Heat Wave


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"Brad, you look done in," Caty said.

"Yeah, I am even more determined to get the AC working. You cannot live like this."

"Why don't you take a dip in the pool to cool off?"

"Well, I wasn't planning to stay over," I said, "so I didn't bring a change of clothes, let alone a swim suit."

"I'm sitting here bare-assed. Go skinny-dipping. The neighbors can't see you. I go all the time."


"Absolutely," she said. "I'll make a deal. If you go right away, I'll join you. It will cool me off and I can sleep better."

"Would that be ok with your doctor? Aren't you supposed to stay in bed?"

"She told me I could go in the pool for a bit. It's not like I'm going to be doing laps. I just kinda move around like a whale."

I helped Caty off the bed and we went out back.

She eased herself down the ladder. "Ooh, this feels so good. Hurry."

With only mild apprehension, I pulled off my shirt and dropped my shorts.

"Maybe I should leave my boxers on," I said.

"Nope. I want you naked, just like me," Caty called from the pool.

I wondered if Sheila would agree with what I was about to do.

I dropped my underwear.

Caty looked at me unashamedly.

"Nice, Brad," she said. "Very nice. Sheila is a lucky woman—in so many ways."

I jumped in and immediately felt the relief from the heat. We moved around enjoying the feel of the water over our naked bodies. Caty asked if I could help her float. She lay on her back and I place one hand under her shoulders and another on her butt.

I gently moved her back and forth in the water. She grinned and relaxed.

"This feels so good," she says. "For the first time in months I feel light. It's great."

I looked at her breasts nestled on her chest, the dark nipples pointing straight up. The blond tangle between her legs is matted against her pubic area. I can make out her sex lips in the bright moonlight and the light from the pool. In spite of the innocent nature of our swim, I became aroused. I keep moving Caty through the water. After a few minutes, she asks to let her down.

I ease my hand on her butt down into the pool and she gains a foothold.

Her hand brushes against my erection.

"Oh, my," she says.

"Yeah, that happens when I'm looking at a beautiful naked woman."

Her hand travels the length of my shaft. "Well, I'll consider this a very "big" compliment."

I nod. Next, I did a surface dive and swam underwater to the deep end. Coming up for breath I turned on my back and did the backstroke. I headed toward Caty with my boner sticking up like a mast on a sailboat.

Caty laughed as she saw me approach.

Then, I heard a familiar voice.

"I leave you alone for one night, and this is what I get?"

Sheila is standing at the edge of the pool.

"My boyfriend is naked with my sister," she said staring daggers at me. "And, he's flashing a boner."

"Sheila..." I begin.

"Not another fucking word," she said.

"And, you," she said looking at her sister who is standing in the shallow end. Her tummy and breasts reflecting the moonlight on their wet surfaces.

"Are you proud of yourself," Sheila said to her sister. "Flaunting your body to my boyfriend, getting him all excited—are you satisfied?"

Caty let her mouth form a small smile. "Well, I wouldn't say completely satisfied, and it doesn't look like Brad is."

I was standing in the shallow end and my erection was clearly visible.

"Well, I can only think of one way to resolve this situation," Sheila said.

She peeled off her t-shirt exposing her bare breasts. She quickly shed her shorts and bikini undies. She stood naked at the edge of the pool. I marveled at her toned body and the dark strip between her legs.

She dove in and surfaced between Caty and me.

She hugged her sister and they kissed cheeks.

Sheila turned to me and grinned broadly.

"You two planned this?"

"Caty called me when you were cleaning the kitchen. She told me I should come over. I knew she was going to try to convince you to go skinny-dipping."

Sheila pulled me to her and kissed me hard on the lips. My boner pushed against her stomach.

Slowly she kissed down my body until she was kneeling in the shallow water. She took my dick in her mouth.

"Sheila," I gasped, "Caty's watching."

Caty said, "Don't stop. I want to watch."

Sheila loves giving head and she is fantastic at it.

She was pumping me in and out of her mouth as Caty moved closer to us. Pulling on her nipples, she stared at her sister sucking me. She took my hand and placed it on her breast. I looked down at my girlfriend. She broke away from my cock and said, "It's ok, Brad."

I played with Caty's breast, teasing her nipple. Caty sighed and used her own hand to play with her other breast.

