In Deeper


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Grace swam back towards him and hauled herself out, the water cascading over her breasts. What a beautiful image, he mused. She cocked her head, regarding him.

"Earth to Steve."

"Sorry, Grace. Miles away."

"What were you thinking about?"

'Making love to you,' he thought, and only then realised, with a sinking feeling, seeing the startled look and the sudden flush on her face, that he'd said it out loud! "Oh, god! Grace, I'm sorry, I ... " she stopped him with a hand over his mouth, and a curious expression on her face.

"Did I hear that right, Steve?" she said, her voice soft. "You were thinking about making love to me? Is that right?"

Embarrassed, he nodded. "Yes, I was. We've had such a great time, got on so well, I guess I let my imagination roam too far." He shrugged. "Sorry, Grace, I meant no offence."

A soft laugh. "Oh, I'm not offended, Steve, I'm flattered. You'd like to make love to me, would you?" She was looking at him directly, no subterfuge, and he knew he should answer honestly.

"Yes, Grace, that's what I was thinking. That I would love to make love to you. I'm really sorry if I've offended you."

She nodded. "It's okay, I'm not offended. Anything but." She laughed at the startled look on his face. "Steve, honestly, I understand. Remember, it isn't only the guys who get horny, you know?" She smiled, warm. "But, for now, we have a race, don't we? Come on, the water is lovely. Dive start, on three. Ready? Okay. One, two, three, go!"

As he feared, Grace finished her ninth lap about two yards before he finished his tenth. He swam back towards her, letting his feet find bottom. "Hail to the victor!"

"Thanks, Steve."

"Your order, madam?" he said, with a rueful grin.

"Don't know yet," she said. "Let's get dried while I give the matter some consideration."

He hauled himself out of the water and turned to give her a hand. She surprised him yet again, by moving straight into his arms and raising her lips for his kiss. She broke it after a moment and leaned back in the circle of his arms.

"That order, Steve? The one I was giving some consideration to?"

He gave her a wry grin. "Yes, Grace. Come on, tell me the worst."

She laughed. "I don't think you'll be too upset, Steve." She gazed at him for a moment. "You know something? When I saw you on the beach with Eleanor yesterday, I wished it was me you were with. Okay, my cousins are nice people, good fun to be with, but there isn't that extra zing you get when you're with someone, wondering how they'll kiss, whether you want to be kissed. You know the sort of thing?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I suppose what you're telling me is that girls have the same sort of insecurities that guys do, yes?"

"Yes, very much so. And there's always the thought, 'how far do I go without losing his respect,' that sort of thing."

"Yeah, well, there's that thought in a guy's head, 'how far can I go without getting my balls ripped off.'"

Grace giggled. "Oh, my. The insecurities we have."

"Yeah, I guess."

She took a deep breath. "I'm going to take a chance, Steve, because I think you're an honest kind of guy, and I like you very much."

"Thank you. Grace, it's mutual. I always liked you, but yesterday, on the beach, you were the loveliest thing I ever saw."

She raised her brows. "Including Eleanor?"

He nodded. "Yep, including Eleanor. She is lovely, I think you'll agree, but paled beside you." He laughed. "Your cousin? Abby?"

"Yes, Abby."

"All I noticed is that she was female. I have absolutely no idea what sort of figure she has, apart from being slim. I never even looked at her after I saw you."

"Thank you, Steve. Now shut up for the moment, and kiss me again."

"You want me to kiss you?" he said, drawing her closer.

"Yes, Steve, I want you to kiss me again. That order I'm giving you?"

"Tell me the worst," he said, with a wry grin.

"Make love to me, Steve?"

He stared at her, at the half-smile on her lips, the smile growing as she saw that what she had said had penetrated to his suddenly stunned brain.

"I believe those persons proposing to make love, should first of all kiss. Not so?" she said, innocence personified.

"I do believe you may be right," he said, drawing her close again, seeing the smile in her eyes before they slowly closed and she gave herself to the kiss, long, hot, giving, taking, raising them both to the edge of passion. Eventually, reluctantly, he broke the kiss, smiling into Grace's eyes.

"Where?" she said.

"The spare room." He grinned, remembering.

"What?" said Grace, eyebrows arched in query.

"Eleanor. When she told me it was okay for us to use the pool. She said, if I got lucky, we should use the spare room."

Grace grinned. "She did, did she? Was that before, or after, you fucked her?"

"After," he began, then stopped dead, flushing.

Grace laughed. "I thought so. Was she good?"

He gave her a wry smile. "Very good. As she said, she had fifteen years experience. Me? Virtually none."

Grace made a rueful face. "Virtually none for me, either. I only ever fucked once before, Steve, and to be honest it wasn't very good. Too much chance of being discovered, too little time."

He bent and kissed her, light, soft. "Well, we have all afternoon, and no-one to interrupt us."

"Let's go, then! Where's this spare room?" She laughed. "Don't get me wrong, Steve, I'm in no rush for it to be over, but I definitely am for it to begin!"

He took her hand. "This way, milady."

