In Service to the Divine

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An homage series to Veronica Divine.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/30/2015
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A/N: this series is a tribute to Miss Divine AKA SizeQueenSupreme, it is written in her formula and vernacular in a hopes to provide her with a read very much like her own, and maybe to enjoy in whatever way she sees fit. Her tastes run into the extreme, so if you've never read her works, i suggest you do, and get yourself prepared for another journey.

Also, i have gotten her permission to use her stories characters within this series, under the case that i state clearly that these are separate from her own. Think of this as an alternate universe.


The sun was shining, Birds chirping, the gentle wind of a sunny morning greeted the leaves, making them sing a song. But none of that is important right now. Right now, within a Mansion overlooking the peaceful country side is where our story begins.

It is here where this stories main protagonist lives, sleeps, eats, and well...fucks. Veronica Divine, Creator of the Aaron Black saga of novels, movies, and even Six Flags Theme park ride, All by the tender young age of 26.

Fresh out of high school the girl had a dream, to write the worlds most renowned erotic novel. And write it she did, changing the world forever.

The first change came with the next election. The president passed a bill allowing free sexuality. So long as it is consenting, public displays or use of sexuality within a commercial or personal setting were allowed. At first this caused an uproar with the "finer moralized" standing citizens. But a friend of our dear hero worked her lips off (not literally) turning those nay-sayers opinions around.

Felicia Valday, or as her friends call her, Fallate All Day, was a world famous cock sucker, quite literally. Stories of her passed like wild fire among the young and inexperienced. Felicia's favorite hobby is to crash random 18th birthdays and give the new born adult his first taste of the best blowjobs he will ever get. She used this skill on every male standing against the bills passing, promising to give them another blowjob twice as hard if they voted for the bills passing.

The bill was passed without incident, and soon Many of the women formally opposing the bill enjoyed it's freedoms. The second change was Veronica's first business. Though at the time she enjoyed lounging in her home, enjoying all the 12+ inch cock a girl could ask for, sometimes she needed a break. And it was her faithful butler Nathan who provided for her.

Divine Pleasures Incorporated. A place devoted to the progression of sexual arts and fun. On the outside it looks like a normal everyday office building. But this story is going to teach you just what really goes on inside...

(Nathan's PoV)

It is 8 am, as my mistress' faithful servant and butler i have the duty to wake her and prepare her for the day. I have long since gotten used to how the mistress sleeps. Opening the large double door to her quarters, the first thing anyone would notice is the thick and often sometimes hissing miasma of fog. This is a result of the rooms insulating and soundproofing, and also the endless hours of fucking that was taking place. Curled up peacefully on a bed no doubt the size of the average persons living room was my mistress. An ivory skinned beauty i never tire of seeing, literal globes of flesh rest atop her cum soaked body, hiding that perfect pink hue of her nipples, which one could still make out under the half inch of nut cream soaking into her skin. She moans contented with the last...7 hours of air tight fucking these three studs provided her with. Mistress Divine could sleep fine on her own, but when you have the option to be fucked relentlessly by three hung studs sporting at least two feet of cock into unconsciousness, i dare any of you size queen sex addicts to say no. Those three studs however looked a little worse for wear, their formally bronze skin looked a touch pale, and signs of dehydration was apparent. Alas it was not my charge to take care of them, that was the maids job.

I gently call her name, causing her to stir, it's never enough and i do not know why i try. Scooping up a palm full of cum from her body i waft it in front of her nose, making her follow like a cartoon character follows the alluring aroma of a pie cooling in the window. Once sitting up I allow her to suck the butter from my hands as i begin unblinding her eyes, feeding her those dollops as well. Once she can see again she smiles at me, her dauntless servant, who greets her with a gesture to my watch indicating the time. She pouts, having long ago figured out why everyone hates Mondays.

