Highland Fling


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Cat's breathing was getting faster and her moans of pleasure louder. Then at last she gasped, "Oh God Rob, I think you need to fuck me now. If you carry on doing that I'm going to come."

I quickly shifted round in the bed so I could face her, positioning myself between her spread thighs. I looked into her beautiful green eyes glittering in the lamplight and kissed her, allowing her to taste her own pussy juices, which were lingering on my lips. She grasped my now rampant cock and positioned it at the moist entrance to her cunt. Hesitatingly I pushed in a little until my head was surrounded by her velvety pussy flesh, the sensation was amazing, heightened even more by many months of abstinence. I gently eased in a little further, continuing to enjoy the sweet sensations as she enveloped by prick. At last, I was buried to my full length, my pubic hairs entwined with hers and my balls resting against her. I began to gently thrust in and out wanting enjoy the exquisite sensations of being inside this delightful woman for the first time.

"Aw wow, that feels good," moaned Cat.

"Oh Cat, I can't tell you how delicious this feels," I whispered back.

She pulled my face down and kissed me and I caressed her arms and thighs and I slowly pushed in and out of her juicy cunt. I knew that if I was not careful I could explode into an ejaculation at any minute and I wanted these sweet sensations to last a little longer. I also desperately wanted to ensure the Cat was satisfied and didn't want to come first and leave her hanging so I kept thrusting away gently. Cat murmured encouragement and made soft noises suggesting she was enjoying herself but showed no sign of coming. After a few minutes I paused.

"Hey would you like to try something different, maybe a different position or would you like me to lick you again?" I asked. "I am just rather out of practice."

"Hey you are not the only one and you are doing fine," Cat said reassuringly. "I guess we are both a bit nervous. There's no hurry. How about you lick me again for a bit, I was really enjoying that."

"I would love to," I replied.

I dived back between Cat's luscious thighs and began to lick up and down her love channel again. Her pussy tasted powerfully of sex with our odours mingled in her juices, I found this an incredible turn-on. I circled her clit again and she seemed to get really turned on as I began to lightly tongue her swollen bud with the tip of my tongue. Then I worked my way down her slit, until I came again to her taint. She pulled her legs up to her chest and the invitation was unmistakeable. Once more my tongue flicked across the dark rosette of the anus. I could see the crinkled brown hole winking in the lamplight. I had never really had a chance to admire a woman's bum hole close up before but the sight of the brownish ring contrasting with the pale cheeks of her bum was incredibly erotic. I applied my tongue to rimming her tight ring again and she moaned in delight.

"Hey you are a very naughty boy," she exclaimed.

I paused in my ministrations. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked.

"Hell no, that's such a turn on," she replied. "It's just that most guys find licking a girl's arse a big no no but I am loving it."

Encouraged by this I tried pushing my tongue a bit deeper into the hole. It was quite hard to penetrate the tight ring but as Cat relaxed I could just get the tip inside. I had never done this before and was bit hesitant. Would her bum hole end up tasting nasty? To my relief she was clean as whistle and the inside of her anus was deliciously smooth. I couldn't seem to probe very far inside but Cat seemed to be revelling in this little bit of anal play so I carried on while using a finger to fondle her clit. Soon I was alternating between thrusting my fingers into her now gushing pussy and continuing to massage her throbbing clit. This seemed to go down really well and she continued to make ecstatic little moans of pleasure which encouraged me to continue.

After some minutes of this Cat cried out, "I think I am going to come if you carry on, I would really like to feel you inside me when I do."

"Oh yeah of course," I replied, lifting my head from her bum. "Is there any particular position, you know?"

"I love doggy style if that works for you," replied Cat.

It certainly worked for me. I have always loved positions that allow rear entry and nice deep penetration. Jan was never keen and insisted that having sex face to face was more intimate. Cat quickly shifted onto her knees leaning forward onto her elbows. I positioned myself behind her and fumbled to line myself up with her slot. For a moment I wondered what it would be like to penetrate the tight brown hole nestling between her buttocks. She had certainly been keen enough to enjoy my tongue down there but that didn't mean she would want my cock. Before I could fantasise any further about this she obligingly reached back and guided my tool into her soft moist pussy. This time I did not hesitate but pushed myself all the way in. Her shaft was smooth and thoroughly lubricated with her juices and the sensation of sliding in up to the hilt from behind was ecstatic.

