by kissing you earlier."

Her smile softened. "It was lovely, Dana. I just figured it was a spur-of-the-moment act. I don't think we should make a habit of it. Do you?"

Dana thought about it and nodded in agreement. She really was smarter than he was. It wasn't even close.

"Thanks again," he said, "I'll leave you to your homework, then."

Dana actually got to his own work after that. He did have a lot of projects ongoing, but all of them were long-term. As long as he showed some progress each week, his professors were happy to let him manage his own schedule. Only one of his classes had 'homework,' and that was only intermittent. Still, it couldn't hurt to get his projects ahead of schedule. He was three hours into his work when Sally knocked on his door.

"Hey," she said with a smile, "Do you feel like going out for dinner?"

Dana stretched and looked at his clock. "That sounds great."

"Would you mind picking the restaurant?" she asked.

"I know just the place," he responded.

Sally was a little surprised when they pulled into the parking lot. It was a Mexican restaurant, but it didn't look fancy at all. In fact, it looked run-down and cheap. She looked at Dana questioningly.

"I know, it doesn't look like much," he said, "But trust me, this is one of the absolute best restaurants in town."

Half an hour later, she had to agree. The food was absolutely top-notch. The place had a homey, warm atmosphere inside. Everyone was not only polite, but they all seemed happy to be there and to welcome their guests to dinner. It was just a superb dining experience all around.

After that dinner, they sat at the apartment and relaxed. They watched a bit of television before heading to their rooms to continue working. Dana was surprised at how quickly the time had passed. He also surprised himself at how much work he got done. Sally surprised him even more when she returned to his bedroom door.

She was wearing her nightgown. She was unaware that he could see right through it. She wasn't even wearing panties beneath the soft garment. Her puffy pussy lips, thin patch of pubic hair, huge swaying breasts, and hard nipples were all clearly displayed. Dana somehow managed to maintain eye contact while enjoying her gorgeous body in his peripheral vision.

"What time does church start tomorrow?" she asked from the doorway.

"Eleven o'clock," Dana responded. "Would you like me to drive you?" He winced inwardly at his choice of words.

Sally cocked her head, which did really distracting things to her unfettered breasts. "I thought you were going to visit with your family after church?"

"You could come along for that," Dana said, then grinned conspiratorially, "I could use you as an excuse to get out of there if it gets too boring."

Sally laughed at that, again causing her breasts to wobble and bob. "That sounds great. Good night, Dana."

"Good night, Sally."

Her ass swayed beautifully as she walked away. Dana was hard as steel after that display. It took him a while to get back to concentrating on his work.

Sally turned off her light and lay awake in her bed for a half hour. She kept smiling as she thought about Dana kissing her. She knew that she would not get to sleep soon. She was eager this time as she pulled her new favorite toy from beneath the pillow and buried it in her wet pussy.

The next morning, they were both up early. They shared breakfast, making omelettes and toast. Sally was still blissfully unaware of the show she was giving as she jiggled around in her nightgown. When she bent over the dining room table to set down the silverware, it took all of Dana's self-control to hold back from taking her right on the spot. The gown rode up and presented such a lush target. He was likewise unaware of the show he was giving her as his hard cock presented a delicious bulge in the front of his boxer briefs.

They managed to contain their hormones, taking turns showering and preparing for church. When they emerged from their bedrooms dressed for church, they looked like completely different people. Dana wore a dress shirt and tie, his dress slacks held by a shiny leather belt. His black dress shoes were polished. Sally wore a long, conservative dress. It was pretty, but it was definitely not revealing at all. It did emphasize the loveliness of her face, particularly with her hair in a ponytail as she now wore it.

They made a lovely couple as they headed for Dana's car and drove to the chapel. Dana's parents were indeed delighted to meet the young woman who had taken in their son. She carried her well-worn Bible lovingly, and embraced the familiarity of the service. Pastor Julie gave a stirring sermon. Sally joined in singing the familiar hymns with an angelic voice. Dana was just blown away by a radiant Sally in her element.

He had never really believed in angels before. He was convinced now that he was living with one.

After the service, they talked briefly with Pastor Julie. She, too, was overwhelmed by Sally. At first, she didn't even recognize the beaming young woman. When she was introduced to Dana, she managed to conceal her surprise. She wasn't certain that the two of them cohabitating was a great idea, and she was already party to it. Still, Sally looked happy and comfortable in her congregation. Dana seemed committed to becoming a regular with that influence in his life.

God works in mysterious ways, Pastor Julie thought as she watched them walk away.

The rest of that Sunday was remarkably comfortable for both Dana and Sally. They both felt right at home with Dana's family. His younger sister was in college, and his three younger brothers were in high school and junior high. This weekend everyone was home, and happy to have Sally with them.