"You know, I'm almost regretting you making me work for my money." She starts, her voice sounds irritated, but I've been around her long enough to know she's not truly complaining,

"I can always sell the place, But where would poor Raul, your office chair, work when we let him go?" I knew this would always get her to change her tune. Raul was the cream of the crop. 6'6", ripped but not muscle bound, statuesque representation of the pinnacle of man...Oh and lets not forget that 3 foot cock of his. He is the only reason Miss divine even shows up for work most days. She uses him as an "office chair" when she sits in on the monthly meetings, taking him as deep as she can, which isn't very far to be honest. She could sheath these two footers laying limp on her bed like a seasoned slut. But Raul was thick, and veiny. Miss Divine passed out from an orgasm the first time she laid eyes on it. Over all it took her seven times meeting the thing to even stay conscious long enough to ride it.

"Don't you dare sell him!" She pointed an angry finger at me, sending cum flying at me. thankfully I was prepared and used the towel draped on my arm to block any from staining my suit.

"I wouldn't dream of it Madam, I know you have plans to install a "five" post bed within the mansion."

Miss Divine busily scooped and "washed" herself of her favorite snack, before dressing herself in her finest red silk robe and headed for the shower.

Back when she was "unemployed" the shower was another den of debauchery for her, but ever since she had to keep up appearances i had to put a stop to her fun and games in there. Now, like all women, Miss Divine can take her time getting ready for a night out, however, even in the lazy morning state she was in, she could be dressed and "presentable" for work in five minutes. Of course presentable is used loosely. One; cause of how she dressed, and two; for what her job actually entails.

Emerging from the bathroom was the stereotypical over sexed office lady, plus maybe 20 more pounds of tits, I honestly don't know how much they weigh, i try and keep a professional demeanor around her. Her long auburn hair was put up in a bun, that wouldn't last two steps past the door where no doubt her "chair" awaits her fine ass.

About ten minutes later and five flights of stairs down her ridiculously huge mansion, and we left the front door, where her chariot awaits. A Large black limo, shifting slightly side to side in a motion we all know too well.

"I still can't believe you pay those two to sit in there all day and do that..." I sigh.

"You try and find anything good to watch on television this early on a Monday" Came her witty retort, dismissing a live sex show like a Sunday morning cartoon.

I opened the door for my mistress, and as luck would have it, just in time for the orgasm inside to happen. Miss Divine ducked into the vehicle and sat in her seat, looking forward at the two bodies tangled together in passion.

Thieu real names are kept secret, but their code names are Jack and Jill. their sole job, which they are paid roughly $60,000 a year for, is just as they are doing...To fuck, IN THE LIMO!, as my mistress watches them. Miss Divine has gotten a little eccentric with her money since she got this job, but alas i can not fault her for spending her rightfully earned cash as she sees fit.

The half hour ride finished as it always does, with an orgasm louder than the soundproofing the limo is equipped with. Exiting the drivers seat and opening Miss Divines door revealed the frazzled sight of her clearly in heat. I know she'd love to get off to watching these two have their fun, but they are merely something to get her juices flowing for the herculean task that awaits her behind the front doors of her company.

I extend a hand for her to take and she steps out of the limo on a shaky legs. The other follows and a dark spot on the leather seat glints in the sun, Miss Divine was primed to ride the Washington monument if she was so inclined.

After the "mandatory" groping of security at the front gate, Miss Divine and I enter her multi-billion dollar industrial headquarters. Once inside Raul greeted Miss divine in all his shirtless glory, and though he had nearly an entire foot and several pounds over my Mistress, she was easily able to bring him to his knees, shove his head inside her skirt, and nearly drown him in her first orgasm. Once finished, a mad growl escaped her lips as she tore off his loincloth (we once had them in shorts and banana hammocks but they were getting expensive to replace), and revealed the beast that yet still bests her snatch, the self proclaimed "Queen Pussy".

Today she wouldn't admit defeat, and with gymnastic flare she flipped into the air, mounted, and impaled herself on his shaft. Two feet of cock disappeared, and about three buttons on her shirt. Wrapping her arms around his neck, and bending her legs around his waist while facing forward looked severely uncomfortable, but she has told me his cock acts a lot like a second spine and she can balance herself comfortably.

