Hunting Time

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Non-strangers enjoy a scavenger hunt at a nudist resort.
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I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me. It was one of my favorite Jimmy Buffet songs. I swayed my hips and began moving to the beat, completely oblivious to my surroundings and my unclothed state.

It was a hot, sunny summer afternoon in Florida at my favorite place to visit, Crystal Palms Resort. Not everyone who lived nearby even knew that this was a clothing optional resort and campground. I had lived only a few miles away most of my life and hadn't known till about a year ago. It was the only place I could go where I could tan and swim nude...and dance.

I loved to dance. I had been on the dance team in high school six years ago, had actually been dancing since I was five years old. I had even been offered a dance scholarship to college but I had turned it down. It was the wrong school. I had instead accepted an academic scholarship to the university I needed to attend to excel in my chosen career.

Now I only got to dance when I had the chance, like here today, at the edge of the pool, nude, with many others. No one here cared, that is why we all, or mostly all, came here. My body wasn't perfect, but wasn't bad, these days my mind got the bulk of the exercise. People here didn't look at that. When everyone was naked it had an equalizing effect. We didn't look at each other in a sexual way here, or mostly didn't, just as people. It was natural.

With that thought running through my mind, an odd feeling passed over me, a feeling like I was being watched. I opened my eyes, continuing to dance, and glanced covertly around. I didn't see anyone looking directly at me, but the feeling persisted.

Just then the song came to an end. The DJ announced that it was time for the scavenger hunt that was scheduled. I had wanted to participate, had come prepared. My best friend who had planned to meet up with me here today had backed out, by text, after I had gotten here. I strolled over to the pavilion where partners were busy signing up valiantly quashing my disappointment.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that when a voice spoke directly behind me I jumped a mile. "Excuse me, miss." I yelped and spun on my heel.

"Don't do that!" I said to the man before me, more sharply than necessary, my hand flying to my naked chest.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I thought you heard me." I had to give him credit; his eyes remained on my face and didn't lower to my heaving breasts.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," I responded. "And, I'm sorry for yelling. I'm Christina, friends call me Tina." I held out my hand to him.

"Nice to meet you Tina," he said, taking my hand. "Glad your friends don't call you Chris. I'm Christopher, Chris for short. I was going to ask you if you would mind partnering me for the scavenger hunt. Looks like fun and I'm here alone."

"Actually Chris, I wanted to join in except the friend I was meeting stood me up. She ran into a snag at the last minute."

"So that's a yes? You'll be my partner?"

"Yes," I answered. "I'd be glad to. Go sign us up."

As he walked away to take care of things I had time to check him out. Quite tall, athletic build but slender, raven hair peeking out under a ball cap. My eyes strayed lower to his tight buns and muscular legs. Nice. I sauntered over to my lounge chair to get my towel and bag. My mind was racing as I slipped into socks and sneakers. What color had his eyes been?

"Hey Tina." I looked up as he returned. Oh yes, a wonderfully deep dark brown. "We're all set. What's with the sneakers?"

"Well, I suppose I should have warned you ahead of time, but I'm just a tad competitive. I intend to win this. Can't run in flip-flops. You got sneakers with you Chris?"

"Hmmm. Looks like I picked the right girl then. Think we'll do well together. Yeah, I've got sneakers, be right back." And he headed off, once again affording me a beautiful view of his buns of steel.

I threw a sun cover up over me and headed toward the pavilion with my bag. Chris met back up with me there, now sporting a t-shirt and a towel around his neck along with sneakers and his ball cap. We lined up together to receive our first clue for the hunt.

"You know," he said while we waited, "I've never been here before. I'm not going to be much help figuring some of the clues out."

"That's ok," I replied. "I've got that. This is usually a mix of finding locations, finding things on a list, and solving puzzles. I've done it before but have never won. I can solve everything; problem has been finding the right partner."

"And your girlfriend was the right partner?"

"Actually, not really. We lost last time we entered together. She was more interested in watching the hot naked guys than getting it done."

"And you're not interested in hot naked guys?"

I blushed. "I didn't say that, but I can focus when necessary."

"Good," he smiled at me. We reached the front of the line. The person running the event logged our start time and handed us our first envelope. "Ready to focus?"