"Oh God that feels great," I gasped.

"Oh yeah," she responded. "I need to come so bad, just do it now."

I began to stroke in and out of her in long deep thrusts. It felt like I was going much deeper than when we were face to face. Her cunt felt like liquid velvet and the feelings were indescribable. She seemed to be really getting into it to and began to moan softly in pleasure as I reamed her from behind. I thrust faster and faster sensing she was on edge of coming. I didn't want to come too soon myself but wondered whether I could hold off much longer. I could feel my balls tightening and my cock was about to explode. Eventually I leant forward and tried to reach between her legs. Sensing what I was doing Cat straightened out a little and I was able to feel her clit. Covering my finger with her ample juices which were leaking from inside her I began to massage her pulsating bud as I continued to ravage her cunt from behind.

This seemed to have the desired affect and I sensed Cat cresting the wave of a huge climax. It built slowly and she began to quiver in ecstasy, emitting tiny groans of pleasure. Suddenly she was in the midst of a full-blown orgasm. She pulled my hand away from her no longer able to bear the stimulation but she pushed back on my cock and slowly rose up and down on it as wave after wave of intense pleasure ran through her body. The palpitations of her cunt around my cock and the excitement of her climax pushed me over the edge and as her orgasm subsided I felt and intense rush as my balls boiled and what felt like a huge jet of come exploded from my cock. I continued to ride her with long slow thrusts each one producing another exquisite burst of pleasure until I could take no more. I felt like I had milked myself dry. Together we collapsed on the bed and Cat turned to face me nestling into my shoulder.

Jan had never been one for post-coital cuddles and tended to turn over and go to sleep. I had always thought it was men who were supposed to be guilty of this but I loved curling up together in the warm after-glow of sex and perhaps gently caressing one another. Cat certainly did not seem averse to this. Thankfully she did not want to engage in some kind post-coital post mortem analysing what had gone well but she responded delightfully to me gently stroking her back and legs and gently kissed me back. This made a delicious end to our love making and after some minutes we did both go to sleep but curled up in one another arms.

At some point Cat must have disentangled herself from me because the next thing I knew it morning and she was beside the bed in a Chinese looking dressing gown offering me a cup of tea and the sun filtered through the curtains. I was parched and eagerly accepted the tea.

"I thought I had better wake you, you said you wanted an early start. Breakfast in about ten minutes, the shower's through there," she said pointing to a doorway.

I looked at the clock. It was already gone eight o'clock, I had intended to hit the road earlier. Suddenly I wondered if I was doing the right thing leaving. Maybe I could stop another night, perhaps get to know Cat better. We seemed to have a real connection. I quickly showered and shaved. Now I had slaked my thirst I was ravenous and quickly made my way into the kitchen.

Cat refilled my mug and quickly made toast and scrambled eggs, dishing them up with a topping of smoked salmon. The eggs were cooked perfectly and I wolfed them down. As I ate Cat munched on a piece of toast and marmalade but suddenly it was as if the previous night had never happened. She made small talk about what my plans were for the day but it was as if she was once more just my landlady rather than the woman I had made love with so passionately the night before. I finished my breakfast and had another cup of tea still hesitating about whether to say anything.

"Listen about last night, it was amazing," I said.

"Aye, I really enjoyed it too but you have a trip to make so there's an end to it," she replied.

"I could stay a little longer, I mean my plans aren't set in stone," I countered.

"Well, I have other guests booked in for tonight so that would be difficult," Cat responded.

"Hey I just thought we had some real connection last night. I just don't want to drive away and lose that," I said.

"But sooner or later Rob you will drive away and it will just hurt even more if you do tomorrow or in a few days time," she replied.

I suddenly realised that maybe Cat felt about things in much the same way as me but simply didn't want to get hurt.

"Listen, I will be off as planned today but I hope you don't mind if I email you. You seem someone very special Cat and I can't bear to think I will never see you again. Maybe I could swing by this way on my way back to London."

