House of Feathers Ch. 06: Predicament

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High tech fun.
3.3k words

Part 6 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/07/2017
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I was poking through the freezer in the pantry - my turn to make lunch - when I came across a small cardboard box I didn't recognize. Unlabeled and plain white, it was heavy for its size. I took it into the kitchen where there would be better light and placed it on the counter.

Inside was a series of gleaming metal cylinders in different sizes. The smallest were perhaps half an inch in diameter and an inch long, the largest the size of a large pocket torch battery. Each had a solid snap-hook in a loop at each end. The snap-hooks were moveable enough, but the loops were rock-solid.

The six objects were frosting up in the warmth and humidity. Closing the box, I poured two mugs of tea and went in search of the obvious source of answers. I found him in his lab, seated in front of a computer array. I leaned over and licked his ear in greeting, then replaced his empty mug with a full one. "Honey, what are these?"

His chair swivelled to face me, bringing his smiling lips within range of mine. An age later, he took the box from me and set it on the desk.

"Ice locks. They're made for the self-bondage set," he said, peering at them. "They come in two parts, one a hollow cylinder with thick walls and the other a snug-fitting piston that fits inside. You dunk them in water and put them in the freezer. When the water inside freezes, they're strong enough to hold a couple of pounds, but when the ice melts, they just fall apart."

"So why the different sizes?"

"The bigger ones are a bit stronger," he said. "But it's also a question of release time. The bigger ones take rather longer to thaw."

I smiled at the elegance of the idea and crouched down beside him, my head leaning on his shoulder. "I didn't know you were into this, hon. Some secret fetish you haven't mentioned? You can tell Mama." I reached down and hefted his pendulous balls.

His penis flopped as I did so. What a beautiful cock we shared!

"Not really. Bought them on a whim on that last conference trip and have been trying to think of what to do with them every since."

"Any ideas?"

"A few. Never really been a priority. Interested? Give me a bit."

"OK." I squeezed his scrotum gently while running my tongue over his lips, then rose to put the box back in the freezer.

He got engrossed in his thinking (not that unusual) and lunch was late. As he was clearing the dishes, he said, "I have an idea, but it'll take me a bit to set up."

"Can I help?" I asked. "Or is there an element of surprise?"

"No, thanks. I'm going to have to fill in the details as I go."

His scenes are worth waiting for and I had enough planned to fill my afternoon anyway.

"Let me know," I said. "I'll just be grading some essays." He nodded.

A couple of hours later, he knocked on the door frame to my office. My eyebrows rose in question and he nodded. I closed down my computer and followed him outside onto the veranda, overlooking the ocean.

"Some decisions have to be made," he intoned in his best Tim Curry voice. "First, who gets to be Played?"

I can be pretty selfish at times. I jumped up and down, right arm waving in the air, my breasts bouncing. "Sir! Sir! Me, please, Sir!"

He smiled and nodded. "OK, then. Next, shade or sun?"

I looked around. Today, mid-afternoon, was a hot one. Even slathered in sunblock, the heat would be a distraction from other things. As well, the hotter sun would speed up the ice locks. I waved my hand around us at the shade.

He smiled. "Give me a few minutes to finish. Bring a couple of cold drinks when you come, will you?"

When I returned with a pitcher of lemonade, I saw he'd been busy. A length of paracord had been run through a roof beam pulley in the shade under the broad veranda, then through a couple of other pulleys off to one side. Its centre end hung down to about six feet off the floor. Four other lengths hung from the ceiling off to the other side, each with a loop tied in the end.

We went through a lot of paracord in our house.

I helped myself, fastening cuffs on my ankles and wrists. This looked intriguing.

Off to one side on the floor was a row of four stainless steel mixing bowls of assorted sizes.

On a nearby table lay an arrangement of toys. My nipples perked up when I noticed his iPad-controlled vibrator set among them. Our small cooler bag stood beside them, along with a small broom and a spreader bar. Last in line was a pair of sandals I'd been talking about discarding. Each sandal now had a wire coming from its heel; Dr Frankenstein had obviously been busy.

