It Had to be Done Again


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In no time at all, he was able to pound her ass hard. She was grunting involuntarily with every thrust, delirious at the sensations her son set off deep inside her. He was magnificent, giving her hungry ass the deep, hard fucking it craved. Their bodies bounced on the bed with the vigor of that marvelous ass-fucking, until he stiffened and filled her with another load of his molten semen. She craned her neck to kiss him as he lay atop her back.

Valerie teased him by flexing her shapely butt cheeks, causing her muscles to squeeze his shaft. She cooed into his mouth when she felt him hardening again inside her. He rolled her onto her back and lifted her legs onto his shoulders. Valerie loved watching her ankles wave helplessly in the air like that while her son pounded her eager ass. She loved the way her son owned her now.

They showered together in the morning, lovingly washing each other before the sun had even come up. They checked out of the hotel and climbed into the Lincoln Navigator. Valerie had Michael drive so that she could suck his cock all the way home.

It took only two hours for the two of them to shovel the driveway clear, now that they had proper snow shovels and winter clothes. It was still hard work, but they laughed and talked the entire time and it seemed far faster than it was. They unloaded the bags and carefully checked over the food before putting it away. A handful of items had been ruined, either because they had been frozen and burst, or because they hadn't been refrigerated overnight.

"I'll inspect the house to make sure we don't have storm damage," Michael offered after the food was all put away. "You should call Dad and let him know we're back."

Valerie nodded and got her phone. She felt strange, and couldn't bring herself to make the call. It took several minutes for her to realize why.

I'm terribly overdressed, she thought, I need to put on something sexy before I talk to him.

She was still so conditioned after almost thirty years of marriage that she did it without thinking. She walked into her bedroom and stripped off the warm winter clothes and picked out a sexy black negligee. She wiggled into the tiny garment and then picked up her phone to call her husband.

Tom sounded annoyed when he answered the phone. Valerie's face flushed when she clearly made out the sounds of a woman sucking her husband's dick.

"What do you want?" Tom asked.

"I was just calling to let you know we made it home," she answered. "Michael is checking the house for storm damage right now."

She bit her lip when she heard her husband's familiar grunt, and heard the woman struggling to take the mouthful of his cum. She knew that he often cheated on her, but this seemed particularly crude. Was he doing it to punish her?

"Okay," he finally said, "I'm glad to hear you're safe."

He didn't sound particularly glad. It sounded like he really didn't care about them at all at that moment. Valerie tried not to cry, but a tear still formed in the corner of her right eye.

"Have fun, Tom," she said softly, "I love you."

He hung up without saying another word. It was like a slap in her face.

Valerie sat on her bed and felt miserable until her son came in. He saw her face and rushed over to hug her. She cried into his chest as he held her in his arms and tried his best to comfort her.

"He's not good enough for you, you know," he spoke softly into her hair.

She nodded into his chest, embarrassed at how wet her tears had made his shirt. Valerie believed her son. Intellectually, she knew she had not done anything to merit the disrespect her husband had heaped on her over the years. Well, at least not until recently, and he didn't know about that. She saw her son's face as she stepped back from him. He looked so concerned that it broke her heart.

"I'm okay," she said, wiping the tears from her face. She gave him a sad smile, which changed when she realized what his return signified. "Is the house all right?"

"I couldn't find anything obvious," he replied with a shrug. "The heat is working, we have hot water, there are no broken windows or doors, and the roof isn't leaking anywhere that I could see. The satellite dish is still buried, but it looks like that snow is melting. I think we're alright."

The heater shut down ominously, alarming them both. After a moment they realized it was because the outside temperature was warm enough that the heater no longer had to run continuously. Things were going to get better.

That thought helped Valerie get over her disappointment with her husband. She had to smile when she realized her son's expression had changed as well. He was still looking at her, but rather than the concern she had seen on his face minutes before, he had that lustful look she loved. He was looking at her tits in that black negligee.

Tom made her feel so unattractive and inadequate. When he had hung up on her, she had not felt desirable or horny at all. Now, just fifteen minutes later, she felt sexy and alive and beautifully desirable as she bent over the kitchen counter to welcome her son's lubricated cock into her horny asshole. It was a little twisted, she knew, but this was what love should feel like. She grunted out loud with each powerful thrust, and her breasts rocked beneath the skimpy negligee.

From behind her, Michael admired the way his mother's ass cheeks rippled each time he pounded his cock into her tight butthole. When she looked over her shoulder at him, she looked unbelievably happy. It did his heart good to see her like that. That feeling of love was slightly at odds with the raw, lustful copulation taking place in their kitchen.

I do really love fucking her ass, though, Michael thought as he pistoned in and out.

That was a filthy thought, even though it was true.

