I Thought She Made You Up Ch. 04


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Amy had wanted to come, but I wanted alone time with CeCe. I believe CeCe would have let her come if I hadn't said no. She did look kind of pitiful when we left. I promised to take them out to dinner when we got back.

Out of the blue she said "Do you like Amy?"

"Oh, she's just adorable."

"Be serious, do you like her?" My nerves started tingling. I smelled a trap.

"I like her a lot for someone I've known less than two full days. Why?"

She arched her back, distracting me with those great breasts. "Oh, no reason. Just wondering."

As I grew older, I learned that was womanese for 'I'm up to something', but at the time I didn't give it a thought.

It was a calm, peaceful day. We ate lunch at a burger joint and shoved fries in each others mouth.

Bought a bottle of wine and drank it at an overlook on a blanket. Kissed, snuggled, made promises real and implied. Came home happy and smiling. But, there's always a cloud on the horizon.

When we got back to the dorm Amy was sitting in the courtyard crying. Ce of course ran up to her to find out what was wrong. Seems a guy she was dating heard about our big weekend and had given her a ration of shit about it. They weren't steady, but he thought there was more there than she did. Told her she had embarrassed him, and he was going to make her sorry. He didn't hit her, but he did pick her up and shake her, and she was scared.

I looked around and didn't see any guys.

"Where is he now?"

I tried to keep my voice calm.

I think she noticed me for the first time.

"You have to leave! Some of the guys ran him off, but he said he was coming back with some buddies to give you a lesson. Go, please."

"With my love of higher education? I think I'll stick around."

I noticed a few people standing around, so while CeCe consoled Amy , I went and talked to them.

One of the boyfriends, Jack, confirmed the story. The guy was a jock, on the football team. They had a terrible year, not winning a single game, and he had been pissed ever since. Nobody liked him, but he was big so they didn't push it.

Amber, the girl two doors down from CeCe and Amy, was his girlfriend. She said they had called and some more guys are on the way to back me if needed. I thanked them but told them to stay out of it.

I didn't know how much time I had so I went to the room and got my jacket and riding gloves.
I had gotten the jacket from a Harley dealership. It was leather, thick, with a reinforced kidney pad in back to protect you if you crashed, or if somebody tried to beat on you. The gloves were summer weight, light and supple. They would keep my hands from being damaged if I had to hit someone. This was as prepared as I was going to get, so I sat down and waited.

He must not have had many friends considering the time it took for him to get back. He only had three guys with him, but they all looked like shaved gorillas. Of course by then we had a sizable crowd of our own. I had everyone promise to stay out of it. They did on the condition that if it got too much for me I wouldn't object if they saved me. Hard to argue with that.

They came charging up and he yelled "Hey asshole." I ignored them and kept talking to Jack about trivial things.

He got closer.

"Hey motherfucker, I'm talking to you."

I looked up like I was surprised.

"I'm sorry, were you talking to me? It's not motherfucker, the name's James. Jimmy to my friends. How are you?"

I offered my hand. He was clearly confused. He almost reached out to shake. He snatched it back and a girl laughed. This didn't help any.

"Which one of you bitches laughed?"

I held my hand up in a calming gesture.

"Please sir, rudeness doesn't become you. What is your business here? Whatever it is let's finish quickly so my friends and I can go back to enjoying our conversation."

Grins were appearing. He was losing control of the situation fast.

He sneered.

"I thought you were some kind of bad ass biker. You talk like a pansy."

"Pansy? I didn't know people still used that expression. Are you implying I'm less a man than you? Where are the facts that support this theory? Perhaps you're comparing my rugged good looks to one of my favorite flowers. Perhaps there's a sexual innuendo there. Sorry, I'm heterosexual, but I'm sure you'll find someone."

"Please let me take this further. You don't think that I'm much of a man but you brought three friends to help you. What does that say about you? That even though you outweigh me by, what, at least fifty pounds, you still aren't sure you can handle me alone. I think that would make you the pansy, wouldn't it?"

This was deliberate. Angry people make mistakes. By challenging his ability to face me alone, I was hoping he would tell the others to stay out of it. If push came to shove I could depend on my training and my friends' advice.

"Hit first, hit hard, and NEVER, NEVER, let him up. Remember, this isn't ten rounds in a ring with rules. They mean to do you harm. Go for soft tissue and pain points. Forget the jaw and stomach. Poke eyes, jab throats, stomp toes, kick kneecaps, bite ears, bust their balls, whatever. If you have time, plan your attack, then you'll do it without thinking. And remember, there's always someone out there bigger, meaner, more skilled, or just plain luckier than you, you can't win them all."

My taunt worked. He looked over at his friends.

"He's mine. Don't interfere unless his friends do. This is gonna be fun."

He went into grade school mentality. Remember? If two guys were going to fight there was at least five minutes of trash talk before anyone actually came to blows. I had outgrown that phase years ago.

Muscle head went into his spiel.

"I'm gonna enjoy kicking your ass. When I get done with..."

That,s when I got bored and stomped down hard on his toes. The dumb ass had flops on, and my size 11 engineer boots had a pretty thick sole. I'd like to say I broke a couple but I'm not sure. But I heard he limped all the way to end of term.
He did scream like a girl, though.

When he bent over , a reflex, I grabbed his arm, jammed it behind him, and ran him straight into a power post. It split his scalp. I would probably have done more but the cops arrived. Flower called them.

The first cop looked familiar. Surprise, it was Todd from the bar. He looked down at the jock and back at me.

"Looney, fancy you being here. What happened?"

"Good to see you Todd. This poor fellow here tripped on the curb and fell into the post. Flip flops are such dangerous footwear. Messes with the balance, you know."

He looked at the crowd.

"Is that what happened?"

