Impregnating the Galaxy Ch. 10

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Mira becomes queen of Yarrin after an incestuous ceremony.
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Part 10 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/18/2020
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


The Chimera drifted through space, it's thrusters pushing it along. It was still heavily damaged, but was holding together. Dorian let the ship switch to autopilot as he stood up and left the cockpit. They were heading back to Yarrin, as that was surprisingly where Callie decided to be dropped off. She had said that she wanted to be near him even if she wouldn't be on his crew anymore, so she chose to live in his home city. He had agreed, though he wasn't sure how he was going to convince his wife.

However, now he finally had time to talk to his father's artificial intelligence. He walked down the hall, reaching his personal quarters. On his desk sat the artifact, dormant and cold.

"Hello? Are you sleeping?" He asked the metallic cylinder as he sat down.

"Artificial intelligences don't sleep, or at least the way you are thinking. I was simply lost in thought." The cylinder replied in it's female voice.

"Oh? About what?" Dorian asked.

"Well for starters, you've found me. I've waited twenty years for the creator's son to find me, and now that you have i'm not sure where to begin."

Dorian smiled, knowing exactly how the AI was feeling. "You could start with your name. If you have one I mean."

"Hex." She stated simply.

"Hex? What does that stand for?" he questioned.

"Absolutely nothing. Your father allowed me to name myself when he made me, so I chose Hex. It sounds cool, doesn't it?"

" aren't exactly what I expected an AI to be like."

"You aren't what I expected either, but it's the situation we're in. Now do you want to find out what I know or not?"

"Of course I do, tell me everything! Who was my father? Why did he leave? Why did he make you?" Dorian said, excited that he finally had a chance to learn what he desperately wanted to know.

"One question at a time!" Hex yelled, "I guess it would be best to just start from the beginning. Your father was born sixty thousand years ago, in a dimension completely separate from this one. Much like you, his father was a powerful being from yet another plane of existence. However, unlike you, his father left no guidance behind, forcing him to slowly build and develop his power on his own. It took centuries, but he eventually managed to reach his full potential."

Dorian's mind raced to absorb the information, trying to cope with all the implications. His grandfather was also an extra dimensional being? His father was sixty thousand years old? He felt both overwhelmed, and excited. "Does that mean I'll eventually learn to access other dimensions like them?"

"We'll get there, be patient! Now, as I was saying, he eventually built his power enough to manipulate the fabric of reality enough to travel between dimensions. So, that's what he did. He traveled, experiencing countless worlds. Sometimes he watched, sometimes he interfered. Then, around fifty thousand years ago, he decided that he would create. He discovered this dimension, the one we exist in, and mated with the entire population of a planet. His DNA mixed with them and created a hybrid species that was capable of using the same power you possess."

"In other words, I had siblings? What happened to them?" Dorian interjected.

"They spread from their single, lonely planet to conquer countless planets, creating an empire that dominated the entire galaxy. Your father ruled as emperor for five thousand years, until the abomination was created." Hex explained, enjoying the fact that she was finally able to tell the story that she had waited so long to recite.

Dorian was shocked to learn that his father was an emperor at some point, especially since he ruled over the exact empire that The Collector has been so curious about.

"Your father led them to greatness, teaching them what he knew, though not enough for them to leave this dimension out of the fear that they'd conquer other planes of existence. After generations of worshiping him, they soon began to grow resentful of how he kept some knowledge to himself. Eventually, a group of the most powerful beings in the empire joined forces to create a creature that could rival your father. The creature overthrew your father, forcing him to move on."

"What kind of creature are you talking about?" Dorian asked, intrigued.

Hex paused, thinking back to what her creator had described. "It was a mass of intelligent, writhing, slimy tentacles that could crush armies single handedly."

Dorian shivered, hoping that he'd never encounter anything like that. "What happened to the creature?"

"Well, your father didn't return to this dimension until twenty years ago, where he obviously discovered that the empire had fallen long ago, barely any reminders of it remaining. He went to the old home world, where he learned that the creature had been given the name of Zhalla, and had begun ruling after his departure. Zhalla began a dynasty, where a new tentacle creature would rule as a god every ten thousand years."

