House Rules Pt. 01

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Mike discovers a book, that will change his life.
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House Rules - Pt.1

Mikes back was aching. He had been carrying boxes all morning and was now lying on his bed, trying to stretch and ease the pain. He looked up at the ceiling of his new room and wondered about the strangeness off it all.

A few months ago, his mother had gotten a letter in the mail notifying her, that her great uncle had died and that she was the sole heir to his estate. Something about her being the only remaining next of kin alive.

Mike hadn't really cared as, they all thought it a joke at the time. His mum had never even heard of a great uncle. But then, a month ago, the notary had actually visited them in person and indeed confirmed the truthfulness of the letter.

The estate had consisted of several assets and some amount of money, most of which had gone to charities and taxes. But the biggest item on the list had been the house itself. It was very old and must have been in the family for many generations.

The will of his mother's great uncle had stated that if there were any remaining family members to be found that the only condition to inherit was that the beneficiary had to move into the house. Otherwise, it was to be demolished and the property, using the remaining funds, to be turned into a nature reserve.

They had discussed it as a family. Neither Mike nor his twin sister Jessica had been eager to move state and more or less into the wilderness. But in the end their mother Monica had put her foot down and soon they all had packed their belongings and moved to the middle of nowhere.

They had arrived yesterday, and a few hours later the moving company had called. Their truck had had a flat tire and it had taken another day for their stuff to arrive. So, they had had to make do with bare necessities and whatever furniture had already been in the house.

This morning Jessica had declared at the breakfast table, that she didn't much like their new home. She had said it was creepy and old, and that she had heard strange noises at night. But thinking back on it now, Mike had actually enjoyed his first night.

Sure, the noises were creepy but he had soon discovered, that it was just the old wood settling when there was a strong breeze. Also, he thought it was cool living in a house with an actual entrance hall and a dining room, instead of the cramped apartment they had been living in for most of his life.

Mike closed his eyes and tried to relax his back but was suddenly interrupted by his mother's voice. "Mike, come down here. You're not done yet. I want you to carry these boxes up to the attic."

Mike sighed. "Can't Jessi do it" he yelled, not moving from the bed.

"Fuck off!"

"Language, Jessica!" he heard his mother scold his sister. "No Mike, they are too heavy. Please don't make me come up there and get you."

"Fine," Mike mumbled and made his way downstairs. He spent the next hour lugging the remaining boxes from the moving van up the stairs and into the attic.

When the last one was in place, he took a moment to catch his breath and sat down on one of them. Looking around he wasn't too impressed with what he saw. Nobody had been up here in years, decades maybe. The floor was covered in a thick layer of dust and Mike could see his own footprints leading to the trapdoor.

Apart from the boxes he had carried up here, there wasn't much else. Only a broken floor lamp and a desk missing one leg, lying tilted on the floor. He got up and wanted to go back down the ladder when he noticed a case on the underside of the desk. Had the leg not been missing and the desk not been tilted he would have missed it.

His curiosity getting the better of him Mike decided to investigate. He took a closer look at the case and ascertained that it was crudely nailed to the desk. With a solid yank Mike managed to pry it loose and discovered a small book with a black cover and golden letters on the front, reading House rules, on the inside of the case.

Flipping through the pages Mike found that most of them were empty except or the first two. He pinched his eyes together, tying to read the letters, but the lighting was very poor and he had a hard time deciphering what was written inside.

He closed the book shut and climbed down the latter, wanting to find a better spot to read it. In his room Mike sat down at his own desk and opened the first page of the book. It read as follows:

"These are the house rules of Pearson Manor

Anyone, be they guest or resident, is obliged to follow these rules or the duration of their stay or be swiftly removed from the premises."

Following this there were a number of passages which were unreadable apart from the first cypher of every paragraph, which always was a number beginning at 1 and ending at 11. The rest was crossed out with ink.

Mike sighed with disappointment. Someone had apparently crossed out the actual house rules and there was no way for him to recover what was struck. Annoyed he dropped the book laid back down on his bed to relax his still sore back.

