Heaven Is A Secret Chamber

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A submissive male's holiday is spiced by Women.
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A submissive male takes a holiday but is invited to alternative accommodation by the female proprietor of the apartment he rents. She has discovered his sexual preferences by chance, and finds him a perfect candidate for her 'hobby' which she shares with her dominant female associates.

He had arrived at the resort apartment, the stress of his work routine far behind him. The relaxation had immediately stirred his sexual feelings and he had fantasised about every air hostess and smartly dressed female airport worker as they had strutted primly about their duty; the clack of the one woman's spikey heels on the marble floor; her tight fitting skirt and blouse accentuating her blissful authoritative form, the woman in her 40s gave him a sweet smile as she passed - he thought of how he'd love to have been down on his knees to her, awaiting her pleasure.

On the plane another prim lady, perhaps advanced in years for a hostess, had shown her worth in chastising a rowdy youth worse the wear for beer. He had seen the stern look she gave the lad, her command to behave immediately obeyed, and imagined her with cane or whip. His member had risen to the occasion at the thought.

Now encamped at his destination he had tried to take a quick nap but found the woman's face on his mind- why not? He thought, and reached for the copy of Stanton's 'Dominant Wives' he had treated himself to; how he loved those illustrations of the haughty, busty women within. He yearned for a woman like that and wished he were one of the poor submissive males tormented and punished within the pages. He found one which bore a resemblance to the hostess and treated himself to relief; careful to mop up every drop of the sticky mess which he grunted out with extreme pleasure upon the floor, before showering and treating himself to a dip in the hotel pool.

On returning to apartment seven, he was confronted by a maid who was just leaving his room, a wave of infantile fear shivered through him; he remembered that he'd left the book on full view!

The maid gave him a glowing smile and remarked that the he needn't worry about 'that book.' he had automatically tried to look over her shoulder and made it patently apparent to her why he was flustered. she smiled wryly at him.

"we get lots of gay people here."

Gay? He thought; he couldn't be further from gay! The maid noticed that her feint of ignorance seemed to have worked, she knew all too well that men who like to be dominated by women are seen as 'sissies' to some men and had used this untruth. She also knew someone who might be very interested in this man if the circumstances were right.

"At least you won't be bothering me like some of the other male guests." she said.

"Actually I'm straight." He blurted at the departing slender teenage girl.

"So where's your wife then?" She quickly retorted.

"I'm a widower." He replied as he tried to regain some credit in the maids mind.

"Oh I'm sorry." she said. "That's very sad." It's also perfect she thought, and hurried back to the reception desk, already feeling slightly aroused with anticipation.

A moment later she was at the phone."Madam.... I think I've found one." She quickly relayed the story.

"Excellent." Came the reply from the other end; a ring of pleasure in the voice. The maid was instructed what to do.

At the master fuse box, a slender hand with sharp and shiny painted nails pulled the fuse to number seven.

He had just plugged his camera in to fully charge it, when the flashing indicator ceased; he leaned up and tried the room lights...nothing. At reception he was greeted by the maid again.

"I'm so sorry sir, I've asked maintenance to look into it, this is so embarrassing; we are fully booked and don't have another room. The owner is about to visit and she may have to arrange accommodation for you elsewhere."

Just then a large black limousine pulled up and the driver stepped out. This chauffeur was like no other he'd seen. This was a woman no more than 25 with full length boots, skin tight leather trousers and matching blouson- a small peaked cap complementing the outfit. She stepped smartly to the rear door and opened it.

"Oh here is the proprietor now." Said the maid sharply, ensuring he heard. Out of the rear of the car stepped an absolutely stunning woman, who though obviously judging by her exquisite facial features was in her late fifties, had retained a beautiful hourglass figure which though considered by modern standards as 'plump' was the image of some of the women who were displayed on the 'retro' sites of 50's soft porn.

There was nothing 'pornographic' about this woman, though he sensed something deeply erotic when he looked at her. She strode forward with perfect poise on black stilettos. Her heavenly legs teased her tight skirt as her ample thighs and hips swayed. The tight top she wore cradled her proportionately ample breasts; her cleavage displayed teasingly, through a black chiffon over-garment. He did not know it at this point but this woman was to become the realisation of all his fantasies... and more.