Something occurred to Dorian. "How did the creature breed if it was the only of its kind?"

Hex laughed sarcastically. "Don't you know how babies are made? When Zhalla's power began to diminish, it selected the most powerful member of the empire to breed with. Zhalla became pregnant and died after giving birth. That cycle continued, each creature's power diminishing slightly. Without your father's knowledge, the citizens of the empire also watched as their own power slowly faded, each generation becoming weaker until they lost the ability entirely. The empire didn't last much longer after that."

Dorian was fascinated. He had so much to tell Bermil, but he also had many questions that he needed answered. "I don't understand though, why would my father return to this dimension if there was nothing left for him? Just another galaxy of ordinary people?"

"Master, what you have to understand is that it had been thousands of years. In that time, he had basically become a god. Yet even then, after an amount of time that humans cannot truly comprehend, he regretted that his attempt at creation was a failure. That's why he returned, and why you exist. He wanted to create something worthy of his power. That's you, despite what I still think about you. He Seduced your mother and created a plan to help guide you. He used his power to glimpse that you would eventually meet Callie, and ensured that she would find knowledge of my existence, leading us to this moment."

"I...I don't know what to say..." he said, finally having the answer he had sought after all his life. He had a purpose.

"Then listen, because there's a LOT we need to do in order to reach your potential. That's why your father made me. Inside me is the information to help unlock your powers. He thought that by guiding only you, rather than an entire empire, you could rise up and become his equal.You could possibly even surpass him, but we'll talk about that another day. For now it's time for you to learn."

"If you have the information then...let's start! Tell me everything, and I'll do all I can to achieve what he wanted me to!" Dorian exclaimed, picking up Hex.

"About that..." Hex said hesitantly, "I can't tell you anything right now..."

Dorian stared at the cylinder in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, my memories of his lessons are locked away, and I can't access them." Hex stated simply.

"Then what was the point in telling me all this?" Dorian said, becoming worried and frustrated.

"Because when he first started the empire he gave the information out freely. This time he only wants to give you what you deserve. You have to earn it. He hid five data chips throughout the galaxy. Each one has a code that will unlock a memory when you plug it into me, which will teach you a new power. That way, you'll only be able to gather them and achieve your potential if you are worthy and put the work in. Personally, I don't really think you -" Hex said, getting cut off by Dorian.

"I got it, you don't think I'm worthy. Just...will you help me? Or at least tell me where to begin looking?"

"Of course master, that's why I exist! I'll do whatever I can to help you, even if we are probably going to fail." Hex said in an excited voice.

"Thank you...I think." He replied. "How do we find them?"

"Each one is designed with a tracker that connects with another. I can detect the tracker of the first data chip, but I'll need to boost the signal. You could install me into the ship and give me full control so that I can use the radar, but it's your choice." Hex explained.

"The radar was damaged in the battle. However, when we get the ship repaired I'll consider it."

"Understood, master!"


They traveled through space for the next few days, spending the time discussing his father. The Chimera's damnaged systems failed several times but Dorian and Callie's combined technical skills allowed them to reboot them.

After several days they reached their destination, descending through the atmosphere before touching down in the clearing where he usually landed.

The boarding ramp extended and both Dorian and Callie walked down, setting foot on the jungle's surface. They walked down the path to the city's towering walls, passing through the gates. They saw a group of girls heading towards them and recognized that they were the queen's royal guard.

As they approached, Dorian recognized the queen and her usual guards. However, there was a girl with them that he didn't recognize.

They reached each other, and Esi embraced Dorian. "It's been so long, I've missed you my love." She said as they separated. "What brings you back home?"

"It's good to be back. I needed to talk to you about something, but it can wait. Where's my daughter?"

Esi smiled and turned, gesturing to the girl that he didn't recognize. The girl stepped forward, bowing her head in respect. "Hello father."

Dorian was stunned. "Mira? Is that you?"