I told Sheila I was close.

"Help him cum, Caty," she said.

Caty slipped her hand on my shaft and stroked me. Sheila pulled off and my first shot hit her forehead. She then took my head back into her mouth and swallowed as Caty kept pumping. Sheila drained me.

She pulled off, allowing my shrinking dick to relax. Caty licked the remaining cum from her sister's brow.

I didn't know what to say. My mind was trying to adjust to the erotic nature of what just occurred. I went from not knowing what to say to totally speechless with Sheila's next statement.

"Brad, it's time you helped Caty get some release."


"Yes," said Sheila. "It seems that Jerome has been a first-class shit. He's been absent more then he's around. He never touches her. Calls her a fat cow. And, now we've learned he has a girlfriend in Omaha. Caty's already engaged a lawyer. Jerome the Jerk will soon be history."

I was trying to absorb all this information as Sheila was helping her sister out of the pool. She led her to a padded deck chair. Sheila grabbed a cushion from a nearby chair and placed it at Caty's feet.

She beckoned me and I emerged from the pool. She told me to kneel.

"Brad, I've told Caty how good you are at oral. Now's the time to show her I'm not lying."

"You want me to..."

"Yep, Brad, make my sister cum. Because she's not supposed to have full sex, you can't fuck her now."

I heard Sheila emphasize the word "now".

I turned my gaze toward the spread pussy in front of me. Her blond hair was still wet and her lips were slightly open. Looking up at Caty, I blew her a kiss. She smiled and spread her legs wider. I bent and licked her thigh from knee to her lips. She moaned and I repeated the action on the other side.

I worked my magic as Sheila had taught me. Caty responded and kept encouraging me. Finally, with two fingers just inside her pussy, her clit between my teeth, and my tongue flicking it, Caty let out a long, low sound and came.

I sat back on my knees and licked the remains of her orgasm from my lips. Sheila rubbed my head. Caty beamed at me as she peered over her enormous belly.

"Honey, you are the best fix-it man I know," Sheila said.

"Amen," added Caty. "I think we may have a lot of work for him in the coming days."

"You know, sis, I think you're right. I can't wait for you to experience the full special service package."

I was thinking that I was going to enjoy this heat wave.



Working for my uncle seemed like a good idea—at first.

I was in desperate need of spending money for the summer and funds to help pay my sophomore tuition and living expenses. The job market sucked so when my uncle offered to take me on, I jumped at the opportunity.

He owned a roofing company and was always looking for help. After the first hour on the job I understood why he needed workers. Being unskilled, it was my duty to help strip off old layers of shingles and then haul up the bundles of new shingles. Of course a perfect day for us was hot and cloudless. This summer that constituted all our weather. In fact, it was turning out to be one of the hottest on record. After the first day I wanted to quit, but my mom said her brother was counting on me. I dragged my sorry butt back the next day, and then every day after that.

I soon adopted the customary outfit of my fellow roofers—cut-off shorts and work boots. No shirt was required. I did layer on sunblock, but still after eight hours in the sun I was soon a deep brown. I also dropped twelve pounds and developed pronounced pecs and arms from lugging 80 pounds of shingles up a ladder.

At night I would crawl home, shower, eat and crash. So much for a social life.

Soon, it was the Fourth of July weekend with the holiday falling on a Thursday. Much to the shock of all the employees, my uncle decided to close for the long weekend. Naturally we would not be paid for the time off, but we would also not have to work. The thought of four days off was enough compensation for me.

My dreams of sleeping all weekend were shattered when my parents announced we were going to our grandparents' lake house. I tried to weasel out of it, but no such luck. This was my father's side of the family, so at least I would not have to deal with my uncle the roofer.

We left around five on Wednesday afternoon. I managed to doze for the hour's ride to the lake. We arrived to find other cars there. My dad's brother and sister and their families had already arrived. The lake house was huge and we were planning to bunk down in our usual large bedroom in the back of the second floor. My grandmother told us my cousin Ed and his wife, Heidi, their young son and the new baby were taking that room. My parents were shifted to a small single-bed room.

Grandma said I would be bunking with my cousin, Mel, and two of her friends. We would have the dorm-like room above the garage. Neither Grandma nor my parents thought it might be a little uncomfortable to have co-ed quarters. I think they probably still envisioned us as little kids.

