Hot Sand: Gilders Beach


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I smiled at Hanna and she smiled at me. It was cool to see her mind working, and to think about what was going on in there. She was totally into the slut thing, and it was kind of awesome.

About a week later I heard some sounds when I was passing by Hanna's closed bedroom door. I stopped to listen. The house was quiet, Mom and everybody else was gone. The sounds were Hanna's, clearing her throat and then quiet, sort of gurgly, and then clearing her throat again. Coughing once in a while. I knew exactly what it was — deep-throat practice with the dildo, maybe with the bigger one that she'd ordered. They were the unmistakable sounds Madison and Mia made when they deep-throated me and the other guys. I stood and listened for a minute, and then I went to my room and jerked off.

The summer flew by, and August arrived. Our weekend at the Gilders Beach house came at us and there was no turning back, not that Hanna or I wanted to. We wanted to make the most of our time there, so we told everybody there'd be a big party the first night, and there was. There was a whole new angle on it, though, because the super cool landlord guy, it turns out, is a drug dealer, too. Me, except for getting high on weed once in a while, I'd never been a drug user. It just doesn't mix well with sports. Coaches will jump down your throat about it, and there's drug tests to keep us honest. So yeah, I'd smoked a little weed in the summertime, but that's it. Hanna's done more than that, but I was never too clear on how much more. Turns out she likes mushrooms, the druggy kind, and when the landlord guy hinted that he might have some things available, she asked about "shrooms." He smiled and came back fifteen minutes later with a big ziplock bagful. Hanna told him there'd be eleven or twelve of us. He said, "These are excellent ones, I'd say two grams each'll be good for girls your size, and three grams for the bigger guys. That's sort of a medium dose, good for chillin' and not going full bore. You're definitely gonna want to take the full two or three gram dose, though, 'cuz a half dose is pretty boring. Each one of these is about a gram." He counted out thirty pieces on the kitchen table, and threw in quite a few extra. "I'll tell you what. I'm gonna go broke doing this, but I like making new customers happy. I'll give you this for a hundred bucks. Don't tell anyone though. That's crazy cheap."

Hanna thanked him and paid him for it. "My mom gave me food money," she said to him, smiling. "Mushrooms are food, right?"

"Totally," the guy said. "You guys need any weed or anything?"

"Our friends have some," Hanna said.

"Cool," he said as he left. "Just don't burn the place down, all right?"

About an hour later our friends started to arrive. Hanna and I both knew the score — all our friends from last time, except Madison, were going to be there. Trevon couldn't make it, but DeShawn and Darnell were coming. The twin Larson sisters weren't coming, but Hanna's friend Maria, a neighbor of ours, was supposedly coming. I'd thrown her name out there thinking there was no way, not because she's not cool, she is, but just because the thought of her at a sex party was sort of beyond belief. We'd lived just a couple houses away from Maria for our whole lives, and watching her grow up into a super sexy girl was sort of mind blowing. I don't know if I ever could have had a date with her — it's not so easy when you're two years younger — but ever since we've grown up she's been kind of shy around me, like she's interested, but the timing never worked out, with both of us in relationships now and then and stuff like that. And anyway, I don't know if I'd have the guts to ask her out. I get shy around her just like she does. One thing I was thinking about just before she arrived is that, since none of us have swimming pools in our neighborhood, I'd never seen her in a bathing suit before. Another neighbor told me once that he'd seen her when she was out suntanning in a bikini in her backyard, but I've never seen it, partly because I can't see her yard too well through all the trees. Her mother's hot, too; a Puerto Rican lady with a rockin' body and long hair, a lot like Maria's.

So that was the score — ten of us, at least for the first night's party, all of them spending the night as far as we knew. Hanna told me there was a "surprise," too, but I didn't know what that meant. Maybe Madison coming back? I doubted it, because she told me how busy she was going to be for the rest of the year.

It was funny to see Hanna get all shy when DeShawn and Darnell showed up. They're both tall guys with totally ripped bodies, both of them on the football team with me, both going on to play in college in the fall. Neither of them had shirts on when they got out of Darnell's car. Me and Hanna and some of the others were out on the crooked old front porch when they arrived. "This place is dope," DeShawn said, looking up at the big old house. "You got the whole thing?"

"Yeah, four bedrooms," I said. "There's a bunch of us, though, so it'll be, like three or four in a bed. Think you can handle it?"

"As long as it's not all dudes," he said. "Hanna, do I get to call whatever bed you're in?"

"Yup," Hanna said, watching him and Darnell walk to the front steps. "You both do."