"I love you, Mom!" he cried out.

"I love you, Michael!" she cried back.

She could feel his cock swelling inside her sensitive bottom. Tears of joy streamed down her face as his semen filled her horny ass. She felt it running hotly down the insides and backs of her thighs when she spun around to kiss him hungrily.

They still had three precious days left of Michael's Spring Break vacation. They would savor every moment of each one.

They lay together in Michael's bed after they had shared another lovely shower. Valerie smiled over her shoulder at her adoring son when she felt his dick hardening between her cheeks yet again. She loved the way it felt when the tip of his thick glans pressed against her sensitive rosebud.

"Hmm," she moaned at him, "You really love my tight little asshole, don't you?"

His cock twitched in response, making her chuckle. Valerie reached for the lube on the nightstand, pouring a dollop into her right palm. She reached behind her to stroke her hand up and down her son's cock, lubricating it from base to throbbing tip. It occurred to her as she began feeding that tip into her eager asshole that her son really had more experience with anal sex than someone his age should.

Not that she was complaining, of course. Michael's thick dick felt divine as it slowly filled and stretched her eager bottom once more. He seemed to know exactly the moment that her relaxed sphincter was ready, and then he grabbed her hip and drove his full length in and out of her. She gasped her way through another phenomenal anally-induced orgasm, loving the way he buried his cock in her and held it there through her climax.

"Wow," she panted, "Who do I have to thank for that?"

"Pardon?" he replied, rising up onto his elbow to look at his mother's face.

"Michael," she said, turning carefully to face him, "I'm not stupid. Clearly you had some experience before—with anal sex, I mean. I didn't know anything about lube, and you were an expert. You really know what you are doing when you fuck my ass, and I am grateful. I was just curious who taught you how to please a woman like that."

Michael looked at his mother thoughtfully before answering. He had promised he would never say anything to anyone. They had moved away, though. He couldn't imagine that he would see his ex-girlfriend or her mother again.

"You have to promise to keep it a secret," he finally said. After she nodded, he continued. "You remember Melissa?"

"Really?" Valerie replied. It was hard for her to imagine. "She always seemed like such a shy girl."

"Well, it wasn't her, it was her mom," he shrugged at his mother's wide-eyed stare. "Melissa really liked giving me blowjobs, and I loved that. She didn't want to try taking me anywhere else, and we kind of argued about it. Her mother overheard us, and she approached me later. Belinda was happy to offer me her pussy, as long as I could keep it to myself. She loved anal. I had only tried it once before. She taught me all about it. The day before I got into that fight with Dad..." his eyes got a faraway look.

Valerie felt her son's hard dick twitch against her belly. She was intensely aroused, stroking her son's cock as she pictured it in her mind. Once he had decided to share with her he went all-out, giving her a detailed description of his threesome with Melissa and her mom.

* * *

Meanwhile, Tom was really enjoying his stay in Orlando. He jokingly thought to himself that he ought to keep a tally board in his hotel suite—he had seduced five different women in only three days. Lying in the bed next to him, his latest conquest slept fitfully, still covered in his cum.

He winced as another wave of heartburn pain hit him. There had been too much of that lately, he thought. Tom had eaten a lot of really rich foods when he attended business luncheons and dinners, and he scarfed down a lot of fast food between meetings and around bouts of sex with these young women he conned into his room.

He rose from the bed and staggered into the bathroom, digging through his overnight bag to find antacid tablets. He took two of those, and washed them down with a gulp of water. Tom looked at his reflection in the mirror. He flexed his arms and chest muscles and grinned at his reflection.

Not bad for a forty-eight-year-old guy, he thought. Looking out at the cum-covered twenty-something girl on his bed, he thought, Not bad at all.

He brought his fist up to press it against his chest as another wave of chest pain hit him. When the young woman on his bed stirred, he grinned and gulped another Viagra tablet. It was still early in the afternoon, and he planned to explore just how far this latest girl was willing to go.

Tom had no idea that he was killing himself with those pills. He had advanced heart disease, made worse every day by his stressful job, lack of a regular exercise regimen, and his irregular diet. He had not jogged, swum, or lifted weights in years. It was something he had done regularly when he was younger, and he never thought about just how much time had passed since he had—it seemed, in his mind, that he had put it off for a few months, and he kept making excuses to put it off again.

Occasionally, he would hit the gym or the pool during one of his hotel stays, but that was never the sort of prolonged workout his heart needed. Often, he was just cruising the gym or the pool for women. If none were present, or if he secured a conquest quickly, he didn't bother to stick around for exercise. The constant sex kept some of his noticeable muscle groups in shape, like his arms and chest. He looked fit, particularly for his age.

