Home Learning for My Son

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My son studies hard but what does he know of life?
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My Jimmy was being a typically withdrawn teenager.

I let my mind wander over the years as I thought about him.

He'd been a lovely child to bring up; always polite and thoughtful, helpful and loving and there were times when I'd seriously considered producing another child to keep him company. But then the idea had faded as I'd grown to enjoy 'his' company; the contact between us being warm and loving although not cloying.

Jimmy sailed through his school years with remarkably few ripples and his life always seemed to be full – but as time had gone on he'd become less involved with others – presumably, I guessed, because he had to work hard to study effectively. His early days of learning had been easy whereas now the lessons were tougher and more demanding. But he'd kept going at a steady if unexciting rate, grinding out the years of learning.

Sure he was diligent enough to go to college and to study hard but that seemed to be about the limit of his current capabilities. It was fairly obvious that he'd eventually leave college with enough skills to find himself a job but I just knew that it would be a fairly average job – he gave no indication of becoming a whiz-kid or a high-flyer – on the contrary, he currently seemed to aiming at becoming a recluse.

Jimmy needed something to drive him forward; something to turn him into a proper adult and one of those things was a need to communicate.

In many ways he was a normal teenager and yet he seldom seemed to be surrounded by friends, not even girls. Instead of partying constantly he seemed to prefer to stay at home, alone.

For example, while he studied he shut himself in his room, quietly and peacefully. At least he didn't seem to smoke or do drugs and seemed to work hard at his studies. So far so good but his social life just didn't seem to exist and it was pretty obvious to me that when he left studying behind, his social skills would remain at rock-bottom. It most probably would come about that he'd get a job eventually, but he'd never know how to act around other people and he'd even told me that it was hard to make friends with fellow students. It wasn't that he was stupid or in any way defective but he seemed to have spent too much time joined at the hip to his books and his studies.

He needed to diversify; to mix studying with emotional and social development – but how...

I sat that evening and mulled the problem; one that many a mother must have faced.

As a single mom in my early-40s I was mature enough to have kind of 'been there – done that' as they say. I'd survived college and the partying and come out unscathed, entering the world of commerce as a designer and lifestyle-planner – a strange title perhaps but basically I used my innate skills and combined my eye for a good design with a psychiatric remodelling of my client's life; his or her way of living – a touch of feng shui perhaps, that seemed to work.

With my help, their home would look fantastic and their life would become more complete, more relaxing and probably more financially stable as well. Or that's more or less what I offered and it worked for me – certainly I was never short of customers, all of them willing to pay good money for my skills.

And so I always dressed alluringly and tried to look affluent and it seemed to work; well, that and my ability to twist men around my little finger and now I was more or less where I wanted to be; head of my own (albeit relatively small) business and head of my own family. Perhaps I could use some of my skills to help Jimmy.

I'll be honest and say that the only reason that I brought a man into my life was to get pregnant – well, that and the other benefits that a nice big strong penis can bring to a woman when needed, of course! Mind you, once I'd bought some rather interesting vibrators even the allure of a penis waned somewhat.

I'd caught with my baby within three months of my first steady 'fling', timing my pregnancy to suit myself so that I carried my son during the winter months rather than the hot summer. And I ended my relationship with my partner once his sperm had successfully met my egg – my own income being quite adequate to see me through my child's upbringing.

It was a good set-up so far as I was concerned; the one irritation being that I had no regular man to soothe my itches for a number of years but once those first few year of motherhood had passed I soon found men once more; but only for sexual pleasures and entertainment. My growing son gave me all the entertainment and amusement I needed otherwise...

And so here we were, some eighteen years down the line. I'm older now; well, I'm 42 this year and Jimmy was 18 this last spring and he's done well enough so far. Jimmy obviously has many of his father's good genes; a tall frame with enough flesh on his bones to pad him out nicely. He's blond with blue eyes and yes, I'll admit that his father had Nordic connections – hence the similarity. He's still got a fair few of my genes; those cheeky smiling eyes that I apparently have for example but I'm pleased to say that my lips are plumper than his and I have more of a cupid's bow shape to my lips than he does.