"Let's do this," I replied as we walked off.

He tore open the envelope to reveal our first clue.

"Find a quarter, make a call," he read. "And it gives a phone number? I don't get it. Want me to call it?" he asked pulling out his cell phone.

"No, don't call from that," I answered. "There are two payphones here at the resort. It's a crap shoot. We will have to go to one and hope the first one is the right one. We make the call from there. They will probably have caller ID to verify we've called from the right phone. Then we will get the next clue verbally from whomever answers."

"You were right, girl. You've got this down. Let's go"

I slung my bag over my neck and shoulder and started jogging off with Chris close behind me. Shit, he's probably enjoying his view I thought, and then let it go. Let him look. I checked him out. If he likes me it'll be for more than just what he sees.

At our pace we reached my first choice of payphone quite quickly. "Shit," Chris said, looking stunned. "I haven't got a quarter on me."

I looked smug and started digging in my bag coming up with a quarter. Holding it up I said, "I do. I came prepared!" and I handed it to him.

He dialed the number on the paper then held the phone so that we could both listen. I was distracted by the smell of him mixed with the coconut sunscreen he was wearing. It was a heady combination and very enticing.

"Thank you for calling," came a man's voice. "You have chosen," pause, pause, pause, "correctly! What is your team number and names?"

"Team 12, Chris and Tina," Chris answered for us.

"Team 12, your next clue task will be found 20,000 leagues under the sea," and the phone went dead.

"Ok, really," Chris said. "I really didn't think this would be difficult. I've read that book, but what does that mean?"

"Well," I laughed, "I'll cut you a break since this is your first time here. There is a small library in the meeting room. I bet that book is there. "Let's go," and I took his hand pulling him in the right direction. Once we got started we resumed our pace at a light jog.

"You're in pretty good shape, girl." Chris commented after a minute.

I chuckled, "Not as good as I could be. I exercise and dance when I can. I love dancing, was on the dance team in high school."

"Well you dance quite well."

I stopped in my tracks. "You were the one! I felt someone watching me!"

He had the decency to blush. "I couldn't help it. You're beautiful and move so well. Plus you remind me of someone."

"Well damn, you dug yourself out of that one quite effectively," I couldn't help but smile at him. "Just remember though, I'm me, not whoever I remind you of. Now let's go."

"Yes ma'am!" he laughed, saluting smartly, as we resumed our pace.

We entered the meeting room and headed to the wall of books in the far corner. We each scanned a section of books, but neither of us could find the right one.

"What the hell?" I asked getting pissed.

"Chill out, girl. It's got to be here. Look around some more."

He started wandering around the room as I began scanning the shelves once more. I was getting upset, this was taking too much time.

"I got it!" he called from the far corner.

I turned to look and he was holding up a VHS tape he had found. I smiled as he slipped a small piece of paper out of the cover. I walked over to see that it was a list of items to collect. I grinned broadly seeing that I had almost everything on that list already in my bag. I walked over to a table and dumped it out.

"You seem surprised," I said seeing the look on Chris's face. "I told you I was prepared!" I grinned at him.

"Don't get prissy, Chrissy," he threw back. His look immediately changed. He looked like he had been hit between the eyes with a brick. I got worried.

"Sit down Chris. You don't look so good all of a sudden."

"No," he said taking me by the arms. "It's you. You're her! Oh my God I don't believe this!"

"Chris," I said still quite worried. "Stop. What the hell are you talking about?"

I didn't get any farther as I was pulled tightly into his arms and his mouth descended on to mine. I didn't think any farther as fire shot through me. I had never reacted this quickly to any man. What was wrong with me? I never even kissed on the first date.

He raised his head and looked down at me. I was still slightly dazed. "What have you done with your hair Chrissy?"

Chrissy? No one had called me Chrissy since high school. How did he...? Oh shit!

"You were that God damn senior who made my freshman year hell!" I yelled at him. "Why, why did you do that? Do you know how long it took for kids to stop calling me that? Why the hell are you even in Florida? You moved to fucking California after high school!"

"That what? You mean Prissy?" he looked at me shamefaced. "I'm sorry." Even in my anger I was glad he seemed to miss the bit about me knowing where he lived.

