Husband Has a Limit


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Two nights later, Jacob got home from his office at the normal time. Olivia was there with her baby and was expecting Jacob to prepare dinner and take care of the child so that she could take a long hot shower and relax. She had also planned to discipline Jacob that night to get him in a better frame of mind to step up his childcare work. She had noticed that he was very tentative around the child and never picked him up and held him. She needed to fix that. So, she made a list of things that she wanted him to work on in the next weeks. She would review them before his discipline, and she would have him recite them to her after the discipline was finished. Tonight, he would get thirty of the leather strap. That should focus his mind.

Before any of that, Jacob told her that he wanted to talk to her. "Olivia, we need to have a very serious talk about you, me and your baby."

Olivia was a smart woman, but she had also convinced herself that she was firmly in control of Jacob. She wondered what he wanted to talk about. The fact that he used her name at home instead of the customary 'Ma'am' caused her to pause very briefly. That and he referred to the child as 'your baby,' not our baby.

"Olivia, there is no way to say this but other than to get right to the point. When you decided to have a baby fathered by someone else you hurt me very deeply."

Olivia cut him off. "Jacob, you agreed when we got married that it was my sole decision to take other lovers, well I did, so it's not up to you, it's up to me."

Jacob interrupted her this time, "There was no mention in your FemDom Marriage Contract that you would have children fathered by some other man. You know, I did some investigating and found the guy who is your baby's father. I went to see him, and I talked to him."

Olivia had a shocked expression on her face. She didn't think that Jacob would defy her.

"He wants to see his baby. I guess you didn't take his baby with you when you met him for sex the last three times."

Olivia was even more shocked that he knew about her sexual activities separate from Jacob.

"So, since it is clear to me that you have such little regard for my feelings, here is what is going to happen. I am going to pack and leave you. I have told my lawyer to start the paperwork for us to divorce."

Olivia didn't see that coming and was, to say the least, surprised. "What the hell are you talking about. You're not going anywhere. You're my husband." There was emphasis on the word 'my' as if she owned him.

Olivia and Jacob sat silent for a long minute. In that minute Olivia was trying to figure a plan to convince Jacob that he was better off staying. She had to control her anger at his rebellion. He had defied her and in her way of thinking this was unacceptable and had to be fixed and fixed quickly. But to do that she would have to be nice to him; at least for the time being.

"Sweetie, what's the problem? What is going on in your head? Why are you talking this nonsense? Talk to me and tell me what is wrong. I love you, Jacob. What's wrong?"

Jacob took a deep breath to compose his thoughts. "Olivia, I love you very much, but this marriage is not working out, at least not for me."

Olivia slowly responded, "Why?"

"What do you think might be the main reason Olivia? Have a look right over there. What do you see? I see another man's child. I see a betrayal. I see you relegating me to that of...well, not what I want."

Olivia was shifting her gaze from Jacob to her baby and back to Jacob. "My God, Jacob. He's just a baby. What's wrong with him?"

"Olivia, there is nothing wrong with him. The problem for me is that he is not mine. I wanted us, you and me, to make a baby, to make our family. Not you and some other man."

"But Jacob, you knew that in our female led relationship I am the one to make decisions like this. You agreed to that before we got married."

"Do you really think that I am going to be fine with your decision to get pregnant with some other man. Do you think that little of me that you don't want me to be the father of your children? If you don't want me to father your children, then why did you want to marry me at all?"

Jacob was fired up and continued on, "I can tell you why you married me. I'm so stupid that I let you convince me that this FemDom nonsense would be okay in our marriage. You were very good; I'll give you that. Making love to you was the thing that convinced me to give in and sign that stupid thing. You were good at using sex to get me to think that it was all okay. I figured that agreeing to that damned contract was just a way of letting you know that I loved you and respected you. But what you did said that you don't love me or respect me. If you did love me and respect me, you wouldn't have been fucking another man and you certainly wouldn't have decided to have his child!"

Jacob stopped and had to remember to breathe. He had worked up a sweat and sat in the chair to try and clam down.

