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I was dumbstruck at the simplicity of line and what a few pencil strokes could achieve. Both of us standing there naked, looking at it, would have made a good study as well.

'It's beautiful,' I whispered, giving him a hug.

'Now that is what I mean be being relaxed,' he said, giving me a hug back. 'See the looseness of the limbs and of the facial muscles.' He turned and kissed me, 'It was a wonderful fuck too.' I blushed and stammered something it about being nearly a year since the last time.

'You poor boy, I didn't know. Please forgive me. I thought that you and Tom were regular partners,' he said. 'Here, let's go and sit down.'

He went and sat on the bed and beckoned me to join him. Heloise stirred and briefly woke up as Pancho settled himself down, she moved over but settled back down with her head in his lap. Trevor was gently snoring on the floor as I stepped over him and got onto the bed. He patted the bed by his side and I then laid down next to him. Heloise was gently stroking his flaccid penis which was against her cheek in her half sleep; not in a sexual way, but more in a comforting gesture and occasionally kissing it.

'You've done it with Tom surely?' he asked. 'I saw the way you were looking at him when he came out of the pool. Then when you were sitting next to him, you were full of lust and jealousy. I saw it in your eyes.'

I think it was the many drinks that I had drunk that day, and the fact that we had just made love that I somewhat broke down. I tried to stifle my sobs but only half succeeded. Tears started to run down my face as I rolled over to ostensibly hide them, my head finishing on his chest, just above that of Heloise. The tears dropped onto his chest and he stroked my hair as he asked me in his soft voice to tell him all about it.

I admitted that what he had seen in my eyes was true. I was jealous and I did lust after Tom. I told him that Tom and I had been roommates for the last six months, and every night of those six months, I had watched him get undressed. Every night, seeing that black cock of his being kept between his own legs when I wanted it between mine. Yes, you fucked me tonight, I told him, but I had been wishing that it had been Tom. I couldn't stop myself from telling him about the urge I kept getting to cross that room of ours and take it in my hands, to feel it grow, to kiss and suck it till I'd drained every ounce of strength out of him into my mouth. Then after this, I would have declared my love for him and maybe he would have loved me in return, take me into his arms and fuck me. Let me feel that manhood of his deep inside me, to feel him come and fill me with his love. That was what I wanted.

How my heart had leaped when he asked me if I wanted to come on this trip with him. When we could be alone together, and then maybe my fantasies would come true.

'Maybe they can,' Pancho mused, 'maybe they can. Let me sleep on it.'

He caught hold of Heloise's arm and pulled her up the bed and rolled her in between us. She blinked her eyes as she looked up at us as she lay flat on her back. Pancho reached over and took my hand and placed it on one of her small breasts.

'Have you ever fucked a woman?' he asked with a smile. Heloise also smiled as she looked up at me.

'A couple,' I stammered, blushing again.

'Well take her to bed with you tonight. I've got sleeping beauty down there to keep me company,' indicating Trevor still on the floor asleep. Heloise slowly rolled over me, giving me a kiss as she got off the bed. She took my hand and led me out of Pancho's room and down the hall. I stopped her as I recognised what was my room and had a quick peep inside. Tom wasn't there, so I shut the door and followed her on to her room.

She didn't turn on the lights as there was a soft glow from those of the pool coming through the glass doors. These she opened so that a cool breeze came wafting in, gently moving the net curtains. She then walked over and pressed her breasts up against my chest and kissed me, pushing me back onto the bed and that is all I can remember of that night.

My head was throbbing when I woke up. My cock hurt, my arse was sore and my lips felt bruised. Heloise stirred and opened her eyes and saw me looking at her. She smiled and licking her lips, said, 'Hello lover.' Then she pushed down the covering sheet to her waist, baring those nice little breasts of hers. The action of her stretching her arms up above her head made them smaller and flatter but it also pushed out the nipples. I leaned up and over and sucked on a tit. Her hand came down and stroked my head as I nibbled on a nipple. I ran one down under the sheet and in between her legs, feeling that trim muff. I must have done alright last night for her to call me lover this morning I thought.

'How was it last night then?' I mumbled round the enlarged nipple.

'Great,' she purred, 'just great. Let's do it again.'

