How NOT to Stop a Gangbang

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Stubborn quest to halt bachelor party leads to trouble.
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(Note from the Author: Although this is a gangbang story, as you have probably guessed by the title, there is quite a varied catalog of other deviant sexual behavior that my misguided heroine encounters on her odyssey of debauchery. If you do not have an open mind about a wide variety of sexual situations perhaps you should move on and read one of the dozen or so stories about werewolves fucking vampires that were probably posted today. It would sadden me if, after logging into a website devoted to erotic writing, you wound up being offended by something you thought was yucky in a story with the word "gangbang" in the title. I do not wish to offend, only to entertain.

Thank you, Dear Reader. Now, on to our tale...)


It all started on the Tuesday before my wedding. Once again, I'd come home from work a couple of hours early because I'd found that the planning involved in my upcoming wedding was a good excuse to show up late, leave early, not show up at all, or, when I did show up, do a half-assed job. I was riding the wedding excuse right into the fucking ground. If everything hadn't already been planned and paid for I would've seriously considered delaying it for a few more months just for the slacking benefits.

Of course two days later I got fired, so perhaps I wasn't quite as clever as I thought. Now that I think about it, that last sentence pretty much sums up this whole goddamned story. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. You'll become familiar with my shortcomings soon enough.

So, anyway, I got home early and came inside by going around the back of the house through the kitchen door. I can't remember why. Life would have been a hell of a lot easier if I'd used the front door.

As I entered the kitchen I could hear my fiancé Chuck and my brother Adam in the next room trying to talk over the sound of the TV which Adam had turned too loud, as usual. I knew they hadn't heard me come in. If they had, Chuck would have come rushing over to try to make nicey-nice and otherwise soothe my lingering anger. We'd had a big fight the night before for which I'd still hadn't forgiven him and it was making him miserable. But he was oblivious to my presence and remained rooted in my parent's living room, having a mostly one sided conversation shouted at him by my brother over reruns of Battlestar Gallactica.

"Dude, it's gonna be off the fuckin' hook," shouted Adam.

"What?" asked Chuck.

Adam repeated himself, "I said your fuckin' bachelor party is gonna be... Off. The. Fuckin'. Hook."

"Yeah," said Chuck. He didn't seem to be equal to Adam's enthusiasm. As I stood there undetected, I was hoping that he was feeling rotten even without me there to remind him I was still pissed. I didn't like the idea of Adam setting up Chuck's bachelor party. True, Adam is my brother, but he's an asshole and a pervert and the only good thing he'd ever done for me was bring his friend Chuck over so I could make him fall in love with me. I couldn't begin to imagine the sick stuff he was dreaming up.

Actually, I could. That was the problem.

"Seriously. Dude. I just got a call. I'm settin' us up with a smokin' hot bitch. After she does the usual stripper shit, the slut lets everyone fuck her.Everyone. It's gonna be a triple-fucking-X gang-bang man!"

"Yeah," said Chuck.

Yeah? He says fucking 'Yeah'!?I thought, furious. Chuck was going to dip his prick in some skank with the rest of his buddies? Sick. What kind of woman would let herself be used like that; just being passed around by a crowd of guys looking for any hole to stick it in. Imagine that, dicks in your vag, in your mouth, probably up your butt; maybe all at once? Gross. Imagine the mess; the smell. Ugh.

I realized my right hand was in my crotch, absentmindedly pressing on my clit through my clothes. The realization flustered me and brought me up short just before I burst into the living room full of recriminations and righteous fury.

I knew I had to stop this. And, even more important, I had to teach Chuck a lesson. He had to learn that the days of side-kicking along on Adam's stupid adventures were over. And I had an idea how. Slipping back outside from the kitchen I trotted around to the front of the house and re-entered through the foyer just off the living room. I played it cool as I got a sweet make-up kiss from Chuck that caused Adam to roll his eyes. As I went up to my room I was able to snag Adam's cell phone off the sideboard. Quickly I checked his recently received numbers, made a few notes and got the phone back downstairs undetected. I would've been a great spy.

The next day at work I was ignoring my caseload and following up on the numbers I'd cribbed from Adam's phone when I found the one I was looking for: Focus Escorts. It was in a seedy part of downtown not far from work. Feeling pleased with my investigative skills, I drove over at lunch to check them out.

