Humiliation Whore Ch. 01

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A wife does what she has to do.
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The slave knelt in the corner of the dingy motel room with her hands crossed behind her back. She was whimpering slightly around the panties balled up in her mouth. She was naked, collared and plugged. She wore a light spandex slave hood with one mouth hole and two eye holes. Her owner had told her he had no interest in seeing her face during these sessions. Facial expressions were superfluous for fuck-pigs, he had explained. To him, she was nothing but wet hole from the neck up.

The hood also helped to protect her identity. If anyone found out about her secret life, she would be ruined.

The slave was also blindfolded, so she waited in darkness. She heard a clock ticking somewhere in the room. Time seemed to stand still.

She had been waiting thus adorned for about thirty minutes. Her owner liked to make her wait. He also liked to make her pay for the room. She was always instructed to dress like a prostitute and pay in cash. He made her use the name Lola Roundheels when checking in. This reminded her that she was his whore.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning. On a Wednesday.

For the tenth time in as many minutes, she wondered what the fuck she was doing there. How had she let herself get in to this situation? She was a successful executive married to a loving husband who worked as a physician. She had two kids in high school and was a member of the PTA. She played golf for crying out loud.

Why did she crave to be used like this? She couldn't explain it, but she knew it was true. Something inside her had fundamentally changed. She simply had no interest in vanilla sex any more. She needed this.

And it was getting worse.

When she had first started, she had only required a session once a month. Now she needed it once a week, sometimes more.

She lifted her blindfold for a moment and studied her reflection in the full length mirror on the back of the door. She sucked in her gut and thrust out her breasts.

Not bad at all for a forty-year old mother of two. Her breasts were full and firm with large circular nipples. Her belly was still pretty flat. Bit of a pooch, but not much. Her legs were long and shapely. Her hips were just curvy enough and tapered up into a narrow waist. Her cunt was clean-shaven.

She looked good. Her husband always told her she was a MILF.

At the thought of her husband, she felt a brief, but deep twinge of guilt and self-loathing. What had happened to her quiet, normal suburban life? What had she become?

She thought about what would happen during her session today. She wondered if he would come alone.

She had been her owner's fuck-pig for over two years now. She had been well-trained. During their sessions, she abandoned all pretense of propriety and reveled in the sheer debauchery of her own debasement. She drank piss. She ate ass. She learned to eat pussy for her owner's entertainment. She was gang-banged on a regular basis. There seemed to be no limit to the depths of her depravity. She wouldn't do anything illegal or any scat, but other than that, she was his humiliation whore to use as he pleased.

She knew she was a whore. The more he degraded her, the more she enjoyed it. The more he punished and abused her, the more aroused she became. It never failed. Ever. It was like a drug.

She heard soft footfalls in the hallway, followed by muffled laughter.

Then the door opened and laughter got louder. He was not alone.

There was a few seconds of rushed whispering, then the slave heard her owner's voice.

"I told you. There she is," said the familiar deep voice. The slave could tell he was smiling.

"Holy Shit. You've got to be kidding me," said a young female voice. "I thought you were bull-shitting, just to get me up to your room."

"Nah, I've owned her for two years. Nastiest slut I've ever used. She'll do anything. She gets off on the humiliation."

"Who is she?" asked the girl.

"Just some middle-aged cow I picked up on the internet. She's married with kids and everything. Has some big job in the city."

The slave cringed behind her mask. She hated how her owner always talked about her as if she weren't in the room. To him, she was property, not a person. She knew this was true, but it still stung, even as it aroused her.

"How did you find her?" asked the woman.

"I have a blog on Tumblr. I post pictures of women who love to be treated this way. There are tons of them out there. They can't get enough of this shit. I'm constantly getting requests from frustrated housewives who want to be used and abused. Most of them I ignore, but this one was special. I could tell right away."

"Special how?" asked the female voice.

"She's the real deal. An authentic humiliation whore. I keep trying to find new ways to degrade her, to try to get her to use her safe word, but she won't. She's a legitimate freak."

The slave heard light footsteps, then felt her blindfold being removed. She blinked for a few seconds, then looked up at the two people standing in front of her. She continued to kneel with her hands crossed behind her back. She was drooling slightly around the panties in her mouth. Her ass was aching from the plug.

