Interstellar Impregnation Pt. 06


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"OK," Gabe said, letting the end of his word trail off. He meandered back behind Sophie, shaking his head like he was arguing with himself

"Just maybe don't, you know, stimulate it. So much. OK?" Sophie called after him.

Gabe rolled his eyes, but he nodded his agreement. He stood behind Sophie. Rested his hands on her backside. They felt so large around her cheeks, like he could palm her entire body.

Sophie took a deep breath. She closed her eyes. In her mind, she pushed that rolling liquid back into her bladder. Willed her nerve endings to go soft.

"I'm going to ease you into it," Gabe said.

"Whatever you need to do," Sophie said, "Just, you know, quickly."

"Got it," Gabe said.

Idly, he traced around her bottom. Her calves. Her back and thighs. He didn't touch anywhere inappropriate. He just felt her. And Sophie had to admit, it did kind of feel like honest appreciation. This wasn't a brute hungrily claiming her. Gabe was running his fingers over her body like she was a sculpture. A work of art he wanted to remember for the rest of his life.

Gradually, Gabe moved his hands closer to her most sensitive spot. Like a bomber slowly circling his target. Finally, he let his hands gently graze Sophie's sex. She gasped. No one had ever, truly, touched her there. She'd barely even touched herself, save for the necessaries. She'd thought about masturbation a few times. When she'd watched that video, for instance. It had seemed so unseemly, though, she eventually made herself give it up.

Now this total stranger was sliding his fingers all over her. Running them through her nether lips. Feeling for her dripping opening and the bundle of nerves right above. Sophie found herself willing him to keep touching. Hoping he'd hit the right spots. To her surprise (and gratification) he very often did.

Gabe wasn't teasing her per se, thought it certainly felt like it. Instead, he seemed to be testing, exploring, discovering the things that made Sophie gasp and squirm. He didn't speak the entire time, but she heard him hum and hmm a few times, like he was a mechanic, and her sex was some kind of engine he was examining.

Suddenly, right as Sophie felt him settle on what seemed like it could be the perfect rhythm of pressure in the exact right spot, Gabe stopped. Sophie groaned in frustration. It was a very improper thing to do, but the sound escaped her.

In the same place where his fingers had just been, Sophie felt Gabe plant his mouth. His warm wet tongue slid into that exact same spot. This time, Sophie groaned in a very different way. Far more improper and yet, equally unstoppable.

"Oh, Gabe," Sophie said.

"Uh huh," Gabe said, his mouth muffled by her dripping opening.

If she'd been given a chance to think about it, oral sex would have been an absolute non-starter. A man putting his mouth on her vagina? How embarrassing! How inappropriate! And yet, now that she was experiencing it, without the chance to ever refuse, Sophie realized that this was probably the best thing in the universe.

It felt amazing. The pressure of his impertinent touches. The slippery hotness of his mouth. All of it combined to create a sensation that went beyond anything Sophie believed her body was capable of. She'd been wrong about Gabe, clearly. This boy was a certified genius! That was the only explanation for what he was doing to her body.

Sophie went from extremely uncomfortable to awash in pleasure in seconds. She'd been so focused on everything around her. Now the only thing she felt was the building ecstasy Gabe was coaxing out of her body.

Building. Rising. Urging out.

Oh no.

Sophie had managed to ignore it up till now. But that urgent urge to pee overtook her. No. She couldn't. Wouldn't. With Gabe's face right at her...

"STOP!" Sophie screamed out. She swore she heard it echo against the metal walls. Even thought she saw a few couples, literally in the middle of sex, turn her way. She didn't have the conscious capacity to register who it was.

Gabe looked at her, his face agape with surprise. Sophie was ashamed to notice her sticky juices on his cheeks and in his scraggly beard.

"Was I not doing it right?" Gabe asked, like a chastised little boy. "I'm sorry. Usually, girls like it when I..."

"No, it's OK," Sophie said. The lie slipped out of her so easily. OK? It was unbelievable. "It was fine. I'm just ready to, um, to move on. If that's alright."

"Oh, sure," Gabe said, "No problem."

He stood up. For a moment, Sophie thought he might ask her to return the favor. Putting her mouth on the boy's penis was another thing that, conceptually, she found repulsive. Yet, in the moment, was also something she decided she'd very much like to try.

Instead, though, Gabe just stood behind her.

"I guess you are probably worked up enough," Gabe said, almost to himself.

He took his dick in his hand and aimed it at her center. Sophie gasped as she felt the thick shaft press eagerly at her opening. This was way thicker than his finger. Far different than his tongue.

Gabe pressed himself forward. Sophie felt herself give way, easily. The walls of her sex opening almost in anticipation, welcoming Gabe's demanding member.

Sophie realized she'd been taut, anticipating pain or, at least, significant discomfort. Instead, however, this felt nice. More than that. Almost natural, in a sense. Her sex squeezed down on Gabe's penis. Like welcoming him home with a nice warm hug.

"Fuck, Sophie," Gabe said, "You feel so fucking amazing."

