Instagram Tales - Leah Ward


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Dennis smiled to himself. He knew he was going to fuck her at some point. It was only a matter of time. There was no way she was going to get him to blow his load the way she was sucking his cock. Besides, wanking off earlier in the day meant it would take ages for him to cum again.

It was ten minutes before Amy started to tire. He was impressed it had taken that long. He knew her jaw must be hurting her. She pulled his cock free of her mouth with a load plop, saliva dripping from her lips.

"I ... I can't do this any more," she gasped, gulping for air, "you're too big."

"That's okay," he said as he helped her up from her chair. His hand went back under her skirt as she stood before him, leaning forward, her hands gripping the arms of his chair, her large jugs hanging into his face. He captured a large nipple between his teeth and bit hard, causing Amy to squeal, as his fat fingers plunged once more into her wet pussy.

"Please ... you can't ..." she gasped as he frigged her hard. Her eyes were closed tightly. She was close to cumming.

"Okay," Dennis said as he pulled his hand out from under her skirt. Amy tottered slightly in her high heels as she went weak at the knees.

"No ... please ..."

Dennis stood up and guided her backwards until her bum was pressing up against the edge of his desk. He lifted her skirt up with one hand as his other hand continued to probe around her swollen pussy lips. Before Amy realised what was happening she was sitting on the desk with her legs splayed wide with Dennis in between them, his large cock in his hand, pushing forward.

"NO ... NO ... you can't ..." she cried out as he forced the angry looking head of his giant cock through her engorged pussy lips. Her hands were on his chest as she tried feebly to push him away but to no avail. She bit down hard on her lower lip, her head going back as Dennis entered her. She was so full, surely he was going to split her in two.

"No ... please ... no ... ohmygod ..." she wailed as Dennis finally bottomed out. His hands closed around her breasts and he squeezed them together eliciting a deep moan from Amy. His fingers scraped slowly across her hard nipples. She twitched violently with every pass.

Dennis moved a hand down onto her clit and rubbed it lightly with his fingertip. Her breathing was ragged as her legs began to twitch and she shuddered delightfully as short little sparks of electricity began to course through her body.

It only took a couple of minutes before her hips began to move. Slowly at first but them with an increasing pace as Dennis pinched at her hard nipples and flicked at her swollen clit. He stood motionless as Amy began to slide her pussy up and down his large cock. There was no way she could call this rape.

She sat up, coiling her arms around his neck, her eyes blazing, her mouth twisted in rictus, scowling as she fucked herself on his large cock. She was moving faster now, her large breasts jiggling up and down her chest as her motions became ever more frenetic and violent. Her head snapped back sharply as she fought against the arousal that consumed her.

Dennis' cock grew harder and longer and thicker the more Amy impaled herself on it until he could resist no longer. He began to move too, pounding into her sopping wet gash with an increasing ferocity. She was proving to be a good fuck, far better than he had hoped for. Her pussy gripped and squeezed at his cock making him gasp with joy. It was a pity she was leaving.

He could feel himself building to his climax. Amy had already cum twice but before he finished he just had to fuck her doggie. To her shock and consternation, Amy was bewildered when Dennis pulled himself free and lifted her off the desk. Her bewilderment was short lived when he quickly twisted her around and bent her back over. She slumped forward and moaned loudly, her breasts squashed on the desk top as he pushed his cock back deep inside her pussy.

He held out for five more excruciating minutes, delighting in the sound of his fat belly slapping lewdly against Amy's skinny arse as she grunted and groaned through another orgasm. And then he let loose, flooding her pussy with his vile seed.

It took Amy about five minutes to recover her senses and her clothes. Dennis grinned maliciously as he saw the look of self loathing plastered all over her face as she quickly dressed herself.

Naked, his large cock still erect and leading the way, he walked around to his desk and pulling open a drawer took out a envelope stuffed with cash. He tossed it onto the desk top. "Five grand, as agreed," he said callously.

