Highland Pack Ch. 05

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After the attack.
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/27/2016
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In this chapter, the pack starts to regroup. Stork learns more about himself. He has to decide what you do next.

This chapter is self-edited. I apologize for any errors I may have missed.


Chapter 5

Andrew and Gao were well aware of the problems in the dragon clan. One of their female wolves was deep inside dragon territory. Gao was growing increasingly concerned for Mera, because earlier she left in search of her friend. Although a part of her was upset that Mera did not obey a command from her alpha, a part of her was proud that the girl made a decision that was not only wise, but evidently needed.

Caitlyn contacted Gao earlier and explained the state the young dragon was found in. She also explained that the she wolf was the only one he responded to. It was obvious to both that the two were completely connected in some way.

Andrew had other worries so Gao would deal with this issue. Andrew assessed his pack. None of the fighters died, because the skirmish did not last long, but some were wounded. The allies from the Americas and England fared well against their enemies. He was surprised to see the make-up of different of Weres function so well together. The were-bears were fierce, often protecting the wolves. The wolves were quick, cunning. Various were cats, were tricky. Often they snuck behind the enemy and pounced. The invading packs had no clue of what they were getting into. They seemed to expect an easy victory, but by the end, the invading crusaders readily admitted defeat.

Andrew thought of the few vampires that fought with them. They were magnificent, quick, graceful, and deadly. The dragons soared above, warning them of the enemy position. He had to send a message and this time he was sure that it was heard. Jackson pack was impressive. Kingsley had skilled fighters. They could not wait to return home and report in.

The Kingsley wolves were impressed as well. They had formed true allies within these few groups. The London wolves came because they had an unknown loyalty to the Kingsley Pack. Years ago, two of tier women were prisoners of war. A small she wolf, named Kiana, kept them safe. It was her strength that helped the women that were trapped with her survived. It was the loyalty she showed that lead the London pack to join this pack in battle.

Andrew needed a moment, retiring to their private quarters, he was alone with his mate. Gao was quiet. Andrew watched her. He knew she had other issues demanding her time. A young female left without permission, but she was with the MacLean dragons so she was safe for now. He also knew she was worried about Inuit, and if he had his way, that dragon would be banned. Right now though, she was worried about him and how he was feeling.

"Gao, I'm ok. The pack will recover. We are strong, vigilant. Our friends are deadly and I'm certain no one will challenge us again." Andrew whispered. Gao moved into his arms. She held her wolf as he forced his body to calm. She searched their bond and found a mixture of emotions. Joy, Happiness, and pride filled his heart. Gao also felt love, an undeniable love for his pack mates, and his family.

Papa, Momma His sons sent. Andrew called all three children who vanished into the room instantly. All three little one cuddled their father, careful not to leave out their mother. Gao thanked the Gods for their gift of safety and mercy. Then she thought of the young dragon, the one that was injured. Mera was with him, and right now she was all that he knew. She prayed that he would come home safely and heal.

Andrew held his children close then he remembered. Two females, expectant females were murdered. Their mates were out fighting to protect the pack. He needed to know. What happened? How did the vampires get past the dragon guards? Someone had to tell them.

"The women, what happened?" Andrew asked.

Gao swallowed. "It was my fault. I came home, vanished in and the vampires had everyone trapped inside. I charged in and he broke Ingrid's neck. She died instantly. He warned me. If I said one more word, more would die. He reached for Casey, and I started to warn him when he bit her. She screamed, Andrew, and then there was silence as both she and her pup perished." Tears flowed down her cheeks, her eyes as dark as night.

"Two women are gone because I failed to protect them. How did they know to come here Andrew? We had an escape route planned. The vampires blocked the route." Gao frowned. Something was not right about this situation. How could the vampires have known unless the plan had been disclosed? Inuit, she's behind this. We need to question her. Her dragon whispered.

Andrew was silent. He held his mate close. Showering her with love, he sent her waves of strength. "Baby, I'm sorry, so sorry that you had to deal with this. This was not your fault. I will go and address the families, and make sure they know we grieve for them. Casey and Ingrid were innocents and didn't deserve to have this happen to them." He whispered.

As Gao wept, Andrew held her. Closing his eyes, he checked on his pack. The mates of the fallen women were devastated. He knew no words would ever take away their pain. He imagined how he would feel if Gao had perished and is wolf howled in despair. He had no words, so he sent them waves of love and support. This was hard, and though it wouldn't be easy, the pack would survive.