Jimmy also has grown a scattering of hairs on his chest but thank God I haven't! Instead I carry a proud pair of nice smooth well-padded boobs, well, breasts seems to be the better word and sizeable ones they are too! I'm a 38C up top and I often snigger to myself when I get aroused because I swear that I become a 40C thanks to my finger-tip sized nipples that stick out so eloquently. Mind you, they can feel a tad heavy sometimes but I absolutely love the way a gentle swaying of my breasts can cause men to lose their minds – to become pliant and malleable; to agree to almost anything! Talk about mind control – its tit control actually and it makes me laugh sometimes!

Ok – occasionally the tits don't work, in which case I only need to adjust my stockings on my long legs or allow my ass to roll – something akin to what they call twerking and the man is mine. Shallow creatures – but so useful!!

Speaking of useful, it's not just their strength and occasionally their 'clout' that's useful, it's their third leg, their cocks, that I find so enjoyable. There's nothing nicer than to have one of their steaming hot tools pressing me into the mattress or for one to be pointing skyward for me to sink down onto as far as I want it to go. Makes me squirm and get wet just thinking about it...

And it looks as if Jimmy's tool will match some of those instruments too – some young female will appreciate his extendable chunk of flesh one day. How do I know that he's well equipped? Well, because I've seen it hanging there in his shorts; visible when he hadn't realised...and I can't help my wandering eyes!

Sorry – I've been digressing...

Anyway, the day when he gets some female going seems far off, if Jimmy's dour lack of interest in anything female or even just human is anything to go by, which is where I need to come in. Someone somewhere needs to teach him a fair bit about interactions with the opposite sex...a birds-and-bees talk is looming.

Oh, don't tell me that I should have done it many years ago – because I did. He and I had gone through the usual words when he was just entering puberty but although he understood well enough, it didn't mean a whole lot to him then – how's a young man supposed to comprehend things like orgasms, pregnancy and diseases when he's never come across any of them? So we'd covered his development and other embarrassing things and left it at that with me planning to update him some years later...and now was the time.

It was one peaceful evening in July that the moment struck. I'd had a busy week and had managed to find myself free of all business and social commitments that late Friday afternoon and realised that Jimmy was still in his room as usual. His academic year was at an end too so he had time to relax, or at least he should be relaxing – and who better to relax with than his mother. All of which said to me that I could use the occasion to sit down with him to check out his sexual awareness, to bring him up-to-date so to speak and to see if I could help with his social life too.

I stood up and stretched as I considered how I should behave; should I be just his mother or should I act like a potential girlfriend or even as a healthcare advisor... Sometimes a change of mood helps.

My stretching did two things though. Firstly as I pulled my shoulders straight it caused my breasts to rise and tighten; the movement of my skin on my bra making the shape of my nipples visible and secondly my pussy seemed to twitch and spasm as my thighs moved together. I grumbled to myself as I realised that I'd not been laid for some six months and then chuckled as I realised that just the thought of talking to a young man about sex was enough to arouse me.

I smoothed my short skirt and my thin top – neither action doing anything to calm me down – then headed down to my son's bedroom, a huge breath of anticipation filling and emptying my lungs.

"Oh well, here goes!" I muttered to myself as I gathered my wits about me outside his door.

I was about to knock when I heard a noise inside and I stopped; my hand raised and ready to knock but poised as I listened.

There was a conversation going on or at least some indistinct talking and for a moment I thought that Jimmy had sneaked a girl into his room but then I realised that he was watching his TV.

"I thought you said you'd be studying," I said to myself, "Still, I guess you can't just read all the time..."

Assuming that I'd only be interrupting a program rather than some complex learning material I knocked, turned the knob and pushed open the door all at the same time, stepping into his room moments later. Immediately there were scenes of frantic chaos from the other side of the room.

"MoOoOoOommmm! Get out!" Jimmy howled; his arms and legs in wild action, his cry indignant and frantic, "Get out of here!"

I froze, not so much from his words but from the somewhat unexpected sight before me.

Jimmy's bed was against the opposite wall of his room so he was facing the door. He was stretched out on his side on his bed with his trousers around his knees. Frantically he was trying to pull them up, to hide what was apparently incriminating evidence and to do ten other things all at once – and succeeding with none of them.

