Instagram Tales - Isabel Stadler


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Trying hard to mask his anger and without a further word, John turned away.

With her smile turning into a broad grin, Isabel watched him go. Her heart soared with pride as she basked in the glory of her victory. If she could have seen the malevolent look on John's face, she probably wouldn't have felt so smug.

With the fragility of his ego exposed, it took John no time at all to come up with a plan to bend Isabel to his will again. And it was funny really that it was she that unknowingly dropped the opportunity right into his lap.

He'd been passing by, unnoticed, when he overheard Isabel talking to Billy, a colleague from the Kitchen and Bathroom department. In her hand she was holding a box that contained a set of brand new, kitchen sink, mixer taps. She was telling Billy how much she loved these taps and were just what she needed to finish off her new sink.

John smiled. He knew she couldn't afford them. At around £160 they were one of the most expensive in their range and he knew she was barely making ends meet as it was.

"Look Isabel, they're coming on offer in a few weeks time. So why don't you keep them in your locker until they go into the sale."

"Are you sure Billy? Can we do that? I don't want you to get into any trouble."

"It's not a problem Isabel. I know for a fact that we are replacing that range soon. But it is popular, so if you don't put them away now, there might not be any left to put in the sale and you'll miss out."

As Isabel and Billy walked away, John smiled broadly. An idea had already formed in his head and he now had her just where he wanted her.



It was later that day when the tannoy announcement was made.

'Annie Sugden to the manager's office please.'

When Annie arrived, she was informed by John that he wanted her as a witness as he carried out a routine search of the staff lockers. Annie was surprised, as she couldn't even recall the last time one had been carried out.

Everything seemed to be in order until they opened Isabel's locker. Inside they found the set of kitchen taps.

"Now what have we here?" John said, with barely disguised glee, as he lifted the box out and carefully removed the paper that was wrapped around it.

"What do you make of this then Annie?" he asked.

"I don't know," she replied. "Shouldn't they be in stock? Aren't they a current line that we sell?"

"Indeed they are," he said. "Curious then that they are in Isabel's locker, wouldn't you say?"

"Erm yes, I suppose," she replied, with a frown creasing her forehead. "What are you going to do John? Isn't this a sackable offence?" she added.

"Well don't you worry your pretty little head about that Annie," John said, as he suddenly turned and pushed her up against the lockers. "Just you leave it all to me and forget about it."

With the finality of his statement, he leaned down and brought his lips to hers. He heard her breath catch in her throat as he kissed her. She responded immediately, her lips parting to let his tongue engage with hers.

Their kiss intensified as he brought a hand up to grope her large, heavy breasts. His free hand dropped down to her pussy, her legs opening invitingly as he cupped her mound through her work trousers. Her arms closed around his neck as she gave herself to him.

And then it was over. He unwound her arms from his neck and pulled himself away. "Later Annie, we'll do this later, okay?"

She nodded her acceptance, unable to speak as she struggled to subdue her arousal and excitement. As John left the canteen she slumped back against the lockers as she brought her breathing under control. "Damn him," she muttered to herself as she felt the dampness in her crotch. Her panties were soaked just from that brief interlude.

Blissfully ignorant of the state in which he'd left Annie, John went down onto the shop floor. He quickly found Isabel who seemed extremely irritated that he had found her. She had been studiously trying to keep out of his way as much as she could. It had seemed to be working but she now realised she'd only been deluding herself.

"Izzy. My office. Now," John said, as he turned abruptly and strode off.

"What now!" Isabel muttered to herself, scowling at his back as she began to follow on behind.

Once in his office John was all business.

"Take a seat Mrs Stadler," he said.

Isabel frowned at his use of her surname but sat down as instructed, only looking up as John placed a bag on the desk in front of her.

"Can you open the bag and take out the contents please," he instructed.

Isabel duly complied.

"And can you tell me what that is please?"

Isabel had a sinking feeling as she removed the set of kitchen taps from the bag. She knew they shouldn't have been in her locker.


"Erm ... kitchen sink taps," she replied nervously.

"Exactly. And pray, do tell, why are they in your locker?"