Amy glowered angrily at him but quickly grabbed it off the desk. She seemed to have forgotten that he'd offered her ten thousand pounds earlier. Bur she was distracted. Her eyes seemed drawn to his cock. It was mesmerising. Dennis noticed and grinned. He heard Amy gasp as he squeezed his arse cheeks together making his cock wiggle up and down. It was almost waving at her, inviting her back.

"You can come and visit anytime," he sniggered, "if you want a repeat performance."

Amy tossed her head back defiantly but said nothing before she stalked out of the room. Dennis slumped down into his chair, exhausted but elated and ruminated on his stunning success.

He couldn't believe how easy it had been but there was no telling just how far a woman would go when a seemingly large amount of money was dangled before her eyes. He wondered how she was going to hide it from her husband. Not that it worried him. He was more excited by the fact that she might actually come back for more.

* * * * *

Jeremy slumped down in the seat of his high reach truck and rotated his stiff neck. He was tired and his whole body ached. He hated this job and in particular he hated his eight hours a day, Monday to Friday shift work. A week of early starts followed by a week of late finishes. And if that wasn't bad enough then there was a week of nights. Each rota brought it's own problems. When to go to bed, when to get up, when to eat. He didn't think he'd ever get used to it.

And then there was the overtime. All he could handle if he wanted it. And god knows, he did - they did. So he worked every weekend. Coming off his week of 10pm finishes, the Saturday 6am starts were a killer.

He sighed deeply, stifling a yawn and squinted at the small computer attached to his truck. He couldn't get his eyes to focus. He was so tired he could barely make out the words on the screen.

He sighed again. How had he got to this place in his life? Less than a year ago he had been a talented footballer, on the verge of a potentially glittering, lucrative, professional career. He had then married a lovely woman with a smoking hot body. A woman who he knew other men would bust a nut to fuck. And she was all his and his alone.

But now ...

The dream was gone. The football career with the ridiculous riches it could provide over before it began. But no matter, he was smart enough to get his degree. And then there came the offer of a fantastically high paid job back in the UK. His life with Leah was back on track.

What he hadn't counted on though was her complete lack of enthusiasm regarding their move back to Britain. She'd whined and moaned for weeks about that. She'd even withheld sex so he knew she was serious. But he had persevered and was happy when she finally relented.

But he knew she wasn't happy. She was already hurt by her parent's condemnation of her marriage to him. Plus she so wanted to teach and she wouldn't be able to do that straight away in the UK. And then there was the housing problem. He couldn't believe how hard it had been to rent somewhere. They were lucky to find the private landlord who was willing to overlook their lack of references although paying a full years rent up front had wiped out their meagre savings. But at least he'd had his well paid job. It wouldn't take much time to recoup their savings.

Sadly his dream job hadn't lasted long. No sooner had he got into the swing of how things worked at the company, than they let him go. A downturn in business meant staffing cuts had to be made. Last in, first out, Jeremy was the first casualty.

Initially devastated, he was certain with his qualifications and bolstered by his time working for a prestigious company he would soon find another job. But the weeks passed by and nothing.

Eventually he faced facts. He had to find work, anything would do as a stop gap. The job agency found him a temporary position at a local warehouse. It was only meant to be for a couple of weeks but he was a quick learner and the company kept him on and even put him through a fork truck driving course. He was now licensed to drive both reach and counter balance trucks.

His basic pay was seventeen grand a year. With overtime he might be able to double that. Still peanuts when compared to his recent starting salary of forty five thousand pounds.

And what was the cost? Long hours, no time with Leah and constant weariness. He knew Leah was frustrated and bored. He'd been the one with the dream. Maybe they should go back to the States. At least Leah could fulfil her dream to teach and be happy again. But they needed money to do that. It was Catch 22!

He sighed again. He felt such a failure. He'd let his wife down in so many ways. And to compound the problem he couldn't even muster enough energy to make love to her. His inability to get an erection frustrated her greatly. He also knew she was taking her release by masturbating regularly to porn. For a bright girl she didn't realise you could delete your browsing history or even surf the internet 'incognito'.

His radio crackled into life jolting him out of his reverie. He was needed to unload a truck. Ditch the reach truck and grab a counter balance and get over to loading bay 26. ASAP. The command was snapped out leaving him in no doubt about the urgency. He sighed deeply again and drove off to find a spare counter balance truck.