Gao stopped crying. "Ingrid and Lonny were expecting their first kitten. Now, he has to prepare to send his mate into the hereafter. They were so happy. They had so many dreams of life with their child. Casey and Sam were having their second child. Their oldest pup has just turned three. They were hoping for a boy this time. Their daughter has lost her mother because of me. I never want him to worry. His daughter will be considered mine now. I will make sure she wants for nothing. I personally will be there for her from this point on." Gao swore.

Andrew was silent. "Love, you can't barge into his life. Let's visit with the families and see how we can help."

Gao nodded. Then she thought of Inuit. Inuit wanted to cause her pain. She came here to hurt her. She wanted to harm her family. Inuit was cunning, and she intimated that something would happen. When they met, she was too gleeful when she made her subtle threat. Gao thought for a moment. Inuit was being held at the MacLean homes. What if she overheard details on the attack? Could she have told her co-conspirators? Her dragon rose. We need to go see that bitch. She hissed.

Shutting off her thoughts, Gao knew what she needed to do. Andrew grew concerned. Gao kissed her husband. "Love, I'll be back," She vanished to Kade's home.

Kade knew the moment the Madam Alpha arrived.

"Madam Alpha, welcome, how can I..." Kade froze; his wolf was on full guard.

"Where is she? If I find she had something to do with this..." Gao growled, her animal near the surface.

"Madam Alpha, I can't let you near her. If you try to harm her I will have to stop you. That action alone will cause dissension within our homes. Please, go home and let me deal with Inuit." Kade pleaded.

Gao faced the warrior dragon. He protected this woman. He told her if she moved against Inuit, she had to face him. Fueled with anger and grief, Gao stood toe to toe with the huge male. Kade knew the pack had suffered severe losses, and called for Caitlyn. Caitlyn and Conor arrived. Conor ordered a servant to call Andrew.

"Caitlyn, this has nothing to do with you. Kade has chosen to protect my enemy. He will let me see her." Gao hissed.

Caitlyn stepped forward. She'd never seen Gao as upset as this. Her eyes glimmered, and she knew if Inuit was brought out, Gao was attacking. Ciara, come to Kade's now! The Mistress Dragon sent. Instantly Ciara appeared. Immediately, she sent calming waves to her friend. Gao resisted, but Ciara spoke. Eventually she calmed, and the dragons were able to reason with her. Andrew rushed in, and Kade had a set of clothes ready. In his rush to get to his mate, the huge alpha ran to their home in wolf form.

Gao faced her mate, and he understood. She suspected that somehow Inuit had a role in the day's events.

Inuit knew the moment Gao arrived. Her dragon trembled. Something was wrong. Kade returned and his soldiers said nothing around her. She knew. As the dragons talked, Inuit entered the room. Kade stepped in front of her as she glared at Caitlyn. Inuit smiled, "So, how many of your precious wolves perished?" She hissed.

Gao faced her. She faced this pathetic creature that had no real sense of self. "You are nothing, no one Inuit. You were my brother's whore, and the whore to the men he gave you too. He never loved you and would never marry you. Honestly, he'd rather be dead than tied to a simple-minded, stupid woman that would betray her own kind. I was willing to accept you, give you asylum, but now you can rot in hell." Gao hissed, "I'm glad our clan was destroyed, because it will be a cold day in hell before I identify you as my sister."

Inuit stepped back. Gao's words cut her. Inuit felt cold. You see, even when she targeted Gao, Gao never disowned her. She never spoke to her so harshly. But it wasn't just the words, but her demeanor as well. No one spoke, and she was alone. The Maclean clan stood with Gao, and she stood by herself.

Then he moved, Kade stood behind her and she wasn't alone anymore.I'm here little one. We will find a way to fix this.

Inuit snatched away from him. Facing an irate Madam Alpha, Inuit spoke. "You think your words cut me. You think I want or need to be accepted by you. I don't need you. I don't need anyone." She faced Kade. "I'm fine on my own. What happened, Gao? Some of your pets were hurt?" She sneered.

Instantly, Gao attacked. Kade moved, blocking her as Andrew grabbed his mate. Pulling her into his embrace, Gao screamed at her friend. "Let me go, Andrew." She sobbed. Andrew held her closer. She shimmered when Ciara intervened. Ciara talked to Gao as Caitlyn faced Inuit.