Her owner was dressed in his usual expensive, well-cut business suit. At just over six feet, he was tall and fit with close-cropped blond hair and deep blue eyes.

The woman was in her late twenties. Pretty in a perky sort of way with short red hair and plenty of freckles on her pale face. She was wearing a knock-off blouse and an Ann Taylor skirt with second-rate sensible shoes. Her outfit screamed mid-level management.

Her owner reached out and rested his hand on top of his slave's head, turning her to face the woman.

"Fuck-pig, this is Sheila. I met her in the coffee shop. She asked me what I was doing at the motel and I told her I was meeting my fuck-pig for a session. She didn't believe me, so here we are."

He reached down and removed the panties from the slave's mouth and threw them on the floor.

"Say hello to the pretty lady."

"Hello, ma'am. Pleased to meet you," said the slave averting her eyes.

"Nice to meet you, too....," she paused and looked over at the man. "What do I call her?" she asked.

"Fuck-pig," he said. "That's her name." He reached down and grasped the dog tag affixed to the slave's collar.

"See?" he said, tilting the large red plastic disc so the woman could read it.

The woman bent and examined the tag.

FUCK-PIG was emblazoned on the front. She flipped the tag over to read the reverse side.

"PLEASE USE MY HOLES," she read under her breath. She let go of the tag.

"Charming," said the woman straightening. "Nice to meet you Fuck-pig."

"Thank you, ma'am."

The petit red-head looked over at the owner. "So, what does she do?" she asked curiously.

"Whatever I tell her to," he replied breezily.

"Really?" Her face was slightly flushed. "Can I watch?"

"You can do more than watch," said the owner. "You can join in if you want. She loves being used by strangers."

The red-head put a hand to her throat and looked down at the slave.

"But, I've never..."

"Relax, it's easy. Just watch me and jump in when you're ready. Or you can leave. Your choice. No pressure."

He reached down and pulled the slave roughly to her feet by the collar.

"Inspection," he barked.

The slave immediately stood up straight with her legs spread wide. She arched her back to thrust out her breasts and tilted her pelvis forward to present her pussy. She crossed her hands at the small of her back.

"Take a look," said the owner sweeping his right arm toward the slave in a courtly gesture. "Feel free to touch the merchandise. Ask her anything. She is trained to answer honestly at all times."

The red-head circled the slave slowly. When she was behind her, she noticed the plug in her ass.

"What's that?" asked the red-head pointing to the large black protuberance. " That's a butt plug. I'm going to fuck her ass later. The plug keeps her stretched out, so I don't have to waste time working my cock in. It's also lubricated, so as soon as I take it out, my cock will slide right in."

"I see," said the red-head, wrinkling her nose.

She walked around so she was facing the slave, then stood for a moment tapping her foot. She tilted her head and cupped her chin with her right hand.

"Do you really like this, Fuck-pig?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Very much," replied the slave with her eyes downcast. "I'm only really alive when I am serving my owner. I only wish I could do it more often. The rest of my life is like play-acting. This is who I truly am."

"And you like to be humiliated?" " Yes, ma'am, very much. It's the only way I can come now. My owner has conditioned me to equate humiliation with pleasure."

"Do you like women?" asked the red-head.

"I am straight, ma'am, but I service women when my owner tells me to."

"How many women?"

"Dozens, ma'am. I'm an expert pussy licker."

At this, the red-head glanced over at the owner. He held her gaze. After a moment, she turned back to the slave. " Does he bring other men to fuck you?"

"Yes ma'am. Sometimes several. My record is eight cocks in one afternoon in my mouth, ass and cunt."

The red-head paused, studying the slave.

"And you only engage in these activities during these sessions? The rest of the time you are a suburban mom with a husband and a family?"

"Yes ma'am."

The woman stepped closer to the slave, so their faces were only inches apart. She tilted her head and whispered in the slave's right ear.

"Are you wet now, Fuck-pig?"

"Yes ma'am"

Show me.

The slave reached down with her right hand and inserted two fingers in to her sopping pussy. After a moment, she pulled them out and held her hand in front of her face. The fingers were glistening.

The red-head studied the slave's hand for a moment, then her expression changed. Her eyes hardened.

"Very nice. Now lick them clean, slut," she said curtly.

The slave obediently sucked both fingers clean. The red-head smiled and turned to the owner.

