Hotel Exhibitionist Ch. 03


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Yes! she thought. For all the trials Robert had put her through that night she'd managed to win an opportunity to sell her company's products to one of its biggest potential customers.

"I will!" she said. "Good night, Samuel! Good night, Dan!"

She scampered away on quick, small steps, keeping her legs close together to minimize the risk the vibrator, getting looser and looser between her wet legs, might fall out onto the floor. Her purse was in one hand and her phone was in the other. It pinged again. She looked.

"Better hurry," Robert texted again.

She moved as fast as she could on small steps, weaving through the crowd and saying hi to people she knew as artfully as she could without stopping to chat with them. She saw Kristin, with her new boy toy Roger nearby, glare at Kymberly and scan the length of her body with her eyes. Kymberly wondered what she looked like.

Kymberly had pushed the limits of her exhibitionism today, and thrilled at doing so, but she was exhausted from nervousness at the unrelenting risk of exposure. She wanted to get back to her room, especially before Robert sent the next signal, which was bound to be imminent.

Just a minute later, walking briskly ahead of most of the throng of convention-goers leaving the ballroom, she reached the bank of elevators. One was open, thank goodness, and she didn't see anyone enter it ahead of her.

She didn't see the occupant of it until she was halfway in. It was one of the two men she had ridden with before, the ones that had checked her out after she had arrived at the hotel. It would look odd and unfriendly to back out of the elevator after already starting to enter it, so she kept going. She hoped Robert didn't set off the vibrator while she was in it.

"Hello again," said the man, giving her body a good, long, hungry look with his eyes. Obviously, he had spotted the headlights on her chest.

"I'm Chad," he said, initially holding out a hand but pulling it back when he saw her hands clutched to the phone and purse.

"Kymberly," she said.

"Nice to meet you, Kymberly," he said as the elevator doors closed. Kymberly was glad it wasn't full of people.

"Some friends and I are going out for some drinks in 15 minutes," Chad said. "Would you like to, umm, join us?"

"Thank you for the invitation," said Kymberly, "But I've had a long day and need to rest."

She had backed herself against the side of the elevator, opposite Chad, so he couldn't see the back of her dress. She still couldn't tell how noticeable the wetness was on the back of her dress. She still felt it.

Chad nodded at her in reply but said nothing. He looked at her pleasantly but a little uncertainly, awkwardly, even. He didn't have the demeanor typical of the smooth-talking salesmen that populated conferences like these.

The elevator suddenly gave out a groan and slight lurch. Then it stopped. She looked at the display over the door, and she saw that the elevator had stopped between the third and fourth floors. For the moment, at least, they were stuck.

Oh no, she thought.

She had no time to think any more about it, because the final wave from the vibrator came crashing into and against her. This time she had no reserves left to stem her body's submission to it. Her legs buckled and her butt fell back against the side of the elevator. Her fingers shook and the purse dropped to the floor. Her hand flew back and grabbed the railing on the side of the elevator to stop her from collapsing altogether to the ground. A long high-pitched moan and gasp escaped her lips.

Through fluttering eyes, she saw Chad looking at her in utter astonishment. His eyes held on hers at first, but then they swept down her convulsing body and stopped at her thighs, below her dress. She knew why.

Her body had been aroused too long, and she couldn't hold back. A hard, sustained orgasm swept through her, causing her body to buck back and forth involuntarily against the side of the elevator. Even more embarrassing, she squirted, something she seldom did. Wetness flowed from her, flooding down her legs and raining down on the elevator carpet between her feet.

The flood loosened the grip of the vibrator, and when her legs spasmed open in response to the orgasm the vibrator's grip finally gave way. She felt it fall out of her, and, looking down, she saw it hit the elevator floor with a chunky "plop."

She couldn't take her hand off the rail to do anything about it. She stood there, for what seemed like minutes, legs shaky and spread over the purple object on the floor, tremors still sweeping her body as she came down from the orgasm.

"My god," Chad said. He couldn't seem to say anything else, just kept sweeping his eyes up and down and all over her, diverting them briefly to look at the vibrator as though to confirm, yes, he really had just witnessed a vibrator falling out of a woman's pussy in an elevator.

In her not-fully-conscious state, Kymberly felt the phone ping again. She held it up to see Robert's message.

"Where are you?" he texted.