"You have to go. I want you out of our home and off of our and by morning. I don't care where you go. If I find you here after tomorrow, then I will end your pathetic life." Caitlyn hissed.

Kade's heart broke. He had to go. It was frightening. This was his home. However, his mate had to go. And he could not let her eave on her own. He had no choice. He'd find someplace for the two of them to live.

Inuit faced the Mistress of the Maclean clan. "Gladly." She hissed.

Kade moved and took her hands. He led her to his room. Kade said nothing as Inuit began to shout expletives at him. "Stop it." Kade hissed. "You have no clue what this means."

"Yes I do. I can go and find my friends. We can leave." Inuit hissed.

"Your friends, your vampire lover. Sweetheart, he's dead. He died last night. He thought nothing of you, yet you think he really wanted you. " Kade growled, "Curse the fates. I don't deserve this."

Inuit froze. Something about his reaction alerted her. "Look, Kade, I'm leaving. After tonight, you won't see me again." She whispered. She had no idea where she would go now. Myles gave her shelter, but if Kade spoke the truth, then he was gone now. She was truly on her own.

"You're not on your own. We both leave in the morning. I will find someone to take us in." Kade whispered.

Inuit felt relief, because she was not alone. Then she faced the handsome man before her. Inuit felt guilt and shame. The man, this dragon did not deserve this. He actually protected her when others would have left her to her fate.

"Kade, wait." Inuit whispered.

Kade looked at her, his eyes sad. She had nothing to say. There was no one she could talk to, but he didn't have to leave.

"You don't have to go with me. I've been on my own for years now. I can take care of myself." She insisted.

Kade looked at her, as her dragon recognized him for who he was. Mind of my mind; flesh intertwined. No other exist for me; none but you. Her dragon whispered.

Two things happened. Inuit's dragon leaped; she realized her actions caused her husband his home. No, we need him. Her animal hissed.

Inuit went silent. Kade took her wrist and removed the bracelet that kept her tethered to his home. He was no longer worried that she would leave. Like him, she had no place to go.

"You can sleep here. I won't bother you." Kade whispered. He then left her alone and returned to his leaders.

Caitlyn was waiting. When Kade entered, she spoke. "I forbid it. I forbid you leaving with her. She's vile, Kade. As soon as she regroups, she will betray you."

"She won't. I'm all she has now." Standing tall and facing his leaders, Kade spoke. "Laird and Lady MacLean, I resign my post as your guard. I will vacate the premises immediately and forfeit any benefits due to me back to the dragon clan. I want to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you. I hope I served you well." He exhaled, "I must prepare to go." Kade then turned to walk away.

Conor spoke. "Kade wait, you don't have to leave. I understand that you somehow feel responsible for her, but the fates must be mistaken."

Kade stopped. He turned and faced his uncle. "Sir, she's my wife. Believe me, I wish it were not true, but she is the one. Right now, she's confused. She has no idea of the damage she has caused. She will come to terms and will need someone to be there. As her mate, husband, that's my role." Kade exhaled, he faced the alpha pair and his leaders. Tell me, if your mate was in danger of self-destructing, would you let them implode?" Kade waited.

Conor nodded. "Ok, go with her, but remember this is home. Anytime you need anything call. You will always be welcomed back." He could not extend the same to Inuit. Kade nodded, and then he walked out. Gao was silent. Ciara hugged everyone and went home. Andrew held Gao close. They had to go back to their home. Conor and Caitlyn left as well. Alone in his home, Kade walked into his bedroom to discover that Inuit had vanished. He knew she'd gone back to the hotel that she shared with her vampire lover. Kade started to go to her but decided to wait and see if she returned.


Andrew and Gao returned home.

"Andrew, I had to go there. She has something to do with this." Gao whispered.

Andrew nodded, "Love, I know you're upset. I am too, but we can't go off half-cocked. There are others that can be hurt by our recklessness." He thought of Kade. When he relocated here years ago, Kade was one of the few men he bonded with. When the new pack was formed, Kade was one of their most fierce protectors.

From what was said tonight, Kade would be gone by this time tomorrow. Andrew felt bad, but right now he had to help his pack regroup. Two of his pack members were grieving the death of their mates. This was his first real challenge as alpha.

Gao stood and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I failed you Andrew. By being in my emotions, I reacted badly. You have enough to deal with and I should be supporting you. I apologize, but I promise you, our pack will overcome this. In the morning, we go together to visit the families of the fallen. I will start planning the farewell ceremony tomorrow morning. Please, my love. Don't worry about me. I am fine." Gao whispered. She held Andrew close.