She nodded, rushing forward to hug him. The last time he had seen her she had been an infant. He knew that his genetics would cause her to reach maturity much faster, but he didn't expect it to happen this quickly. She had the mind and body of an eighteen year old, and she'd stay like that her entire life, at least according to the doctors at the orphanage he grew up in.

She let go of him, giving him the chance to take a look at her. She was wearing the same white fabric bra and underwear as everyone else, which showed off her body nicely. She had her mother's tan skin and silky black hair which reached her C cup breasts. She was athletic, her belly flat and toned. She had wide hips and a perfect firm ass. She was absolutely gorgeous, and Dorian felt overwhelming pride at having sired such an attractive girl.

"You''re beautiful!" He said, continuing to look her up and down.

Mira blushed, but smiled. "Thank you father, I've been so excited to finally meet you."

Esi noticed the way Dorian was looking at her, and decided to change the subject. "Come, my love, let's return to the pyramid. You said you needed to speak with me, and I have something to discuss with you as well."

He agreed, and the group walked together through the stone streets of the city until they reached the massive pyramid that overlooked the tribal civilization. Callie had stayed back in order to work on the ship. Esi dismissed her guards before leading Dorian and Mira up to the royal quarters.

"So? What can I do for you my love?" Esi asked, walking to the large balcony. Her hips swayed seductively, and Dorian thought back to the first time they had made love on the very same balcony.

"Well, it concerns Callie. You've obviously noticed that she is pregnant, and-"

"No doubt you were the one who caused that, right?" Esi said, cutting him off.

Dorian blushed slightly but continued. "I mean, yes, but that's not the point. I've commanded her to leave my crew so that she can remain safe and raise our baby. I gave her the choice of living anywhere she wanted...and she chose to live here in Yarrin..."

Esi's beautiful face showed confliction as she took in his words. "You're saying that you want an outsider to live here with us? Not only that, but a pregnant one?"

"I live here and I was an outsider, what would be the problem with that?" He asked.

Esi's voice was calm but stern when she replied. "You know that it is very prestigious to be someone who has slept with a male. Not only that, but her child would have been conceived naturally, which is an extremely high honor in Yarrin. If she gives birth to a girl it is possible that the child would be able to usurp Mira."

"Mira? Will Mira be Queen by then?" Dorian asked, slightly changing the subject.

This time Mira was the one to answer. "Yes father, that's what mother needed to talk to you about."

Esi waved her hand dismissively. "We'll get to that soon. You're asking for something big, and I'm not sure if it's a good idea for her to stay here."

Mira turned to Esi. "Mother, would it really be that bad for her to stay here? She's carrying my sibling, are we really going to turn them away? You know that outsiders aren't allowed to rule. The people wouldn't accept her child as queen, and that's even if it's born as a female."

Esi looked deep in thought. "That's true, but we've never been in this situation before. We can't predict what the reaction will be. Still...give me time to think about it. It might be my last decision as Queen."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, concerned.

"That's what I needed to talk to you about." Esi said, taking a deep breath. "Now that Mira has reached maturity, it is time for her to become queen. I'm expected to step down and help guide her. Before that can happen though, there is something you have to do..."

"Of course, I will do anything for her. What is it?" Dorian asked, giving a smile to his daughter.

Esi looked hesitant, but continued. "In our tradition, any princess who is conceived naturally must be crowned queen by their father. However...the way that the princess is crowned is very different from what outsiders are used to. That's because...she will be crowned after her father takes her virginity..."

Dorian's mouth opened slightly in surprise. "What...?"

Esi got closer to him and put her hands on his shoulders. "My love, I know it must be strange to you but you must listen. For a princess to be conceived naturally is extremely rare, and to have the father take her virginity is even rarer. Our daughter would have the highest prestige possible in Yarrin. She'd be nearly untouchable!"

Mira stepped into the conversation. She looked into Dorian's eyes as she spoke. "Father, I've known that this day was coming for a while now. There's no need to be embarrassed, I'd be honored to have you take my virginity."

"I...I'm not sure.." he said, conflicted.

"Now that you're here we can do it today. It'll take an hour or two to gather and prepare the royal tattooists, so I'll give you that time to make up your mind." Esi said.