"Damn!" Deshawn said.

I looked at her, surprised by her putting it out there like that. She had a funny look on her face, blushing again, with goosebumps on her arms and the rest of her, easy to see because she was already barefoot, wearing nothing but her little bikini.

Mia and Laura were both in their bikinis already, too. Like Hanna, they showed up with bikini tops and shorts on, but took the shorts off as soon as they threw their gear in one of the bedrooms. All three of them were new bikini's, ones I didn't see back in June, and all three of them were the tie-on kind, string bikinis I think you call them. Super sexy ones, too, kind of thin, letting their tits move and bounce. Hanna's is a full-on thong, and the other two are slightly less thongy but still showing lots of cheek. They're definitely three of the nicest asses from our high school.

Speaking of awesome asses, Maria pulled up just then, parking on the street, right behind Darnell's car. Even though Hanna had told me she was coming, it still amazed me that she was suddenly there, stepping out of her car as Hanna ran over to hug her. They were never the best of friends, just sort of casual ones, so I don't know how Hanna sold her on the idea of coming to our party.

Blake and Seth were already there, on the porch with us, watching. "Damn!" Blake said quietly. "Who the fuck is that? "

"My neighbor Maria," I said. "Don't you remember her? She was a year ahead of Hanna."

"Oh, fuck!" he said. "Maria Cruz? Fuck! "

Worried that Maria had heard him, I was suddenly freaking out, thinking she'd think me and my friends are immature dorks. "Chill, dude," I said quietly. "Don't be fuckin' scaring her away."

"No, man, I'm chill," he said, but he still had a wild look in his eyes.

Maria, carrying a soft backpack, slung it over her shoulder when she walked up onto the porch. "Hi Mikey," she said.

I said hi but just stood there. "Give her a hug, doof," Hanna said, hitting me with the nickname she used to call me when we were dorky kids.

"Doof," Maria said, smiling at me. "I haven't heard that in a while. You outgrew it, I think." She moved to me and I moved to her. Hugging her was like a small dream come true. She held on to me a few seconds longer than I expected, which was nice, and she said, "You outgrew everything, I think."

I was trying to figure out what she meant by that when she backed away, her eyes staying on my chest and arms for a second or two. I guess maybe that was it — I'd grown tall and muscly, and I think she liked it. Or maybe not. Maybe it was wishful thinking.

Inside the house, in the old-fashioned kitchen, we popped the caps on a bunch of beers and made sure everybody knew everybody else. "Wanna put on your suit, Maria?" Hanna asked.

"Are we going to the beach?"

"Maybe not till tomorrow," Hanna said. "It's just fun. I thought we could all do bikinis tonight, and none of these guys like to wear shirts anyways, so..."

Maria didn't say anything. She shrugged and said "Okay," sort of shyly and quietly. I began to wonder just how much Hanna had told her about last time. Was my sister being sneaky, trying to ease Maria into something unexpected? Hanna used to do that a lot when we were kids, so it wouldn't have surprised me.

"Upstairs?" Maria said.

Hanna went to her. "Yup. I'll show you." They were halfway up the stairs when I heard a knock at the door. Hanna yelled, "That's your surprise, Mikey. Answer it."

I only had to walk into the living room to see who was outside the screen door, and it was a surprise that blew my mind. It was Amber Anklin standing there, my older brother's ex-girlfriend. I hadn't seen her in two years, and the view through the screen was all it took to fill my horny mind with memories. With super blond almost white hair, and a crazy hot Jennifer McCarthy body, Amber is the the girl who turned me into a crazed masturbator when I was fourteen. It went on for two years. I swear to god she's responsible for, like, ten layers of skin being worn off my dick. And by that time, when she was suddenly gone, Maria was super hot, right up the street, so that skin just kept getting worn away.

Amber, smiling brightly, opened the screen door before I got to it. "Mikey!" she said. "Oh my God, you look so much like your brother! You're in way better shape, though. Do you spend all your time at the gym?" She dropped her small duffel bag on the floor. "Come here! You damn well better hug me."

I did, and she felt soft and warm and awesome.

"What's it been, a couple years since we've seen each other?" she said. "I see Hanna now and then, mostly at Starbucks. Does she tell you I always ask about you and say hi?"

"Yeah, she tells me," I said, the first words I could manage.

"Oh my God, you grew, like, a foot!" she said. "You were sixteen, right, when Danny and I split up?"

"Yeah," I said. "I...really missed you, after."