She kicked down the rest of the bed sheet and rolled over on top of me. She then straightened up and sat astride my chest and looked down at me.

'Last night you said that I was good enough to eat. So here's breakfast,' she said, moving up my body and bracing her hands against the wall above my head, lowered her pussy down onto my mouth. I poked upward with my tongue, stroking it into her cleft. Not the best thing to do when my tongue felt as if it had more fur on it than on what I was licking. I don't think I was doing a very good job as she brought her hands down to spread herself wider. I could just about see a small bud like piece of flesh which seemed out of place, so I thought that this must be the famous clit that I'd heard of. As you have guessed, this was the first time that I'd ever muff dived.

I say that I could only just see her clit because it was so close that it was making me go cross eyed looking at it. Anyway, I licked at this soft piece of flesh and it seemed to be the right thing to do for it seemed to get harder and she started squirming. Not only that, but groaning as well as she began to rub it harder against my teeth.

She suddenly shot back and felt for my prick. As I wasn't expecting her to be ready so soon, my cock was still on the soft side.

'Shit!' she exclaimed. This was the first time I had really heard a woman swear in that position, yet I can now realise the frustration she had felt at not finding the erection she had expected to be waiting for her. She slithered further down the bed and took my half cocked cock into her mouth and worked furiously on it. Heloise was an expert at this I think, because in no time, I was very hard and ready. She raised her head up with a triumphant grin and quickly raised herself up and stabbed it into her, right between the legs, moving it deep within her.

'Lovely,' she said, now bouncing up and down on my thighs. I could feel the intense heat from her inner body encasing my tool.

'Lovely,' she said again, 'let's do it standing up!'

'What?' I cried, 'I'm lying down!'

'You won't be in a minute,' she said pulling me up into a sitting position which wasn't doing my back any good. With her in my lap, her legs going out either side of me, and her hands on my shoulders, she kept swinging her body round to the side making me swing my legs off the bed till my feet touched the floor. Then she clamped her legs around my waist keeping me firmly embedded inside her.

'Now lean forward and stand up. Come on. You've got the leg muscles for it, and I'm not that heavy.'

So with her hands now round my neck, legs tight at the waist, she arched her body backwards as I heaved myself upright. She looked a lightweight but didn't feel like one as I staggered upright. My knees wobbled, but the sensation on my cock was terrific. With a few tottering steps, the body movements were powerfully erotic, making me harder than I'd ever been before. With every step I seemed to drive deeper into her.

It seemed she also wanted more, because she was bouncing down harder. On top of this, she was also throwing her full weight further back for deeper penetration, causing me to go forward in tottering steps. That was all I could do, move forward. Unfortunately, with every step forward I was that much closer to toppling over.

With her clinging to me and bouncing backwards, I kept going in the same direction, faster and faster. We were lucky that the patio doors were open. We went careering through the curtains and across the patio and straight into the pool.

The impact, the shock of the cold water and lack of breath broke us apart and we surfaced to the cheers and clapping of those having breakfast poolside.

'Bravo,' Pancho cheered and clapped as he stood up as our heads came out of the water. 'A wonderful start to the day. A double fuck twisting into a lateral dive.'

The others were laughing as we climbed out of the pool. I quickly wrapped a towel around myself before sitting down at the table. Heloise took a proffered towel, but instead of wrapping it around herself, she stood there stark naked, water still streaming down her body as she came to me and began to dry my hair. Only after she had finished with my hair did she spread the towel on a chair and sit down herself.

'I wish I'd had a camera trained on that window as you two came bursting out. It would have made a bloody good video clip,' shouted Richard. Prophetic words. I learned later that he was the producer of video films and would use what he saw in some of his later films.

'Some hell of an entrance Chris,' Tom said through a mouthful of sausage. 'Have some breakfast. I think you might have worked up an appetite.'

It was true. Even though I had woken up with a thick head, Heloise apart, the cold water of the pool had cleared it and I was ravenous. I had a plate of everything that Maria had produced, impeccably served by Santos. I also thought, as I was eating, that this kind of living could play havoc with one's health, and a good swim later would be needed to take off the calories that this excellent food was creating.

We were just about finished when Pancho tapped his coffee saucer with his spoon. Everybody looked up as we were now all at the table by this time.