The place was in an old run down storefront. The original big display windows were now sealed up with large sheets of warped plywood painted the same badly faded red as the rest of the two story brick building. The only indication of the business within was a badly laminated, eight by ten sign thumb tacked to the door.

"FOCUS ESCORTS. M-Sat: Noon-10pm. Or by appt.," it said. It was 12:10 so I went on in.

The woman who greeted me looked like she had been a goddess once, but was now decades past her expiration date. She sat behind a large glass desk in a surprisingly well appointed office in the front room of the building. Her tight black dress barely contained her ample, leathery tits which rested on the desk as she leaned forward. She brushed a wisp of brittle looking peroxide blond hair from her face and looked at me over the top of her red reading glasses.

"Hi Honey" she said as I entered. She looked me up and down with a practiced eye, cocking her brow in an expression that registered approval. "You lookin' for work?"

"No," I said with a little too much vehemence. I could see by her frown that she didn't care to be judged by the likes of me.

"Looking for a good time then?" she said; pushing my buttons; deliberately trying to irritate me.

"Umm, no. I'm actually here to ask a favor."

"I'm not known for giving away favors for free, honey," she said, fishing a cigarette from her pack on the desk. "If you know what I mean."

This was going badly. I've always had a problem with other women. They just don't like me. Part of it was that I was raised with two brothers and so I didn't relate to women very well. But the main problem is that I'm thin with good tits, a nice ass, thick, shoulder length red hair and a pretty, lightly freckled face with big, dark brown eyes that can melt a man's soul. To be brutally honest, I'm hot and other girls hate me for it.

I tried to salvage the situation, awkwardly blurting out, "I can make it worth your while."

"I bet you can sweetie, I bet you can," she said with a leer, leaning back in her chair. "Let's hear what you want."

"I'm supposed to get married in a few days..." I started.

"And you want to cancel your hubby's party," she sighed. "Why can't guys keep their shit discrete? Christ."

"I thought I'd show up instead and surprise him."

"Look darling, I got a business to run and I got a professional reputation to maintain. Word of mouth is everything in this goddamn business."

"I'll pay for the evening," I protested.

"Well, Iamshort on girls right now and that would free up some talent," she paused; thinking; looking me over. "Take your clothes off."


"If you are going to show your goodies to your hubby's buddies you might as well show them to me."

I had no intention of showing my brothers and all their asshole friends my "goodies", but for once in my life I decided to keep my big mouth shut. I'd just show this dried up old whore my stuff, get the address of the party and be on my way.

"OK," I said. I tried to act nonchalant, but my hands were unsteady as I started undoing the buttons on my blouse. I went through them quickly to get it over with. When I had my shirt open I pulled it off, draped it across the chair, undid the zipper on my skirt and let it fall to the floor.

"Very nice," she said as I stood before her in my panties and bra. It was a matching set. White and lacey, they did little to hide my nipples or my little triangle of auburn pubic hair.

"All the way?" I asked in as matter-of-fact a voice as I could summon.

"Yeah, but wait," she said. Then turning her head slightly she bellowed, "Ernie!"

I opened my mouth to protest. I hadn't agreed to put on a show for the whole damn company, but, again, I managed to keep my mouth closed. I needed to shut that party down and I could only do that by playing along with the old slut. Besides, if Chuck was going to grope some hooker right before our wedding it would serve him right if I showed off my tits and snatch to the lowlifes at Focus Escorts.

A flabby, balding man in black dress slacks and a shiny red shirt with sweat-stained armpits came through a door in the back of the office. He wheezed when he moved. He stood next to the old bitch and looked me over. His face didn't register any emotion or opinion as he inspected me.

"New girl?" he asked.

"Umm, sorta... Continue dearie," she said, gesturing at me with her cigarette.

My heart was racing as I reached for the clasp on my bra. I suddenly doubted my plan. I wanted to back out now, but the words wouldn't form in my mind; blocked by my spiteful determination. I brought my fingers to the clasp and felt my breasts bounce free.

"Not bad Shelia, those're real."

Shelia studied me for a few seconds; finally replying to Ernie, "Meh. They're just C's. Ain't they C's honey?"

"Yeah,NaturalC's." I said with pride.

"Yeah, good for you," she said without enthusiasm. "OK, let's see the honey pot."

