Impregnating the Galaxy Ch. 16

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After crashing, Dorian is seduced by a farmer's daughter.
5.4k words

Part 16 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/18/2020
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Dorian slowly regained consciousness. He opened his eyes, his vision blurry. The attack had happened so quickly that he almost didn't remember it. The memory seemed far away, as if it had happened to someone else.

Groaning, he sat up. His entire body was sore, as if he had been thrashed around by a giant monster. Looking around, he realized that he had absolutely no idea where he was. The walls and floor were made out of wood that looked as if it had been cut by hand. He was in a bed, with a dresser next to it. A single light hung from the ceiling, with the power cable visibly attached at various points as it ran from a hole at the top of the wall.

The black jumpsuit that he always wore was pulled down to his waist, revealing several bandages on his chest and arms. He grabbed the sleeve with a communicator built into the wrist and began to speak, keeping his voice low.

"Hex? Are you there?" He asked, though he got no reply. "Hello? What happened?"

When he continued to receive nothing but silence he inspected the communicator closer, pulling it from the fabric material. He discovered that it had been damaged during the attack.

Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, he got to his feet. The wooden floor creaked loudly beneath him.

He heard the sounds of people talking below him, the voices too muffled for him to understand what they were saying. The sound of someone climbing stairs began, and Dorian readied himself for a fight. He had no idea where he was or who had brought him there, but he wasn't going to be their prisoner, at least if that's what their intentions were.

The footsteps came closer and closer, making their way to his room. Dorian broke off one of the short wooden poles that held up the bed's backboard, wielding it like a stake.

The door cheeked open, and Dorian readied his makeshift weapon. He was completely caught off guard when, instead of some muscled guard like he had been expecting, a teen girl entered the room.

She was a blonde, with her hair pulled back into two pigtails. Her eyes were blue, matching her shorts which were cut so short that they nearly resembled panties. Her shirt was tied in a way that showed off her flat belly, allowing him to see her tan lines. She entered the room with a smile, but it disappeared when she saw him with the jagged stick. "What're you doing?"

"I..was just protecting myself." He said, relaxing his defensive stance. Being greeted by the presence of a girl, especially a very attractive one, had caused him to feel a little ridiculous for assuming that the owners of the house were going to hurt him.

"Protecting yourself from who?" The girl said, folding her arms. "Why would we bandage you up if we were going to hurt you?"

"You'd heal someone if you planned on keeping them as a slave." He said.

The girl rolled her eyes. "Then why would we leave you with your weapons? They're in the top drawer." She said, gesturing to the dresser next to the bed. "Did you even check there before you vandalized the bed?"

His checks turned slightly red, and he lowered the wooden stake completely. ", but I just woke up. Who are you, anyways?"

She chuckled, which Dorian found to be cute. "I'm Gracie, but you can just call me Grace."

"How did I get here then, Grace?" He asked.

"Your ship crashed on our farm yesterday. We found you and patched you up. You really don't remember the crash?"

"I only remember the first shot that hit my ship, the rest is...blurry." He explained. "Wait, we?"

"Yeah, me and my dad. We're the only people running the farm since mom died during childbirth."

A twinge of emotion hit Dorian, as his mother had also not survived his birth. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"You know, it might be good to stretch your legs a bit, you've been in bed for a while now. Why don't you come down stairs with me?" She said, changing the subject. "Your crew mate has been awake most of the day, she'll probably want to talk to you about what happened."

Suspicion crept into Dorian's voice. "What crew mate? I was alone when I crashed!"

"Well there was a girl on your ship when we found you, and she certainly seems to think that you two are together."

"Take me to her." Was all he said, a strange feeling faintly rising in his stomach. He knew that whoever the impostor was, it couldn't be good.

Grace led him out of the room and to the staircase at the end of the short hallway. Descending the steps, he listened to the voices below. There were two voices, one male and one female. He guessed that the male was Grace's father, though the female sounded...familiar.

They reached the bottom of the stairs, which opened into a living room. The walls were just as crude as the bedroom, made mostly of wood and decorated by faded paintings in damaged frames. All of the furniture looked as if it had been left outside for prolonged periods of time, weathered and ripped.