She didn't want to text Robert, but focusing on his message diverted her just slightly from the intense mortification of what had just happened in front of Chad. The elevator door still was stuck and there was nothing she could do to get away or hide herself. She couldn't make him unsee what he had just seen. Chad still was looking avidly at her body, but not moving.

She responded to Robert.

"Am in an elevator. It's stuck. A man just saw me orgasm. Vibrator on floor now."

"Wow," he texted back. "Are you turned on?"

What a crazy question to ask your wife in a situation like this, Kymberly thought. She had just orgasmed in the most embarrassing way possible in front of a man she didn't know, a man who nevertheless worked in her industry and could spread rumors about her, compromise her, maybe even ruin her.

But yes, a voice in her said. Despite all that, it was a turn on. She was turned on. She had been turned on all afternoon and evening, ever since Robert's games had begun. She was more aroused and excited than ever, standing, barely, in the elevator, in front of Chad, who was gaping at her.

"I am," she replied to her husband.

"Is he turned on?" he texted back.

She looked at Chad. He looked more surprised than anything, still, but she saw desire in his eyes. He held one hand loosely over a noticeable bulge at his crotch. He was trying to hide it, or to feel it; she couldn't tell which.

"Is that you husband . . . texting you?" Chad asked. He pointed. She nodded.

"I noticed your ring," Chad said. Then he pointed to the vibrator. "I've heard of those but I've never seen one. I had no idea they do that. My god."

She was still recovering from the orgasm and panting a little. She couldn't imagine what an out-of-control, slutty mess she must have looked like to Chad. But she found it turned her on.

"I don't think it does this to everybody," she said. "My husband put it on a very strong setting."

"I guess so," Chad said. He was stroking the bulge in his pants noticeably now.

"He is turned on," she texted back to Robert.

"Are you safe?" he texted her. "Does he look OK?"

"Yes, he looks like a nice guy," she texted back.

"Is the elevator still stuck?"

"Yes," she texted back.

"Good," he texted her.

"Give your phone to him. I'm going to send him a message. Then take the phone back. Give it to him now."

What did Robert have in mind? She wondered. His imagination never seemed to stop, and it always seemed to involve putting her in new risky situations.

Even so, she handed the phone to Chad.

"What's this?" Chad asked her.

"My husband is going to send you a message."

Chad's eyebrows furrowed with curiosity. He had to tear his eyes away from the dark-haired woman with the heaving breasts and wet legs to watch for the incoming message.

Kymberly heard the phone ping in Chad's hand. She saw Chad's eyes grow wide and his mouth open as he looked at the message.

"What does it say?" she asked him.

He approached her and held the phone in front of her face. She saw her husband's text message and her eyes widened as well.

"CUM ON HER," Robert's text said.

She took the phone back and she and Chad looked uncertainly at each other.

Robert had never taken their games this far before. He'd exposed her body to other men, but he had never let any other man have any sexual contact with her. Now he wanted that. 24 hours ago, Kymberly might have been reluctant, or even outraged. But now, after all that had happened already, Kymberly was more than willing to take yet another step. Her body, recently shaken and covered in her fluids, was like something new to her, something she hadn't experienced before. For all it had gone through, it wanted more. Her body hungered for more. She wasn't going to deny it.

If that's what you want, dear husband, she thought, that's what you're going to get.

Kymberly put her phone in her purse, and she dropped the purse to the floor. She sank slowly to the floor, her legs, now steadier than before, splayed to the side of her. She held her gaze on Chad's as she lowered herself.

"You better get started," she said with a husky voice when her butt had reached the elevator floor.

Chad looked like a guy who still was adjusting to the fact that this wasn't a crazy porn fantasy. It was really happening. A gorgeous woman was inviting him to cum on her.

He'd never done anything like this before. But he knew what to do.

He unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out. It was hard already and he had to pull his pants and underwear out and away to release it. When he did, it popped out straight and hard toward Kymberly's face. He took two steps closer to her.

Kymberly's legs were bent and spread, the heels of her black pumps dug into the elevator carpet. Kymberly put a hand on the hem of the short, and wet, red dress, and pulled it up. She pulled it up past her thighs, past her pussy, and up above her tummy. Then she put her other hand under her thigh, and she pulled her thigh back until one black heel clinked against the elevator wall. The bare, wet, waxed skin between her legs lay completely exposed to Chad now. She looked down and the lips of her pussy looked thick and wild, engorged by her arousal. They'd opened, as well, so Chad was getting a good view inside her.