I reached down and with a slight push my panties fell to the floor. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

Now what? I thought, but I said nothing. They just looked at me, I mean reallylookedat me. It was almost as if I could feel their gaze rasp against my skin with a physical force as they coolly considered my tits, my pussy, my stomach, my ass. Standing there with those two skeezy old creeps judging me like fresh meat was awkward, but in a strange way it was titillating. It was kind of like that wet tee-shirt contest I entered in Cancun a few years before. There was a definite thrill in showing off the goods to a bunch of leering dirt-bags. You knew they were just dying for a taste, but you also knew you'd let them die before they ever got any.

Sheila got up and walked around the desk towards me. Ernie stayed rooted in place. "Bend over with your hands on the desk," Shelia said. I looked her in the eye, trying to stare her down, but she just stared back with no hint of emotion.

I put my hands on the damn desk.

"Spread your legs apart," she said from behind me. I moved my feet out a little but I felt her hands reach in and press gently outward on my inner thighs, her long fingernails lightly digging into me. I opened my legs more, until my feet were about a yard apart.

Ernie moved around to join Shelia behind me. I just kept my eyes forward, playing it cool, my face calm; bored even. I stood there like I bent over desks and let strangers check out my bare ass and pussy all the time. But honestly, and I don't know what it was, but I was getting turned on. I could feel my pussy getting wetter by the second.

What the fuck is wrong with me,I thought.

"Holy fuck, that ain't bad," said Ernie.

"Yeah," said Sheila blandly. "Smooth, heart shaped, no shitty tattoos; it's primo tail alright."

I felt a sweaty palm cup my ass, the finger and thumb nesting right into the crease between my cheek and my thigh, fingertips brushing the moist lips of my pussy. "Hey, watch it," I yelped.

"What's wrong kid, you a virgin or something?" he asked.

"Hardly," I snorted. I have a low opinion of virgins. They have a way of looking down on you as if keeping their legs closed was some kind of mark of Godly favor. I guess twelve years of being educated by nasty, pent-up nuns put me off the whole idea of abstinence.

For some reason Ernie seemed to think that my admitting I wasn't a virgin was excuse enough to slide his other sweaty paw under my other ass cheek. He gave my ass a hard squeeze.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"Testing the product darling."

Product? Fuck him. I protested, saying, "Hey! Easy. Quit it." But my protestations weren't enough to make his stop or even slow down. I turned my head to shoot him a nasty look but he was gone. I couldn't see him back there even though I could still feel his hands on my ass pulling my cheeks apart. That's when I felt his lips, tongue and teeth on my ass. I about jumped out of my skin, but his hands held me firm. I shuddered as his mouth nipped, kissed and licked its way over and around the cleft of my butt before his tongue start greedily slurping and pushing at my sphincter.

I shuddered at the feeling. I'd never had my ass eaten out before and I was amazed I liked it. I was amazedhow muchI liked it. I thought of all those times Chuck had tried to get me interested in anal play and I'd rebuff him rudely. Holy shit that tongue felt good. I groaned and everything.

I was a little let down when he suddenly stopped, but I was also relieved since I was beginning to get a little freaked out. I wanted to get this... whatever it was, over with. But when I felt something else back there, something firm pushing against my asshole again, I threw a look back over my shoulder. "What the hell are you...OH!" I said as Ernie's prick pushed into my anus.

I tried to pull away but I was balanced on the heels of my hands on the big glass desk and Ernie, with his hands on my hips, was practically lifting me off my feet as he began sliding his fat prick in and out of my ass. I couldn't get any leverage to move away. But after Ernie had opened me up with a few slow pushes I was able to take him more easily and I began to enjoy the feel of his cock punishing my ass. I stopped fighting him and leaned forward with my tits and forehead pressed into the glass desktop, my ass thrust up into the air.

Yeah, I couldn't believe it either.

He stopped before he came, which struck me as weird. Why ass-fuck a girl if you're not even going to get off? But he wasn't through. He stepped back and dropped into one of the steel framed chairs lined up against the wall. Peeking back over my shoulder I could see his pants were open and his erection still at attention.

"Come here," he said.

I don't know why I walked over to stand naked in front of that fat fuck. I should have grabbed my clothes and got out of there. But, I don't know, I guess I was curious.

"Get down on your knees," he said.