Just when he had found a comfortable position, he heard a creaking noise and his sister's head peaked in through the door. "What's wrong Mike, already spent?" She gave her brother a wicked smile. "Mom says you should stop lazing about and carry my boxes to my room too."

Mike gave her a hard look. "Is that right?" he asked. "And what else, should I maybe clean your room as well?"

"If you don't mind, sure. Actually... yes, she totally said that. Come, on. No time to idle."

Mike tossed his pillow at her face but she ducked out of the room, narrowly avoiding being hit. He heard her giggling and her swift footsteps quieting with distance, then a door opened and closed. For a moment he just laid there thinking about how to get back at his sister. As nothing came to mind, he groaned and got up to recover his pillow.

Then his eyes fell on the book on his desk and he made an exasperated noise. Was that really the best he could come up with? "Whatever, maybe it'll be funny for the next person who reads it when they find it in 100 years," he thought. He sat down at his desk, grabbed a pen and opened up the book. Beneath the last paragraph he wrote:

  1. Jessica can only walk on one leg.

He smiled for a moment at the thought of his sister hopping through the house on one leg. A twinge in his back muscle sharply reminded him of his days labors and he closed the book again to lay down on his bed, and finally take the nap he had yearned or all day. His last thoughts were of his sister, stumbling and falling into a heap of mud. A grin spread across his face.

A giant bunny was chasing him. Thump-thump-thump. He was running, but he couldn't shake it. Thump-thump-thump. Panic rose in Mikes stomach. He was breathing heavily. Thump-thump-thump. The bunny was huge. Each time it jumped the floor shook beneath him. Thump-thump-thump. He looked over his shoulder. The bunny was right behind him. Mike screamed as it jumped and-

"Wake up, dumbass, dinner is ready!" Mike almost jumped out of his bed. Suddenly he was wide awake and his heart was thumping. His sister looked at him with a raised eyebrow but or once said nothing.

As he looked around, he saw that it was almost dark outside the window. Apparently, he had slept a lot longer than just the quick nap he had wanted to take. Yawning and closing his eyes he carefully stretched but to his relief not pain shot through his body.

When he opened his eyes again, he caught a glance of his sister leaving his room and... "Wait, that ain't right," the thought to himself and rushed after her.

Thump-thump-thump. There she was, jumping on one leg towards the stairs. Mike gaped at her. Had she read the book, he wondered. There was no way this had actually worked. But there was one way to find out. He rushed back to his desk, opened the book and hastily scribbled:

  1. Jessica can only refer to herself in the 3rd person.

Then, he stuffed the book and the pen into his pocket and went downstairs. When he entered the kitchen, a wonderful smell caught his attention. His mom was cooking dinner and stood with her back to him. He couldn't help but stare at her firm bum for a moment, then taring his eyes of his mother behind he went to the cupboard and began taking out dishes to set the table.

"There you are honey. Did you get a good rest?" his mother asked. "I didn't want to wake you, you seemed quite exhausted. But I also couldn't let you miss dinner."

"I'm fine, thanks mom." He gave her a warm smile. Then he took the dishes and made his way to the dining room. His sister was already there, lounging in one of the chairs, typing franticly on her mobile phone. "You wanna help, maybe, Jess?" he asked as he began placing plates and cutlery in their places.

"Nah, Jessica is good," his sister replied, not even looking up, as if nothing was odd about the way she had said it. Mike stopped and just stared at her. After a moment his sister looked up and asked "Why are you gaping at Jessica like that, weirdo?"

"Oh, nothing," Mike replied, trying to suppress a laugh. "I can't wait until mom hears her," he thought to himself, and kept on setting the table.

After some moments he heard footsteps behind him and his mom entered the room, carrying a steaming pot. She set it on the table and, with a big smile, exclaimed, "Well, dig in!"

They all sat down and then Jessica commented, "Smells real good mom, Jessica loves your meat balls." Mike stifled a burst of laughter and looked at his mom to not miss her reaction.

To his surprise she just smiled and replied, "I know honey, I made them just for you. I thought it might help you settle in a bit more."