The maid curtsied in a strange way and gave the woman a knowing smile. The chauffeur also half smirked as she crossed her arms and looked down upon the guest.

"My name is Hortense Bradbury, I own this building and several others. I understand that this is the very first day of your holiday and cannot allow you any further discomfort."

The scent of this divine creature was driving him wild, and he struggled to make any response- the scene seemed such an over-reaction to something and he felt embarrassed about causing this delectable woman any trouble.

"It's probably just a fuse or something." He suggested. The maid needed all her composure not to give away any sign. Hortense looked at him with her glorious dark brown eyes, her well coiffured auburn hair waving gently under the foyer fan.

"I don't care; you'll come with me now and we'll treat you to something special."

There was positivity in her tone which was in reality a simple command. She then turned and strutted back to the car giving him his first chance of a rear view of her glorious femininity. The chauffeur ushered madam into the vehicle and she faced him, patting the luxurious leather seat to beckon him in.

"What about all my things?" He asked.

"Don't worry, my maid will take care of that and bring them along for you."

He got into the car and sank into the soft upholstery, in came the driver, the glass internal screen was swished shut behind her, and the central locking clunked the doors shut, giving him a feeling of very comfortable captivity. He wasn't sure why, but his sphincter clenched slightly and he was sure that the formidable woman beside him had a look of achievement on her face.

As the car cruised on, he couldn't help but notice the sharp blue eyes of the chauffeur looking at him as she adjusted the rear view mirror more often than was necessary. He also noted that the hotel area was coming to an end and they were heading further along the coast road.

"Are your other hotels at another resort?" He asked timidly.

"After what you've been through, I shall take you to my personal residence. I know you'll enjoy it more."

She smiled in a very satisfied manner; the blue eyes squinted in the mirror as the leather clad vixen at the wheel obviously smiled as well.

"You note that all my employees are of the fairer sex; this is because I like to have special relationships with men, I could never work with them. Most of them believe a woman should know her place and are very jealous of my wealth. I understand that your view of women may be a little more relaxed?"

Suddenly the booted beauty at the wheel swished open the dividing glass and handed something in a velvet bag to Hortense.

"I believe this is yours?"

She then produced the Stanton book over which he had masturbated earlier!

"My maid took it from your room shortly after she removed the fuse from the main box; I was pleased because I'm a big fan of the late Eric myself, and I thought we might discuss our preferences more intimately. I trust you'll indulge me, after all, it's only a game of fantasies."

He was speechless, but overwhelmed with mixed thoughts, thoughts which gave him a very apparent erection; the bulge at which Hortense stared down at.

"Good boy." She purred, and both the women giggled at his predicament.

At that point the car swept up a driveway and approached a luxurious villa surrounded by high marble walls. An electric powered wrought iron gate whirred open then banged shut again after the car passed. He could see that the walls were all clad in shiny marble adorned by the odd rambling rose; the walls would not be climbed without the aid of a very large ladder. The beautiful house was would make an effective prison if the gate mechanism remained unknown.

Hortense commanded he follow her as the chauffeur put the car in a huge garage. As he walked obediently behind the woman he tried to speak out and make some sort of protest, but something willed him on in silence and his curiosity gained the upper hand as the sensual figure before him left him mesmerised. Hortense's heels clip clopped on the path to the house and the sudden gust of a warm breeze lifted the pleated side of the elegant woman's skirt revealing the length of her leg and voluptuous thigh.

Another maid opened the huge oaken front door and greeted the two inside. The door closed. He was hers.

The décor of the room he was led into was minimalistic; the leather theme continued with sprawling black leather sofas with seating at different levels- many had padded leather mats before them. Hortense pointed to a chair in the corner where he would have a full view of the room

"You will sit over there." She barked- he now began to realise that he was about to realise not only his own, but someone else's fantasies. He sat quickly like a scolded child. She turned to the maid.