But one thing he had succeeded in doing, probably inadvertently, was to push his bedside table away from the bed and it had spun around on its castor wheels, revealing to me the screen of his laptop. Initially I could see naked bodies writhing on the screen then the picture suddenly changing to a close-up of a shaven wet pussy that was being held wide open. He was watching porn!

Quickly my eyes absorbed the other sights, seeing Jimmy's panicking efforts at covering up and spotting several inches of what looked to be a very stiff erection sticking out beside his groping, clawing hand as he strove to pull his underwear over his exposure.

"Moooommmm – go away, go away!" he cried, "You're supposed to knock first!"

"Sorry – sorry! Oh Jimmy, calm it darling, I'm sorry," I breathed quickly, my voice all soothing and friendly, "You don't have to panic – I'm not going to do anything."

"Yeah but..." groaned Jimmy as he finally managed to tuck his erection back inside his underpants, "Oh Mooommm, it's not fair!"

"I told you, relax," I said, still not leaving the room, still absorbed by the erotic sight that I'd briefly enjoyed and still determined to stick by my plans, "And actually what I've just seen is exactly what I wanted to see you about."

"Eh?" answered Jimmy, his hands now still, "What d'you mean?"

I'd slowly walked across the room as I'd spoken until now I was quite close to the bed. The video was still playing and the participants were still fucking and sucking merrily, their words foreign, rather unclear and stilted.

"That," I said as I pointed at the screen, "Sex actually – that's what I came to talk to you about, but it looks as if you know a fair bit about it already, don't you?"

Jimmy was silent although his head seemed to nod slightly.

"The trouble with those porn videos is that they often dub in the voices," I pointed out as I attempted to take away some of the stress, "The dialogue's usually crap even if the action can be pretty good! They're better with the sound off in my opinion and then perhaps you'd have heard me coming too."

Jimmy looked a little less flustered now even though his trousers were still around his thighs and his hands were still over his groin – the fact that I could look at porn without getting all shirty was settling him down a little, so I continued.

"The other trouble with those films is that they're professional actors; they're hardly real people," I said as I sat down on the side of his bed, "I mean for example, how many normal guys have a cock as big as that one?"

I waved towards the offending appendage that now filled the screen, some eight or nine inches of thick muscle that glowed with slippery juices and smooth skin. It was hairless and as I watched the camera panned away to show a pair of large crinkly balls, full-sized sacks full of baby sperms all waiting their turn. A woman's hand wrapped itself around the shaft and I fell silent as I awaited more on-screen action...

'Stop it!' I commanded myself and my brain quickly snapped back to my surroundings.

"Umm, where was I?" I began as I gathered my senses again, "Oh yes, so I thought it was time we had a good talk Jimmy darling, otherwise I'm not doing my job properly, am I?"

Jimmy just continued to look perplexed so I continued...

"You probably remember that we had a little chat about sex when you were younger," I said, a warmth beginning to rise inside my body, "So it makes sense to sort of bring you up-to-date, doesn't it?"

"Why – what on earth for?" answered Jimmy.

"Oh Jimmy," I groaned theatrically, "Just because you can watch porn doesn't mean that you're all grown up; there's so much more that you need to know about."

"Yeah, but I'll find out as I go won't I?" answered Jimmy who still looked rather tense, "It's like learning – you do it bit by bit don't you."

"Of course you will," I returned, "But think of something complicated, umm, calculus for example – unless you know how the basics works you'll never understand it properly."

"Errr yeah," said Jimmy, "I sort of see where you're coming from – so what were you going to teach me then?"

Damn – I'd hardly thought of a plan of action – there was just this motherly instinct to talk to him about sex inside me and now I urgently needed to plan my approach.

Quickly I made a decision; I really needed to do more than just talk. They say that a picture speaks a thousand words; therefore a live demonstration can explain things even more eloquently and if we were going to talk about sex then a certain amount of exposure might be necessary.

"Ok," I began, "First of all, is it alright with you if I sit here on the bed while we talk?"

"Guess so Mom," said Jimmy, still looking a bit wary as he edged as far from me as possible.