Sophie was only able to respond with another low groan. It felt too good to be embarrassed by it. Gabe's dick slid all the way inside. He slowly began to rock back and forth. Sophie felt herself settle around him. This was lovely.

The way he pushed, it jostled Sophie's bladder, sure, but it wasn't nearly as bad as before. If anything, the need to pee was sort of amplifying the electricity of everything. It was strange, but not at all uncomfortable.

Sophie smiled to herself. She'd done it. She was going to get through this OK. Gabe would pump her a few times, let out his seed, and then she'd be safe. She could practically see the bathrooms in front of her, just waiting for her to arrive.

Of course, what Sophie actually saw when she stared in front of her, was a tiny blonde girl getting absolutely railed by the Black boy, Jason. The blonde's face was contorted in an almost primal way, her cheeks cherry red, huffing and puffing. So much that Sophie legitimately couldn't tell if it was pleasure or pain.

The girl, Sophie thought her name was Annie, saw Sophie looking her way and gave her a strange, exhausted smirk.

"Nice, right?" Annie said between gasping breaths.

"Very," Sophie agreed.

"Didn't think I'd like it this much," Annie said, "Going to have to thank those asshole aliens. After."

"We'll send them a group card," Sophie said.

The blonde started to laugh, but then froze. Her eyes crossed. She dropped her head with a long, low moan.

The girl's racing orgasm reminded Sophie of her own. It hadn't occurred to her that she might peak during this process. She thought about it and decided that she wouldn't. That this was nice enough without giving in to that baser urge.

And this did feel very nice. Gabe's movements had sped up and he was sawing into her with a solid rhythm. His balls bounced pleasantly off her clit. Sophie imagined he'd be finished with her soon. In fact, she was kind of surprised it wasn't over already.

She glanced back. Gabe's face was cinched in focus. His eyes staring off distant. His body rolled as he rutted against her. Seriously, why hadn't he ejaculated? Was she that bad at sex?

"So... good..." Gabe said.

"Are you getting close?" Sophie asked him.

"UH... Uh huh," Gabe said, "Soon."

She felt him speed up. His urgency increased. She supposed that maybe he'd been holding back for some dumb reason. But as Gabe began moving faster, something else started to happen, as well. Sophie tried to look up at Annie again but found her eyes wouldn't focus. Her arms started to tingle, weak, and she buried her head in her arm.

Oh. Oh no.

Stupidly, Sophie thought to tell Gabe to slow down. That he was making her... But if he slowed that would also put the end further away. No. Sophie just had to hold off. Endure it.

She felt Gabe slide his arm around her skinny hip. His fingers reached deep into her furrow.

"OH!" Sophie cried out as he found her little button. The end wasn't impending anymore. More like an inevitability. The pleasure was rising in her with the drive of a freight train. The speed and power of it overwhelming.

It rose straight out of her sex with a driving force. A concussive blast raced through her. Grabbing hold until...

"Oh ffffffFUCK!" The words shot out of her. Her body went stiff. She could feel every little hair on her arms. Every cell in her body. All of it crying out.

And then, just like that, without even bothering to check in first, Sophie's body burst. The long hot stream shot straight out of her. In the moment, it didn't feel weird or embarrassing. It only felt GOOD.

"Ohhhhhhhhh! Sophie cried out. She lost the sense of everything. The pleasure overwhelming every sense. The feeling of pushing only amplified her pleasure

A moment later, she blinked back to consciousness. The ecstasy slipped away. Her rational mind replacing it, inch by inch.

Oh God please no.

Sophie looked back. She saw Gabe stepped back dripping. Yellow liquid pooled on the floor. All Sophie could do was stare at it in horror. Everything she'd ever feared was right there, stinking up their stall. She wanted to crawl up into a deep dark hole and disappear forever. Not just to die; to be wiped from existence and memory like she'd never been or would be.

"That was..." Gabe started.

Sophie filled in every word for him. Awful. Disgusting. Embarrassing. Gross.

"...awesome!" Gabe cried out.

Sophie startled. What?

"Damn, that was so fucking hot," Gabe said, "I didn't think you were enjoying this at all, but then you were cumming and it all shot out and that was like, wow. Goddamn!"

"I peed," Sophie said. Sobbed, "It's all over you. I'm really sorry.""

"Sorry?" Gabe said, "Seriously, that was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Babe, I swear."


"OK, wow," Gabe said, like he was trying to get a hold of himself, "Hang on. I was super close when that happened. Alright, let me get back into it."

Sophie thought the boy would want to bathe himself for hours, scrubbing till his skin was raw. At least, wouldn't he want a towel to dry himself off? Instead, Gabe walked right back up to her, both of them sticky with her yellow-stained shame, and put his cock right into her.

And, damn her, Sophie's body was just as eager. She felt her vagina ripple wonderfully as its new best friend returned to her friendly confines.

"Oh, Soph," Gabe groaned, "Even. Tighter. Fuck!"

Sophie was surprised at how good it felt. The remains of her first orgasm were already sparking the second. Like she was feeding an already roaring fire this time, rather than building from scratch. She let her head loll. She couldn't even enjoy the fact that her bladder was, finally, empty. She lay forward and endured the ecstasy.