"OK that sounds like a plan," replied Cat with a sigh. "Can I get you some more tea or toast?"

I could see that she was pulling up her defences and I knew that realistically a long term relationship was going to be difficult. Maybe she was right and not making a clean break would just cause more pain for both of us.

I refused any more breakfast and eventually persuaded her to allow me to settle my bill. A few minutes later my rucksack was packed and I was ready to climb into my car. I was just about to leave when Cat rushed out still in her dressing gown.

"Here I made you a few sandwiches for the road," she said thrusting a Tupperware box into my hand. I am sorry if I was a bit weird at breakfast I am just not very good at goodbyes. Last night was lovely and I shall never forget it."

"Hey thanks for everything, I won't forget last night either," I replied. "And this doesn't have to goodbye I would really like to keep in touch."

I could see Cat's eyes were beginning to get wet and suddenly she leaned forward and kissed me, a short but hard kiss on the lips our tongues momentarily touching, then she turned on her heel and rushed back into the house. I climbed into the car and pointed it North.

Chapter 2: Swimming with the Swedes

It was a few days later and I was staying on a fairly remote part of the coast of Argyll. I had driven some miles along a winding single-track road to reach a farmhouse off the beaten track where I had booked in for bed and breakfast. The views across to the Hebrides were breathtaking and I was glad I had made the detour to reach the spot. The night before I had managed to get a wi-fi connection and had at last emailed Cat. I gave her a quick summary of my adventures so far and said once again how much I had enjoyed my night with her and hoped we could meet up again.

It was late afternoon but unusually for the West Highlands the weather was fine and warm and although the sun was low in the sky it beat down on the whitewashed front of the farmhouse. After the landlady had settled me in I decided to take a walk. She indicated a rough track leading from the house which she said would lead to a lovely beach after about a mile. I made my way along the track, the purple heather was in full bloom on either side with the sparkling blue sea ahead of me in the distance. Soon I could see a crescent of pure white sand in a sheltered bay, it looked delightful. I had hoped to have the beach to myself but slightly to my annoyance noticed someone had left a couple of towels on the sand and could just see two figures splashing in the water. Undeterred I decided I would stroll along the beach anyway.

As I came closer I could start to make out the two figures in the water and it was clear they were female. One was blonde and the other darker haired. A few moments later it was clear they had spied me because after looking straight at me; they both crouched in the water with their heads close together seemingly conferring with one another. I continued to stride along the beach not wishing to interrupt their swim. As I came closer one of the women stood up in the water and suddenly realised she was not wearing a swimming costume. Her body was tanned a uniform deep bronze and it was clear that she must have sunbathed naked for a while to have achieved such an even all-over tan. Her pale blonde hair hung down in wet strands not quite concealing her small breasts. She had a slim athletic figure and must have been in her early twenties.

The blonde hailed me with a "hello," waving one arm and I raised an arm and shouted hello back. At first I thought she was merely being polite and I intended to walk on and leave them to their skinny dipping so as not to embarrass them. Averting my eyes I began to walk past but the two girls simply swam closer to the beach.

As I came to the closest point to them on the shore the blonde stood up again. The water here was shallower and hardly came up to her waist. I tried not to stare but couldn't help but notice the triangle of blonde curls at the base of her belly no longer concealed beneath the water.

"Hey mister," shouted the girl with a faint accent which I could not quite place. "Are you going to come and join us for a swim?"

I was rather taken aback and shouted back, "Oh I have no trunks or towel."

"Oh that's OK," the blonde replied, "Look at us and we can lend you one of our towels."

I felt a little awkward at the prospect of skinny dipping with two naked girls who were probably only slightly over half my age but the water certainly looked inviting and a quick swim with these two delightful young women could do no harm.

"OK if that's OK with you. I mean I don't want to intrude on your privacy," I replied still a little uncertain.

"Hey Gabi is it OK with you?" said the blonde to her friend.

"Yeah why not," said the other girl also standing up.

The second girl also had an all over tan possibly of a deeper hue than her friend. She was more heavily built with large plump breasts and rather thick thighs. Her hair was darker and thicker not only on her head but also in the dense dark bush sprouting between her legs.