Mike was stunned, maybe his mother hadn't noticed or thought his sister was trying to be funny. So, over the course of the dinner, he tried several times to draw her attention to his sister's odd behavior. But to no avail, no matter how often his sister talked about herself in the 3rd person, his mom did not seem to notice.

Finally, when his sister left the table and jumped out of the room on one leg with his mother not even raising an eyebrow, it became clear to him that to her everything seemed perfectly normal.

All throughout clearing the table and putting the dishes in the dishwasher Mike's mind was racing. A lot of possibilities had just opened up to him and he didn't know what he wanted to do. After bidding his mom a good night, he raced to his room and settled down at his desk. Then he took out the book and pen he still had in his pocket.

"First things first," he thought to himself and crossed out the first two rules he had written an hour ago. Sure, it was kind of funny to see his sister like that, but if he was the only one who thought it odd it was only half as funny.

He furrowed his brow in an effort to think what to do with this new found power. Then a mischievous smile spread on his face. He knew what he was going to do. He was going to pay back his sister, and he was going to enjoy himself while doing so. Feverishly he wrote into the book and before he finally laid down to sleep, he had produced the several new paragraphs:

  1. Jessica doesn't enjoy being mean to Mike.
  2. Jessica is sexually attracted to Mike but feels like she can't act on those feelings because she is afraid of being rejected by him and is uncertain how she feels about incest.
  3. Jessica tries to grab Mike's attention by dressing slutty.
  4. Monica feels it is her duty as a mother to give Mike a good show by dressing slutty for him in the house.
  5. When Mike uses the Phrase "don't you remember" Monica and Jessica will regard any attached statement as true and rationalize it.
  6. Monica doesn't want Jessica to know about her sexual relations with Mike, because she is afraid that Jessica would be appalled by incest.
  7. Monica is really bad at hiding her sexual relations with Mike from Jessica, though she doesn't realize it herself.
  8. Jessica secretly envies her mother for her sexual relation with Mike.
  9. Jessica will try to look as though she doesn't know what's happening, whenever she does notice Mike and Monica having sexual relations, because she doesn't know how to react.

The next morning Mike awoke with a raging hard on. He wasn't quite sure he hadn't just imagined the events of the day before but one look at his desk confirmed the reality of the situation, the book was still there, and so were his new rules.

Still wearing the shirt, he had slept in and his boxershorts he made his way down to the kitchen, clasping the book in his hand while his heart beat uncontrollably.

When he walked through the door his jaw dropped to the floor. There stood his mom, barefoot, wearing only hot pants and a crop top. Her ass almost fell out of her pants and when she turned around to give him a kiss on the cheek, he noticed she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Morning, sweety," she greeted him enthusiastically. But he didn't immediately answer. He couldn't. His eyes were glued to her tits. He noticed the nipples were slightly erect and poking through the shirt. His mom gave him a naughty smile

"I see my boy likes what he sees," she said with a flattered tone. "I picked the outfit out just for you this morning. But no touching, I am your mother after all!" She raised a finger to reinforce her point. "Now pick your chin up from the floor and help me set the table."

Winking at him she turned around and Mike managed to close his mouth and mutter, "Yes, ma'am," not quite believing it had actually worked. Then he smiled.

"Mom, you told me you like it when I touch you, don't you remember?" For a moment an expression of confusion settled on her face. Then her smile returned.

"Of course, silly me!" she scolded herself. "You can touch me how much you like. But do lay out the plates first, okay honey? You can play with mommies' boobies after." It was Mikes turn to smile and he grabbed a couple of plates from the shelves.

This morning he was exceptionally quick at setting the table, so when he was finally done, he silently stepped up behind his mother and slipped his hands beneath her top, cupping her large breasts in his hands. Mike heard a slight moan escape her lips and he could feel her nipples harden beneath his fingers.

He pressed himself against her while massaging her breasts and from time to time pinched one of her nipples. Every time a slight cry of joy escaped his mom but she just kept on preparing their breakfast like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Slowly he let one of his hands wander across her flat stomach and down into her pants while the other kept on playing with her nipples. His fingertips felt the curly hair of her unshaved bush and the heat radiating from her pussy.

