Interior Motives


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It turned out he was right. Helen realized her body had responded to George's overt masculinity and his powerful dominating presence. And it had manifested itself through her swollen nipples, which she could feel were rock hard and rubbing against her lace bra. She felt a hot flush course through her body before she realized that George was talking to her again. She tried to concentrate, feeling her cheeks burning bright red and praying he wouldn't see it.

"You know, meeting you tonight might be fate, because I've been thinking about remodeling my personal office suite for quite some time now. Perhaps you would be interested in having a look, maybe give me some pointers? That's if you're not too busy of course?"

"No ... no I'm never too busy for a new client," Helen blurted out, still feeling flushed and instantly regretting her haste in replying. She just hoped she hadn't appeared too eager.

"Well that's fine," George said with an easy smile, "I'll get my PA to schedule you an appointment as soon as you're available."

"That would be fine George. I'll look forward to it," Helen replied, grinning broadly as she brought herself back under control.




A few days later and Helen presented herself at the offices of George Benson for her appointment. There was no designated reception area or desk so as she breezed swiftly into the building, she quickly scanned the room trying to guess which one was George's PA.

Seeing a desk that seemed a little more isolated than the others, she approached it. "Hi, good afternoon, I'm Helen Grube. Am I in the right place? I'm here to see Mr Benson?"

"Oh, yes you are. Good afternoon Mrs Grube, Mr Benson is running a bit late, so if you could just take a seat he will be with you shortly," George's PA replied curtly. It was a ploy George always used. He thought it unsettled people if they had to sit and wait. His PA thought it was just plain rude.

Relieved she had found the correct office without difficulty, Helen sat down on the edge of the seat. It had been raining so she had worn a raincoat, and she didn't want to get the plush fabric of the seat wet. It looked very expensive.

Not ashamed to use her womanly wiles, beneath her raincoat Helen had dressed to impress. She knew from the company function that George was interested in her. And though she was not the slightest bit interested in him, it wouldn't hurt to lead him on with a little flirtation.

She had selected a dress that she thought was business like but also provocative. With a round neck and long sleeves, it was made in a stretch fabric that moulded itself perfectly to her lithe body. The striking, burnt orange color perfectly matched her hair. It was also short; perhaps too short for a business meeting; but it showed off her stunning long legs to great effect, exposing as it did much of her shapely thighs. She was also wearing a 4" heel to give her added height.

It was fully twenty minutes before George finally opened his office door. Helen stood immediately, eager to get on with her pitch.

"Helen, so sorry for keeping you waiting. I thought the conference call would never end," he said with an affable smile, greeting her with a kiss on both cheeks. He then stood to one side to let her enter his office.

"That's okay George. I know you're a busy man," she replied with a smile as she breezed past him.

He followed her inside, closing the door behind him. "Here, let me take that for you," he said, as he saw her removing her raincoat. He took it from her and placed it over the arm of one of the luxuriously upholstered chairs in front of his desk.

"Well thank you George," she said, as free of her coat she strutted past him to place her folio case on his desk.

"Is it okay for me to use your desk?" she asked, as without waiting for an answer she unzipped it. She lent forward as she removed her notepad and sample boards. George, standing behind her, cocked his head to one side to take in the view. And he was liking what he saw.

He'd already seen how short her dress was when he took her raincoat, but as she bent over, so the hem rose higher, thereby revealing much more of her fleshy thighs to his lascivious gaze. He shook his head and smiled. Her body was simply stunning. He nodded to himself and grinned. She had a nice ass too.

Helen could feel his eyes on her. She turned suddenly. He was quick but not quite quick enough. He smiled brightly but he knew she'd caught him red-handed scoping out her legs and ass.

"Nice dress," he said, not missing a beat, with the ready smile still plastered all over his face.

"Thank you. You look good too," Helen countered sassily. "Nice suit," she added with a smirk.