"I'm convinced," she said somewhat breathlessly. "She certainly does seem to like it. What's next?"

"I think a little show is in order. Something to break the ice," he said. "Fuck-pig, ask this nice lady if you can fuck her shoe."

The red-head saw the skin around the slave's eyes redden along the edges of her mask.

"What?" said the woman, taking an involuntary step back.

"Relax," said the owner. "She's been trained to cum from humping stuff like shoes or the edges of furniture. It's great fun to watch. Just have a seat and enjoy the show. She'll clean up afterward."

Somewhat mollified, but still a little wary, the red-head allowed herself to be led to the arm chair in the corner of the room. She sat down. The owner grabbed the slave by the collar and led her over to the chair, then pushed her down on her knees.

"Ask properly, cunt," he said harshly. The slave looked down at the floor for several seconds, then tilted her head up to look at the stranger.

"Ma'am, would you please let this worthless fuck-pig hump your shoe?" The red-head smiled. She was starting to enjoy this.

"Which one, Fuck-pig?" she asked coyly. The slave looked down at the floor again, clearly humiliated.

"Whichever you'd prefer, ma'am," she said meekly. Slowly, the red-head extended her right leg. She was wearing black two-inch pumps. She tilted her foot so the toe was pointed slightly upward with the back of the heel resting on floor.

"Thank you, ma'am," said the slave as she bent forward to kiss the toe reverently. Then she proceeded to lick the surface of the shoe.

"She likes to lube it up a little first," explained the owner. "Not that she needs it. Trust me, she's gushing."

When the toe was shiny with her spit, the slave knelt upright, then scooched forward on her knees and lowered her pussy on to the smooth pointed toe. She placed her hands behind her back and began to grind.

The slave tried to look away to avoid eye contact with the stranger, but her owner was way ahead of her. He palmed the top of her head and tilted her face upward.

"Look in to her eyes, Fuck-pig."

The red-head was clearly enjoying the spectacle now. She held the slave's gaze as she felt more and more weight being pressed down against her shoe. In minutes, the slave was bucking wildly and grunting rhythmically.

Abruptly, the slave broke her gaze and turned her head toward her owner.

"May Fuck-pig please make cummies, sir?" she gasped out between thrusts.

"Hmm. I don't know," he paused for effect. "Why don't you ask our guest," he said, his eyes laughing.

The slave looked back up at the woman in the chair. The red-head was still smiling, but the expression now seemed more predatory. The set of her teeth was positively vulpine.

"May Fuck-pig please make cummies, ma'am?" she rasped. "Pretty please?"

"I don't know," said the red-head playfully. "What will you do for me in return, Fuck-pig?"

The slave continued to buck wildly against the shoe. She began to whimper and then shake her head from side to side.


The red-head paused for another beat.

"Well in that case, yes. You may make cummies, slut," laughed the woman.

The slave reached back with both hands until they were flat on the floor, then began to piston her cunt rapidly against the tip of the shoe, rocking desperately back and forth on the fulcrum of her clit.

"Don't forget your noises," said the owner mildly.

The red-head looked over at him quizzically.

He winked. "You'll see."

The slave continued to ride the strangers right foot for a few more seconds, then threw her head back, arched her back and froze.

"Oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink," she shouted as the orgasm took her.

She continued to oink as the spasms gradually began to lessen and finally subside. After a moment, she fell silent. She relaxed her posture and sagged against the stranger's foot. She was panting.

After a few seconds, she backed herself off the shoe and knelt in front of the woman.

The red-head extended her leg and held up her shoe so she could examine it. It was wet with the slave's juices.

The owner walked over and grabbed the slave's collar, pushing her head down.

"Clean it, Fuck-pig."

Without a word, the slave bent with her hands behind her back and began to lick the shoe clean. It didn't take her long. She was an expert.

When the slave was done, she sat back on her haunches and waited for further instructions.

"Well, that was certainly interesting," said the petit red-head with a smile.

"I knew you'd like it Sheila. You're a natural at this if I do say so myself."

"Thanks. I have to admit it is kind of fun. I like the feeling of power. I can see how this could become addictive."

The red-head leaned forward in the chair, then reached down and cupped the slave's chin with her right hand. She tilted her face upward until their eyes met.