Somewhat awkwardly I began to undress, piling my clothes next to where I could see the girls had left their garments. The girls had tactfully swum out to deeper water and were splashing around trying to give the appearance of not watching me. I pulled down my pants and for a moment stood naked feeling very white and old in contrast to the two bronzed girls. I quickly waded into the sea expecting it to be freezing. The cold hit me at first but thanks to the spell of warm weather and perhaps the flow of the Gulf Stream it wasn't too bad and after I had taken a few experimental strokes I had warmed up. I swam out to where the girls were treading water.

"A little bit cold," said the dark girl laughing.

"Yeah but not so bad once you start swimming," I responded.

"Oh I am Maja and this is Gabriella but you can call her Gabi," said the blonde by way of introduction.

"Oh hi, I am Robert but you can call me Rob," I replied. "By the way where are you from."

"Oh we are from Sweden," explained Gabi, "but my mother is Italian, that's why I don't look so Swedish.

The girls and I continued to swim around together for the next twenty minutes or so. Maja challenged us to a race to a rock out in the bay and easily beat Gabi and I streaking away in a smooth crawl, leaving us well behind. We swam more steadily back towards the shoreline and rested in the shallows. The girls explained that they had a camper van which they had parked in a field at the other end of the bay and were touring round Scotland like me. Eventually I began to get a little chilly and asked if they would mind if I got out and borrowed a towel.

"Sure, come on we will all get out together," said Maja.

We swam back to the shore and waded up to the beach. The girls picked up a couple of towels lying next to their clothes and to my surprise offered to dry me off with them.

"No it's OK dry yourselves first and then I will borrow one of your towels please," I said.

However, Gabi ignored my protests and began to rub across my back with her towel. Maja knelt down beside me and began to rub up one of my legs. I felt slightly embarrassed but secretly enjoyed the sensation of these two delightful naked young women giving me a good rub after leaving the cool water. I thought that after a quick towelling they would see to their own needs but they seemed intent on ensuring that every drop of moisture was dried from my body. Maja worked her way up both legs and then began to dry between my legs. I didn't know what to make of this especially when she took great care to rub up and down the crack of my bum and then turned her attention to my cock and balls. With exquisite care she dried around my rather shrivelled scrotum and then brought my cock, shrivelled by cold sea water, to life. It stiffened perceptibly as the wrapped her towel around it and rubbed up and down the length of it.

"You girls must be getting cold," I said trying to distract attention from my stiffening member.

"Oh it's OK we are Swedish," said Maja. "Remember we jump in ice-cold lakes after our sauna."

For a moment I was not sure if she was joking or not.

"Afterwards we can have sex if you like," said Gabi, for all the world all though she were inviting me for a picnic on the beach.

Once again I wondered if this was all some kind of joke. Swedish girls playing up to their own stereotypes about being sex mad and into saunas.

"I am sorry are you being serious," I asked.

"Oh yes," said Maja matter of factly. "Gabi and I like to have sex after we swim. You can join in if you like."

"You mean you have sex with each other," I asked still wondering what was really being suggested.

"Sure Gabi is my girlfriend," explained Maja, "but we both like men as well."

"Oh I see," I said still uncertain how to respond.

"Sorry, Maja is shocking you," Gabi interjected. "Please if this is uncomfortable you must get dressed."

"Oh no..... I mean I was just a little surprised." I explained.

I think your... how do you say, cock? is still a little wet. Let me dry it some more," urged Maja with a wicked smile on her face.

"Before I could demur any further she began fondling my cock with the towel again and involuntarily the wretched organ began to stiffen again. Gabi began to towel Maja but she continued to towel my cock until it was standing quite erect.

"I think Rob really wants to have sex with us but doesn't want to admit it," said Maja in her near perfect English.

"You are not married are you?" asked Gabi. "No girlfriend?"

"Well I am in the process of getting divorced but my wife and I are separated and no, I have no girlfriend." I replied.

For a moment I thought of Cat, she wasn't really a girlfriend, I didn't even know if she wanted to see me again. Yet strangely I felt some kind of pang of guilt.