There were obvious signs of his deteriorating medical condition, but he ignored them. He avoided going to the doctor for regular check-ups, since he thought he was in good shape. Tom Henderson had a ticking time bomb in his chest, and he had no idea.

He spanked the sexy young woman on his bed, drawing a groan from her. She turned to see him grinning down at her.

"Hey, babe," he said, "Care to join me for a shower?"

"Sure," she replied, smiling back at him.

Ten minutes later she was pinned against the wall in the shower, gasping and shaking her head in disbelief as this complete stranger took her virgin ass. He hadn't asked, nor had he been gentle about it. She had assumed it was a mistake when his cock first pressed against her rosebud. She cried out in pain when it slipped inside, even though there was a lot of soap to ease its passage.

When he reached around her and felt her empty pussy, she was initially relieved. She figured he would realize his mistake and pull it out of her...until he fondled her pussy and started to really fuck her ass hard. It sent a shockwave of pain through her body that took her breath away. She couldn't even speak or cry out. She was shocked beyond belief when she somehow came—and it was an amazing, intense climax—despite the agonizing pain shooting through her violated ass.

She had no way of knowing she was the third woman to receive this treatment in the last week. Tom couldn't have told you any of their names.

* * *

It was very late on the last night of Michael's Spring Break when they got the phone call. Valerie and Michael were spooned together in his bed, exhausted after all the sex they had enjoyed since coming home. Valerie had sighed and retrieved her phone. She did not recognize the name, but it was a local number.

"Hello?" she said.

Michael watched the color drain from his mother's face. She nodded mutely as she got the details. Michael found himself thinking that over the phone, that gesture was a waste. Whoever was on the other end of the line, they couldn't see her nod. He helped his mother sit on the edge of his bed, and rubbed her shoulders gently. He could hear bits of the phone call, but was shocked when his mother hung up and told him what had happened.

Tom Henderson had suffered a massive stroke in his hotel suite. A woman had made an anonymous call to 911, but she had made it on her cell phone before fleeing the hotel. The police had brought her in for questioning, since the man had been only forty-eight years old. They also found several other women's fingerprints, and several of them admitted to having sex with him. The young investigators put together a lurid picture of Tom's week-long stay at the hotel.

Valerie and her son had flown to Florida to see him, and they were interviewed by the police. Tom had a sizeable life insurance policy, which made them suspects if there had been foul play.

"As far as we can tell, ma'am," the young police detective said to Valerie, "your husband probably had at least nine women in his hotel suite over the week he was there. Were you aware that he was cheating on you?"

Valerie shrugged miserably as her son tried to comfort her with a hand on her shoulder.

"I suspected he was unfaithful from time to time," she said softly, "I just didn't expect it was like this."

In the end, the medical results showed that Tom had advanced heart disease, and that he apparently had been suffering for several years. No charges were brought by the police.

Tom was still alive, but he was in a persistent vegetative state. Only the machines were keeping him alive, and he was unaware of his surroundings. Michael was numb when he saw his father lying in that hospital bed. The man had been a monster, but now he just looked feeble and helpless. Valerie began to sob, drawing Michael out of his mental fog. He stepped over to wrap his arm around her in a comforting hug.

"I still love him, you know," she whispered. "As cruel as he was, I always thought of him as a strong, desirable man. I never felt like I was good enough to deserve someone like your father."

Michael was stunned. He turned her to face him.

"How could you possibly say that?" he gasped, "He never treated you right, Mom! You deserved so much better."

She shook her head.

"You don't understand," she said softly, "He was strong where I was weak. He was ambitious and driven. Your father was a man who took charge and made things happen. When he asked me to marry him, I couldn't say 'Yes' fast enough. He always provided for his family, and I never had to work. When he made love to me...I always felt like I was the luckiest woman on earth."

Michael looked around. There were too many people who could hear him. He squeezed his mother's hand firmly and she had to smile at her loving son. They didn't have to say anything.

They both knew that their lives would only get better from now on.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

yes dad should have died, left mam son yes lovers, mam loved her randy son she was his her mouth her pussy yes her tight arse belonged to him her son her lover.


Gadf77Gadf774 months ago

I liked it but I have to agree with the others. The ending would've been better if the father had died and they moved back to California or somewhere else that's warm.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Loved the story but the ending was a bit off you should continue and see what happens next do they pull the plug on him and live happily together we need a better ending still 5 stars

Havoc100Havoc1005 months ago

You took the easy way out on the ending. After being so original on the rest of it, I'm disappointed.

rjb426874rjb4268746 months ago

This is a great story . I gave you 5 stars for it but you cut it short.

You didn't tell us what happened after.

How long did the husband last ??

What happened with the mother and son, did they go on to live happily ever after????

Please write 1 more chapter to finish the story.

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