Isabelle and mr. Bête ch. 05

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Isabelle meets the stepmother.
2.4k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/31/2016
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'Good morning, Isabelle.' Jean-Marie said as she walked into the kitchen. 'I see you've woken up on time, very good.'

'Good morning, Mr. Bête.' she said. 'I did remember to set the alarm this time.'

'Jean.' he said, smiling at her.

'Sorry?' she said, afraid she missed something.

'Well, you called me that last evening.'

She went through the memories of the party and remembered calling out to him. 'I did, didn't I?' she said. 'I didn't mean to-'

'I don't dislike it, so when we're in private call me Jean.'

She nodded, feeling a bit shy to call him Jean again.

'I'm glad to see you kept the braid. It looks good on you.'

'Thank you.' she said, happy to hear she looked good from him.

'Now, sit down.' he said and served fresh coffee. 'I'll make waffles this morning.'

'Let me help.' she said, not wanting to feel useless.

'No. Just sit and wait.' he said with a tone that let her know there would be no discussion about it.

It felt a little weird to her, having to do nothing while someone else was working, but it felt also nice to be taken care of. She watched him make the dough then pour it into the hot waffle form. He gathered the rest of the eggs that had been delivered early that morning to put them in the fridge, took one that had a weak shell and squashed it in his hand.

'Damn!' he said, the yolk dripping down his sleeve.

Isabelle hurried with paper towels to catch the rest of the egg and wipe his sleeve.

'I need a new shirt.' he said.

'I'll clean up while you get a fresh shirt.' she said, throwing away the wet paper into the trash.

He looked at the waffle iron. 'No, can you get one for me? I need to keep an eye on this and clean the mess.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes. My room is to the right of stairs, go only there. You are not to go into the other room, do you understand?'

She nodded, thinking it a little overdone, but he'd probably have his reasons.

She came up on the third floor and turned to his room, then stopped and looked at the other side. It looked just like the rest, but then she didn't really expect a different look. She set aside her curiosity and went into his room, it being furnished much like her own. His bedroom door was open and she found his shirts quickly, selected one like he was wearing and went back down.

He had just cleaned up and started the second batch of waffles. 'Thank you.' he said as she laid the shirt on the table corner. 'You did not go into the other room, right?'

She shook her head.

His expression turned gentle and he unbuttoned his shirt while he checked the waffle iron. When he turned a little and took off his shirt she couldn't resist checking out his upper body. He didn't have a one of those chests as seen often in magazines where the models are unhealthy low on fat, but his shoulders, arms and chest looked fit. Then her attention got drawn for a second to a thick scar from the top of one shoulder down to his back. She recognised it as a burn mark.

He took the fresh shirt quickly from the table and put it on, the old one he put aside for Rosanna to throw in the laundry. Isabelle thought about asking about the scar, but he'd tried to hide it from her so asking was no option.

'Here you go.' he said as he put a plate with two waffles covered with a layer of sliced strawberries on fresh whipped cream in front of her.

She soon forgot all worries after taking the first bite of the warm waffle covered in sweetness. 'This is good!'

She saw his eyes lit up and give her a warm smile. 'I'm happy you like it.'

She made a mental note to make sure she praised his cooking if it was this good. She liked how he looked at her when she did.


When Colette saw Isabelle and Jean-Marie coming into the office she gave Isabelle an appraising look and raised her eyebrows. Isabelle mouthed "Tell you later." to her.

The day was busy as usual and it was only at lunchtime that she was able to sit with Colette and Samantha to tell her how she got the new suit.

'Damn, I want to be an assistant too.' said Samantha.

Colette chuckled. 'Then would you trade with her and have to do whatever he tells you?'

Samantha pondered for a moment, then shook her head. 'It's almost worth it though. Think of how it might attract that handsome millionaire.'

'Way too much competition when you see the women who attend those business parties.' Isabelle said. 'I'd just keep worrying about when I'd be replaced by the next bimbo.'

'Well, I doubt a millionaire would like to stay for a quiet evening at home, reading the same kinds of books I like.'

'What kind is that?'

'Mostly fantasy, but I also like science fiction and horror. I used to be a real geek during my time at school. The boys never looked at me.' she sighed. 'I'd like to have a man who's smart and kind and loves a good story as much as I do.'

