Influencers Ch. 03

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Wannabe Influencer finds her mind influenced by best friend.
5.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/17/2023
Created 09/28/2021
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Scarlet's eyes shot open; her body still encased in darkness. She moved forward and fell out of the closet and onto her bedroom floor, a comforting sign. What happened to her? Her eyes darted to her clothes where the message had been only to find the shirt had disappeared. Exploring further, Scarlet probed her pussy and pulled out dry cum. Whatever Mandy made her do, someone else had been involved and they probably used her body like a sex toy.

Not that Mandy cared. Ever since she took control of Scarlet, she treated her roommate like a slave. And unfortunately, Scarlet couldn't do anything about it. Mandy had full control and until Scarlet found a way out, she had to follow the rules. If she didn't, the blackouts would continue, and she'd never know what she did while under the deep trance.

When she heard the sound of the front door, Scarlet rushed back to her position in the closet. After five minutes, Mandy waltzed into the room and opened the closet doors. Her neutral face turned to a grin when she saw Scarlet's state of dress.

"Looks like someone can't follow instructions," Mandy said. "But mistakes are what we learn from. You're free to do as you please for the rest of the evening."

Mandy didn't gloat about her date or stick around to punish Scarlet. She just left. Whatever game Mandy was playing, if Scarlet wanted to at least stay conscious, until Mandy no longer bothered with hypnosis, then Scarlet needed to show her how good a slave she could be.


With the table set, eggs frying and the coffee brewing, Mandy emerged from her room with a full face of make-up ready to take on the day.

"I thought I heard a commotion out here," Mandy said.

Scarlet turned and greeted Mandy with a smile while donning her uncomfortable maid uniform. "Good morning, Goddess Mandy, I have eggs and coffee on the way."

Mandy didn't say a word and sat down at the table. Scarlet placed the plate of eggs and bacon in front of her then poured her a cup of coffee.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Scarlet asked, trying her hardest to come off as sincere. "Would you like me to eat you out or give you a foot massage before you start your day. A Goddess like you deserves the best."

Scarlet had seen Stepford Wives enough times to know how to act complacent to a partner. And Mandy's silence suggested that her roommate didn't know how to act when her slave followed commands without question.

Mandy let Scarlet stand and smile while she helped herself to the home cooked meal. After clearing half the plate, Mandy went to dab her face with the napkin, but Scarlet beat her to it.

"Can't have you facing the world with anything less than your perfect self," Scarlet said.

She stepped back and waited for Mandy the bitch to make her first appearance. After a sip of coffee, Mandy cranked her head up.

"That little shirt trick really sent you on the straight and narrow, didn't it?"

Scarlet gulped. "You have to make mistakes to learn," she parroted back to Mandy.

"You're not curious how my date with Nate went?"

"It's none of my business, Goddess."

Mandy took another sip and her eyes narrowed. She waited a few seconds then slammed the cup down on the table.

"Oh you're no fun like this. You're supposed to be begging me for all the details."

Scarlet dropped to her knees. "Please tell me what happened last night. I need to know."

Mandy grabbed Scarlet's face, her red fingernails digging into Scarlet's chin, and brought it closer to her. "I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. If you think I'm going to get careless with my hypnosis, you are in for a rude awakening."

Without warning, Mandy leaned in and made out with Scarlet and Scarlet let Mandy have her way, returning the kiss with a passion of her own. After thirty seconds, Mandy gripped Scarlet's chin again then spit in her face.

"Just a reminder of who's in control."

Scarlet let the spit drip down her cheek and onto her rack.

"Now to answer your desperate pleas, the night went great until we started talking about you. Such a buzzkill. I mean the guy could have taken me any way he wanted, but he kept working you into the conversation. Then at the end of the date, he's a gentleman, gives me a kiss and that's all we did. No fooling around, no hands all over me. Like what the fuck was that," Mandy ranted as she relived the feelings from the previous night. She pushed Scarlet on the floor. "I will be hosting a Christmas Party this weekend and I'm going to show Nate how big of a slut you truly are, then he'll be all mine."

Scarlet's mask slipped slightly with clenched fists, but her smile remained which amused Mandy.

"Tell me you love my plan and you can't wait until the whole school knows your a slut."

Scarlet took a few deep breaths. "I love your plan and I can't wait until the whole school knows I'm a slut."