"You may now bring us the special iced coffees we prepared earlier." The maid reappeared shortly, as did the Chauffer and the maid from the hotel. Hortense passed the drink to him and sat opposite him on a large sofa. She had a drink too; hers looked like a conventional iced coffee, but his had as much blue powder sprinkled on top as the brown you would normally expect. The blue substance was evident throughout the glass.

"I want you to take a nice long swig of your first drink in my house." She said firmly.

He hesitated.

"Do it!"

He gulped the liquid at the command; his erection now involuntarily rock hard.

The drink definitely had coffee in it but tasted as though there were some form of alcohol too, and the blue powder was both dusty and gritty as it went down.

"I trust you don't have a heart condition of any sort?" She asked.

"No." He replied.

"Good, then you'll find the Viagra very useful over the next day or so; you've had enough for two men already!"

The maids all sneered and giggled at the comment; he also noticed that the blue-eyed vixen was gently rubbing herself against the corner upright of one of the larger backed chairs. He also noticed that pictures on the wall were somehow familiar but not quite right; one was of a sexy looking female with tight beige jodhpurs who appeared to be dancing,the picture was typical thirties style.

Hortense noticed the direction of his gaze and asked if he had noticed the sharp tang the drink had? She Continued.

"It's called Amobarbital- 'Truth Serum'- and I will ask you about that picture very shortly, and you will tell me all about it. In fact you will tell me everything about your deepest desires, and they will be influenced by that blue nectar which will help enslave you."

Then it dawned on him; Bernard Montorgueil - the raised hand of the girl was minus a vicious whip; the naked , lashed, hooded and tethered male also absent. He had now finished the drink and felt strangely trance like. Hortense noticed this and knew that the minimal amount he'd been given would keep him open to commands as long as he received attention and stimulation.

"I know that you are now at your weakest and will do just as you are told; these young ladies are my maids, but you are a male and inferior to them; you will obey their every command too, and you will be at their pleasure without the aid of the drug when you have learned your place. I will now change for your first session and my maids will instruct you in the few minutes I am absent. PREPARE HIM!"

The younger women leered menacingly at him. They had now removed all their lower garments with the exception of their silken panties.

"Come here!" Beckoned the first maid he'd met.

He wobbled over and stood before him.She lifted her head dominantly, then she slapped his face.

"I'll teach you to look on me as an ignorant girl. I can't wait till the first time you're left alone with me! Now pick up that mat!"

She motioned that she wanted it placed in front of the one already at the foot of the chair where Hortense had been seated.

"Now take your clothes off!" Said his driver from earlier, who made it clear by her tone that she was very much in the driving seat now! He fumbled with his clothing and though he felt fear and his rear clenched and unclenched convulsively something inside him told him that this was his destiny and a strange sense of carnal pleasure was beginning to overwhelm him.

"KNEEL!" Commanded the maid who had opened the door; he has not really noticed her before as he had been captivated in more than one sense by Hortense on his approach to the house. The maid was perhaps the youngest, at about 18. As he knelt he looked up her. She was one of those glorious yet always spiteful true redheads, her fiery ginger hair contrasted with her silky, milky white skin, daintily freckled , She looked down at the mature adult male and said, unsmiling, with utter contempt.

"I'm going to cane you at the first opportunity I get."

He knelt there as the words played on his mind; the air was beginning to dance with the gentle unmistakable scent of female arousal. These were perhaps the youngest women he would meet at the house and he was completely under their control. His erection bobbed rigidly as he awaited the return of their, and his, mistress.

Then she arrived through the doorway he faced whilst kneeling -- they had been careful to arrange that he would have a full view of her as she made her first entrance in earnest. My god! She was the perfect image of dominance to this submissive male; his hand moved automatically toward his member. His face stung again as a hand with fingers whose scent gave away where they had just previously been, caught him flat across his cheek.