She took a quick look around the office. George's large mahogany desk dominated it. In fact everything in his office was large. The bookcases lining two of the walls, the picture windows, the luxuriously upholstered sofa and the two matching chairs that were placed in front of his desk. Everything was so ostentatious. Even George.

She suppressed a slight feeling of unease that fluttered through her body, as she took in her surroundings. She could sense that George was now busily staring at her large breasts, acting more like an junior office lothario than the CEO of one of the biggest corporations in the country. But then again, the dress was form fitting, and she'd been fully aware of that fact when she chose to wear it for this meeting.

"Right George," she said, "what are you looking to do with your office? Give me an idea of your thoughts? Is there a particular theme you have in mind or would you prefer something more eclectic?"

"I'm pretty much open to all suggestions," George replied as he took a seat on the sofa. "As you can see, it's a large, boring, empty space. Maybe you can give me some ideas to start with. Here, take a seat." He patted the sofa cushion next to him, smiling inwardly as he watched Helen lower herself onto the seat, being careful not to show him her lacy underwear as the hem of her short dress slid tantalizingly higher up her thighs.

They spent the next hour brainstorming ideas, analyzing and discussing his requirements, with George finding it extremely difficult to look away from her legs. Not only when she was seated next to him on the sofa, but also as she moved around the office, bending over to look at things or stretching out to take measurements. It took all of his willpower not to grab her and bend her over his desk. She looked and smelled divine and he knew he just had to have her.

Finally Helen stood up to leave. "Well I think I have enough to start with George. I'll go away and draw up some ideas based on your requirements and then perhaps we could meet again in a few days to run through them, if that's okay with you?"

"Absolutely my dear, I look forward to it," George replied, showing her to the door. After she left, he moved swiftly to his desk and picking up the phone, called his aide.

"Stanley, do we have a job that we could give Mike Grube, I think it's about time we found out if he's going to make it to the next grade as an Account Executive."

"Yes sir, in fact there's a new project that would be suitable for him right now, although it would involve quite a lot of time working away from home for him."

"Okay Stanley. I'm sure he won't mind," George said, "put him straight on it." 'Perfect' he thought, as he put down the phone with a huge smirk on his face, 'just perfect'.




With her creative juices flowing and a grateful Fiona back in situ, a few days later Helen had drawn up some rough ideas, which she felt would interest George. She was now sitting in his office going through them.

They were again seated together on the large sofa with her design boards laid out on a low table in front of them. She was sitting to his left. George had managed to edge closer to her by reaching over to feel the fabric samples. Their thighs were now touching and every now and again he shifted in his cushion causing his leg to rub up against hers.

Helen was aware at some level of what George was doing, but didn't feel threatened by it. She shrugged it off as just incidental contact. But if it was more than that, then she felt she could let him down gently. But for now she was fully motivated in her sales pitch. She so needed this commission.

Garnering no adverse reaction from Helen for his overt action, George felt he had her unspoken agreement to progress further. As he leaned forward to emphasize an issue by pointing at one of the design boards, so he carefully placed his left hand on top of Helen's right knee. At first, she thought nothing of it, fully expecting George to remove his hand immediately. But as it lingered, so she grew concerned.

She knew she should be removing it but she was temporarily flustered. It was after all totally inappropriate behaviour on his behalf, but if she made a big deal about it would George react badly by claiming she had misunderstood his actions? Would that end any chance of her getting the commission? And worryingly, was she that desperate for work she would use his apparent attraction for her body to get her the job?

George was now talking passionately about his interest in the arts and how he felt that perhaps in some way it could be incorporated into any new design. He was using his right hand for dramatic effect. As Helen floundered with her feelings as to what she should do, so George's left hand began to meander past her knee to glide nicely along her smooth sheer stockings and up her shapely thigh.

She was so enthralled by his passion for the arts she'd lost focus and didn't seem conscious of what his left hand was doing. He was actually making good progress until he slipped the hand down onto her inner thigh and gave it a slight squeeze. She snapped back to her senses and put her hand down over his to stop him.