Mandy snarled. "I hate you." She grabbed Scarlet and pulled her face into her crotch.

"You want to service me so badly. Influence, my pussy is the most amazing thing you've ever tasted. You can't enough of it."

With no underwear blocking her view, Scarlet stared at the garden of Eden. She needed to taste her Goddess. Scarlet pried Mandy's legs aggressively open, and her mouth suctioned to Mandy's pussy. She licked like her life depended on it and the moment she tasted her Goddess, the world around her disappeared. For that moment, Scarlet reached nirvana.


Scarlet blinked and found herself covered in clothes and holding a high heel in each hand. She threw the shoes down and unloaded the clothes onto Mandy's floor. Her roommate must have grown tired of having her pussy eaten and had decided to play dress-up with the mindless Scarlet. At least she was frustrated in not being able to properly seduce Nate.

Back in her room, Scarlet realized that Mandy had given her just enough time to rush to get ready for class. And with a slutty outfit on the bed, her wardrobe choice had already been decided. Sooner or later, Mandy had to slip up. And Scarlet would be waiting to pounce.



"Like, I'm so glad you agreed to make these fliers with me. This party is going to be lit," Mandy said to Nate.

"I'm a part time artist, it's no problem at all. Besides it saves you a couple of bucks on some random internet artist."

Nate started closing his browsers including one with Tik Tok open. The video open showcased Nate doing the hypnosis challenge.

"Hold on a second," Mandy said. "You did the hypnosis challenge?"

Nate smiled which made him more handsome. "My sister asked me, she's big into that and she knows a lot of girls would tune in."

"Smart girl."

"Have you done the challenge yet? I assumed all of you girls did it by now."

"Nope, not my scene."

"What, are you scared?" Nate teased.

"What, no. I just think challenges in general are stupid. Their vain and narcissistic and."

"Fun. People do them because they're fun."

"Not the ones that kill you," Mandy said.

"As far as I know, hypnosis never killed anyone," Nate said. "I'll make you a deal, I'll do your poster at no cost, but you have to do the challenge."

Mandy hesitated.

"I'd rather pay," Mandy said in a serious tone.

Nate's smile disappeared. The smile he always had around Scarlet had been smothered by Mandy's own lack of adventure.

"Okay. It'll probably take me about two hours then I've got class. You're welcome to stick around, but I need music to focus," Nate said. The slightest hint of playfulness in his voice now gone.

"Okay, I guess I'll go," Mandy said. She got up and left the room. Why did she always blow it? Did he really think she was just some hot girl with not an ounce of fun in her body? Mandy did a quick investigation of the place and made sure they were alone. She opened Nate's door back up and tapped him on his shoulder. He pulled his headphones off.

"What's up?"

"Look, I'm not used to social media, maybe you can show me the ropes."

The smile returned. Nate patted the chair next to him.

"Well let's give your first challenge a spin."

The challenge may have worked on Scarlet, but it couldn't work on someone as intellectual as Mandy. She knew what she wanted and it did not include being controlled. Nate turned the screen towards her and played the hypnosis challenge.

"Welcome to Kollar Hypnotic shorts. Just stare at the spiral and make yourself comfortable," the sultry voice said. "Breathe in... and out...relaxing with each breath."

Mandy followed the instructions focusing on her breath.

"And wide awake. Good girl. Thanks for listening."

Mandy looked and felt relieved that Nate still sat with her. "I did not just fall under so easily, did I?"

"They're pretty effective videos."

"So what happens now?"

"You watch the trigger video," Nate said. He clicked on the link and brought it up.

"You ready?"

The things she did for boys. "Sure."

Nate hit play on the trigger video.


Before Mandy realized that she was reacting, her hands already made the peace symbol and her lips puckered, ready to give a big kiss.


Mandy remained frozen in place with the peace signs still flying. Her puckered lips and body were at the mercy of Nate. Not that she cared. In fact, she'd love it if he took advantage.


To Mandy's surprise, her body moved on its own and stuck her finger up her nose. Her mind momentarily became foggy as it became harder and harder to think. She tried to maintain focus, but like a trap door, anytime her thoughts appeared, her mind opened and released everything, leaving her blank and mindless.