Amber was still hugging me, but she let me loose and looked me over from head to toe. "Wow," she said. "Eighteen, now, huh? I used to think of you as my little brother, but...yeah, I'm gonna have to re-think that one." Her mouth curled into a sexy smirk. "Hanna tells me you guys get wild here. What's that all about? No girlfriend? Burning off some steam, or what? She's not corrupting you, is she?"

"Hanna? No!" I said.

"I'm just kidding," Amber said. "I'm really glad I ran into her. I just broke up with another guy. Actually it was, like, two months ago. It's been a boring summer. I'm really glad to be here."

"Yeah, I'm really glad, too," I said, still stunned to see her.

"So how's Danny doing in Florida? Hanna tells me, but what's your perspective?"

"Oh, shit, I don't know. Good, I guess. He likes it there."

"Yeah," she said. "You know, honestly, I miss your family more than I miss him. You guys, and your mom and dad. Your dad had the hots for me. I used to wear certain clothes over to your house, just to tease him, and tease you and your other brothers, too, I guess. That's part of why Danny dumped me. I think he wanted a girl who's not slutty."

"Really? I never would have guessed that," I said.

"What, the teasing you part, or the Danny part?"

"The Danny part."

Hanna ran down the stairs. "I'm so glad you came!" she said, hugging Amber. "I wasn't sure if you know...serious."

"About coming to your orgy? I wouldn't miss it, kid."

Maria was standing there, after coming down the stairs at a normal speed. The word "orgy" seemed to cut through the air and linger, and my concern over Maria not knowing what she was getting into gave me a hit of goosebumpy tingles. Before I could figure anything out the voices in the kitchen got closer. All the partiers were converging, and Hanna was introducing people.

"Holy fuck, you're not messing around, girl!" Amber said to Hanna. "Look at these guys!"

"They're all Mikey's friends, from his two teams mostly."

"I'm not," Seth said. "I'm the non-jock."

"There's one more guy coming later," Hanna said to Amber. "Want to put your stuff upstairs?"

As I watched Amber climb the stairs, memories of her awesome ass flooded back to me.

"Damn, dude!" DeShawn said when she was out of sight. "She's major key! How old is she?

"I don't know. Twenty-four, twenty-five maybe."

"This is sick dude! If this night goes down like you were saying..."

I felt kind of stunned, with Maria standing there in an awesome bikini, Amber in the house, and Mia and Laura looking amazing their new little string bikinis. It was overwhelming to think about it all. "Yeah, it's...I don't even know anymore," I said. "Hanna's definitely in charge of this one." My eyes were drawn to Maria. She smiled shyly. "You want a beer or something Maria? I need to find mine."

"Sure," she said, glad, I think, to follow me into the empty, quiet kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of beer from the big cooler and popped it open. "I remember her, when she was with Danny."

"Amber? Yeah, she's great," I said. "We were all bummed when they broke up."

"It's...interesting that she's here," Maria said, sipping on her beer, her eyes twinkling at me.

"I know," I said. "Hanna...didn't even tell me. She said somebody else was coming, but..."

"Oh, wow," Maria said, "That's like, a seriously good sister, right? Did you have a crush on her?"

"Amber? Yeah, I guess. I mean yeah, how could I not, you know?"

Maria sipped on her beer, nodding.

"So I gotta ask," I said, "what did Hanna tell you about this weekend? I's interesting that you're here, too."

"Is it?" Maria said. "I hope she didn't lie to me. She told me you asked...for me to come."

I totally choked and didn't know what to say. Maria looked shy, almost embarrassed. It's a look that looks good on her, but all looks look good on her, especially in that bikini. I knew I had to say something, so I said, "Yeah, it's chill that you're here. I'm really glad."

Maria still looked shy, but her embarrassment changed into a sweet smile. She said, "You're worried I don't know, aren't you. But I do." The sweet smile stayed, and she blushed, a dark cherry color because of her dark complexion that was tanned even darker. She looked crazy hot standing there, with her black hair, her dark eyes, and whatever was going on in her head.

I said, "You mean, Hanna told you about...last time we were here?"

Maria nodded. Her eyes were all twinkly, but I could tell she was feeling too shy to talk about what Hanna had told her. I had a super strong urge to take her hand, go upstairs with her and have a quiet talk about it, to see what talking with her about sex would lead to, but I didn't. I heard Amber coming back downstairs, probably in a bikini, and I couldn't walk away from that. And anyway, Maria told me what she wanted to tell me, just with her eyes. She knew it was an orgy party, and she was there willingly, because she'd heard that I'd asked for her to be there. What more did I need to know?