In Eleanor's spare bedroom, the bed was made up ready. Grace broke away, and went into the bathroom. She came out with a large towel which she spread on the bed. She grinned across at Steve.

"I'm not virgin, so I shouldn't bleed, but I am wet. This way, I only have a towel to wash." She moved onto the bed and lay back, holding out her hand to Steve. "Come on, baby, let's get started."

He moved onto the bed and lay beside her, propped on one elbow, stretching out the other hand and gently stroking her belly. She shivered, the movement lending interesting accents to her naked breasts, breasts with firm, erect nipples. He'd been stiffening ever since Grace had shown that she wanted him, and his erection was almost complete. Grace was watching it, and her eyes came to his, an imp lurking there.

"Fascinating, seeing it harden like that. Um, may I touch?"

"Please, be my guest." He grinned. "A naked lady holding me by my erection? Guaranteed to complete the hardening of that erection, I reckon."

She giggled. "Yeah, I guess it would." She glanced up at him as her hand closed gently around his hardness, squeezing, testing. "Feel good?"

"Yes, indeedy! You have a lovely touch, Grace."

"Why, thank you, sir! It feels great, Steve, sort of velvety to the touch with a sort of soft resilience to it, and the hardness at the core of it."

"Oh, so I'm hardcore, am I?" he joked.

She looked puzzled for a moment, then burst out laughing. "Yes! That's it! Steve 'Hardcore' Sheridan." She sobered, and held his eyes with her own. "I want to feel it in my own core, Steve," she whispered.

"You sure?"

She nodded, solemn.


"Now, Steve. Now, before I explode with want."

"We can't have that, can we?" He sat up, and wriggled round until he was kneeling between her spread legs. He could see her pussy, flushed, a little open, visibly moist with her juices. A thought struck him, and he paused.

"What?" she said, concerned.

"Protection. I'll have to pull out in time, I haven't any rubbers with me."

Her face cleared. "It's okay, Steve, I'm on the pill. Mom and I talked it all over, the whole college thing. It was her idea. She said that when she was in college, a couple of times she took risks she shouldn't, but she was lucky, and didn't get pregnant. She wants me to be free to make love without having to worry about that." She gave him a wry smile. "She didn't ask if I was still virgin, and I didn't volunteer the information."

He laughed. "Very sensible, your mom."

"Yes, she is. When she passed on your message about the Toyota, she said she was glad it was you I was going to be with today, because she felt that she could trust you."

"She said that?"

"She did, Steve. Now, concentrate, please, because I trust you to make me feel good, starting now!"

"Yes, ma'am!" He took a careful hold of his erection, hard, hard as it had ever been, he thought, and bent to place it at her opening, taking his weight on the other arm, when he felt her fingers over his.

"Let me, lover," she murmured, and he let her take his hardness in her cool, clever fingers, pushing forward gently as she guided him into her. Only an inch or two at first, before her lack of lubrication stopped him, but he withdrew, pushed in again, then again, and in a few strokes he was deep within her. Her knees came up to grip him, and she sighed, but it was a sigh of content.

"Already it feels much better than my first time," she murmured. "You feel great inside me." She stretched up and kissed his nose. "Okay, Steve, fuck me, give me what you gave Eleanor!"

"Yes, ma'am!" He thrust, pulled back, thrust again, Grace's sheath slick around him, tight, but yielding, warm, welcoming. She smiled up at him as he thrust, enjoying the moment just as he was, taking a simple pleasure in their coupling, no pretence of maidenly reluctance, just a lusty pleasure. She laughed suddenly, a happy sound.


"Oh, Steve, it's good! Fuck me, baby, fuck me until I can't walk!"

Laughing, he tried his very best to comply with her wishes, with her active and enthusiastic cooperation. That they were both excited meant that is was highly probable that climax would be sooner rather than later, and so it was, but Steve managed to bring Grace to climax nano-seconds before his own explosion, Grace's cries in his ears as they came.

They were silent for a long moment, breathing heavily, Steve's erection slowly subsiding in Grace's depths. She giggled suddenly.


"I can feel you shrinking inside me."

"Guess I better pull out before I fall out, then."

She made a face. "Yeah, I guess so."

He pulled back and sat back on his heels. Grace was sprawled on her back, legs spread, her pussy still a little open from his penetration. She blew him a kiss.

"I want to do that again, please, Steve."

"Give me a little time, and I'm your man." He studied her for a moment. Beautiful, tousled, damp with the sweet sweat of love. "You enjoyed it?"

She held his eye. "Absolutely. Much, much better than my first time. You?"

"Very much. Okay, Eleanor is a wonderful lover but, to me, you're every bit as good. Better, maybe."

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. "No way!"

"Yes, definitely, I mean it. With Eleanor, I'm conscious that it's for fun, simple pleasure. With you? The possibility of it turning into something lasting is there. Okay, today has been our first date, our first fuck, but I very much want there to be a lot more of both."

Grace gave him a wry look. "First date, first fuck. Makes me sound a tad slutty, huh?"