Mandy's eyes crossed and her mouth opened wide. Her tongue shot out, releasing the built-up saliva which spilled down her chin and onto her shirt below. As her tongue extended fully, her mind simultaneously had an orgasm and she experienced how it felt to have the IQ and mindset of a bimbo. All body, no brains. Just a sex toy for men. The feeling was euphoric, and she didn't want it to end.


Mandy's body reset back to the peace symbol pose and her mind returned. Like a flipped switch, the pleasure disappeared, and she stared at herself. In the same manner the Scarlet had carried out the routine, Mandy found her body automatically switching between the poses. The accompanying feelings also remained the same for each pose ending with the brain dump that sent her into another internal orgasm. After the second time, Mandy wanted it to end. Thankfully, after the third internal orgasm, the sultry voice returned.


Mandy dropped and then popped back up in what seemed like a second. She didn't even try to fight the last trigger that she knew about. Besides, at least Nate would get a sneak peak of what could be his.


Mandy grabbed her top and bra, lifting them to show off her tits. When she regained control, she kept her shirt up and turned to Nate.

"Do you like what you see?"

Nate smiled. "I do. Fun looks pretty hot on you."

"Oh I can be fun, I just needed the right push," Mandy said. She winked and let her shirt fall. Judging by Nate's eyes, he couldn't help but sneak a peak and then showed disappointment when the shirt went down.

"Well, I'll leave you to the flyer then. Maybe after I put them up, we can meet up for a drink," Mandy said. "You have to let me pay you somehow."

Nate nodded his head. "All right, that's a fair offer. I look forward to it."

Mandy said goodbye and left Nate to his work. Her plan had all the parts in place and she couldn't wait for the party.



Even though the outfits she had usually worn were similar in nature, having to wear slutty attire at Mandy's command made Scarlet more self conscious of showing off her body. Before she had loved the attention. Now, she felt like everyone was in on her humiliation.

With her cleavage bouncing around as she strutted across campus on unnecessary heels, every man that she passed snuck at least one glance even if they were their girlfriends. In fact, the girls were worst with their judgmental stares like she was purposely trying to show them up with her sexy body.

"Well well, look who it is. The desperation people will go through to get likes," Olivia said as her group of cheerleaders stood behind her.

Olivia was the head cheerleader and had once been the unanimous most popular and hottest girl at the college. But then Scarlet's Influencer brand took off. With more followers than Olivia, suddenly there were two Queen bees on campus. Scarlet never cared, but Olivia took it personal and tried sabotaging Scarlet at every chance she could get. However, like a little chihuahua yapping, Olivia wasn't a threat at least not with Scarlet's current problem.

"I don't need the likes to validate myself, Olivia. Besides, I know you look in the mirror and wish you had my body," Scarlet said. At least Mandy didn't take away her quick wit and dislike for Olivia.

Olivia's friends expertly suppressed their laughter.

"Like I would ever want that gross thing. Soon people are going to realize the only influence you have is how to be a slut."

Olivia pulled a video up on her phone and turned it around to show Scarlet. The video was of Scarlet acting like a chicken in the halls of the school with Olivia laughing in the background.

"And after I post this, your fans are going to realize what a loser you really are. If they haven't already with all the slutty stuff you've been posting."

Scarlet tried to grab Olivia's phone, but she snatched it away quickly.

"See you around, loser," Olivia said.

As much as Scarlet cared about her online reputation, Olivia was right about one thing, Mandy had already set her down a slutty path with her recent uploads that bordered on cam girl territory. Whatever female followers she did have probably unfollowed her leaving her with a main customer base of men. But that was far from Scarlet's concern. Right now, she needed to find a way out of Mandy's control and she needed to find out what the hell happened the previous night. Then she spotted a beacon of hope.

"Lenny, hey!" Scarlet said.

Lenny turned and greeted Scarlett with a smile. He already knew the details about Mandy's control, so he refrained from asking Scarlet about her state of dress.

"Hey Scar, what's up?"

"I need to talk to you about that thing," Scarlet said and motioned down to her outfit.

"Of course," Lenny grabbed her arm gently and led her to a more private area off to the side. "Is everything all right?"

"No, it's friggen not all right. Mandy made me go fuck some stranger and I have no idea who's cum was in my pussy. Then she told me she's going to show the whole school how big of a slut I am at her Christmas party. Nothing has worked to reverse this and all I can do is sit and wait and let her win!"

"Who did you fuck?"

"I don't know, she blocked it from my memory."