We went back to the living room where everyone was just hanging out, talking, getting to know each other either for the first time or again. Amber was talking to DeShawn and Darnell, looking even blonder near their handsome blackness. They're good looking guys, with ink on their big arms and chests, and Amber was smiling.

One time, about three years ago, I heard my grandpa say Amber was "voluptuous," and my mom got mad. My dad agreed with my grandpa, and Mom got madder. She probably would have been mad at me, too, but I was outside the kitchen door and they didn't know I could hear them. I didn't know what voluptuous meant, but when I looked it up I learned that it means big titted, soft and super curvy, but not fat. I guess back a couple hundred years ago it meant fat, too, but not so much now. If I had to sort of categorize it, I'd say it's what men think is sort of perfect, especially if Grandpa, Dad, my brothers and me, and all the men who ever saw Amber when she was with us are anything to go by. She even went on vacation with us once, wearing bikinis and stuff, and it was pretty funny watching all the men, Dad and Grandpa too, taking looks at her without being rude about it. Of course some men stared. It's kind of hard not to.

I was doing it — staring a little bit — when she was talking to DeShawn and Darnell about football. "You've got the same name as that quarterback Deshawn Watson," she said. "That's cool."

"Yeah, but he spells it different," Deshawn said.

"Oh," Amber said. "But you're built like him. How tall are you?"

It was just her being there with us that made me stare, probably, but her bikini had a lot to do with it, too. It's one that's sort of a shiny white color that's halfway transparent, enough that her nipples show through, big, oversized pink ones that are even more amazing than what I had dreamed she looked like back when I was younger. The white color of the bikini really showed nice on her tan skin, and I could even tell that she had tan lines under it, from wearing bikinis that were maybe a little bit different. She probably doesn't wear this one everywhere because it's so see-through. The bottom is just a little triangle in front, over her pussy, with strings that tie at her hips. The ass part is just like the front, just a little triangle at the top of her crack, and a whole lot of cheek down below. My mom wouldn't like that bikini at all, but I'm pretty sure Dad and Grandpa would.

"When is Jared coming?" Mia asked.

"About an hour, maybe," Blake said.

"Seth, pass your pipe around," Hanna said. "Let's get high. DeShawn, did you bring the tunes?"

"Yeah, I brought it." He dug around in the duffel he'd left over by the door and pulled out a wireless speaker. It went right in the middle of the beat-up dark wood coffee table in front of the couch. He sat there, scrolled through some files on his phone, and suddenly it was a party, with hip hop throbbing into the room like a heartbeat.

"Fuck yeah," Hanna said, the first one to start dancing. Mia and Laura joined her, and Darnell was right in there, already bumping and grinding with the girls.

"We should get pizza while we're waiting for Jared," Hanna announced as she danced. "Mikey, call that place and order, like, ten."

I called, and the woman on the phone said they'd be ready in half an hour. We passed the pipe around, everyone pitched in money for the food, and me and Hanna walked to the end of the block to the pizza place, her in her bikini, me without a shirt, both of us barefoot.

"You're not supposed to be in here like that," the woman behind the counter said, pointing at the 'No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service' sign in the window. "You picking up?"

"Yeah, I just called for ten pizzas," I said.

"Oh. They'll be out in a few minutes," she said, looking us over. "Are you on vacation?"

"Sort of," Hanna said.

"You should know that the cops are pretty strict around here, about 'no shirt no shoes', but especially about DWI and driving stoned."

"Oh, wow," Hanna said, sounding even more stoned that she did just a minute ago. "Can you tell?"

The woman smiled and nodded.

"We're not driving," I said. "We're at a house down the block."

"Oh, okay," the woman said. "Well, next time, put on a shirt and wear shoes for me, so you don't get me in trouble."

"Yeah, for sure," Hanna said.

We sat at a booth and watched the woman work. I guess it was because I was nice and high that I was so zoned in on her, noticing everything about her and the things she was doing. She's an Italian woman, complete with an accent, with short almost-black hair that's cut a little bit like my aunt's. She wore a gray dress with the name and logo of the pizza place embroidered on one side of the chest. The restaurant was small, hotter than the warm outdoors, and she was sweating, her skin all shiny from the heat of the big pizza ovens, tarnished-silver-colored ones that weren't far away from her. Her dress was stained with a few grease smears, and smudged and spattered with white flour. I wondered why she didn't wear an apron like my mom does, but maybe it was because it was so hot in there. Yeah, that's probably it, I thought, and it's probably why the front of her dress is unbuttoned maybe more than somebody else would do it.