He bowed formally. "Would milady care to take her place?"

I thought of curtseying in return, but our habitual and total lack of clothes at the villa made the idea silly. I simply nodded and stepped to the obvious position under the longest length of paracord.

He held my hands, clipped my wrist cuffs together in front. Then, lifting my tied hands to rest over his head on his shoulders, he began running his hands over me. I pulled him in and nibbled his lower lip, his beard tickling my chin. A fun few minutes, then he pulled back.

"We'll need to set up in a hurry so the locks won't melt too soon," he said.

I lifted my arms and his head ducked from between them.

Holding them up, he showed me the shoes. A small pressure pad had been hot-glued to the bottom of each heel. He slid them onto my feet, tightened the straps and then ran gentle fingertips up the insides of my legs, bottom to top. My pussy sucked in like a folding flower.

He opened the cooler and pulled out a large ice lock. "I ran into an issue," he said, fitting the cylinder into paracord leading through the arrangement of pulleys, thence to a meter-long wooden lever off to one side. "The lock itself isn't strong enough to hold you up by itself. But if we run the cord through a couple of pulleys and secure its end around the short end of a lever, it can hold a horse. Basic physics."

He adjusted the cord to my wrist cuffs so that I could stand upright without trouble, my arms stretched above my head. He fastened the spreader bar to my ankle cuffs, holding my feet well apart and exposing my inner thighs and womanhood.

I looked out to the sea waters surging below. Despite my position, I felt safe under his control - and very, very loved. So much trouble he'd gone to for me!

Moving swiftly, he clipped dangling vibrators on my nipples, just tight enough to hold them in place. Moving to the iPad, he touched the screen. He held it up to my eyes and I could read the setting at ALL, RANDOM. Nothing happened.

His cock was already hard in anticipation, swaying as he moved around.

How much fun it would be, I thought, to have a penis for a day. I loved being a woman, but just for a day, just to try it out, take it for a spin. As it were...

Peeing without having to wait in long lineups would be a treat, too, I mused.

"Step up on tiptoe to take pressure off the pads," he directed. I did so and immediately felt the vibrators on my breasts start, first one - softly, then the other, then both together - hard. Back and forth. Together. Stop. Start.

"Down," he ordered. The vibrations immediately stopped. I licked my lips - I could see how this one would play out. How long could I stand on my toes?

He reached for something I hadn't noticed, one of the microphone stands from his lab. Fastened to it was a large rabbit vibrator, a retrofitted wire antenna dangling from the back end.

Reaching for a bottle of lube, he went to spread some on the vibrator. "Don't bother," I said.

He looked up and then ran one tender finger over my sex. I was already dripping wet.

"Just trying to help," I grinned.

He grinned himself. "Me, too," he said, his finger gently massaging my clitoris and inner lips. I inhaled deeply. He came around in front of me and rubbed his stiff cock head between my labia. I leaned forward and we shared a long, passionate kiss. I tried to roll my pussy forward onto him, but hadn't enough wiggle room.

Pulling back, he adjusted the toy between my legs and slowly pushed it into my vagina until the rabbit ears just touched my clitoris.

He played with the screen on his iPad. "Up."

As I lifted up on my toes, the vibrator began pulsing, beads on the shaft swirling. I gasped.


Everything stopped, but the rabbit slid back in, filling me. That was something, at least.

He kept fiddling with the screen. I pouted. Let's not hold up the game, boy.

"Stand still." He made a small adjustment to the depth of the rabbit then quickly carried the cooler to each dangling rope in turn, snapping an ice lock on each like a dangling scrotum. He placed a tin bowl under each one.

Water began to condense on the locks.

"Up." he ordered. I rose to my toes and vibration started all over my body. The rabbit eased out of me, with just the vibrating tip now inside my lips. Damn!

"OK," he said. "Down now."

The rabbit slid back in, but the vibrations all stopped. I smiled. "I could wind up with very tired legs this way."