'What about that William from accounting?' asked Colette. 'He was interested in you.'

'Yeah, but he turned out to be the usual sports fan, preferring to play ball with his friends on the weekend and watch the sports channels at home. Not my kind of thing.'

'What about you?' Isabelle asked Colette.

She chuckled. 'My man does like to watch sports and participate with our son on sporting events at school, but he does know enough about romance to arrange a little time for just the two of us every now and then.'

'So, you think Jean-Marie has a chance with you?' Samantha asked with a devilish smile.

'Hah!' Isabelle said. 'That beast needs to be more domesticated first.'

'So, get a leash and smack him up the head with a rolled up newspaper.' Colette chuckled.

Isabelle's imagination brought forth the image of her in mistress outfit and him crawling on all fours on the floor and she grinned. 'Nah, it wouldn't really work.' she said and laughed with the others while they piled up fantasies.


It was during the afternoon when Isabelle got a call from a woman who introduced herself as Jean-Marie's stepmother. She looked up the name quickly and found it in his family address book. Linda Tremaine, only a few years older than Jean-Marie, she noticed.

'How can I help you?' Isabelle asked.

'Well, I'm in the neighbourhood at the moment and wanted to surprise Jean this evening since we haven't seen each other for a long time.' Linda said. 'So I was wondering if you could tell me if he was at home tonight, or if I could find him at work which, between you and me, wouldn't surprise me at all. Then again, if he's home he's most likely still working.'

His habit of working late was nothing strange to her. 'Actually, he will be at home tonight, and indeed working.'

'Well, I don't want to disturb him for long, but I would like to surprise him, so could you not tell him?'

Isabelle had to think about it for a moment, but Linda's voice sounded pleasant enough, and she was listed as stepmother in his contacts. 'All right. I'll keep quiet about it.'

'Thank you, you're great.' said Linda. 'I have to go now, so maybe speak to you later.'

Before Isabelle could tell her she'd be there too Linda had hung up the call. "Oh well, I think it'll be nice to meet her." she thought.


Isabelle and Jean-Marie had just come home when a woman with blond, curly hair and tight dress knocked on the back-door and entered the kitchen.

'Linda!? What are you doing here!?' he asked.

Isabelle thought it was a nice surprise, but the look of his eyes told her otherwise.

'I happened to visit the city again and thought I could visit you.' Linda said, a little too seductive for a stepmother in Isabelle's opinion. 'I heard you'd be at home.' She then noticed Isabelle and smiled brightly. 'You wouldn't happen to be the one I spoke to on the phone?' she asked and moved closer, extending her hand. 'I'm Linda, Jean's former stepmother.'

'Isabelle.' she said with a puzzled look.

Linda had noticed it and turned to Jean-Marie. 'Oh, you haven't told her about the family?' she asked, then turned to Isabelle again. 'I almost married his father before he died much too young.' She looked down sadly. 'Such tragedy..'

'I'm sorry to hear that..' Isabelle said but Linda bounced back to Jean-Marie.

'Well, it's in the past now and I wanted to see Jean again.' she said and grabbed his arm. 'Let's catch up.'

'I was just about to-.' he started but Linda dragged him along.

'I'm sure you don't mind us having some private time, do you?' Linda said. 'I'll bet you can use some free time away from him and his constant work, thanks.'

She hadn't seen such a pushy person before, but he let her drag him off to the main living room, so it was probably okay. She had looked forward to spending an early evening at home and see what he had planned for dinner. Now she thought about making a sandwich or something, but she didn't have much of an appetite. She heard Linda's laugh and decided to just go to her room, work on the presentation for the day after tomorrow and grab a glass of wine.


It was two hours later when she heard a knock on her door and his voice. She put her laptop aside and opened the door, finding him in not the best of moods.

'You knew?' he asked, his voice strained.

'She had called the office in the afternoon.'

'And you didn't tell me!?' he snapped.

She flinched at his anger. 'She sounded nice and asked me to keep it a surprise since you hadn't spoken for a while. I thought you would be pleased to see her, just as she was.'

'She's a conniving bitch who was after my father for his money!' he said, waving his arms in anger and scaring Isabelle into taken a few steps back. 'And you just blindly believed her and told her I was at home when I needed to work! All she's trying to do is get more money out of me!'