Anyway, Mel and I got along fine. Mel is a year older than I am and I imagined her friends were her age. I just hoped they would not want to stay up all night yakking. I was thinking that sleep would be my main priority. I would soon find out how wrong a guy can be.

I carried my backpack to the loft. There were two bunk beds. The only open one was a bottom bunk against the wall. I made up my bed with the sheets piled there and left to go back to the main house.

I didn't see Mel and her friends. My grandma said they took a hike up toward the quarry. I told my parents I'd go looking for them.

It was only about a quarter-mile walk up the hill to the quarry. The old pit was long past its usual life and had filled in with water making a small spring-fed pond. Sometimes we'd swim here instead of the big lake.

I heard girls' voices and soon I came upon the tiny beach area. Mel and two other girls were each dressed in bikinis and sitting by the water's edge and talking. I called out and Mel jumped up to greet me. She gave me a hug and introduced me to Jess and Carrie.

"Great to see you, Cal," Mel said. "How was freshman year?"

"Pretty good," I replied. "I managed to get decent grades and not become a complete drunk."

We all shared a laugh knowing how social life was on campuses.

"We were just going for a swim," said Mel, "Join us?"

'Uh, I didn't bring a suit."

"You can go in your undies," she said. "They'll cover as much as a suit."

After a pause she added, "Or, you could skinny-dip."

"Are you guys going to do that?"

"Nope," she said.

"Well," I said, "I'll just wear my boxers."

I was eager to swim. Although it was now almost dusk, the temperature was still in the 80's.

I stripped off my shirt and dropped my shorts.

"Jeez, Cal" said Mel, "have you been like working out? You're looking buff."

"Forced labor is more like it," I said and explained about my summer job.

"Well, it may be rotten work, but you're looking fine. And, that's some tan you've got."

Jess and Carrie agreed.

We decided to just take the plunge and ran in. The cold water made the girls scream and my balls shrivel. We swam out a bit and treaded water.

"It's freakin' freezing," said Jess.

"Oh, after a while you get used to it," said Mel.

"No, after a while you just get numb," Jess replied. "I'm getting out."

She swam toward shore and the rest of us followed.

The shoreline was steep and rocky. You had to feel your way along and then carefully step through the rocks. The water remained deep due to a sharp drop-off until the last couple feet.

The girls climbed out first. Admiring three cute butts in front of me, I was enjoying being a bit of a voyeur. I was climbing up the slight slope and my boxers were down a few inches.

"Hey, Cal, better be careful or you might be putting on a show for us girls," called out Mel.

I tried tugging my boxers up and lost my balance. I fell back into the water and slid into the deeper part.

As I was making my way back onto the short shelf, I stubbed my toe and jumped up. My boxers, decided to stay in the water. I quickly covered my privates with my hands and turned my back to the girls.

"Nice Casper butt, Cal,' cried Mel.

"Yeah, that is about the whitest thing I've ever seen," added Carrie.

I dropped back in the pond and managed to reposition my underwear. This time I kept one hand on my waistband as I climbed out.

"Sorry about that," I mumbled.

"No need to apologize," said Mel. "Unfortunately, we didn't get to see much in front, but you have a sweet butt."

"Really," said Carrie. "I mean you look tan, but seeing how white your butt is makes it really stand out. I'd give it an eight."

"Hell, I'm giving it a nine," said Mel.

"Well, I guess I've not seen as many as you two, since I'm rating it a prime ten," said Jess. The girls laughed and exchanged fist bumps.

I was standing and just grinning like an idiot.

Mel looked at me and her expression changed.

"What?" I asked.

"Cal, those boxers are sorta' clingy."

I looked down and discovered my tan underpants had turned slightly transparent and clearly outlined what was underneath. You could make out my dark pubic hair and the outline of my shaft.

The girls stared and I blushed. Trying to make light of the situation, I said, "Remember cold makes things shrink."

"If that's a shrunken one, I'd hate to see it in full bloom," commented Jess.

"Not me," said Carrie.

The other girls looked at her in wonder.

"I'd L-O-V-E to see it in its full and non-shrunken state," she said with a wide grin.

The girls agreed and we all laughed.