"What? That was just in my butt," I reminded him.

"You can leave whenever you want, sugar," said Sheila blandly as she sat on the edge of her desk and lit another cigarette.

So there I was, on my knees at the feet of that big son of a bitch, his hard, filthy cock bobbing in front of me. I looked up at him and he just smiled as he reached behind my head and guided my face down onto his shaft. At least it wasn't caked with my shit as I'd feared; I guess his tongue cleaned me out pretty good before his dick got in there (ew!). However his prick had a bitter, metallic kind of taste that wasn't at all pleasant. I fought back a gag as I just let it happen.

"Hmm, ATM. Impressive," said Sheila with voice of surprised respect.

"Kid's a natural," said Ernie through his shallow, wheezing breaths.

"You ever work professionally before?" asked Sheila.

I don't know what she was expecting me to say; I had a dick in my fucking mouth. All I was able to give her was an "Unh-Uhh," which translates to "no" in case you aren't used to talking to people with cocks in their mouths.

Ernie's hands were still on the back of my head and he started pushing me deeper down on his cock. His fat head was pushing farther and farther back and I tried to resist. He was going to make me puke if he wasn't careful.

"Just relax your throat honey, you almost have it," said Sheila helpfully. I could tell by the tone of her voice that I was gaining the old whore's respect. Whoopee for me, right?

I followed her advice. I thought of the only relax-your-throat activity I knew. I pretended I was chugging a beer; a fat, smelly, dick-shaped beer. As I opened up and let it uncomfortably push down my throat, my nose disappeared into the grungy mat of public hair that surrounded the base of Ernie's shaft. I couldn't breathe with all that meat blocking off my air, so at least I could barely smell his grimy pubes: thank God.

Ernie said to Sheila, "She's perfect. I'll call Nagano when we're done."

I wanted to protest that Iwasn'tperfect because I wasn't taking a job as a goddamned whore. But again, I was too busy taking Ernie's dick down my neck from the tip of his prick back to the veiny base of his shaft to object. To be honest, I was surprised I could do it at all and I was feeling oddly proud at my newfound ability.

I noticed the chalky, salty taste of his pre-cum in my mouth. It didn't take long before he thrust my head all the way down onto his meat and began to buck his hips into my face. I could feel his hot juice shooting down my throat. With his cock so far back past my tongue I couldn't taste it, which is lucky, I guess. But I couldn't breathe either. I began to beat on his thighs with my hands as I fought for breath. Finally he released me and I rolled back onto the floor gasping.

Ernie stood and pulled up his pants. He winked at me as I lay nude and panting on the floor. "Come by my office any time Red," he said. Then before turning to leave he dug a wad of cash from his pocket and tossed a few bills at me.

Feeling shaky and in shock I crawled along the floor collecting my discarded clothes as Sheila uneasily bent her old, top heavy body over to scoop up the scattered money. As I pulled on my clothes I looked with distaste on the handful of twenties she was slowly counting. Looking up from the money she explained, "Ernie thinks it's bad Karma to take it for free from the girls." She peeled off a couple of the bills and shoved them down into her cleavage.

"I'm guessingyou'renot worrying about Karma," I said as her hand came back out empty.

"That's my commission sweetie. Business comes before Karma," she said dryly as she put the remaining money in an envelope and dropped it in my purse.

"So, you gonna to tell me where my fiancé's fucking bachelor party is?"

"Sure toots," she replied. "Once you do me a favor."

"Favor? What the hell was that?" I demanded as I pointed to the smudged hand, face and tit prints I'd left on her glass desk.

"Only an audition Red, only an audition. But you did fabulous. You really got talent."

"Shit," I said. "So who else do I have to screw:You?"

"Maybe someday kid, but this is a matter of business. And it won't be nearly as tough as what Ernie just put you through."

"Oh really," I said with pointed skepticism.

"Oh come on kid, settle down. You're a lot prettier when your face isn't all pissed off like that."

"Well gosh golly, I'm awfully sorry ma'am. From whom shall I be getting ass fucked next for you, M'lady?" I responded with, as you may have supposed, heavy sarcasm.

Sheila ignored my tone. She continued, "It's one of our biggest accounts, but the girl I usually send ran off with a tattoo artist and I'm in a bind because my only free A-lister just got picked up for a parole violation."