"Good, that's ok then," I answered, "And you look completely uncomfortable with your jeans around your knees – just push them off, ok."

Not really waiting for Jimmy to decide I reached out and pulled at them – just as Jimmy tried to do the opposite. For a moment or two there was a wrestling match until I glared at him, my look sufficiently hard to make Jimmy let go. A few moments later and I was folding his jeans and placing them on his chair leaving Jimmy in just his boxers.

"There, that's better, isn't it?" I said but Jimmy shook his head.

"You're joking Mom," he answered, "I'm all exposed – you can see me – I feel naked!"

"Huh – you're not naked," I huffed, "You often wander around in shorts; I've seen your legs before – so what!"

"Not when I'm on my bed," said Jimmy, his hand still over his groin, "Anyway, it ought to be tit-for-tat – you should take your skirt off as well Mom."

I could perhaps see his reasoning but there was no chance that I was going to uncover my nether regions.

"No way – that wouldn't be fair," I replied, "You've got your boxers on – they hide almost everything; my undies are much more revealing."

"Oh go on Mom, don't be rotten," said Jimmy, "I won't look, honest I won't."

"No – I don't think so," I said firmly, my lips tight.

"Well, just push your skirt up so you show your legs like I am then, that would be fairer, wouldn't it?" said Jimmy.

"Oh, I suppose so," I answered, letting out a long breath and not entirely certain that this should be happening.

I stood up and eased my skirt up, gradually collecting it up around my waist until it was not much more than a wide band of material. I sat down again and as I did so my movement sent my skirt riding up to gather over my ass.

"Damn!" I exclaimed, "Oh well..."

I let my eyes drop, now realising that I'd pushed it a bit too far – that my knicker-clad ass was now on his bed and that from where I was, I could even see the bulge of my pussy.

"Oooh Mom, yeah, leave it like that. That's better!" said Jimmy, now looking somewhat happier, "You've got nice legs, haven't you?"

His words unlocked my mind from my exposure and I smiled at Jimmy as I enjoyed his praise. I ran my hands down my smooth tanned thighs and back up again but as I slid them up, somehow I found myself moving my fingers over the inside of my thighs and immediately there was a growing warming feeling in my pussy; a delicious quickening of arousal that hadn't been intended.

I whipped my hands away and somehow ended up with them virtually cupping my breasts. Almost in panic I tore them away again and placed them back on my thighs while doing my best to calm down the rising heat and excitement, but it wasn't working – the touch of my own hands was driving wicked thoughts into my brain.

"You are not getting aroused, are you?" I asked myself under my breath, "Calm down, you silly woman!"

"What was that Mom?" asked Jimmy, "Were you talking to me?"

"No – no Jimmy – it's just me," I flustered, "It's not going to be easy to talk about sex – I hardly know where to start – no, I don't mean that I don't know about sex, it's just how to get started that I don't know."

Jimmy was silent as he waited for me to speak again and in those few moments I could feel my heart hammering, my blood pounding, my breathing shallow and quick. I managed to look at Jimmy, taking in his masculine frame and some muscular development that I hadn't really noticed before. My eyes swept down his body before coming to rest on his hands which were still cupping his sex – and at that moment I realised that he was actually moving his hands. His movements were slow and small but he actually seemed to be playing with himself!

"You're not..." I spluttered, my hands waving towards his groin, "What on earth are you doing?"

"I can't help it Mom," Jimmy said, his eyes looking everywhere except at me, "You're making me..."

"Well bloody well stop it!" I said as indignantly as I could, "I'm your mother for heaven's sake."

"It's your – it's your legs," Jimmy managed to say, his hands now rigid claws over his groin, "And your skirt – and your knickers..."

"Oh for God's sake," I replied, my hands trying unsuccessfully to pull my skirt down without moving or revealing more, "You've seen me before. It's only my knickers."

"Yeah but...but..." said Jimmy, his hips now squirming, "Oh Mom – I can't help it! I told you I couldn't!"

"Couldn't help what?" I asked tersely, "Just get your hands away and leave things alone in front of your mother."

"I told you I can't!" Jimmy said, his voice cracking, "Oh Moooommmm!"