He heard a lot of I don't knows and sorry, I was looking somewhere else when it happened. Even his jock buddies didn't say anything, worried about scholarships maybe.

He looked down at the fallen jock.

"Sir, would you like to file a complaint? Do you require medical assistance?"

Pain must have smartened him up some. He said he was fine, even as blood ran down his face. I had one of the girls bring him a towel with some ice.

If looks could kill I would never draw another breath, but he and his buddies left. Todd told the other officers he was going to investigate, maybe interview a witness or two. Flower was hovering around him, and I think they knew what he wanted to investigate. They left grinning, telling him not to be too long. We all sat at what was becoming 'my' table.

"So, Looney, how much longer are you staying?"

I told him I was leaving Monday.

"Good. I like you, but something about you messes with peoples' balance. They tend to fall down a lot, especially if they're assholes. I'd hate to see an epidemic break out."

He shook my hand and left, after getting a date with Flower for Saturday night.


Amy was still a little shaken. They didn't know it, but I had rented a motel room for the night, planning to sleep with CeCe in a bed actually big enough for us. Of course, Amy wouldn't stay in the dorm alone, so we took her with us. I didn't mind, I actually did like Amy. I packed my saddlebags while they packed a small case.

It was a nice room. It only had one bed, a king size. I had asked for that specifically. They didn't let me think about sleeping arrangements before we showered. I would have been glad to wash backs. My offer was declined.

We walked down the street to a fairly nice steakhouse. The food was good. Walking about before going back, we talked about the weekend, agreeing it would be hard to top. The girls seemed subdued.

Back at the room, I flipped on cable and tried to relax. I was in the only chair. They sat on the bed whispering.

They asked me to join them on the bed, we had things to discuss. My danger senses were going into overload.

"Do you really think Amy is attractive?"

Warning, warning, warning.

"Very much so. I've believe I've said that before. Why?"

There was a lot of blushing and side long glances at each other until CeCe blurted it out.

"We want her to be your lover, too."

I had been slouched down in the chair, and I sat straight up as my boots hit the floor.

"What did you just say?"

CeCe was grinning.

"We talked it over. I want to stay a virgin. You like sex. Amy likes sex. I think eventually I'm gonna marry you, but until that time I don't want you with those sluts I see at the bars. This works for everybody. You can thank me now."

I got up, took her by the arm, and walked her to the door.

"I need you gone for fifteen minutes. Go to a bar, a library, a park, stand outside the door and try to listen, but give us fifteen minutes.
Oh, by the way, if we get married I'll do the asking."

I almost shoved her out the door. I went to the bed and stood over Amy.

"Explain, now. Was this your idea or hers? If you try to bullshit me I'll know it. Talk."

She couldn't look me in the eye.

"Well, it was hers to start with. But the idea grew on me. I like you."


"I don't think CeCe knows what she has. I've actually listened to you talk. When we were at the bar you were good ole boy as it gets. Trucks, engines, guns, you knew a little about all of them. But when we were with our friends it's totally different. I'm an English major. You've used lines from Tennyson, Keats, Frost, Lord Byron."

"You were talking to Flower about the superman theory, then went right to Jung and Freud. She's a psyche major and I think you lost her a couple of times. Jack is an engineering major and you blew him away when you told him how old west gold mines adapted the design of honey combs to distribute weight in loose clay soils. You're an onion with a lot of layers. I'd just like to peel a layer or two back to find the real you."

"So I read a lot and can actually remember it. If you think I'm that sharp, you should realize I'll keep digging until I get the truth."

"Truth?" Her eyes were pleading.

"Truth" I said, not yielding an inch.

"I'm in love with Cece!"

Well. Didn't see that coming.

"Define love."

"I'm bisexual, all right. I want to make love to her. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Not exactly.

"If you want to sleep with her, what are you doing offering to sleep with me?"

"I love her. She loves you. I'm pretty sure you love her. If you love her and I love her maybe I can get her to love us both. Understand? And I am attracted to you, I just like girls more than any man I've met yet. Got it?"

Not in the least.

"This isn't going to work. Somebody is going to get hurt feelings. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"No, but this is as close as I can get. Try it one night. If you don't want to after that I'll understand."

"I gotta think about this."

I sent her out with CeCe and told them both to be gone for at least thirty minutes. They went window shopping while I sat and thought, trying to figure a way out of it without hurting their feelings too badly. It came to me just as they got back.

I gave CeCe a big kiss.

"Thank you, it was a loving gesture."

She looked very pleased.

I gave Amy a big kiss.

"Thank you, it was a loving gesture."

She had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling.

I sat them both on the bed.

"I've decided what I want to do. I'm making a counter offer. I'll take Amy as a lover if you do the same, CeCe."

In unison "What?!"

"It's simple. You want to make love to CeCe, right Amy? And CeCe, you want me to make love to Amy. The only solution I can see to balance the situation is if we all make love to each other.
We'll all be in it together, no blame or recrimination to anyone. That's it, the only way I'll do this. I know Amy will go along with it, it's all on you now, CeCe. In or out?"

The look on her face said it all.

"I thought so." Mentally applauding myself for getting out of a sticky situation, I sat down.

Amy was looking at her , pleading with her eyes. She was doing the same to me. Minutes passed.

Then she said in a small voice "all right".

Amy was on her in a second.

"All right what."

"All right, I'll do it. But no penetration from either of you, understand?"

Well, fuck me running. What was I gonna do now?

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Funny story, interesting amusing people mostly, always have moronic turds running unleashed trying top spoil life rk.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

From reading an earlier comment (mine) I guess this is my third trip through this tale-still great! 5 stars Thanks Q.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Another great series from a master story teller. Really loving this. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love the conversations and like the cbt action a lot lot. rk

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Just keeps getting better and better. Must be tough, having to fight off so many girls.

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