Dana's father took him aside briefly.

"Son, you and Sally aren't...?" he sort-of asked.

"No, Dad," Dana chuckled in reply, "This girl is way out of my league."

Dana's father bristled at the thought. He had seen some of the amazing young women his son had been with, and he was proud of his academic accomplishments. "Dana, I can't imagine that's true. You are being hard on yourself if you really believe that."

"You don't understand, Dad. This girl...she will give Einstein a run for his money. She's that smart. She's actually making money—good money—while she's going to school. Believe me, if she was interested in me, she would be settling. Not that I would complain!"

There was a long pause then. Dana's father smiled at his son. "It sounds to me like you are finally inspired to kick your game up a notch! Good luck, Dana."

"Thanks, Dad."

In truth, Dana was in no hurry to change his lifestyle in the hope of dating his roommate. He was happy, and didn't want to ruin it. If his parents were happy to see him with this girl, that was fine. It would keep them from asking questions they really didn't want answered.

Dana's family felt comfortably familiar to Sally as well. She enjoyed helping Dana's mom prepare lunch for the family, and enjoyed talking with his sister. She felt welcome right away. It was a nice change from her life of isolation on campus and in her apartment prior to Dana's arrival in her life.

Late that afternoon, they said their goodbyes and headed home. When they stepped inside the apartment and closed the door, Sally impulsively kissed Dana.

"Thank you so much for today," she said after breaking the kiss. "I really enjoyed meeting your family."

Dana realized then that he had not introduced any of his recent girlfriends to his family. He had to wonder if Sally was the first girl he was proud to bring home to his mother. It gave him pause.

Sally had gone to her room to change while he stood in thought. He shrugged and went to his own room, emerging in a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top. Sally was once again in a new pair of shorts and a t-shirt. This shirt was a little tighter than the ones she had worn earlier. It was white, with a cartoon Tasmanian devil on the front. Dana tried not to stare at her breasts.

Sally plopped down on the couch with her Bible in hand, flipping to the section that Pastor Julie had referenced at the beginning of her sermon. She read aloud to Dana, and then he found himself sucked into a religious discussion with her. If he thought she was out of his league before, he felt hopelessly out of his depth now. She was patient with him, though, and seemed eager to answer his questions.

It was dark outside when they finally concluded their discussion and called it a night. As Dana lay in his bed, he felt as if he had learned more in that discussion than he had in the last three years of college. Well, almost. What he had learned from the young ladies in his life counted as an education entirely on its own.

Sally prayed fervently that night before crawling into bed. She fell asleep with a smile on her face. It had been such a good weekend. She didn't even think about masturbating that night.

Monday morning saw a return to their normal routine. Sally grabbed a quick breakfast before heading off to school. Dana slept in late, and then called Denise. An hour later, she came over eager to join him in his bed. Once again, she wore a khaki skirt with nothing beneath it. She brought a treat with her this morning: a bottle of silicon-based anal lubricant. Dana was very deliberate and careful as he prepared her tight asshole. They both enjoyed the process of gradually working his thick dick into her willing bottom.

By the time Sally returned from her morning class, she entered the apartment to witness Dana vigorously driving his cock into the anonymous woman from behind. She would have snuck by to her own bedroom, but the woman's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Yes! Oh, your cock feels so good in my ass! I'm coming again! OHH!"

At first, Sally thought she couldn't have heard that right. She softly crept closer to Dana's open door. Her eyes were open wide when she saw the truth. He was indeed driving his thick cock into her asshole! Sally was genuinely shocked. She fled to her bedroom and shook as she sat on her bed.

She had thought there were limits to Dana's depravity, but sodomy! Here, under the roof of their home, he was practicing that abomination! She just couldn't believe it. She didn't want to kick him out, but this seemed too awful to overlook. They had enjoyed such a nice weekend, too. After their spiritual discussion the night before, she felt betrayed by this basest of sins.

She couldn't block out the sounds coming into her room. After a short while, she started to realize that it was only the woman's voice she was hearing. Evidently, she was the one who was really into sodomy. That seemed just inconceivable to Sally. Why would a woman want to have that thick cock in her ass, when it felt so amazing in her pussy?

She recalled, then, that just a few days ago she wouldn't have thought that cock would even fit in her pussy, and she hadn't the slightest clue how amazing that would feel. She hesitated to reach the conclusion...what if it felt even more amazing in her ass? Maybe this woman just knew something else that Sally didn't.

The woman was far more vocal now than Sally could recall her being before. She seemed to be having amazing and loud orgasms with Dana's thick dick filling her ass. Sally licked her lips. Was she really considering this? Sally reached up beneath her khaki skirt and slowly slid her panties down. It took her a moment to find the lubricant sample she had gotten with her toy. She knew her bottom was clean from her shower earlier.