"Now, now George," she said softly, a sweet smile playing on her lips as she removed his hand from her leg, "I don't mind you looking, but you can't touch. Now shall we get back to the designs?"

"I'm so sorry Helen," George said, with not a shred of remorse, "I hadn't realized what I was doing."

After another twenty minutes had gone by, Helen began to pack up her design boards.

"I'll work on those suggestions George and I'll get back to you in a couple of days with the amendments," she said as she turned to go.

"I look forward to it," George replied, as he preceded her to the door of his office. He turned and held out his arms as if to hug her. Surprised at first, Helen stepped forward, her arms down by her side as she held onto her design boards. His arms enfolded around her, pulling her close.

He leaned into her neck, his strong masculine smell enhanced by a rich, musky cologne. "Thank you so much my dear," he whispered into her ear. His soft breath on her skin made her knees buckle slightly as a warm fuzzy feeling coursed through her body. He kissed her neck; a totally inappropriate place; as his hand dropped onto her ass, which he briefly fondled.

He stepped back, smiling seductively into her face. She felt so hot, surely her face must be on fire.

"It's ... it's not ... a problem," she managed to gasp out as she willed her legs to start working again. She almost staggered out the door, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. The walk to her car seemed to take an eternity, her thoughts and emotions awash with uncertainty. It was a while before she became focused enough to attempt the drive home.




Over the course of the next couple of weeks, Mike was often away working on his new project, staying over for two or three days at a time. With each trip, George took the opportunity to meet up with Helen, even taking her for intimate lunches, hoping that she would succumb to his subtle advances.

Consumed by her creative energy, Helen was oblivious to what George was trying to accomplish. She was completely wrapped up in the designs as she made endless alterations due to George's seeming inability to reach a firm decision. It never crossed her mind that he was playing her. All she could focus on was the large commission check at the completion of the work. They'd agreed a price quite early on. It was a substantial amount of money. Money that would probably save the Grube's from immediate financial ruin.

George meanwhile was becoming extremely frustrated. He was way past flirting now, and had tried several times to instigate his well honed and usually successful seduction techniques on Helen. So far he'd had little or no success, but each failure just made him more determined.

Every time he met with her she assaulted his senses more. Not only did she smell and look divine, her choice of clothes was driving him insane with lust. Had she no idea what she was doing to him with her array of ridiculously short skirts and dresses? Not to mention her low cut or tight blouses or tops that displayed her large breasts so alluringly?

Now she constantly left him with blue balls and a raging hard on at the conclusion of their meetings. She was proving to be a tough nut to crack, but he was determined to persevere. After all, it was what he did. And the harder the chase, the more satisfaction he derived from the victory.

Many months ago and after his encounter with Christy at Global Logistics; one of Worldwide International Holding's many subsidiary companies; George had changed his sexual preferences. He was no longer excited by the stunning women he fucked that were supplied by the escort agencies. Of course he still indulged from time to time to sate his need for pussy, but they were no longer enough to satisfy his hunger. He'd realized he needed much more excitement.

Now he got far more enjoyment if his prey were married women, and the more happily married, the better. The fun was in the chase and the final denouement because it was that which made the sex all that much better. And whilst his pursuit of Helen was proving to be testing and the fun aspect waning slightly, he was still determined to lay between her legs and enjoy his conquest by sliding his big cock deep inside her tight pussy.

His excitement surged as he slid into the leather seat of his luxury car. Knowing her husband was away on yet another business trip he'd decided to pay another visit to her home. It was time to up the ante.




"Are you going away again?" Helen asked, as she watched her husband pack his holdall. Whilst she was pleased that he seemed to have his career back on track, he did seem to be away a lot of the time. "Are all these trips really necessary?" she added.

"Yes they are," Mike replied, as he finished packing his bag. "We're really close to landing this deal, and when we do I've been promised a pay rise and a massive bonus. With the money from that we should be able to clear our debts."

Mike heaved his holdall off the bed and onto the floor.