"You got them out my locker? You've no right to go in my locker. My personal stuff's in there. You have no right," Isabel said, as her anger grew.

"Ahh ... no right you say. Well let me remind you - we have EVERY right to search your locker. If you check the Staff Handbook you will see a whole paragraph devoted to that very subject! The locker is company property, so we have every right to look inside from time to time. And surprise, surprise! When we look inside yours we find a set of kitchen taps that we know you haven't paid for and have seemingly hidden in there so you could no doubt take them home at the end of your shift tonight. That is called theft!"

"No, no, that's not what was going to happen. Yes, I want them to finish my kitchen but I can't afford them at the price they are now ..."

"So you decided to steal them," John interrupted.

"No, no, of course not. I can't afford them at the price they are now so Billy said to put them to one side, because in a couple of weeks or so they will come on offer. Ask Billy, he knows."

"Well unfortunately for you Billy finished his shift a lunch-time and is now, as we speak, on holiday. And as you know he doesn't have a mobile phone; god knows why; so basically we only have your word for it."

"But that's the truth," I wouldn't steal them, you know I wouldn't," Isabel replied, choking back the tears. It was just so unfair. She was as honest as the day was long. Everyone knew that.

John let her stew for a few minutes as she sniffled into a tissue. He then delivered the coup de grâce.

"You realise this is a sackable offence, don't you." It was a statement not a question. The look of horror was instant.

"No please, you know I wasn't going to steal the taps. You surely know this, I can't lose my job over this, I just can't."

John smiled. This was going swimmingly. All he had to do now was reel her in.

"I'm assuming you would be prepared to do anything to keep your job then Izzy?" he said with a smirk.

"Yes, yes, anything. I can't lose my job, I just can't ..."

John stood and moving around his desk went to the door and locked it. He turned back to Isabel to see her looking up at him. The fear was written all over her face. He grinned back malevolently, causing Isabel to shiver as an icy chill ran down her back.

He moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. He began to massage them, his fingers probing and pushing into her muscles. She slumped forward slightly as his thumbs pressed into the knape of her neck. She knew where this was leading but didn't have the energy to stop it. All the fight had left her.

John's hands slid lower, gliding over the swell of her large breasts to first caress, then cup them from below. He squeezed as he groped and manipulated them, feeling her nipples grow bigger as they became swollen and hard.

She couldn't help but moan. It had been so long since her last sexual contact, and that had been with John too. It seemed he knew what turned her on.

"Stand up Izzy," he commanded, "and take of your blouse and bra."

She stood, almost robotic in her movements as she complied with his request. Seemingly at odds with how she felt about this situation, her fingers made swift work of the buttons of her blouse. John slid it off her shoulders whilst she unhooked her bra, so releasing her breasts to his lascivious gaze.

He stepped forward and took them into his hands.

"Fuck, your breasts are so big Izzy. They're just incredible," he growled as he squeezed and fondled her massive orbs. His fingers twisted and pulled at her nipples making Isabel groan in pleasurable pain.

"I don't want to do this," Isabel mumbled quietly, finally deciding she should at least show some defiance. She tried to push his hands off her chest, but to no avail.

John chuckled, easily batting her hands away to continue his manipulation of her twin mounds. "Bit late for that Izzy. It's either this or I start your dismissal proceedings. So ... which is to be?"

With no response from his victim he began to remove her work trousers. There was no resistance from Isabel. It seemed the moment for her total capitulation had been reached.

John pulled her trousers down her legs, making Isabel remove them entirely. She turned to face him. Only her minuscule panties remained on her curvaceous body. John's hand slid into the gap at the top of her thighs to finger her mound. He rubbed gently and was excited when Isabel moaned, opening her legs as she did so. He slid his hand inside her panties and began to finger her pussy, making her moans turn into deep groans.

He turned her around and prompted her to bend over his desk. Freeing his cock, he gave it a couple of pumps to prime it and then, pulling Isabel's panties halfway down her thighs, he moved behind her and pushed forward.

Isabel cried out as she felt his large cock breach her defences. His thickness made it painful at first but it didn't take long before she grew accustomed to his girth.