"Never!" She blinked, a little startled at his vehemence. He reached for her hand, squeezed her fingers. "You, Grace Collins, are a woman who knows her mind, what she wants, and isn't afraid to go after it. I bless and thank all the gods of lovers everywhere that you wanted me. Slutty, never. Wonderful, beautiful, smart, all of those, and sexy as heck, too. And honest. Almost especially, honest."

She sat up and held out her arms, hugging him. "Thank you, Steve." She laughed. "I guess you can't fuck me again straight away, so what do we do while we're waiting?"

"What time do you have to be home?"

She shrugged. "I told mom it might be late, but a halter top and shorts isn't exactly going out gear, is it?"

Steve grinned. "Who said anything about going out? No, I thought maybe grab a pizza or something, then we might make love again. Yes?"

"Yes! Very much yes!"

"Okay, sweetheart, but I think a shower first, yes?"

"Together!" It wasn't a question.

Steve grinned. "Of course."

The shower was fun, as they stroked each other, goosed each other, caressed each other. Dried, still-damp hair tied back, Grace moved into Steve's arms, raising her lips for his kiss. A long kiss. A hot kiss, but most of all, a kiss of promise, from each of them to the other. Grace held his eyes with hers.

"I'm hungry."

Steve laughed. "Get dressed, hon, and we'll go get ourselves some fuel."

"Can't we get it delivered?"

He blinked. "Yeah, I guess, but there's a problem. My credit card is at home."


"Yeah, I have enough on me to pay cash, but they usually want delivery stuff paid for in advance."

"You okay with Chinese?"

"Yeah, sure. Why?"

"My cousin Jenny married Jimmy Lee. You know, Lee's Dragon Restaurant?"

"Yeah! And?"

"They deliver, and if I can get hold of Jenny, or Jimmy, I think we can pay on delivery."

"There's the phone."

It was Jenny Lee who answered the phone, and a few minutes later, family 'catch-up' completed, Grace cradled the receiver with a grin.

"On its way, Steve. Knowing Jenny, we might get a bonus. She says it will be an hour, probably longer. They're busy." She arched one elegant eyebrow. "What do we do in the meantime?"

"What do you want to do?"

Grace shrugged, grinning as his eyes took in the movement of her breasts. "Dunno. Any ideas?"

He'd been thinking, while Grace organised their food, but he was a little hesitant. She caught it immediately.

"Spit it out, Steve. Honest, sweetheart, I won't take offence."

He took a deep breath. "I want to paint you." He gestured. "Not now, no gear with me, but sometime soon."

She held his eyes for a long, long moment, and when she spoke her tone was gentle. "Nude?"

He gave her a wry smile, and nodded. "Yes, please."

She grinned. "Don't know what Dad would say, but I think Mom would say go for it, girl. Yes, Steve, I think I'd like that."


"Sure, Steve."

"I can paint you so no-one will recognise you."

"Are you planning to sign the finished painting?"

"Yes, I am."

"Well, then. I'm not ashamed to be recognised as your model. Legally, I'm an adult, so 'up yours, buddy!' to anyone who disapproves."

"Some of our fellow high school students might say something," he said, grinning.

"Steve, high school is behind us, we've graduated. It's college for us next. A whole new world."

"Yeah, but some of the old high school pack will be there, too."

"Well, fuck them!"

"No, thanks!"

Grace laughed, then gave him a quizzical look. "Not even Betty Mills?"

He shook his head. "Grace, sweetheart, not even Betty Mills comes close to you in sheer loveliness."

Grace's tone was dry. "You have seen her Playboy pictorial, I take it?"

He nodded. "Yep, sure have, and Betty's one of the best centerfolds I've seen, sure, but Grace? Compared to you, she isn't even in the same class."

"Oh, yes. And that class is?"

He smiled, holding her eyes. "World's naturally loveliest women."

Grace flushed, but smiled. "Thanks, Steve, but I think you might be biased."

"Yep, sure am." He grinned. "But only in the cause of truth."

"Bullshit!" A pause. "Steve? Thanks, honey."

"My pleasure."

"Talking of pleasure, Steve, we have an hour before Jenny delivers our food. So, how about it, stud? Wanna fuck?"


* * * * *

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little tale. It's a sequel to my 2009 Nude Day contest entry, but like a lot of my work, written to stand alone. And as it's a contest entry, too, how about a vote? Go on, it's only a couple of mouse clicks!

If you're feeling really generous, remember this -- I love feedback!

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mytimetobehappymytimetobehappyabout 5 hours ago

nice stories, too bad you didnt continue. so many possibilities!

Campus77Campus7711 months ago

It is a great story. Too bad it usually didn't happen that way for me. I know you aren't writing now, but if you decide to, this would stand a followup. I do enjoy your stories. I'm about half way done.

G5902G5902almost 3 years ago

A truly fun pair of stories!!! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story!

joeschjoeschover 9 years ago
A very good sexy tale

In my view, the author has great talents in not only describing sexual moments but the minds of People who are engaged. I am looking Forward to seening more of this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Need More of it.

Need to add more to include more years of there togethernest.

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