"Oh no you don't!' Said Ginger. "That is Mistress's property now!" The sight which had prompted his motion was pure ecstasy; Hortense was now completely naked save for a full length black chiffon trouser suit, which as she slowly approached with a wicked, dominant smile, revealed openings which gently caressed at her womanhood. Her shrouded vulva apparent with excitement, her ample breasts nestling in the shimmering material. She stood in the tallest black patent stilettos he'd ever seen, and carried a small cane with which she cut the air menacingly. She stood before him on the first mat.

"From now on you will address me as 'Mistress.' You have made it quite clear that you are a submissive male and I have decided to own you. Tonight you will tell me what you most desire and you will pleasure your mistress for the first time."

She then slowly nestled in the sofa before him, the chiffon parted and he had his first glimpse of her womanhood. He couldn't help but notice that it was glistening already. Oh how he wanted to lick her there and then, but first he must earn that pleasure.

"Tell me what is missing from my picture." He blurted out his response.

"Her whip and a man who is being punished."

"Is he enjoying the punishment?"

"Yes he..." 'THWACK!' She stung the side of his buttock with the cane.


"Yes Mistress." He remembered; he was learning fast.

"He must be enjoyng it; he has a huge erection." Hortense asked.

"Would you like to be him?" The girls all sniggered.

"Yes I would, I yearn to be punished and humiliated by women, I would even die for a woman." the drug made him compulsive.

"Oh yes!" Chortled the girls, now openly pleased with their catch; he had given ALL the right answers.

"Good boy!" Said Hortense as though addressing a puppy.

"You will now get to know your mistress."

A collar and leash were fitted to him.

She now adjusted the luxurious sofa so that his face was level with her most feminine parts of that superior body. She tugged on the leash.

"Come and sniff your new mistress." He eagerly moved onto the closer mat and was pulled gently down toward her smoothly shaven sex.

"Don't you dare lick until I command you! I want you to take in the aroma of the woman who has taken charge of you, who will completely and utterly dominate you, you are to pay for all the wrongs inflicted by men on women, you will suffer on their behalf and will know pleasure only when I choose to allow it. Put your nose right to my pussy and take nice long breaths."

He did so as she toyed with herself with one finger. Her scent was intoxicating, he thought about her words while he took in the well-seasoned aroma of her beautiful womanhood. He now realised that this was his rightful place and he was willing to accept any punishment at her slightest whim. His member felt like it would burst and he longed to ejaculate.

"Mmm." She quivered ever so slightly.

"Now lick my womanhood!" She commanded. "I want you to start at the base of my pussy and ensure that you lick every fold before you approach my clitoris." This was heaven; as though the scent had not been enough. The tangy musky taste was delicious; he spent some time doing just as she had commanded, worshipping every fold before arriving at the apex of her sex. She rocked gently as he lapped at her sweet smelling fruit.

Just as he thought she was to come, she gently pushed his head away.

"Girls, I think we should treat ourselves to some sunshine --our new toy can finish the job beside the pool in full view of our property; he'll see where he's to spend his time." The girls smirked at each other.

"Oh, and one of you bring my phone would you." Still firmly erect, he puzzled at this move, why was it so important that he view the building? They had made it quite clear that he was not a standard 'guest'- did she simply wish to gloat at her wealth? His leash was tugged and he followed behind his mistress.

The sun shone down making her gorgeous body all the more evident as the bright light penetrated the chiffon. They walked round to the other side of the pool where suitably placed furnishings had been arranged. She lay down on a couch which offered shade from the wall behind, her head facing the house. It was at this point that he noticed that the girls who had followed were looking up toward the eaves of the second floor with knowing smiles, they then glanced at him and he felt uneasy- he did not know why. As he looked he saw for the first time that there was a large circular structure above the second floor. Though there were skylights from which the sun glinted there were no windows , the space would be far too big to simply house air conditioning etc. It was a third floor.

"Down you go." Said his new mistress, having given him plenty of time to survey the structure.

As he moved toward her sweet sex, she allowed him just a few licks to regain her arousal then pushed his head back again. She then removed the chiffon outfit while he knelt there and lifted her legs back a little further.

"You will now sniff my bottom!" Down went his nose to the wonderfully puckered dimple that was her anus. He was to find himself there on many occasions.