For his part, John groaned loudly. She was just so tight. But it was ecstasy. He slowly withdrew and pushed forward again, increasing the force and depth of his thrusts with each stroke.

Isabel couldn't help herself. Despite her initial reluctance, her body was reacting to it's base, primaeval, animalistic instincts. Her moans gave way to grunts of passion as John fucked her harder, the sound of their coupling resonating around the small office as their flesh slapped together and their groans filled the air.

"Ssshhh, keep it down Izzy," hissed John, "someone will hear you if you don't put a lid on it."

From her uncomfortable position, Isabel raised herself enough to glance at him over her shoulder. Her face was a mask of pleasurable pain, her mouth hanging open as she moaned her enjoyment - or was it disgust - at what John was putting her through.

She stifled her groans but she couldn't muffle the slapping sound of flesh on flesh caused by John's thighs smacking into her delightfully firm arse cheeks as he took her from behind.

How had it come to this? She'd only gone into his office because of some trumped up accusation. But here she was, minutes later, sprawled over the desk in his office, naked except for her panties, which were halfway down her thighs, as he treated her like some common whore.

She was so conflicted. It was a given that John disgusted her. She hated him so much for who he was and what he was subjecting her to. But equally she was disgusted with herself. And what was killing her the most was the fact that she was actually loving the sex and craved for more.

With a final pumping of his hips, John shot his load inside Isabel. As he pulled out, so she collapsed over the desk and lay there trying to catch her breath. Their coupling had been quick and brutal. She could feel his sperm starting to seep out of her pussy but felt powerless to move. She doubted her legs would support her if she moved from her current position.

John slapped her arse making her cry out. "Get up Izzy and get dressed," he snarled.

"So what are you going to do?" she said quietly as she gathered her clothes together and began to dress.

John sat down in his chair and leaned back, watching her dress, appraising her body as she did so. Fuck, she was so goddamn sexy. He smiled up at her.

"Well let's just say that I will be willing to overlook the attempted theft Izzy, as long as you agree to look after my needs on a regular basis."

"So you just get to fuck me anytime you want," she said flatly.

"It was always just about THAT," chortled John. "I've wanted to fuck you for as long as I've known you. It's just that you kept playing hard to get."

"But I'm a married woman. Why would that attract you? Why did you feel the need to pursue me? I didn't want sex with you. I wanted to be faithful to my husband. I made vows of love and fidelity before god and my family."

John shrugged, which irritated her, and then smiled broadly, which irritated her even more.

"I don't care about that Izzy. You being married WAS the attraction. I wanted you because you belonged to someone else and I was prepared to go as far as I could to get you. But the thing is, I know you're enjoying it. Your moans and groans tell me how much you like me fucking you."

"No I don't!" Isabel retorted angrily, "I hate you!"

John shrugged again. "Doesn't matter how you feel about me Izzy, the thing is I've got you just where I want you." He moved to the office door and unlocked it.

"You best toddle of now Izzy. I'll let you know when I want to see you again. Okay!"





A couple of weeks later there was another impromptu company night out. What had started out as a handful of people getting together for a few drinks after work, had somehow escalated into a full blown staff party. Isabel didn't feel like going and had resisted countless requests to attend. Even now, she didn't feel very sociable due mainly to the fact that she and Dominic were still not getting along.

Asked again that morning, she'd finally relented. She'd gone to work still upset following a blazing row with Dominic. She'd initially lost her temper after he again refused to get drawn into a discussion about their current situation and the distance he was seemingly putting between the two of them.

But then he exploded and it became all one-sided as he unloaded all of his anger and resentment on her. It was so hurtful, his words so callous and dismissive as he destroyed her understanding of their relationship, driving a stake straight through her heart as he did so.

John was a late arrival. When he saw Isabel sitting at one of the tables he was delighted. The last he'd heard, she wasn't going to be there. Fortune smiled on him as a space opened up next to her, so he wasted no time slipping in alongside her. She flashed him an irritated look of disdain, whilst he just grinned back as he looked her over.