In one of the tall chairs sat a man who looked to be in his fifties, his blonde hair slightly lighter than Grace's. He had a muscular build, built up over years of working on his farm.

There was a girl on the couch facing the man in the chair. The two were talking, and Dorian's eyes went wide when he recognized who she was. "AYA?!?"

The girl turned, a huge smile forming on her face when he saw him. She jumped up off the couch and ran over to him, raping her arms around him in a tight hug. "Dad! You're awake!"

He looked down at his teenage daughter in surprise. She had begged to come along with him, but he never expected that she would deliberately sneak onto his ship. "What the hell are you doing here?!?"

She let go of him, stepping back and looking down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry...I couldn't risk you leaving without me. Do you know what it's like spending your whole life inside of a tower on a planet without an atmosphere? I needed to get out, experience the rest of the galaxy even for one day."

Dorian looked at her, not sure how to handle his daughter's disobedience. A mixed race girl, her skin was light brown and her hair was dark. Her outfit clung tightly to her, allowing him to see her athletic form. "I understand, but this was far too dangerous. I mean, we almost died! I could have lost you!"

"You'd still have seventy one other kids back at the tower..." she mumbled to herself.

His expression softened at her words. "I..come on Aya, it's not like that." he said, taking a step and pulling her into a hug. He knew that having so many children wouldn't allow him to have a relationship with every single one of them, though having the consequences of his lust right in front of him filled him with guilt. "All of you matter to me. Every. Single. One."

Aya hugged him back, resting her head on his chest. She had much more to say, but she noticed that the two other people in the room were looking around awkwardly, politely trying not to interfere with their family discussion. "Sorry, dad, this is Waylon. He owns this farm. You've already met his daughter Grace." she said, gesturing to the man in the chair.

He stood up, walking over to Dorian and shaking his hand. "We were pretty worried that you weren't going to make it when we pulled you from your ship."

"I'm glad you did, you saved my life. I'll repay the favor when I return to space." Dorian replied. "Speaking of which, where did my ship crash?"

"Oh she ploughed into our field to the west of the house. I can show you if you'd like." Waylon stated.

Dorian nodded, and the group of four people followed the farmer out the front door.

The sun shined bright in the sky, and Dorian had to let his eyes adjust before he saw the vast desert that surrounded the house. "I thought you said this was a farm. How could anything grow here?"

Grace was walking beside him. They left the front porch and she pointed to the west, showing him a large field that grew a strange blue plant out of the course sand. "Those are Culliver plants. They only grow in the desert, and my family has survived off of them even before civilization ended."

"What about water?" He asked, genuinely curious how the father daughter pair was able to survive in such a harsh environment. The sun was hot on his bare shoulders, as he had left the top half of his jumpsuit to hang around his waist.

She pointed to a completely white tree that was jutted up from the desert floor, one of many that were thinly spread throughout the landscape. "Those trees have roots that reach groundwater. Instead of getting sap out of them, they provide water." She explained, her tone sounding as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "The white bark is brittle, but the darker wood inside is great for building. That's how my great grandfather built our house."

He was impressed, though something occurred to him. "If your family has been out here that long, how have you guys...well..."

"Bred?" She said, giggling as she finished his question for him. "Don't worry, we've never had to deal with inbreeding. There are a few other farms nearby. Some of the other families came out here when the cities got too...dangerous."

He was going to ask what she meant by 'dangerous', but they had reached the edge of the sandy field. Waylon turned to him pointing to the lump of steel in the distance that Dorian knew was The Chimera. "There she is, only a little further!"

They continued walking, trying not to step on any of the blue plants. As they got closer Dorian could see that the ship was heavily damaged, with large blast marks ripped into the side of it. When they reached it, he called out to his AI. Luckily, the ship had landed upright, and the airlock was only a foot and a half off of the ground. The door slid open automatically, and they all stepped inside.

"Master! You're alive!" Hex said through the ship's intercom. "When I let those two inside the ship I was hoping that they'd take you somewhere safe and help you, instead of, well, just killing you and stealing everything."