Olivia was silent. She didn't quite know what to say. She decided to stick to the doctrine that her mentors followed; that the woman knew what the best thing for the man was. "Jacob, you know in your heart that I know what's best for us. Why are you fighting this? Why can't you accept your rightful place in our marriage?"

Jacob was stunned by her words. "Olivia, did you completely ignore everything I just said?"

"No Sweetie, I didn't, but you need to remember that I am the one that makes decisions for us."

"Olivia, why did you make the decision to get pregnant by Jeffrey?"

Olivia was silent. She was clearly trying to think of a way to justify her actions.

Jacob jumped in before she could say anything. "I can tell you why. I know why you did it. You believed that you could do anything you wanted. You believed that you did not have to talk to me about anything. You believed that what I wanted was not important to you and to our marriage. You believed that your needs came first and that I didn't really matter. That's what I think. The other thing that you needed was to have more than one man being your sexual toy. Did you paddle Jeffrey's ass like you do mine? I don't think you did. Thank you for telling me that I don't matter."

Jacob finished and was exhausted. He sat back and looked at the floor in front of him. He couldn't believe that the woman that he had loved and thought loved him could be so...delusional, when it came to understand his feelings. He had to leave.

Jacob stood up, left the room and went to start collecting some of his things. He was methodical in his packing and took his time to gather those things that he treasured and wanted to take with him. He thought that Olivia might want to talk about this, but it seemed that she didn't, or wouldn't. That didn't surprise him. She had promised to love him with his best interests in mind but now it seems that only Olivia's best interests are what matters. She did not say a word to him.

When he was done, he went the front door expecting she might be there, but she wasn't. Olivia was not anywhere to be seen, so he walked out, shut the door and left.

Olivia had gone out with the baby for a walk around the neighborhood to try to understand what was going on with Jacob. She was stunned by what he said and then packing to leave. Where was he going to go? When she got home, she saw that Jacob had left a torn-up copy of their FemDom Marriage Contract on the kitchen counter along with his wedding ring. She shook her head in disbelief.

Olivia figured that he would be back in few days. All he needed was some time by himself to think things through and he would see that she was right. Her belief that women were superior to men had convinced her that he would soon be back asking for her to allow him to return. She would inflict a serious punishment on him for this disobedience.

A few days later the divorce papers arrived by courier. Jacob was seeking a no-fault divorce with a division of the assets that they had. Things that they brought to the marriage they would each keep. Things that they accumulated while they were married would be divided equally. Olivia read it twice and tossed the papers across the room.

Jacob went about the process of getting on with his life. He concentrated on his work and got to the gym even more, mostly to burn off the stress. Some of the women at the gym had noticed that he was there more often and was not wearing a wedding ring.

Six months later...

Olivia didn't called him once in all that time and now Jacob wasn't at all interested in talking to her. His lawyer was having some issues getting the divorce paperwork signed by her but had scheduled a court date to push the matter and get a judge to sign off. Jacob's lawyer had asked for a paternity DNA test to show that Jacob was not the father of the child and thus not responsible for any child support costs. Olivia's lawyer balked; because her client was balking; but eventually the test was completed, and the result was confirmed. Mind you, if Olivia showed up at the court date with the child it would be a simple matter for any judge to see.

Jacob's social life started to improve; he was getting invitations to go out for drinks from some of the single women, and even a couple of the married ones, at work. His sex life was looking up.

Olivia had the challenge of motherhood without a father to help look after her baby. The real father of the baby had a new coaching job lined up in another part of the country so wasn't interested in being anywhere near Olivia or the baby. She continued to teach Women's Studies. Her plans to write a book on how successful her FemDom marriage and lifestyle was got put on hold since even she had to privately admit that it had been a failure. She needed to find the right man since clearly Jacob was not submissive enough.