She was dressed simply, her outfit consisting of just a skirt and top. But what a top! John, like most of the men, was finding it extremely hard to keep his eyes from her chest. Her white sweater was one of those that had what appeared to be press-stud fasteners down the front but not one of them was closed.

Being a man, with little knowledge or indeed interest in women's fashion, John had no idea if they were just decorative or if they were actually meant to close. If it was the latter then there was absolutely no chance of that happening. Not with the size of Isabel's breasts. They were just too big, the cleavage too deep, the top too tight. It was a spectacular sight to behold, and one that made an immediate impact on his cock.

Her skirt was short and tight and she was wearing stockings. Well, he hoped they were. Despite the fact she was clearly despondent, she still looked stunning. Her long brown hair, which always seemed to be wild and untameable, was styled differently, brushed away from her face on one side, and her pouty lips had never looked so plump. He so wanted to bite them! Misery seemed to suit her.

The rounds came thick and fast and Isabel participated in every one of them. When the group progressed to shots, she didn't hold back. She was out to enjoy herself and to hell with her husband. Nonetheless, despite drinking heavily, her forlorn mood never lifted.

It was later and Isabel had decided she should leave. To add to her bad mood, she now didn't feel so good. John gave it a couple of minutes before he too made his excuses and left. It didn't take him long to catch up to her. She was clearly struggling to walk.

"Hey Izzy!" he yelled out to her, "Hold up there, I need to talk to you."

She stopped, her body stiffening as she heard his shout. She knew she shouldn't have come out tonight. So why had she? She turned slowly to face him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, as he finally reached her. "It's just that you didn't look like you were enjoying yourself tonight," he added.

"I'm fine," she answered. There was no emotion in her voice. She felt so empty. And so drunk.

"Yes, you totally are," John replied, as in true man fashion he openly leered at her breasts, completely oblivious and ignorant of her fragile emotions.

He moved forward and put his arms around her waist. He looked into her eyes and found them dull and listless. He hesitated briefly then bent his head forward and kissed her. She didn't resist but she didn't respond. So he kissed her harder, this time trying to force his tongue inside her mouth.

His hands dropped to her arse. He pulled her closer, grinding his growing arousal against her mound, kneading her bum cheeks as he kissed her with more intent.

Isabel just stood there, her arms hanging loosely by her side. She couldn't even be bothered to break away. She could feel his erect cock pushing against her mound. It should have triggered a reaction, yet it left her cold. She felt nothing. Not even disgust.

John was frustrated. He couldn't understand why there was no reaction from Isabel. He was doing all the things a man should do to get a woman aroused. And yet ...

He moved a hand up to cup and then fondle her breast. He felt the nipple respond to his manipulation, but still there was no overt reaction from her.

Dropping his hand from her breast down onto her leg, he quickly slid it up her thigh; pleased to find she was indeed wearing stockings; and onto her mound. He lightly rubbed her slit through her lace panties, feeling her pussy lips grow thicker and wetter. But despite this, she still wasn't responding either physically or verbally.

He kissed her again, this time breaking through her lips, finding and engaging with her tongue. But it was still all one-sided. He couldn't believe how she was still not responding. It was almost as if he was trying to revive a corpse.

"Come with me," he said, breaking away and taking hold of her hand. She didn't resist and let him lead her to where his car was parked.

"I'll take you home," he said, as he opened the passenger car door.

Isabel slid into the seat, propping her head up with a hand as she lent against the window. Her eyes closed as John got in and started the engine.

A while later she felt the car slowing and then stopping. "Izzy, we're here. Wake up."

Her eyes opened but it was a while before she could focus them. She looked out the window. This wasn't her street. This wasn't her house.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"My place," John replied.

"I ... I thought you said you were taking me home?"

"I did ... I meant my home," John answered with a smile.

He clambered out of his seat and moved swiftly around the front of the car to the passenger side. He opened the door and held out his hand.

"Come on Izzy."

She reluctantly took his hand and allowed him to pull her out of the seat. She knew she shouldn't be here but knew it was pointless to say so. She also knew what was going to happen.

She let him lead her into his house, standing in his living room whilst he fussed around closing and locking the front door.