'Ladies and gentlemen,' he announced, rising to his feet. 'Whilst you were disporting yourselves last night. I, I was working! Working with the assistance of Chris,' and he waved in my direction. I felt myself go crimson as the others turned their heads to look at me. I thought he was going to tell them how he first seduced, then fucked me, to give them a vicarious thrill. But I was wrong. He waved a piece of paper above his head.

'With the collaboration of Chris, this is the result.' He again flourished the paper which was actually the drawing he had done that evening. 'Please, please give me your honest opinions of this small piece of work. But wait until all have seen it before making your comments.'

He passed it to Thelma, being the nearest, and from there, it went round the table, each taking several minutes to study the drawing. When it came to me, I passed it straight across to Tom who was next to me.

'That's you!' he exclaimed to me. 'I must say,' he now looked towards Pancho. 'That this...er...is, well, er, I think the best drawing I've ever seen. It really is good. I...I can't, I don't think I can say I've ever seen anything better. It's magnificent!'

The others round the table echoed what Tom had said.

'None better!'

'Best yet!'


'Well I'm pleased you all think so,' Pancho said, beaming at the accolades and continued, 'well, while drawing this picture of Chris, I remembered,' he looked at Tom and I as he spoke, 'I remembered the sight of the two of you when you both stood poised at the edge of the pool yesterday. Two fine specimens of youth. The play of the muscles as you both flexed yourselves just before diving into the water. If only I had caught that moment. The pair in the air,' he mused, seeming to lose himself in thought. 'The pair in the air. I like that. Er...where was I...? Oh yes. Well I would like to do a series of studies of the two of you. That is if you agree, Tom? Chris said last night that it was okay with him. Isn't that right Chris?' he asked of me.

I nodded my agreement, my heart suddenly starting to thump loudly in my chest. If, if, if it was pounding. Say yes, yes, yes it was pleading.

'Well,' drawled Tom as my heartbeat seemed to triple and I started to get an erection. 'Well if it's okay with Chris, I guess it's okay with me.' My heart skipped beats and I almost came underneath my towel.

'Bravo,' clapped Pancho, 'then let's start now.' He then beckoned towards us as he turned and left the table. Tom was dressed in a swim suit and I pulled my towel tighter to hide my erection. As we moved passed the others, Debbie smacked Tom's bum as he passed her. 'Show him what you've got,' she said.

Thelma tweaked my towel off as I passed her. I whirled round to retrieve it giving Claire the opportunity to goose me. This made me and my erection jump and everybody laughed as I grabbed back my towel and scurried after the other two.

We entered Pancho's room and he busied himself by getting out some large sketching pads. Tom and I just stood there, looking at each other rather sheepishly. On a sudden impulse and somewhat out of character, I dropped my towel and stood voluntary naked for the first time in front of Tom, (the shower the day before not counting because Trevor made me turn round), besides, my erection had subsided somewhat.

'Well I'm ready,' I said in an unsteady voice. Tom looked at me, his eyes slowly travelling up till he looked into my eyes. I could discern some puzzlement in them, but he shook himself and hooked his fingers into the top of his trunks.

'Don't bother to strip off yet Tom,' Pancho called out. 'I just want to get a few rough head and shoulder sketches first. No! Don't move a muscle as you are there now. Let me get that expression.'

Tom stood still, not really being able to hold that first quizzatorial look as Pancho quickly sketched away, but it seemed to put Tom at ease. He stood stock still as he was being drawn. I had come out in goose bumps and my legs were a bit wobbly, so I sat down on the end of the bed, praying that I wouldn't get an erection just yet.

This was it, I thought. If I could just blot out the fact that Pancho was in the room, this was about to become my time. The time that I had been dreaming about for the last six months. Pancho looked like pulling it off, no pun intended there. It looked as though Pancho was going to put us in the position, no, positions that I said to him that I had dreamed of.

I had to restrain myself from reaching out to stroke that broad strong back in front of me. Then Pancho bustled about, telling us what position he would like us to pose in.

'Stand together, Tom with your left arm round the shoulder of Chris and you Chris, I want you to look directly at Tom giving me a whole left profile. Tom, you look at Chris, but so that your face is in half profile.' We stood as directed, myself looking at Tom as Pancho moved the arm of Tom slightly and did the same with his chin.