Chad's fingers wrapped around his cock and began pumping it. His eyes feasted on everything Kymberly was showing him. Her thick, black-brown hair, unruly and cascading around her face and shoulders. Her dark brown, deep-set eyes. Her large, luscious breasts, tits peaking prominently through the red dress. Her well-defined tummy, obviously the result of many days in the gym. Most of all, the lush, luxurious lips of her pussy, peeled back for his view by the index and middle fingers of Kymberly's right hand, which had moved down from the hem of her dress. The inside of her pussy was on view, and it was pink and glistening with wetness in the light of the elevator.

They should have a name for that shade of pink, Chad thought. Pussy pink.

He had a nice cock, Kymberly thought. Not remarkably big, but maybe a little bigger than average, and she liked how thick and hard it looked as Chad stroked up and down on it. She didn't think it would take him long. But the elevator could start again at any moment, so she thought she'd do what she could to excite Chad further and to help him finish the job.

She began running fingers up and through and around the lips of her pussy. She spread them and mashed them and pushed them this way and that way with wet fingers.

With her other hand, she traced a circle lightly over her tummy.

"Cum here," she said. "Cum on my belly, right over my pussy."

Chad liked the thick fleshiness of her engorged pussy lips under her fingers, which moved them this way and that indiscriminately. He stepped closer to her. He knew it wouldn't take him long, and he wanted to make sure he came on her and not on the elevator floor.

Kymberly could see Chad getting close, and she felt, suddenly, that she might come again, too, despite having just finished a shattering orgasm minutes before. Her breathing sped up and her cheeks flushed and she started to pant again.

Chad couldn't take his eyes off the flesh of her pussy, mashed down and spread open by Kymberly's fingers.

Suddenly, Chad's back arched and he couldn't hold back. He stepped close to Kymberly and held his cock down, pointing directly at her open pussy. Cum shot out of his hard cock in fast, violent spurts. Kymberly looked with satisfaction at the thick streams of his cum frosting her thighs and tummy and spilling down between her legs into the raw, fleshy furrow of her sex. A few thick drops even landed right on the lips of her pussy. Kymberly's back arched against the elevator wall, and she came too, for the second time in the elevator in front of this man she barely knew.

She wanted to lie there, just lie there, and enjoy the afterglow of her orgasm and the sticky coating of Chad's cum. But she knew the elevator could start moving again at any minute. With her legs still apart and the dress still pulled up, she fished her phone of out her purse. She held it out with an unsteady hand to Chad.

"Take a photo of me," she said. "My husband will want to see this."

Chad took the phone with his left hand, his right hand being wet and sticky with his cum. That's some lucky husband, he thought.

He took a photo of Kymberly with her dress pulled up and ropes of his cum gleaming on the supple skin of her tummy and her thighs. The purple vibrator still lay on the floor between her lean, outstretched legs. The carpet between her legs was dark with the wetness that had poured out of her.

She held her hand out to reclaim the phone, and Chad gave it back to her. She looked at the photo and sent it to her husband. There was no mistaking the telltale translucent streams of another man's cum on her body.

"Amazing, baby," he texted her in a minute.

"You got that right," she texted back.

The phone pinged again.

"Have him put the vibrator back in you before you leave the elevator," Robert texted.

She wondered how far Robert wanted to push things. If Chad put the vibrator in her he almost certainly would touch her pussy. As crazy as it sounded, considering Chad's cum lay on her, that seemed like a boundary she didn't think she wanted to cross. She guessed Robert didn't want to cross it either, but that he wanted to push her as close to the boundary as he possibly could.

She scooped the purple vibrator off the floor and handed it to Chad.

"Can you put this back in me?" she asked sweetly.

He took it from her. It was sticky with her juices.

She stood up and pulled her dress up and spead her legs apart to make it easier for him.

The elevator groaned and lurched a bit. It seemed to be coming back to life.

"You better hurry," Kymberly said.

"I haven't done this before," he said with a sheepish smile.

"Just go with your gut," she said.

He held the vibrator and began pushing one end into her pussy. He pushed gingerly because her opening looked small for the size of the purple object, but it slipped in easily because of her wetness. Chad was fascinated to see it hold fast and clamp onto her clit and her opening. For just a second, one of his fingers holding the vibrator brushed against her exposed clitoris. But when the vibrator was fully in he pulled his hand away.

"You are such a gentleman," she said to Chad.