* * * * *

Leah was looking for a job, anything would do, even shop work if she had too. But that would come later if she couldn't find anything closer to what she wanted to do. Of course her main priority was to teach but she'd already been knocked back on that score. She didn't have the correct accreditation to be able to do that.

She took a sip of her coffee as she scanned through the help wanted ads in the local newspapers. She'd already done her daily computer search but she'd learned early on that not all jobs get posted on-line, especially the local ones.

She knew Jeremy wasn't happy that he couldn't provide for them both but losing his job hadn't been his fault. Life has a habit of kicking you in the balls when you're down, was how he had so succinctly put it.

At first she scoured the papers, reading each advert intensely but as the weeks went by she gave each advert scant regard before moving on. And so it was today. Flicking through the paper she almost missed it.

She went back to it. A private school was looking for a replacement teacher and joy of joys it was not far from where they lived. She perused the ad again, her excitement growing. It sounded perfect for her. It was just the age group she wanted to teach. She chewed thoughtfully on her lower lip as she pondered as to whether being a privately funded school they might be a bit more relaxed regarding her qualifications? She had nothing to lose by enquiring. Surely it was worth a try, wasn't it?

She opened up her computer and rattled off a letter to go with her CV. As a last thought she added a recent photograph of herself and emailed the whole lot off to the school. She sat back in her chair with a sigh and smiled. She suddenly felt good about this. She couldn't wait to tell Jeremy.

* * * * *

A few days later and Principal Meade was busy sifting through the applicants for the job vacancy created by the resignation of Amy Prescott. As an all girl's private school the board had long since agreed with Dennis that all their teachers should be female so he immediately binned the applications from men together with the ones that were from women of a 'certain age'. He was hungry for fresh young blood as his pool of available talent had shrunk dramatically over the years.

The problem was that this left him with very few applications to actually read. He picked up the first one. Her qualifications were good as was her employment history. He looked at the photograph and pursed his lips. Not too bad he thought. Pity it wasn't a full body shot though. He put it to one side and picked up the second one.

Good qualifications and the right age. Promising start. The accompanying photograph was a full body shot. He immediately threw it in the bin. God she was fatter than him.

He picked up the last one. Three - really - was that all? He started to read through the CV. She was American, newly qualified in the USA but with no employment history there let alone here in the UK. She was the right age though. He looked at her photograph. A head and shoulder shot. She was cute. Certainly not beautiful but she had a nice smile with nice juicy red lips. They would certainly look good wrapped around his big, fat cock. He added her to the same pile as the first application and buzzed his secretary and asked her to set up two appointments.

* * * * *

Leah was beyond excited when she got the call to attend an interview. She dressed demurely, thinking that would be expected at such a prestigious establishment.

Despite her lack of dress sense, Dennis was pleased with what he saw. She was actually cuter than her photograph suggested. He had been hoping to see a bit more flesh but her skirt came below her knee even when she sat down. Her top was a loose fitting blouse with a light, thin cardigan over it.

She smiled nervously as he described the job in greater detail and then chatted to her about her qualifications. As she relaxed into her interview Leah began to experience a warm, fuzzy feeling that spread quickly through her body as she listened to Dennis drone on about the school and it's principles and pursuit of excellence.

It was strange how much like her Uncle Denis he was both physically and facially. In fact if she substituted Dennis' cultured, clipped English accent for her uncle's faux southern drawl they could almost be the same man. She crossed her legs feeling her panties were slightly damper than they had been. And her heart beat a little faster as the memory of what her uncle had done to her years previously flashed quickly through her mind. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and forced herself to focus back on Dennis' words.

At the end of her interview Dennis came around from behind his desk to show her to the door. As he went to shake her hand he pulled her into a hug. Leah gasped in surprise. She'd always been told that the British were stand offish and aloof. But maybe that information was wrong.

Dennis too was surprised by his own actions. He'd not intended to hug her but the smell of her perfume intoxicated him briefly and made him lose control. As his arms closed around her body his cock immediately responded. He let her go, wishing he'd been bold enough to squeeze her bum, just to see if it was ripe and juicy.