'No, I'm sorry,' cried Pancho, 'take off those trunks Tom,' which he did and Pancho then arranged us both again.

I must say that I was able to keep my head up and not look down at Tom's lower body. Conscious of our nakedness and that we were in physical contact, made me tremble, but Tom gave me a grin and a quick squeeze of his hand around my shoulder. This saved me from falling apart and I was able to give him a weak grin back.

'What do you think he wants us to do?' Tom whispered out of the side of his mouth.

'I don't know,' I replied, whispering like him. 'If it makes for a good drawing, then I'm game for it,' astounding myself at this low keyed outburst with my tongue in my cheek, hoping that Pancho asked for all that I had told him about last night. We kept this pose for several minutes, till Pancho moved out from behind his easel.

'Relax now boys, relax. That was good. I caught the main points that I wanted, the rest I can fill in later. Now for the next pose. No, stay as you are Tom,' Pancho said as he fussed about and produced a small foot stool which he placed next to Tom's leg.

'Now you,' he pointed at me, 'kneel on that stool. Yes. No, don't bend, keep your back straight. That's it. Now I want you to hold Tom's cock in your hand. No, not hold, sorry. I mean to let it lay in the palm of your hand and for you to be looking at it. I want your face in half profile for that. Is that alright with you Tom? I mean, letting Chris hold your cock?' he asked. Tom was looking at me when Pancho asked the question and I kept my gaze back at him steady. I could see that he wanted me to give the answer, so I gave a slight nod.

'Well if it's alright with Chris, it's alright with me,' Tom said.

'So positions please,' said Pancho.

My heart was beating fast as I knelt on the stool and put my arm around Tom's waist, and then, then, with a trembling hand, reached out and hefted Tom's tool onto the palm of my hand.

Oh glory be! My treasure was now actually there in my hand. Even flaccid, it had some weight. Even if it had weighed a ton I would have lifted it. To be holding the thing of my dreams, to feel the soft skin, the warmth of it was making me giddy with lust and desire. It also must have been having some effect on Tom, because I could feel it start to throb and actually start to increase in size.

As if from a distance I could hear Pancho saying to hold that pose. I would have held it till hell froze over, holding Tom's prick in my hand was the start of my dream coming true.

'Don't move now,' came from Pancho. 'This calls for sketches from two different angles.' I kept as still as possible, gazing at this living, loveable piece of flesh in my hand.

'It is done,' cried Pancho, 'I have captured in this picture an expression on the face of Chris that says a thousand words. The enraptured bliss, the emotional look that one normally sees on a mother's face when she first sees, and cuddles her first born child. I'm ecstatic with what I've drawn. Of the full frontals, I'm only happy with one of them, but that is beside the point. So! Now to the next pose,' he said, coming over to us.

'Let it go Chris,' he said as he lightly tapped my wrist. 'Naughty boy. Wait for the next one. Now,' and he paused and adopted a somewhat pompous tone. 'Now for the next few drawings to complete the montage, you must both agree to the positions I ask. If one says no, okay, we stop. But then we'll never see what could be a composite masterpiece. What I want is, will you Chris, take Tom's cock. God, it sounds like a marriage ceremony. Chris, will you take Tom's cock and put it in your mouth?'

This is the crunch I thought. Will Tom let me do it? I looked up at Tom from my kneeling position. I had to control my voice so that it wouldn't come out as a squeak, but it was steady as I spoke.

'Pancho. If it makes it a work of art, I'll do it if Tom agrees.'

I suddenly realised after I had spoken, that I had yet again abrogated any responsibility for whatever might happen. I always had done so since we first shared rooms, let him lead and dictate what we did in respect of our studies etc. This time I had had the chance to speak out first and say what I really wanted. I literally had it in my hand but still could not speak out to Tom to tell him how I truly felt about him, what I wanted from him. I had let the moment pass and I felt as though I could cry at my own stupidity at throwing this one chance away.

Tom. I have to say it again, Tom, with an insight that I would never had credited him with, looked at me for several moments. A quizzical look was in his eye that seemed to bore right down into the depths of me. Never before, or since, has anybody ever looked into my eyes, seeking, and finding the very depths of my soul. I cannot say what my eyes conveyed in those few seconds, but without taking his eyes from mine, he answered Pancho.