Raul moved gracefully, as if he didn't have a sex crazed woman wantonly bouncing on his cock with each step. I'll give her credit though, this cock clearly has her on the ropes but Miss Divine can keep a professional face while she attempts to beat it down. Employees great her and talk as if this is nothing out of the ordinary, and well...since Raul was hired, it actually was a daily occurrence.

Another change was how we got to the top floor for the quarterly meeting we are here for, normally we would be taking the elevator and begin the meeting on time, but Miss Divine has taken a liking to the stairs since Raul came along, though I don't see why, it's not like she's getting the exorcise...ha ha.

Inside the meeting hall waited 20 men and women, dressed to the tens as a CEO should be. To the eye nothing is different about this hall, but it's the ears that could pick up the change. Trained to do so as quietly as possible, underneath the table, betwixt their legs, Each CEO had a young woman (or man should the ladies choose) orally gratifying them. The perk is actually only allowed if each CEO performs adequately enough within their department, giving them ample incentive not to just abuse the system for their own gain.

Raul slowly walks towards the head of the table, where after a slight tremble, Miss Divine begins the meeting.

"Greetings! E-Esteemed members and CEO's of D-Divine Pleasures!" Her voice was hard to keep calm with Raul's teasing fuck strokes into her tightly packed cooch, But Miss Divine resolved to make it through this.

"Let us ignore the rigmarole of profit margins, sales yadda yadda y-yadda, and get on to new developments." Veronica bit her lip to stifle a yelp caused from a teasing throb. "How goes the research into the "nutritional supplement pills?"

An older woman, perhaps in her late 30's cleared her throat as she began to speak. Her icy domineering attitude was clear on her face and in her pitch, even as the companies most orally gifted stud ate her pussy. "The Pills have been fully tested and are now undergoing final preparations for open marketing, R&D has asked for your presence for the last step." A slight twitch came to her eye brow as the sound of water spraying forcefully echoed through the chamber, her hand gripped the table with a bulging vein showing just how hard she was gripping it. She managed to keep her composure, but alas the table was not up to the task of resisting her intense grip, and she snapped off a palm sized chunk. The young stub between her legs looked at her with a cheeky smile as the very slightest curl adorned her lips.

"EXCELLENT!" Miss Divine shrieked as another inch managed to sink into her and make her also add to the growing pool of woman juices laminating the floor. "Does anyone else have anything to report?" The euphoric smile on spread ear to ear as she was nearing the last of her strength.

"Other then the up coming stud inspection and new recruits, nothing Head mistress." a mustached man with pure white hair responded as the girl between his legs slipped the last inch of his cock into her throat, where it rippled like a motor powered sex toy.

"Very well, then this meeting is dismissed, someone inform R&D I shall be right down for their final test." Raul stood up and with a mighty stroke, railed Miss Divine into her last orgasm. The power of his Ejaculation combined with her superior vaginal convulsions strength rocketed her onto the table where the proceeding salvos of his cum bathed her in a white stream of all encompassing heat. Each other CEO filled or sprayed the faces of their "personal attendants" as the rules of the company meetings prevents anyone from enjoying an orgasm mid session. The middle aged Miss Carson will have to be punished for her lack of control in the matter...

Still coated in warm cum, Miss Divine walked out of the room with a saunter of sexiness that would of looked alluring if not for her recent "shower". Scooping up mouthfuls as she walked for the elevator and headed to the basement where R&D expected her. Of course the elevator had it's share of fun for her. Powered Via new age Nanotech, a hung stud stood in place of the controls. Any who rode the elevator had to throat an inch of his cock for one floor of movement. Miss Divine had a tendency to run the elevators ragged with her first few weeks of this technological marvel, but As her ever steadfast Butler i had managed to keep her demeanor professional around this function.

Moments later, and another mouthful of what i assume is her primary fuel source, I and the Mistress were in the basement where all the technological marvels are invented. From the nanites that control that elevator, to the newest development they are now here to show off, Nutritional Cum Supplements.