"Everyone looked up to you Chris. Track and swimming star who took the school to state finals in his senior year? Come on. Why did you constantly pick on me?" I was almost in tears at this point.

"Chrissy, I'm really so sorry. I never intended to hurt you. I didn't even know I was," he looked liked he'd been pole axed. "I always had girls falling all over me. They wanted to be seen with the jock. They wanted me to fuck them. I didn't want that. I wanted someone I could like and have fun with, someone better than those loose girls."

"Yeah, I know you had lots of pussy back then. I heard all the stories." I bit back at him unreasonably jealous.

"The stories were wrong," he said bluntly. "I thought you were better than listening to gossip. I never slept with anyone until I was engaged after college."


"I was a fucking virgin in high school. Do I need to spell it out for you? Fine, I will. I wanted to get to know you but I was a senior, I thought I had a rep to protect. I couldn't be seen with a freshman even though being with you was what I wanted. So I teased you. It was the only connection I thought we could have. And come on, you were prissy. Always acting so cute, always so smart, mouth, brain, and body, you had, have, it all girl."

He pulled me back into his arms and held me tightly against him, his cheek on my head, and my head on his chest. This was the spot I'd always wanted to be, in his arms. It felt just liked I'd always dreamed it would, safe, solid, and strong. Too soon I pulled away.

"Chris," I said, "this is nice and all but we are wasting time. We have a challenge to win. Besides, I'm still mad at you." I gathered up the contents of my bag, mentally noting that all we needed was one tea light to complete the list.

"Fine Chrissy, but this is far from over."

I just glared at him and headed out of the room. I picked up the pace from a light jog to more nearly a run. We had time to pick up, plus it prevented us from talking. I wanted time to think. I snagged a tea light off a table outside the restaurant right before we turned in our items and received our next clue.

I got us to the next location, solved a puzzle and through three more clues not talking to Chris the whole time. I was thinking though. I had watched many friends lose their chance at the right guy by holding a grudge and being unforgiving. I had a chance here. A chance at the guy I'd had dreamed about for ten long years. Should I take it? He lived in California. Whatever he was doing home now I didn't know, but I was sure he would be going home to his life soon enough. I needed to forgive and take what time was offering me.

The next clue sent us to the pool where Chris stripped and swam under the waterfall to retrieve a token. As I handed him back his things I broke my silence. I couldn't help myself from chuckling. "Hmm, I see some things have changed since high school." I reached out and ruffled his thinning black hair. "Now I see why the ball cap."

"Let's not get into hair, Prissy," he commented. "Why'd you dye it? The dark chocolate brown was so beautiful."

"Actually," I responded choosing to ignore the name, "this streaky blonde mess is my real color. The brown was dyed."

"What?" he looked astounded. "The color was why I didn't recognize you at first you know. Nothing else would have stopped me from knowing you. Why did you dye it?"

We started off at a light jog again as I answered. "I was spoiled. My parents let me because it's what girls did then. But really? I didn't want to be a dumb blonde in high school. I went back to this after graduation. I guess I found myself and realized that looks don't define a person."

"I'm glad you found what you were looking for."

"I never said that Chris," I threw back, "but what about you? Married?"


"You said you were engaged. I just assumed."

"It didn't work out. She wasn't who I thought she was; who I guess I wanted her to be."

"And who did you want her to be, some little Susie Homemaker or something?"

"No, God Damn It Prissy! I wanted her to be you! No one could ever live up to your memory. I'm single."

"Chris," I whispered feeling like I was the one who'd been hit with bricks. "I think we'd better finish this race."

We entered the game room and inserted the token in the proper machine receiving a ticket out of the dispenser. We headed back to where we had started and turned it in. Our time was logged and we were told to return in an hour or so for winners to be announced. That worked nicely into the plans I'd decided to put into motion.

As we walked off Chris took my hand and stopped me. I turned toward him.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No," I answered truthfully. "I've learned a few things in ten years. Being mad and holding grudges gets you nowhere."

"That' true. So what did you mean about not finding what you were looking for? You said you found yourself."

"Maybe that's not all I was looking for."

"And what was that?"