"Let's see if I can give you some more incentive," he said. He held up the locally-made whisk broom in front of me. Whirling, he smacked my bum, taking me by surprise.

The broom was made of thin twigs and was about two feet long and two inches thick. Essentially, it was just a roll of bristles with some more wrapped around one end to make a handle. The bristles were untrimmed, uneven. We'd Played with it before; it stung, but unless the wielder swung it really hard, it would do little else.

"Shit! That hurts!"

He looked at me for a moment, then smiled. "Maybe, but you're still down on your heels." He swung at the back of my thigh.

"Ow!" I yelped and stood back up on my toes. Despite my posture, the vibrators all remained asleep. I looked at him.

"They're set on Random," he reminded me. "Wait a second or two."

No sooner had he finished speaking than the one clipped to my right boob went off, briefly. Then the other. They faded to almost off, but the rabbit kicked in at the same time, a row of beads slowly turning just below my lips. A boob vibrator hummed on high, faded slowly, then spiked. I gasped.


A drop of water fell off an ice lock onto the metal bowl below.

"Jokers in the deck," he said, pointing to the dripping ice locks over the metal bowls. "Every time one unlocks, I flip a coin. It's 30 seconds of hard vibration or 30 seconds of spanking, regardless of your where toes are."

I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it all with the constantly-shifting pulsing. I could sense the first tiredness in my calves. "And this continues until...?"

He silently pointed at the large ice lock holding me upright.


I tried to lower just one foot. Everything stopped. The broom lashed across my left thigh. I yelped and stood back up. The random buzzing restarted, but the rabbit eased out of me. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, just enjoy.

"Thirsty?" he asked. I felt a glass of lemonade to my mouth.

"Yes, please." Even in the shade, it was hot. "Such a considerate torturer."

"We aim to please."

blimp! blimp!

The vibrations became more intense, more coordinated. I started breathing more rapidly.

The rabbit started humming more strongly and I bent my knees, trying to stretch my arms and push myself down on it. I must have triggered a foot switch, for it stopped dead. Swift flicks of the broom hit one side-boob, then rapidly the other. The blows were not harsh, but I still shrieked and rose up again. All of the vibrators restarted.


The vibrators all stopped. He leaned in, kissed me hard, lovingly fondled my sides and bum. I felt his hardness against my flank.


My eyes turned to see one of the steel bowls wobbling on its bottle and half of an ice lock rolling beside it on the floor.

He tucked the broom under his arm and picked a coin off the table. "Heads for the vibes, tails for a sore one," he said as he tossed it. It landed between my feet, where I couldn't quite see it.

That it had landed tails-up was immediately apparent as he began to lash out at with the broom. Gentler on boobs and pussy, harder elsewhere, the blows fell almost continuously, as fast as he could. I twisted, shook and wiggled frantically. I could feel the vibrator on one breast pulse and throb, sending my rock-hard nipple into a frenzy.

Holding the broom in his left hand now, he leaned in and caressed first one tender boob, then the other, with his right hand.


His finger trailed down to rest over my clitoris and he massaged it ever so lightly. I gasped, not realizing I was so close to coming.

blimp! blimp! blimp!

Another slash with the broom, a hard one, across my bum. I screamed a little, rose on my toes and all three vibes were pulsing together.

He put down the broom back on the table. Presumably the 30 seconds were up.

He reached for the table. I hadn't noticed our special feather, a flight feather from a Canadian bald eagle. With it, he started to stroke under one of my armpits. This was new. I squealed, laughed and tried to squirm away from it and stepped back. The damned vibrators stopped. Putting down the feather, he grabbed the broom and delivered hard slashes on the insides of each calf. My legs were tired and he managed to get a third blow in on my thigh before I could rise.


The vibrators began their dance. Trembling, I stood on tiptoe as my erogenous zones were teased by one, then two, then by all of them. I began to pant in my need of release. The damned things would never build up a rhythm long enough to let me cum. The feather stroked my lips, ears, stomach, breasts, legs.