"Yes, they will give her the tattoo that confirms her as queen, as well as the one that will signify her loss of virginity to you."

Mira got close to Dorian. "Please dad, make me queen."

His face turned red, but he agreed to consider it.


An hour had passed, and it was time for him to make his decision. He had spent the time thinking, his mind conflicted. Of course he wanted to make Mira the queen! Plus, it's not like he wasn't attracted to her, she was absolutely gorgeous. Every part of her body was perfect, and he became hard just thinking about her. But could he really have sex with his own daughter? In the end, he had to decide.

Walking into the royal quarters, he went to the massive balcony. Esi and Mira were already waiting for him, standing in front of the large cushion where he had made love to Esi for the first time. The tattooists remained in the royal quarters, waiting.

"So, my love? Will you make our daughter queen?" Esi said, standing next to Mira.

Dorian looked to Mira. The sun was shining off her tan skin, and the wind gently brushed at her black hair. She looked like an exotic goddess. "I' it. I'll take her virginity."

Mira rushed to him, throwing her arms around him as she kissed him on the lips. "Thank you father! This means so much to me!"

She then stepped back so that he could see all of her. She slowly untied her silky bra, allowing it to fall to the ground, exposing her breasts. Dorian stared at her, his cock becoming hard. He wasn't sure what to feel. Part of him was guilty for being so attracted to his own daughter, but the rest of him felt overwhelming lust for her toned, exotic body.

She smiled at him, running her hands down her sides until she reached her hips. She untied the strings holding her panties together, letting them slide to the ground. Her hand covered her vagina, making a seductive show of not allowing him to see yet.

Esi came up behind him and began to undress him, pulling down his black jumpsuit to his waist.

Mira stepped back, reaching the cushion. She climbed onto it, laying on her back. She spread her legs, but kept her hand on her crotch. Every part of her was on display to him except her pussy.

Esi pulled his suit down the rest of the way, freeing his cock. It hung there heavily, sticking straight out. The display of an incredibly sexy girl had made him fully erect, even though she was his daughter. He noticed where Mira was laying, and realized that he was going to take her virginity in the exact spot where she was conceived.

"Come to me dad, it's time. Make me a woman." Mira said as she used her other hand to fondle her breast.

Esi guided him forward until he was kneeling on the large cushion, between Mira's legs. His cock was completely ready, practically aching to enter her.

Dorian reached down and took her hand, slowly moving it to reveal her hairless, smooth vagina. He felt his cock twitch, desperate to dive into the pussy that was waiting for him. He felt arousal filling every part of his body. The fact that it was his daughter's pussy on display to him only increased his lust, which surprised him greatly.

He let his fingers gently brush her labia, making her shutter. It was clear that she wanted him as well, badly. He carefully moved his finger over her clit, giving her just enough stimulation to make her wetter than she already was. She made a pleading look with her eyes, and Dorian knew that it was time.

Leaning over her, he took her hands in his, comforting her. She looked nervous as his cock lined up with her virgin cunt, but the desire in her eyes assured him that she wanted this. "Are you ready Mira?" He asked, his tip rubbing her pussylips.

"Y..yes father, take me. I'm yours.."

Her response only drove his lust, his precum dribbling out of his tip. Esi put her hands on his hips, guiding him as he pushed into Mira. She let out a cry as her hymen broke, making her squeeze his hands. He went slowly, not wanting to cause her any pain. His dick slid deeper and deeper, her extreme tightness sending intense tingles of pleasure up his cock.

He reached her cervix, stopping to give her a moment to adjust to the cock stretching her pussy. Her mouth was open in a mix of both pleasure and pain, having her father's dick pressed against her deepest depths. Her vagina was quivering around his length, experiencing penetration for the first time.

"You're...actually inside of our daughter..." Esi said, though mostly to herself. She had always enjoyed touching herself when he discribed what he had been doing to other women during his travels, but she had never actually seen him fuck anyone else in person. The feeling was...strange. She felt extremely jealous that her husband was penetrating another pussy, yet also VERY aroused.