"Promise not to laugh at me?"

"Of course not. What would make you think...oh yeah. Well, no, I won't laugh."

I took a deep breath then blurted the truth. "I had the crush of all crushes on you back then. You were the star of all my dreams. All the romance novels I've ever read I've dreamed it was you and I." I was severely blushing at this point. I swallowed my pride and went after my dream. "Chris, I wanted you then, I still want you now. No one could ever compare to the dream of being with you."

"Prissy..." he started pulling me to him.

I pushed him away. "Not here. Come on." I grabbed his hand and led him toward a nearby bathhouse in the trailer section of the resort. I opened the door on the large bathroom with the inside shower and pushed him quickly inside locking the door behind us. I turned on the shower to muffle any noise we might make and tossed my bag in a corner.

"You can't act like that in public here. I refuse to get kicked out. But in private..."

My words trailed off as I was instantly pushed up against the wall, his body flush against mine and his lips masterfully engaging mine. Our tongues battling, and his teeth nipping at my lips had me panting with desire. This was the man I had wanted my whole life practically and he was about to be mine.

Without pause, his hands skimmed down my body to my thighs hoisting me up. I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist. I was pinned between him and the wall as his cock slammed home into my wet pussy. I had never had sex with a man without a condom before. I had always planned things so very carefully. Only Chris could make me forget. I groaned at the pleasure of it, of him in me, skin to skin. My head fell back against the wall as he rammed into me over and over.

It felt so good. I had never been used so powerfully before. He was everything I had dreamed he would be in a lover. We were both panting and moaning heavily. I could feel my orgasm building. Jolts were spreading up my spine and through my limbs.

"Come on baby," he whispered in my ear, "cum for me. I've wanted this forever. Oh my God Prissy!"

It felt like lightening zinged through me as I came harder than I had in my life. My pussy gushed with juices and I felt him cum into me. He spurted over and over. It filled me and made me cum even harder. My inner muscles milked him, over and over they squeezed his cock.

As we both came down from our high, he slowly lowered me down till my feet once again touched the ground. My legs were too shaky to stand and he held me against him. My head came to rest on his shoulder. I could feel our mingled juices oozing from my pussy.

"Lord Prissy, you are everything I ever wanted. It was just as I dreamed."

"Me too, Chris."

"Come on, Sweetie," he said taking my hand and leading me toward the still running shower. We entered the water together and gently began washing each other's bodies taking time to caress and discover. As we rinsed off, I ended up once more in his arms for a slow, lingering kiss.

"I never intended for this to happen Chrissy," he told me. "I'm glad it did though. You know, it's almost time."

"Mmmm," I mumbled. "Time for what?" I asked laying my head against his shoulder.

"The awards, Sweetie. You went through a lot of trouble for us to win this scavenger hunt. Wouldn't you like to find out the results?"

"Oh, I like the results. They are nearly perfect."

"Nearly?" he chuckled.

"Yep, nearly," I replied. "Just need somewhere to lie down and do this again. Take our time."

"Quiet girl, you're getting me hard again. Let's go back. We'll get to the rest of our results later." He slipped my cover up over my head and his own t-shirt over his, grabbed my bag and handed it to me. He took my hand then glanced out the bathroom window. Seeing no one around he quickly guided us out and as innocently as possible we began to stroll back toward the pool.

We made it to the pavilion just as the DJ was about to announce the winning teams. He announced third place and second. Neither were Chris and I. My heart was breaking just a bit. The time I had spent being mad and the time we had spent talking had cost us.

"And our winning team, with a time 20 minutes shorter than the second place team, actually, I think this is the fastest time since I've been running this competition, is Christina? What? Oh wait, Chris and Tina. Sorry folks."

I was stunned. My eyes bugged out and I couldn't move. We had done it. We had won. Thanks to Chris, two of my dreams had come true today. He took me in his arms and kissed me hard right in front of everyone, took my hand and led me up front to claim our prizes.

I found my voice as we reached the front. "Actually, it's Chris and Chrissy," I said. Chris looked down at me fondly, put his arm around me and pulled me close.

"Our winning was all due to this girl here. She's very determined to get what she wants no matter how long it takes her."