Gabe didn't need to do anything else. He didn't have to rub her clit. His rhythm, the way his dick moved inside her, it didn't matter. Sophie felt like some engine inside of her had been switched on, every movement he made only urged her body forward.

Whatever little bit of propriety she'd had at the beginning of this, whatever shred of dignity she'd saved, had been ripped away. She was nothing now, just a lump of flesh, pliant in Gabe's control.

Another orgasm ripped through her, this one smaller but no less intense. She groaned, so loud she was sure everyone could hear it. The squelching noises their bodies made. The slapping of their thighs. All of it was so rude, but Sophie didn't care.

Sorry Daddy. I know I'm a bad girl. But I couldn't stop.

She knew if her father could see her now, he'd be so disappointed. His little girl turned into this needful creature. She didn't care. Couldn't. All she could do was hold on as yet another orgasm rose up.

"Oh, Soph. Getting. Close," Gabe said.

The reality of it, of what was about to happen, filled Sophie's mind. She'd been so obsessed by her biological need that she hadn't truly thought about the biology of what was about to happen. She was having unprotected sex with a stranger. If the aliens were right, whatever birth control she'd been on was long gone. He was going to do it, inside her. He was going to make her pregnant.

Sophie tried to make herself see the scary side of it. The misery she was being subjected to. All she could think of was that she was so close to another peak, and some part of her screamed that if Gabe did it at the same time, the result was going to completely blow her out.

"Do it," Sophie said. "Don't stop. I'm close, too."

"Oh... OK," Gabe said, "Almost..."

Sophie braced herself in the best way possible. Her body steadied. Readied.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Gabe shouted. Cried out her name.

Sophie felt it. A hot splash against the back of her sex. That freight train of orgasm rose up again. This time Sophie knew what to anticipate. That familiar feeling of bliss. But like misjudging a wave at the beach, what rose up was so much more. Not a train, a hurricane. A lightning storm. All of it in one.

Sophie screamed out. High pitched and deafening. Last time, she'd been able to put words to what she was feeling. Now there was nothing. Just indescribable bliss ripping through her at every level. She felt her vagina bear down, like trying squeeze Gabe's dick flat.

Another rising, warm gush shot out of her. Somehow, a sense of surprise slipped in with that incredible orgasm. That little bit of remaining conscious brain that couldn't understand what was happening.

Sophie gasped. She'd been hit so hard, she'd forgotten to breathe. She sucked in air, hard. Another peak burst through her. Stripped every bit of her down. Till she was nothing but bones.

Distantly, she felt Gabe's seed rush inside her. Burst after burst of liquid heat. Wonderfully insistent and achingly incredible.

Sophie's existence shrunk down to a pinprick.


When Sophie regained consciousness, she was lying on the floor. Her face was wet, and she realized she'd been sobbing. Cold, sticky liquid covered her legs and bottom, like she was sitting in a puddle. She felt a pair of warm arms holding her close.

"Babe, you were incredible," Gabe whispered. He pressed his lips into her cheek.


Sophie let him hold her there, for now. Rocking both of them back and forth. Her muscles felt so weak, she doubted she could move anyway.

"You did it again," Gabe said, "Squirted."

Oh God. Sophie didn't even know what to say. The first time was so awful, but she could at least rationalize it. The fact that she'd done it again. She was a freak.

"I swear, you are the sexiest woman on Earth," Gabe said, "Or wherever the hell it is we are now."

Sophie felt so gross, she couldn't even imagine it. She could smell it now, too. Pungent and awful. She was covered in urine and this boy wasn't just touching her, he was squeezing her as tight as he could. Kissing her face.

Sophie felt something warm leak out of her sex -- the creamy white of Gabe's spend. Fuck, why did that look so hot?

She squeezed her eyes shut. She was a freak, alright. And almost certainly pregnant.

In her mind, Sophie looked up and saw Daddy, standing over her and shaking his head with disdain.

She found the image didn't bother her one bit.

You don't like it, huh? Well just watch what I do next.

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Comentarista82Comentarista8212 months ago

This pairing seemed far better than some of the others, and it proved relevant to her, as she let her inhibition go about "Daddy" seeing her do #1. That seemed silly, when the bladder just can't handle it--and no one else paid attention (except one, and that was hardly anything).

That aside, this was far better in terms of less awkward with the conversation, which should really start at the front or be something they end with--not during when they try to initiate sex and stop--as it just interrupts the flow. You detail the emotions and feelings well and the couplings are hot. 4

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I have to agree. What red-blooded, (hit-blooded), teenage girl), doesn't fantasize about fucking their teachers?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is such a wonderful series. Excellent writing and incredibly hot scenarios where the pairs really get to know each other and want each other as people beyond just the sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What exactly is this and please explain to me how it fits into the fetish category? Sounds more like fantasy to me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Aww poor Sophie, I hope she embraces herself in the future and accepts herself like Gabe does. And I most certainly hope she is pregnant with Gabes baby. Can't wait to read more as the story develops with these couplings. Keep us updated!

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