"Hex, why the hell is Aya here?" Dorian asked, his voice serious. "You know when every door opens, and you can see everyone who enters. It's impossible for you not to know that she was onboard. So, why didn't you tell me?"

"I...I'm sorry master...she really wanted to come with us..." the AI explained, sounding remorseful. "I didn't think that we'd crash..."

Waylon decided to speak up. "I don't mean to interrupt, but does your...uh...robot lady know if this ship will fly?"

"Unfortunately no, The Chimera is too damaged to move." Hex replied, relieved at the change of subject.

"What do we need to fix? And where do we even get-" Dorian started before getting cut off by the beautiful blonde farm girl.

"Oh on, they're here!" Grace yelled, looking out of the open airlock.

"Who's here?" Aya asked, moving to join Grace. She looked outside and noticed six armed men walking through the field towards them.

Waylon pulled them away from the open door. "They're from the city. There's a gang of raiders there that we give food to so they'll stay away."

"Could they simply be here to collect payment?" Aya asked, a hint of hope in her voice.

The middle aged farmer shook his head. "Part of the agreement is that they get to take anything that crashes in the desert. They must have seen you fall out of the sky."

The men were getting closer. The airlock doors sealed shut, and Hex's voice echoed cheerfully throughout the ship's interior. "Don't worry master, I'll handle this." She said as the ship's roof turret turned and aimed at the approaching group.

"Wait! Don't!" Waylon yelled, though not quick enough before Hex shot. The powerful blaster bolt hit the sand right in the center of the group, exploding and killing the two nearest men. The remaining four froze in shock, before aiming their weapons at the ship. Each of their bolts dispersed harmlessly on The Chimera's armored surface. Hex turned the turret, moving it on a swivel as she took down one after another until only one man remained, who quickly turned and began running away. He didn't make it far.

"What have you done?!" The farmer asked in despair. "These men were only a small scouting group! When they don't return, they'll send more and more until we've paid for killing their people!"

"Don't worry, The Chimera is more than equipped to protect your farm from them. Everything will be alright." Dorian assured him.

"You won't be here forever. Even now you're planning to fix your ship and leave."

"Well, there has to be something we can do." Dorian replied.

"Master, if the gang is in the city then maybe you can negotiate with them and find the next data chip at the same time."

"I do have access to a lot of resources that they'd undoubtedly be interested in. That's actually a good idea Hex." He replied, thinking it over.

"If you're going into the city you should leave in the morning. The sun'll be down in only a few hours, and that's when the sand-striders wake up." Grace explained.

Dorian turned to face her. "The hell is a sand-strider?"

"They're creatures that come out at night to look for food. They can't stand the smell of our Culliver plants though, so they don't come within a mile of the farm." She said, her face grim.

"In that case...I'll stay the night." He said, beginning to exit the ship.


It took them a long time to move the bodies of the armed men into graves that they had dug in the sand. By the time they were done the sun was close to the horizon.

As they were walking back to the house, Grace gently grabbed Dorian's arm. "Hey...can I show you something?"

He was a little surprised, but nodded. She led him into the house, where she opened up a closet on the second floor. Inside was a ladder, which led to a hatch in the ceiling.

They climbed the ladder, pushing the hatch open so that they were able to climb onto the roof.

Grace sat down, motioning for him to join her. He did, sitting down to the left of her.

"So? What did you want to show me?" He asked her.

She pointed to the sun, casting vibrant colors across the sky as it slowly began to dip under the horizon.

He watched the burning fireball sink, noticing that it was much larger than the suns he was used to. As it disappeared, he felt the air around him cool a small amount.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Grace asked, smiling. "I always come up here at the end of the day. Gives me time to think."

Stars were beginning to become visible in the sky. "Oh? About what?"

She pulled her legs against her chest. "I..don't know. Stupid stuff."

Dorian laughed lightheartedly. "Come on, I won't judge."

"Well...sometimes I think about what it would be like to leave." She said, laying down on her back and looking up at the stars. "Not having any responsibility, just flying away to another planet."