"Aren't you going to thank me for letting you make cummies, Fuck-pig?"

"Thank you, ma'am."

The woman laughed in the slave's face and released her grip.

The owner walked over to the bed and took off his jacket and tie. Then he started to unbutton his shirt.

"I'm going to fuck her ass now," he said casually. "If you like, I can have her service your pussy while I do it. Or you can just watch. It's up to you."

He pulled off his pants and boxers to reveal a large, thick semi-hard cock. The red-head looked at it in fascination.

"Wow. You're going to put that in her ass?" "You betcha," he said smiling. "She's had that plug in for two hours. Should be stretched out nicely by now."

He walked up to the kneeling slave. " But first I'll need a little fluffing. Get to it, cunt."

Wordlessly, the slave took the cock in her mouth and began to expertly fellate her owner. It only took about a minute to get him completely hard. The slave began to deep throat the eight inch shaft. There was no gagging or coughing. She had been trained. She established a rhythm and soon her head was bobbing smoothly back and forth on her owner's cock.

The red-head watched in silence, considering her options. The flush in her face had extended down her neck to her upper chest.

"I don't know," said the woman. "I'm not really bi. I mean there was that one time in college..." " Up to you, Sheila. She's good, though. Probably the best you'll ever have."

The red-head hesitated, then grinned widely.

"Okay, sure! It was fun once, why not try it again, right?" she said as she stood. She reached under her skirt, then rolled down her panties and placed them on the arm of the chair. She sat back down and waited.

The slave continued to suck in silence for a few more minutes.

"Okay, Fuck-pig, that's good. All fours now. Get your face in that pussy."

The slave spit out her owner's cock, then leaned forward on her knees and crawled between the legs of the stranger. She shouldered the petit woman's legs apart as she lowered her face to the neatly trimmed patch of red pubic hair.

In seconds, the red-head was moaning. The slave was a straight married suburban mom, but she was indeed an expert in the art of cunnilingus. Shortly after acquiring her, her owner had given her to a lesbian couple for a long weekend. They were both in their twenties and confirmed sadists. Over the course of three days of almost constant use, the slave learned two lessons: a cunt-whipping can be an extremely painful exercise and how to make any woman come on her tongue in five minutes or less.

The red-head reached down with both hands and grabbed the slave's head, pushing her face deeper in to her pussy.

"Oh, God, you were right. She's amazing," she sighed dreamily. She began rocking her pelvis back and forth against the slave's face.

The owner knelt behind the slave and unceremoniously removed her butt plug and placed in on the floor. The slave's anus was dilated and red-rimmed, what porn stars called a gaper. The owner knew his cock would slide in easily. He got himself into position and entered her in one thrust. The slave grunted once into the pussy pressed against her face, then resumed her ministrations.

Her owner sawed his large cock in and out of the slave's ass, then began slapping her ass cheeks one at a time in rhythm with his thrusts. He watched his slave work the stranger's pussy.

The red-head continued to grind herself against the slave for a few more minutes, then braced both feet on the ground and thrust out her pelvis and froze.

"Oh yes, Oh yes, Oh yes," she shouted as she experienced the most intense orgasm of her life. She bucked against the slave for a full minute, then gently pushed her face away.

The owner continued his steady thrusting as he watched the show. He enjoyed seeing his slave please another woman. He had kept her ears-dip in pussy since he first started training her. Seldom did a week go by without her tasting cunt. He smiled as he thought that only two years ago, the concept of the slave eating another woman's pussy was completely alien to her. Now it seemed like she couldn't get enough.

With this thought in mind and a smile on his face, he gave a few more thrusts, then grabbed the slave by both hips and exploded in to her bowels.

For a moment, he rested with his softening cock in her ass. He felt her tighten her sphincter rhythmically as she had been trained to milk his cock. Otherwise, she remained perfectly still with her head hanging down, waiting for instructions. After a moment, the owner pulled out and stood next to the chair.

"Clean up time, Fuck-pig. Her first, then me."

The slave lifted her head and resumed her position between the stranger's legs, gently nuzzling her thighs apart with her face. Then she leaned in and slowly lapped up the drippings from the folds of the woman's sex. When the pussy was laved properly, she reached up and spread both ass cheeks so she could clean the taint and asshole as well. When she was finished, she kissed the pussy on the slit and murmured her thanks.