"Mike!" she gasped. "Don't... don't you think this is taking it a little far? I... I am your mother after all," Monica whispered hesitatingly.

"But mom, you told me you enjoyed it when I fingered you," he whispered in her ear, "don't you remember?" With that, he slipped two fingers into his mother's pussy, feeling her moist warmness and her pussy walls contracting around his fingers.

"Ohhhhf course I remember, baby," his mom moaned, letting her head fall back onto his shoulder. Her eyes fell shut and she curled her lips into an ecstatic smile.

Mike grinned and began to fingerbang his mom, right there in the kitchen. As time went on, she slumped more and more into him and he kept on stimulating her nipples with his other hand, which by now could have probably cut glass.

Soon he felt her knees buckle and he caught her by the waist, keeping her upright while his other hand furiously pumped into her pussy. His mom suddenly turned her head and bit into his neck, not painfully, but enough to leave a mark, and he felt her suffocated cry of pleasure reverberating through him.

At that he felt his own member swelling and pressed it against his mom's bum. "Someone's... getting... excited," his mom gasped into his neck, still recovering from her orgasm. "Why don't you... go upstairs... and take care of business... mommy will wait with the breakfast for you." She turned her flushed face and gave him a warm motherly smile.

Mike returned her smile innocently and replied, "But mom, you usually blow me for breakfast, don't you remember?" Again, the confused look fluttered across her face, then her shoulder's slumped.

"I don't know what's wrong with me this morning, honey," she sighed with a cast down look. "I can't believe I forgot your breakfast blowies. I'm such a bad mother." A distraught look spread across her face.

Mike turned her around to face her and lifted her chin with one hand. "It's ok mom, you're probably just tired," he tried to comfort her. "Yesterday was pretty exhausting."

"Maybe you're right. But that's no excuse," she replied and sighed again. Then she looked at him with a naughty smile spreading on her face and said, "I promise I'll make it up to you at the table."

She reached for his hand and slipped his fingers, still covered in her pussy juice, into her mouth, slowly sucking on them and licking them clean. Mike almost pierced his boxers at the sight. Then his mother's face suddenly turned anxious. "But we can't let your sister know. I don't think she'd understand."

"Of course not, mom," Mike assured her, "we'll be sneaky about it." Then he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

As they carried the meal Monica had prepared into the dining room Mike heard his sister coming down the stairs and soon enough, she entered the room, wearing a mini skirt and a skin tight top. As her mother she wasn't wearing a bra this morning. Mike noticed she was gaping at his crotch and only then realized he was still sporting a hard on which was still visibly pitching a tant in his boxers.

He smiled inwardly, acting as though he hadn't noticed her gaze and sat down at the table. "Morning honey, did you sleep well last night?" his mom greeted her.

"Morning," his sister replied sleepily, "not so much, the creaking kept me up all night. I swear, this house is cursed, or ghosts are living here, something like that." She yawned and began shoveling scrambled eggs onto her plate. "And when I did finally fall asleep, I had some... strange dreams."

Mike again saw his sister shoot a look at his groin. His dick twitched at the thought of his sister dreaming of them together, doing all sorts of obscene things.

"I'm sorry honey. I'm sure you'll get used to it in no time," his mom replied and smiled at Jessica, then began to dig into her own breakfast.

Mike was unable to think about anything but what was about to happen next and barely touched any of his meal. After a few minutes of pushing his food around his plate he noticed his mom had more or less wolfed down her own portion. She gave him a wink, then proceeded to loudly drop her knife to the floor.

"Oh boy, ain't I the clumsy one this morning," she exclaimed and dove under the table. For a moment he heard her mumbling and cursing quietly. Then Mike felt a hand diving into the front of his boxers, and clasping around the shaft of his fully erect cock. He gave a surprised squeal and tried to cover it up by clearing his throat loudly. Undeterredly the hand pulled out his cock and suddenly he felt warm lips wrapping around his member.

He suppressed a moan and pushed his hips forward a little to give his mom better access. At the same time, he shoved a fork full of egg into his mouth and tried to pretend that his mom wasn't giving him a blowjob under the dinner table, while his sister was sitting only feet away.