Another year went by and Olivia was now fully experiencing single-motherhood and found it to be much more difficult than she had imagined. She still harbored the belief that he would soon come to his senses and ask her to take him back. When that didn't happen that challenged her core belief in the theory of female domination. Was the writing all true or was it really a load of nonsense? Her biggest mistake was to forget about the 'loving' part of the equation. And that the FemDom lifestyle is about spicing up sex in the bedroom and that all of this discipline crap is just sex foreplay.

Jacob moved on and got his life in order. He was seeing Kelly on a regular basis but had not made any commitment to her just yet. He really liked her, she was fun to be with, very feminine and she seemed to care about him.

Before Jacob would make a commitment, he wanted to make sure that he was fully convinced that any woman loved him for all the correct reasons. Not for some bizarre belief in a strange philosophy that put the value of one person above another; no, he wanted a relationship where he and the woman were equal in all things. It might not be perfect, but it was better than what he had when he was married to Olivia.

Jacob moved west to Scottsdale to run the branch office for the company. He was getting paid excellent money and overall doing very well. He was 33 now and still young enough to have a family. He rented a small but nice apartment, bought a motorcycle, continued working out at the gym to stay fit and add some muscle to his arms and chest. He gave up cycling, since it reminded him too much of his ex-wife and how she betrayed him, used him for her own purposes and tortured his ass. He even started taking flying lessons to get a pilot's license.

Kelly joined him in Scottsdale. They were not married but they got along well, and they had told each other that they loved the other. They were taking things slowly; the sex was great and he really liked the idea of a woman that he could be equals with sharing his bed. When they woke up in the morning they were usually touching in the bed and his morning erection often led to fun before they started the day.

It wasn't long before Kelly announced to Jacob that she had a surprise for him. They went out for food and it was after they ordered that she was ready to spring the news on him. Jacob thought that it was a bit odd that Kelly had just asked for water to drink, but what the heck, she was thirsty.

"I have a surprise Jacob." She reached in her bag and brought out the little white plastic stick and put it on the table in front of him.

Jacob knew instantly what it meant and the look on his face was priceless. "Holy shit! Are you pregnant?"

"That's what the two little blue lines means, you dope!" She said laughing.

Jacob jumped up to hug her. They embraced for a long time, even attracting the attention of some of their fellow diners. Jacob turned to the strangers and said. "Hey everybody, she's pregnant!"

There was instant applause from everyone in the restaurant.

Two months later they were married, just as her baby-bump was starting to be noticeable.


Olivia got off the Delta flight at the Phoenix airport. It was a short flight and she was thinking about what she was going to try to say to Jacob. She had thought about it for weeks but only now that she was there did she start to worry about the words and how she was going to say them. Her normal self-confidence was not what it used to be.

Olivia was going to see Jacob to try and get him back. She realized what she had lost when he left and she missed him very much and wanted him to come back home with her and be her husband again.

She took a cab to the giant building where Jacob worked and got out. She had the baby with her. The child was now just under two years old and had lots of curly black hair and a mouthful of teeth. As she got out, the driver helped her with the stroller and her diaper bag. She had sent her suitcase to the Marriott hotel where she was going to stay that night. She was not sure how long it might take to do what she wanted to do so she planned to stay overnight.

She went to the reception desk and asked for him. They called him to say that there was a visitor there to see him and told them her name. Jacob was stunned when they told him; he had not had any communication with Olivia, other than business through his lawyer, since they divorced. So, what the hell was she doing here, and now?

Jacob inhaled deeply and slowly let it out. He had to control his emotions and told the reception staff to please give her a seat and he would be down in a few minutes. He let her wait for a full 15 minutes to gather his composure before going down to the lobby. When he got there, he saw her sitting on a sofa with a toddler on her lap.

She looked good. She was a beautiful woman. The child that she held was growing a lot since he had last seen him. He saw the stroller and diaper bag parked next to them.

As he approached, she stood up, but he started, "Olivia, this is a surprise. What brings you to Phoenix and why have you come to see me?"

"Hello Jacob. You look very good..."