"Look sweetheart, it won't be for much longer. The money from your commission with George will just about keep the creditors away long enough for my boat to come in. But the pressure's mounting and if you don't get paid soon we stand to lose everything. And I do mean, everything."

> > >

After Mike had left, Helen entered her office. It was one of many spare rooms in their large house, although this one had originally been designated as a potential playroom for their children when they came along.

It was Fiona's day off, so she was alone as she scanned over the design boards for George's office. She sighed deeply. Every day that passed she was became increasingly frustrated by his inability to make a final decision. He was proving to be a difficult client with his endless changes, which often seemed to be changes for changes sake.

First he'd gone for an eclectic mix. Then he'd changed to a Spanish theme, then Japanese and then surprisingly to Art Deco, which had seemed a bit of a stark contrast. And now, his latest switch to Mexican.

Why couldn't he have gone back to Spanish? They were so similar, but now he couldn't decide if he wanted a traditional or contemporary feel. She was at her wits end and was beginning to think he wasn't taking this seriously.

She'd been working for an hour when through the open window she heard the faint crunching sound from the loose stone chip driveway of a car pulling up outside. A car door slammed shut and a moment later the front door bell rang.

Leaving her office she made her way through to the front of the house to answer it. On opening the door she was surprised to see her client standing there, especially since he knew she had a separate office entrance down the side of the property.

"George," she said with a wide smile, "what brings you out here?"

He looked thoughtful for a minute, staring at her face, drinking in her beauty, her eyes, her mouth, her heart shaped lips; the long pause taking Helen by surprise, before he finally spoke.

"I was driving around mulling over the designs when I suddenly found myself in your neighborhood." He paused briefly and looked deeply into Helen's eyes. "So as I was close I thought I would call in to discuss them with you. I hope you don't mind?" he added quickly with a weak smile.

"No, not at all," Helen replied, overcoming her initial disquiet by smiling broadly and standing aside to let George enter. "Please come in. Can I get you a drink; coffee, tea, something stronger?" she asked as she led him into her living room.

"Bourbon would be nice if you have it," George said, "but only if you'll join me." He stood and looked around the large room. "You have a nice home."

"Well thank you George, we're very proud of how far we've come with our renovations," she replied as she walked over to fix their drinks. "I don't usually drink at this time of day, but as it's you, I'll make an exception," she said, gaily laughing as she spoke.

George watched her with hungry eyes. She was wearing another smart but very short skirt matched with a tight blouse, which nicely showcased her ample breasts and was unbuttoned just enough to reveal a hint of her dramatic cleavage.

"You look very nice today. Very smart. Were you about to leave for an appointment?" he said as he watched her walk back towards him with a glass in each hand. His eyes were drawn to the sight of her bouncing breasts inside her blouse. It was mesmerizing and the effect on his cock was instant.

She could feel herself blush as soon as she realized his eyes were fixed intently on her breasts. She swallowed hard as a sense of unease swept through her body, and she took a deep breath hoping to calm her jangling nerves.

"No, I always dress this way when working. I feel so much more professional. So what did you want to discuss?" Helen asked, as she handed him his glass, "what ideas have you come up with now?"

George said nothing but took a drink from his glass as he looked at her thoughtfully. Helen smiled nervously but then unable to hold his stare, looked away, feeling uncomfortable in his presence for the first time. She took a sip from her drink.

"Oh, strong," she gasped, "smooth and warming though." She smiled nervously.

George put down his glass and then taking Helen's arm guided her over to the sofa. He prompted her to sit and taking a seat next to her took her glass and placed it next to his on the nearby table.

He held her hands in his and looked into her eyes. "You know ... you are a very beautiful woman Helen ... and most desirable. Surely you must know this?"

"I ... I don't know what to say George ... thank you ... I guess ..." Helen was now feeling extremely uncomfortable and on edge. All of a sudden the atmosphere in the room was decidedly heavy. She could feel her heart beating loudly inside her chest, and she wasn't certain if it had been brought on by a touch of fear.