Now she started to feel angry at his unjustified outburst. 'I'm sorry, okay!? I knew nothing of your family's circumstances! I didn't even know you had no parents left! I thought you'd be happy to see family!' she said, tears welling up in her eyes from frustration and having made him angry with her. She wiped her eyes. 'I'm sorry, okay..?' she said softly. 'I almost finished the first draft of your presentation for you..'

Jean-Marie's heart sank at the sight of Isabelle crying softly. He should have known she didn't knew about Linda. She had only been at his office for a few days and he hadn't told her anything about his personal life, but she made him feel like she had been around there for longer. She was so competent at her work he hardly had to correct her.

And now she stood there as as one of the cutest women he had ever seen in his life, wearing an oversized shirt with a cartoon dog and colourful shorts, crying softly in her hands.

'I'm sorry..' he whispered, putting his arms around her. 'She just makes me so mad.. I.. I'm sorry, really..'

She sniffed for a bit while he stroked her hair, seeing her braid had partially come undone.

'And I wanted to make pasta tonight. It's too late now.'

She chuckled and sniffed once more. 'Can't you call a chef at an Italian restaurant and have him make something?' she said softly, his comforting embrace making her feel better.

He wondered about that. 'I do know the manager at Roma..'

She looked up at him. 'Don't! Not everyone wants to work late like you!'

He gave her the usual smug face, letting her know he was kidding.

She hit his chest. 'You're horrible.'

'Yeah, true.' he said and let go of her. 'Since you said you're almost done, finish the draft and in the meantime I'll make something quick for dinner.'

'I'm not really hungry anymore.' she said but he looked her in the eyes. 'I won't have my best assistant go to bed without dinner.' he said and he left for the kitchen.

She wondered why his compliments had such an effect on her. "Oh gods.. I'm not crushing on him, am I?" she thought and went back to her laptop to finish the presentation as a distraction.

He came back soon enough with a tray and two big bowls of light vegetable soup, bread and salty butter. They couldn't really eat on the couch while holding the bowls, so they simply sat down at the low table between the couches.

'You didn't make this yourself, did you?' she asked, enjoying the contrasting taste of the soup and salty bread.

'I used a can of very fine soup as the base, then added a few extra ingredients.' he said, buttering another piece of bread for her. 'Even I can be lazy sometimes.'

She looked at his serious expression. 'Now, why can't I believe it when you say that?'

He smirked lightly and they finished the soup, enjoying it in silence. After that she showed the presentation and made notes on his remarks. When that was done he cleared the table to bring the tray back to the kitchen.

'Ehm?' Isabel said, feeling unsure on how to bring up the question that plagued her.

'What is it?' he asked.

'Well, I just wanted to say I won't withhold any surprises from you anymore.'

He smiled gently at her. 'Thank you.'

'And..' she said, hesitating again, but he waited patiently. 'Is it still okay to call you Jean? I mean, she calls you that and I didn't think you'd like that..'

'No, I don't like being called Jean by her, but I do by you.'

He had caused another flutter in her stomach and she smiled. 'Thank you..'

'Get some sleep.' he said before going out the door. 'Sweet dreams.'

'Sleep well.' she said, closed the door behind him, shut down her laptop and let herself fall on her bed.

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SciFurzSciFurzalmost 8 years agoAuthor
@ AngelSand

I'm glad you weren't disappointed. :-)

AngelSandAngelSandalmost 8 years ago
It makes me smile...

I just started reading this story today and I'm glad I did. It does make me think of 50 shades a little bit. I can't wait to see where you take it.

SciFurzSciFurzalmost 8 years agoAuthor
@ anonymousesses

Still more to come! :-)

SciFurzSciFurzalmost 8 years agoAuthor
@ late2theparty

I have completed it, although it's also still evolving a bit.

Just two days ago updated the version on Amazon and Smashwords, and working on another revision to do another update with an additional scene and small enhancements to a chapter by the end of the week. :-) As I said somewhere else before, a story is never really completely finished. :-)

Next chapter has been submitted, but the romantic section takes longer for approval, so I'm waiting for that with the next chapter of the story of Désirée.

late2thepartylate2thepartyalmost 8 years ago
Story already completed?

I read your note on your bio pg. Have you already completed the story? If so, when do you plan to post additional chapters?

BTW love the story so far.

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