"I'll be in touch," he said as he reluctantly let her go, "either way you should hear from me within the week."

After Leah had left Dennis settled down in his chair to take stock of his two interviews. He'd already interviewed the first woman before Leah. She wasn't too bad, he ruminated, obviously better qualified than Leah Ward but not in the same league body-wise. He just wished he'd been able to see if Leah was as shapely beneath those form hiding clothes as he suspected she was.

Turning his attention to his computer he opened up Google Images and dragging the saved photograph of Leah into the search box, clicked enter. It took him thirty minutes of messing about and then tweaking his search requirements before he finally hit pay dirt.

He grunted in satisfaction as he found a number of matching images and then he found an Instagram user name.

He clicked on her account and groaned loudly. There were literally hundreds of photographs. She'd clearly been busy he thought. The first picture was recent, he could clearly see her wedding ring on the hand that held her iPhone. Taken in her bathroom, it was a full length side body shot that set his cock pulsing. She was wearing a short little dress that hugged her trim body tightly. As he suspected she didn't have massive boobs but enhanced by the high heel shoes she was wearing her legs and arse looked sublime.

He clicked onto the next shot. This picture had been taken in her bedroom. She was turned more to face the mirror. There was some cleavage but not a lot. Her legs though were spectacularly good. Her dress was tight and short, about mid thigh in length. Again he could see her wedding band so knew it was a recent shot.

He swallowed hard and shifted in his seat. He was becoming uncomfortable as he felt his cock and balls starting to swell. He clicked onto the next shot.

"Holy fuck!" It was another bedroom picture but it must have been from an earlier time because there was no wedding ring on the hand that held her iPhone, which he noticed had a different cover. He exhaled loudly as he took in the image before him. He could barely make out her face but frankly, who cared. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her body.

The dress was shorter than the previous two, so short in fact that it barely made it past her curvy arse, the size of which was enhanced by the fact her waist looked so tiny due to the angle of the shot. Add to that, wearing what looked like higher than normal heels made her bum stick out provocatively and made it look even bigger. And her legs ... her thighs in particular ... well they were simply divine.

He could feel his cock throbbing now, demanding release. He tugged at his zipper and pulled out his aching cock. His hand began to move slowly up and down the swelling shaft as pre cum started to ooze out of the end.

He clicked onto the next shot. This one had been taken by someone else. She was dressed up for a night out. Tight blue dress, bit longer than the others but still showing a fair bit of shapely thigh, high heels and a nice arse. Lovely!

He clicked onto the next. Again taken by someone else but this time in a shop. Tight white skirt, same length as in the previous picture, high heels. Great.

He clicked again and again. Two similar shots both taken in her bedroom but on different days. Short dresses revealing a bit more cleavage, which was looking better and better the more he saw of it.

He clicked again. "Oh my ..." he exhaled raggedly. His cock was now fully erect and rock hard, tipped over the edge by the picture now filling his computer screen. He began to pump harder.

It was a selfie shot into a mirror, the de rigueur iPhone that partly hid her face clasped in one dark red fingernail painted hand. But there was enough to see that she was reasonably attractive. She was obviously dressed for a night out on the town with her short, tight, little red and black patterned dress and high heel shoes. Her left leg was raised and bent at the knee giving a wonderful view of her extremely shapely legs and full round arse. Her tits were a nice size also. Not massive but big enough to be a nice fit in his large hand.

It was THAT photo. The one he'd downloaded and then masturbated himself silly over a few weeks ago. He could scarcely believe it was her. My god! And with that, his pulsating cock exploded in orgasm, his semen spurting out in vast quantities to splatter across his desk. Dennis momentarily was stunned. He'd not realised he'd been masturbating so energetically.

"Holy fuck, that was intense," he murmured to himself as his harsh breathing eased and his heartbeat lessened. He slumped back into his chair, puffed out his cheeks and exhaled loudly before reaching inside a desk drawer to take out some tissues to clean up his mess. His damn spunk was splattered everywhere.