Then he held up his hand, "before you begin, come with me someplace where we can talk without being interrupted." He turned to go but had to wait for her to get the child in the stroller. They didn't speak as they went to a conference room. He held the door for her to come in and offered her a chair.

"So, Olivia, would you like to tell me why you are here?"

Olivia swallowed and tried to remember the words that she wanted to say to him but somehow her brain couldn't get them out quite in the way that she had rehearsed "Jacob I came here to try and tell you that I was wrong how I treated you when we were married. I came here to try and convince you to take me back and my child too."

I deeply regret what I did to you but I still love you very much and I came to see if there was any hope that we could reconcile and be a family."

It wasn't exactly what she had rehearsed back at home, or on the plane, but it was all she could think to say.

"Where is the father?' He said pointing at the baby.

"I'm not sure; he moved away; he got a job at a university back east."

"Are you still teaching?"

"Yes, my maternity time-off ended a few months ago."

When her baby was born, Olivia had listed Jacob as the father on the birth certificate. When the divorce was sorted out there was no child support from Jacob since he was not the father. Olivia did not contest anything; she kept the house and furniture but was required to pay a small amount to Jacob that was the increase in value of the house.

"Olivia, I don't think that it's a good idea for us to be together again. I'm not going to reconcile with you and your child. First, I can't get past the fact that you took from me one of the greatest things that every man looks forward to - being a father. This little fellow is not mine; he is yours. Second, and most importantly, I'm married. And my wife is expecting a baby in a few months; and yes, it's mine, all mine."

Olivia was floored. She wan't ready for that. She was speechless.

Jacob pulled out his wallet and took out an ultrasound picture and laid it on the table for Olivia to see. Her eyes focussed on the grainy black and white picture long enough to discern that indeed that was a picture of a baby.

With that Jacob stood up, picked up the picture and returned it to the safety of his wallet. He opened the door to the conference room as an indication that they were done. Slowly Olivia got to her feet and turned the stroller to leave. Without speaking they went to the building lobby and parted'. Olivia and the baby got in a cab.

"Go home Olivia, goodbye."

Jacob went back to his office and sat for a few minutes to collect his thoughts. He pulled out his cellphone and called home. "Kelly...."


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AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

Rarely does an author open up their fragile egos for all to examine.

The characterisation of the 'female dominant' relationship is so warped and 2d that it is about the equivalent of saying that a 'male dominant' relationship is about getting drunk on Friday and Saturday nights and beating the wife. Having affairs with other women and getting them pregnant.

It happens more often than we'd like to admit, but only a fool would suggest that it even comes close to accurately representing how such relationships actually work. And it conveniently ignores the fact that men for hundreds of years dominated and grossly mismanaged their relationships and families.

Its ironic really, because I seriously doubt, going from their other stories, that the author believes in equal (by default feminist) relationships, and thereby unwittingly provides by counter example why so many 'traditional' marriages fail.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Too many posters are putting the boot into the author for 'supporting and believing in female supremacy'. I would suggest that you all pay proper attention to what you are reading. In the preface to this story Lover1953 quite clearly states that he is sceptical about this philosophy and is convinced that a relationship built on it could not survive.

If you didn't like the story then it is your prerogative to award it a low and share with us all why you didn't like it. What is not justifiable is to accuse L1953 of supporting this movement and to abuse him for it when it was not him but one of his characters, Olivia who spouts her BS and support for this toxic concept. Wise up, people and pay attention to the plot.


usaretusaretabout 1 month ago

This idea of Fem-Dom marriage may be interesting to authors but it is pure fantasy, and piss poor one at that, to the male audience . As far as I am concerned it is a waste of my time, the author’s time, and of any mature adults time.

LechemanLechemanabout 1 month ago

Hmm Jacob pushed the boundaries of true love too far. I agree with the consensus, he should have ripped apart the contract - the marriage contract should have sufficed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

“When her baby was born, Olivia had listed Jacob as the father on the birth certificate”


Should have pressed charges against her for paternity fraud. Sure, the DA won’t want to prosecute, but you can still embarrass her, and the DA!



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