A few months ago our company released pills that temporarily flavored cum into personal favorites, ranging from fruits and vegetables, to full course meals and even fast food flavors, some of which are used in specialty stores.

Lead researcher Martha Agatha, or Dr. Agatha as she prefers, was waiting for as punctually as expected. One would never guess she was a woman nearing 50, especially with Tits bigger then my Mistresses. At the moment, another piece of tech makes them appear only as GG cups, Miss Agatha actually dons a whomping pair of PP cups, Nano tech bra's actually create a subspace pocket for the breast flesh to go and give them a smaller appearance. Miss divine prefers to show off her abundance but sold the tech cause she understands that not all woman can deal with the issues of reaching around ones breasts for everyday things.

With a stern icy gaze Agatha adjusted her glasses and spoke to Miss Divine in the same cold analytical manner she always used.

"Good to see you again Miss Divine, I see you just finished with the meeting, and also took the elevator here. Given the specs of our newest invention I will need to to bring your appetite, i hope you haven't spoiled it..."

"Not at all Agie." Miss Divine always liked teasing her with that moniker, Agatha never physically showed agitation with the name but someone like Miss Divine could pick up on it. She only did it cause Agatha apparently has a distaste for sex, yet her research in the field of sexual advancement has been pretty unique and inspiring, so Miss divine thinks she has an inner nympho waiting to come out.

"You should know i could eat a mans seed all day, it's pretty much nothing but empty calories."

"If this research is complete, it will not have to be again." came Agatha's reply.

"I present to you, a fully nutritional three course meal of Roast beef, Mashed potatoes, and string beans." With a "bored" flourish she extended her hand, bowed her head and turned to show off an American stud with a thick throbbing twenty inch cock ready to receive sexual attention. Miss Divines eyes widened at the sight, it seems no matter how many times she sees a big whopper she can't hide her excitement.

"So, your saying this mans cum is going to be as nutritional as a roast beef dinner?"

"Technically about one and half servings if his fifth load of the night is as plentiful as the rest, i can't control how much of the stuff he ejaculates, but nothing is wrong with a touch more nutrition in a balanced diet." Agatha replied matter-of-factually.

Without wasting time Miss Divine devoured the cock, trying her damnedest to get some precum from him. You could see the sparkle in her eyes when she got the first taste.

"Oh my god! It's so delicious! I almost want to really eat his cock!" The horrified look on his eyes was quickly placated as she giggled like a school girl and smeared his saliva slick dick across her face.

"Ooops, sorry, didn't mean to scare you there big guy, I'd never hurt your cock, now come on and feed me, her majesty is hungry!"

The next fifteen minutes was spent bringing him to the edge and using all her strength to choke that desire down until she could milk the thickest load from him she could. His ejaculation came out almost paste like, as Miss Divine actually struggled to swallow the loads. Doctor Agatha moved quickly and held open miss Divines mouth with the kindness one would give a test animal refusing medicine. Miss Divine moaned half in pleasure and half in disappointment at the manhandling, but Agatha needed a fresh sample for final tests. Releasing her jaw Veronica returned to her ministrations to her meal dispensing cock. Once finished a very unladylike belch escaped her lips as she rested a hand on her stomach.

"Oh god, i think i actually ate to much. But that was so good! It was like that willy wonka flavored gum! I could taste each chorus rolling across my tongue, I wanted to just let it marinate my tongue but i couldn't control the impulse to swallow my food!."

"As expected..." Agatha said without turning her head away from the computer that was analyzing her latest sample. "And some more added good news is there are no abnormalities in the sample. Nutrition holds strong at one serving per average male orgasm. Shall I ship out this new invention to our current customers selling the flavor pills?"

Veronica could barely reply as the large meal had made her sleepy. "Yes...and set up a group of studs in the building to be used as "snack machines" i got some fun ideas for the ladies in the building..."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I'm flattered!

And maybe a little terrified, but in a good way!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This should have been in humor and satire! So bad it was funny!

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