"She's going to pay for what she's done. We will think of a plan and get her back, I promise."

Another girl walked over and settled in beside Lenny.

"Who the fuck is this?" Scarlet asked.

"Oh, this is my...friend Allison. We're just friends," Lenny said. "Isn't that right, honey?"

"Just friends," Allison repeated.

Lenny checked his watch. "Sorry Scar, I do have to get going. I'll brainstorm a plan and get back to you. Otherwise, good luck with everything."

Before she could object, Lenny grabbed Allison's hand and the two walked off together. Of all the people that Scarlet thought she could count on, Lenny had always been at the top. Now he moved on because Scarlet didn't show enough interest. Men were all full of shit. Scarlet didn't know how, but she planned on beating Mandy at her own game. And if she had to do it on her own, then so be it.



Mandy stapled her flier to the main bulletin board so that everyone on campus learned about her upcoming Christmas party. The more people the merrier. All to witness the downfall of Scarlet due to her slutty behavior. Mandy didn't just plan to have Scarlet dress like a slut, she also planned for her to act like one. Then she would have Nate all to herself.

With the flier up on the main bulletin boards, Mandy started handing out fliers to other students. She made sure to note that many sororities, fraternities, and sports clubs had already confirmed their attendance.

"Young lady, you stop handing those out this instance," one of the older female college professors said. She crumpled up the flier and handed it to Mandy. "We do not condone this type of party."

"But how am I supposed to get people to come?"

"You're young. Use the facebook or tik tak. Whatever you kids do these days. But you are banned from handing these out on campus."

"That's bullshit, it's just a Christmas party."

"If you want to take it up with the Dean, I'd be happy to arrange."

Mandy clenched her first but didn't say anything. Word of mouth and social media market would have to do.

"Fine," Mandy said annoyed. She walked away with her batch of fliers to get started on the social media marketing.


Mandy entered the kitchen and slammed the fliers on the table while Scarlet did the dishes in her designated maid outfit. Despite the uncomfortable nature of the outfit, Scarlet had no idea when Mandy would be home and probably didn't want to risk being caught in undesignated clothes. Under her current roof, what Mandy wanted, Mandy got.

"Can you believe that they wouldn't let me put fliers up or hand them out?"

Scarlet turned and looked at the table.

"They probably don't want to be held responsible if anything happens at your party," Scarlet said.

Mandy walked over and leaned her back against the counter so that she could make eye contact with Scarlet while she worked.

"Is that so? Maybe I should send you out to personally invite every guy."

Scarlet kept her mouth shut to avoid further escalation.

"Too afraid to talk back now?" Mandy asked, antagonizing her slave.

"I don't have any further comments."

Scarlet continued to wash the dishes. But Mandy wasn't done with her.

"Besides the stupid blonde hair, what does Nate see in you? Like your body is better than mine, but my face is just so much hotter," Mandy said. "I just don't get it. What do you think it is?"

"I don't know, Goddess." Scarlet said.

"Influence, tell me why Nate likes you over me."

"Because your personality is fake around Nate. You cater to him to make him like you, but he doesn't know the real you, which is frankly an entitled bitch."

Mandy had never been one to take personal criticism well. Especially from someone like Scarlet.

"You think I'm an entitled bitch?" Mandy asked.

"That's not what I meant."

"Influence, you can only tell the truth now. Do you think I'm an entitled bitch?"

"Yes," Scarlet said.

"Influence, aheago."

Scarlet's tongue stuck out and she crossed her eyes. Mandy grabbed a carton of milk from the fridge and poured into Scarlet's cleavage, pooling it in her tits and spilling the rest down her body.

"Influence, finish the dishes like that and then come to my room."

Her slave went back to doing the dishes, unable to cross her eyes or adjust the uncomfortable feeling of milk swooshing around in her bra. If Scarlet thought she was a bitch, then Mandy would show her a bitch.

While Mandy waited, she changed into her workout clothes and hopped on her Peloton. Anytime she needed to clear her head or let out anger, her stationary bike provided the perfect output of negative energy.

As her legs pumped and her blood flowed, Mandy reflected on Scarlet's comments and then Nate's interactions with her. Unfortunately, Scarlet had been right. Every memory Mandy recalled; she had always adjusted her behavior to please Nate. There had been no push back or disagreements, just complacency. Much like Scarlet's complacency to Mandy.