The elevator gave off a melodious tone and a sudden whoosh announced the opening of the elevator doors. Kymberly quickly smoothed her dress back into place. She gave Chad a quick kiss on the lips.

Before he could say anything or try to kiss her back, the doors opened. Three people stood waiting to enter, and Kymberly scampered past them fast, not looking them in the face. She hoped they wouldn't notice the sodden, sticky patch of carpet she had left behind on the elevator floor.

Chad got out too and looked after her.

"Would you like to stop by my room for a drink?" he asked.

Kymberly stopped and turned toward him.

"Sorry, I can't," she said. "Maybe another time."

She walked back to him as he stood there and the elevator doors closed on the threesome going down.

"That was nice," she said. "Just between us, right?"

"Of course," he said. "And . . . uh. . . your husband, of course."

"Of course," she said. "Good night, Chad."

As soon as she got to her room and closed the door behind her, Kymberly pulled off the red dress and the lace bra. She stood inside the door, naked except for high heels. Her body was damp and sticky with her sweat, her cum, and Chad's cum. Her room was dim, lit only by a single lamp at the side of her bed, turned on to a low setting.

The clock showed it was 10:30. Ordinarily, that wasn't late for Kymberly. But she was utterly and completely exhausted from the night's activities.

"Am back in my room," she texted Robert.

"No more games tonight, baby," she texted again. "I'm exhausted and need sleep."

"OK, baby," he texted. "Turn up the volume on your phone. I'm going to wake you early in the morning."

"Robert, what if I have plans for tomorrow?"

"You do have plans," Robert wrote. "My plans!"

"You are impossible," she texted.

"You wouldn't want me any other way," he texted back.

"Maybe," she texted. "I'm going to bed now, Robert. Good night."

"Good night, darling."

She put the phone down on the table next to her bed. Then she stood tall and statuesque, naked and in her heels, and she ran her hands down her body. Her body was sticky and still damp in places. Chad's cum, now mostly dry, lay over her taut belly and thighs in a thin, irregular crust. She should take a shower, she thought, but she was too tired from everything that had happened. She just wanted to crawl into bed. And she liked the feeling of being dirty. She wanted to take the feeling with her to bed.

She turned off the lamp next to the bed.

When the light went out, she noticed for the first time the glow of light coming from outside her hotel room window, which was wide open. The light came from the fourth-floor room in the building opposite hers. The light was dim and blue -- the glow from a television screen. At the window, she saw the tall silhouette of a man, standing and facing toward her room, hands up and on the edges of the window curtains. She couldn't see his face, but she knew he had been looking into her room.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Good story. How about Kristin finally figures things out and just decides to take over. In these stories I’ve never seen one where a 3rd person accidentally discovers the secret game and decides to start one of their own. Kimberley obviously doesn’t like Kristin so it’d be super delicious if Kristin would start giving her orders. Act like a drunk party girl and flash boobs. Wardrobe malfunctions, nude swimming in the hotel pool. Until finally Kristin tells her that she’ll be having fun with her from now on, as the 3rd person in Kristin’s one night stand 3 somes. Kim can keep her panties on tho but still can lapdance, kiss, get groped, give BJs, and keep him erect for Kristin to have fun

ukhidingukhiding3 months ago

One of the best1

MorevinilaMorevinila6 months ago

Mixed feelings -the writing is great and for this type of story, it serves its purpose - definitely 5 stars there but I'm a bit more reserved concerning the characters, both wife and husband. True Kimberly will not back out of a challenge and Robert is pushing her to her limits, like he wants to break her down. But to this point??? From hints set out since chapter 1, it looks like Robert has in fact a complete control of the situation, knowing exactly what is happening and when and maybe even triggering them (like the lift breakdown) but is that plausible? We really need a good dose of Coleridge's "willing suspension of disbelief" - And if I remember rightly, chapter 1 describes Robert as jealous - he wants people to watch but not touch - that's a remarkable change in character in just a few hours. All that said, I've enjoyed reading it, wondering what you will come up with finally - will Robert allow his wife to be fucked by one of the other characters: Blaine, Dan, Tony? And how does the rival Kristin fit into the picture; if the purpose is to get Kimberly mortified to the extreme, she will probably be catching Kimberly at some point

Marklynda2Marklynda27 months ago

Fortunately Samuel or Dan hadn't been the one in the elevator! A very well thought out and written story. I definitely look forward to reading more of your work. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination (memories?) and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Still watching for you to continue this story.

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