Andrew sighed and returned her embrace. The rest of the pack mourned. Mera's mother worried. Her daughter left before the attack and had not returned. She wanted to speak with the alphas but the pack was attacked. Today she witnessed two of her pack members die. A part of her feared something had happened to her daughter.

As she lay in her bed, Mera called her. Momma, I'm OK. Please answer me, she pleaded.

Mera, sweetheart, you're alive. I thought, never mind. Where are you? She asked.

Momma, I'm with Shawn. Someone hurt him. He needs me.. She sent.

Mera, do you know who hurt your friend? Where are you? she asked.

I'm with members of clan MacLean. We are driving Shawn home. I'll be home as soon as I can. Momma, I love you. Mera disconnected.

Her mother sighed, relieved. At least her daughter was alive. She could rest tonight.

The next morning the dragons were driving back to Castle MacLean with Shawn. Mera was with them, because Shawn would not let her leave his side. As the dragons arrived, they were confused when Kade did not meet them. Entering the home of the Dragon Laird, Cameron and Emilie had questions. Shawn walked in behind them, and the healers came to him. With Mera's help, they were able to take him to the medical wing. Mera then had to return home. So much had happened, but she knew she had to answer to Madam Alpha Gao.

Mera returned home reporting straight to the Madam Alpha. When the young woman entered, Gao hugged her. She was so relieved that Mera returned unharmed.

"Madam Gao, I disobeyed your order. I know I will be punished, but please let me explain." Mera whispered.

Go nodded, "Later, right now we must prepare to send our fallen into the hereafter."

Mera gasped, before she could ask who perished, her mother rushed in. Everyone greeted her and she learned of the attack. Ingrid and Casey were murdered. Mera was stunned. Gao paused. "We need your help. The Pack needs to grieve, so please help wherever you are needed."

"Yes Ma'am, Madam Alpha" Mera agreed.

She went straight to work. As she worked she got a call. Shawn was looking for her. Contacting her alpha, she asked permission to go to him. Shawn was home with his family. He needed Mera with him. He had to know the monster didn't get to her. His father talked to him, as did Conor. No one reached him. He wanted Mera.

The healers were perplexed. Whoever had him, erased his memories of whom and what he was. Somehow, Mera became his focus. They suspected this person threatened the she wolf in some way.

Mera called and spoke with Shawn. He calmed. She was on her way. As Mera arrived, Shawn met her. He held her close. She was still safe.

Caitlyn had questions, but Shawn could not answer. As she sat with Shawn and Mera, Conor had to step out. Matthias and his brother were popping in. He excused himself to meet with both men. The vampires were returning home. Stork and Belinda were going back with them. Conor was still concerned about the Nemyra demon.

As the men met, Shawn had a question. Grabbing Mera's hand he walked to the laird's office, swinging the door open. Seeing Stork forced his memory to return.

"No, no, no, you won't hurt her." Shawn ranted, attacking Stork. Several dragons ran in, subduing him.

Mera was stunned as were Stork and Matthias. Shawn sobbed, clutching his head as he remembered. "He said he'd kill Mera. He'd have his demons rape her and kill her. I can't let him hurt Mera. He sent him here to hurt Mera." Shawn sobbed, fighting to attack this enemy.

Stork spoke, "Who told you this?" He demanded.

"You know who. He sent you. You look just like him. I won't let you harm Mera." Shawn insisted, still struggling. The healers gave him something to calm him and Stork went silent.Matthias, I'm staying. Take Belinda home. I want her and the baby safe. This bastard has to be stopped. If he is Nemyra, then I have to be the one to stop him

Matthias wanted to disagree when the demon spoke. Vampire, you've protected him. Let him be a man. He needs to face our father on his own. You must let him stand on his own.

Stork is my brother. I will give my life for him; don't get him killed. If you think you are taking full control of his life, I will stop you. Matthias replied.

The demon laughed, Really vampire, you think your threats matter to me. I have always been here. I've stood quiet and watched as he has been laughed at, talked about, feared, and I've watched you fight to keep us safe. I know how important he is to you, he's a part of me. Besides, I'm curious. I want to know where I come from. Stork faced his brother. "He's right Matthias. I have to deal with this. This demon is my father, and I need to face him."