He laid down next to her, feeling the rough shingles on his back. "You know, you saved my life. I'd be willing to take you with me after I repair my ship."

She seemed to think about it for a while, before responding. "I couldn't leave my dad. We've only had eachother my whole life. Honestly...I get a little lonely out here sometimes. I know I said there are other farms but we rarely visit them."

"He could come with us." Dorian offered.

"And leave the farm behind? I doubt he would. It's all he's ever known. Still...I'll think about it." She said, turning to smile at him.

He looked into her deep blue eyes. The girl was very attractive, and he found himself...wanting her.

She turned away quickly when she seemed to remember something. "Oh! I almost forgot, look right...there!" She said, pointing into the sky.

Following her finger with his eyes, he looked up. The night sky was illuminated with thousands of stars, though she wanted him to see something specific.

"It should be a second...wait...there!" She said, continuing to point.

Dorian saw several little dots cross the sky, so far away that they could be mistaken for stars.

"Those are the ships that shot you down. They've been orbiting the planet even before my grandfather was born." She explained.

He wanted to tell her that he already knew the history of her homeworld but decided against it.

They remained laying together, enjoying each other's presence until she sat up. "Alright, you better get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day." She said.

He followed her down the ladder, and she led him back to his room. He said goodnight and was about to close the door when she spoke.

"Hey, um, Dorian? Thanks for going up there with me...I've never brought anyone else." She said.

He smiled at her. "No problem, I'm glad you did. It was...actually really nice."


It was the middle of the night when Dorian was woken up by the feeling of someone nudging him. His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, allowing him to see Grace standing over him.

"Dorian?" She asked, whispering.

He felt groggy from being woken up. "Grace? What's going on?"

She put her hand out in a gesture that told him to keep his voice low. "I'm sorry that I woke you, but I have to show you something really important. Meet me out in the barn in ten minutes. Come alone."

Before he could ask anything else she turned and ran out of the room. "The hell?" He said to himself. The last time someone asked him to 'come alone' it didn't end well.

He tried to think about the possible reasons she could have for asking him to meet up with her in such a secretive way, but he was unable to. When the ten minutes were up, his curiosity got the better of him and he went to join her.

Leaving the house through the front door, he walked through the dark towards the barn. He saw light shining through the crack where the two doors met.

Pushing them open, he was greeted by the sight of Grace standing in the brightly lit barn, waiting for him. She was completely naked, covering her crotch and breast with her hands.

"I...uh..." he stuttered, looking at her teen body.

"I'm sorry to surprise you like this, but I wanted to make sure you came." She explained.

He stepped closer, allowing the large doors to close behind him. "What's going on Grace? Why're you...naked?"

She stepped closer. "Dorian, you're leaving tomorrow. I thought that...maybe we could have some fun before then..."

Trying, and failing, to keep his eyes off of her attractive form, he processed what she was offering. "Have you ever done anything like this?"

"No, father hasn't taken me to be bred by one of the neighbors' sons yet. I just...would rather lose my virginity to someone I can choose before that happens." She replied, letting her arm fall away from her chest.

He looked at her now exposed breasts, feeling his cock hardening. They were far from big, but they were perky and firm. "That...makes sense. Why me though? We've only known each other for two days, and I was unconscious for the first one."

She uncovered her hairless eighteen year old pussy slowly. Being inexperienced sexually, she was slightly shy about showing herself off to a man for the first time, though clearly managed to push past the fear. "Well...we've had other people crash near our farm, but you're the only one to survive. I just figure...there aren't many farm girls who can say that their first time was with someone who fell from space. It also helps that you've also been so...kind..."

Dorian watched as she came closer to him, his cock twitching at the thought of being buried into the naked teenage vagina in front of him. He hesitated, wanting to say more, but decided against it. Instead, he stepped forward, closing the distance between them. Putting his hands on her waist, he pulled her into a deep kiss as he closed his eyes.

The kiss ended, and she looked up into his eyes. "I...I guess that means you accept?" She said, momentarily taken aback.