My calves were tired. The rabbit tip buzzed, just barely touching me. I desperately wanted - needed - its full length inside me. I tried bending my knees, more carefully this time. It didn't work; the vibe shut down.


He ran his hands gently over my stomach and breasts, down along my flanks, back to my breasts. He hefted them then, grasping the vibrators, pulled on them gently. My nipples were pulled by the humming little pendants. I moaned in my frustration.


Another ice lock fell. He grinned and reached for the coin. It landed in his other hand.

"Lucky you," he grinned, looking at it. "Broom again."

"No way!" I wailed.


The first slash was across my hip. Circling me, he laid strokes on my aching calves, my thighs and my butt cheeks. He was laying them on as fast as he could, harder than normal. One rising slash caught my exposed rosebud and I shrieked.

His cock bobbed with each stroke. It was swollen, hard. This game had two players. I longed to sink to my knees and relieve it. I pulled on my wrists, but the ice lock remained solid as a rock. A backhand slash caught my bare mound and I screamed.


He raised his eyebrows. "12 seconds to go. You are lucky." He flipped the coin.


"30 seconds of heaven," he announced. "Stand down." My heels hit the floor, bringing relief to my burning calves. The rabbit slid in its full length. He poked at the screen with his finger. I stared at his erect, swollen member, its purple head.


The two boob-vibes started pulsing in unison. The rabbit burst off the starting blocks, pulsing, wobbling, humming on runaway. The beads whirled inside me and the rabbit ears gently flailed and teased my throbbing clit. I was panting, eyes screwed shut, all weight on my wrists cuffs, rapidly approaching my peak.



He groped one boob with a strong hand, hefting and bouncing it, then the other. I gritted my teeth at the brink...

Everything shut off.

blimp! blimp!

"Aaand... time's up," he announced, picking up the broom. Groaning, frustrated beyond belief, I rose on tiptoes before he laid on the first slash. My calves were on fire, but at least the dance of the vibrators restarted. One boob, then two boobs, then a dancing rabbit not quite seated inside my swollen and dripping labia.


He held the glass of lemonade to my lips. I gulped at it, almost ready to cry.


Suddenly, the largest ice lock finally released. The lever flipped, freeing the rope. My hands dropped free. I started to fall, but strong arms caught me around my waist.

Fumbling at the cuffs on my ankles, he pulled me loose from the spreader bar. The rabbit on it stand fell on its side; leaving it humming on the ground, he carried me inside the villa in his arms. I was fumbling for my pussy with one hand and his cock with the other when he brushed my hands aside and, leaning me against a wall, drove his erect manhood into my depths. I gasped, pumping my hips for release. "Pound me," I begged. "I need you! Hard!"

The orgasm within me built with his thrusting. He was clutching my ass, pumping like a rabbit himself, panting and groaning in his own desire.

Grinding my pelvis against his, I came like a skyrocket. Sharp, hot, it set fire to my pussy, thrashing like a hammer in my breasts. I put my weight on my heels and the bloody nipple vibrators went off again. I screamed, thought my head would explode.

"You!" I growled in his ear. "Now!" I bit his shoulder, hard.

I felt his cock begin to throb inside me as it slid back and forth. The head felt enormous, its rim distending my walls as he moved. I squeezed my pussy as hard as I could. He moaned, his head sagged against my shoulder. I came again, rounder this time. Its warmth filled my head and belly; tears filled my eyes. So good, so good. My nipples were glowing, a golden aura radiating from my entire body.

He went rigid, gasping for air. A moment later, he sagged, pulling me down slowly to the floor. I could feel the bamboo walls behind me flex under my ass as I slid down. Our mixed fluids oozed out around his still-pulsing pole. I could feel his heart beating against my chest. An enormous lethargy took me and sleep pulled at my eyelids.

I realized my wrists were still clipped together. Screw it, I thought, they'll wait.

They did.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Loved this

I had about eight ruined orgasms during and after reading this story last weekend. One of the best T&T stories I have ever read. thank you so much!

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