I sat down and we talked for a bit, exchanging some background info and sharing stories about college.

The girls kept chatting. I said I might just take a nap. We lay on the large flat rock and enjoyed the late sun. Soon I drifted off.

I felt a hand on my leg. I was afraid to open my eyes and pretended to be asleep. Soon, another hand was on my other leg. Slowly the hands moved toward my waistband. Slipping fingers inside, the hands peeled down my boxers. They paused slightly as my pubes came into view and then continued to remove my underwear. Someone lifted my dick and I felt a set of warm lips engulf it. There were hands on my balls gently massaging them.

I snuck a peek through half-closed eyes to see Carrie sucking my erection and Jess reaching between my legs. Mel knelt at my feet watching, smiling and rubbing her breasts through her bikini top.

I heard giggling.

I opened my eyes to see the three girls still sitting a few feet away. They were looking in my direction and kept giggling.

"Phew," I thought, "that was only a dream."

"What's so funny," I asked.

"Were you having a hot dream?" asked Mel.

"No!" I said. "Why are you asking me such a stupid question?"

She pointed to my bottom.

I looked down to see my still damp shorts completely tented. My erection was pushing against the cotton and you could easily make out the contours of my dickhead.

"Shit!" I cried. I grabbed my shirt from under my head where I was using it for a pillow and dropped it on my crotch.

"God, I'm embarrassed."

"Don't worry," said Mel. "Those things happen. It's not like we all haven't seen a boner before."

"Speak for yourself, slut," chimed in Carrie.

"Yeah," said Jess, "we are innocent little lambs. We have no idea what you're talking about."

Mel flipped them a double bird and they all laughed. All, except me. I was still hugely ashamed of my condition.

Mel then turned to me.

"Cal, it's cool. None of us are shocked or offended. So, don't flip out."

I nodded, but kept the shirt in my lap. My erection was slowly subsiding.

Mel said it was probably time to head back. They got up and pulled on their shorts and t-shirts over their bikinis. They kept their backs to me and I was able to stuff myself back in my shorts and pull on my shirt.

We walked back to the cabin in time for snacks. Since no one was driving anywhere, we were allowed to have beer. We enjoyed a cook-out with lots of burgers and hot dogs. After we cleaned up, everyone piled into the assortment of motor boats, canoes and paddle boats that my grandparents kept tied at their dock.

We joined a flotilla of other lake people in the middle of Deer Path Lake and waited for the fireworks. On the night before the 4th, the town set them off from the public beach at the south end of the lake. In a minute the first streak lifted and exploded above our head. We oohed and aahed throughout the half-hour display.

It was about 10 when we reentered the main house. I was tired and said my good-nights. Mel and her friends were going to stay up for a while and play Scrabble. I used the bathroom attached to the dorm and collapsed on my bunk. The room had a large overhead fan, but no air conditioning. It was still pretty warm. I opted to sleep in just my boxers. I hoped I wouldn't be giving another show of morning wood, but I was too exhausted to worry about it. I never heard the girls come up and slept soundly through the night.

Thursday, July 4

I awoke around eight the next morning. True to form I had an erection. I glanced around to see that Mel was sound asleep in the bottom bunk across from me. I could see Jess with her back turned toward me above Mel. I assumed Carrie was above me. I breathed easier knowing I was not once again caught with a woody. Lying there I knew part of the reason was I hadn't had sex since I broke up with my girlfriend about three months ago. Working so much and so hard, meant I rarely had the energy to rub one off. So, I was seriously horny.

I quietly got up and went to the bathroom. My erection had subsided enough so I could pee. I thought I'd better get my shower in before the three girls monopolized the bathroom. I started running the water when I heard a knock on the door.

"Uh, I'm just getting in the shower," I called out. "Be out in a sec."

"Hey, Cal, can you leave the door unlocked," said a voice that I was fairly sure was Carrie. "Let me know when you're in the shower. I need to pee really bad. Ok?'

"Sure," I said. I unlocked the door and stepped into the shower stall and pulled the curtain closed. "All set."

I heard the door open. "Thanks. I don't think I could wait. You know all the beers from last night."

I thought this is a strange conversation. I'm naked and talking to a girl who's peeing just two feet away.

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"Hey, is that you in there?" came Mel's voice.


"You, Cal, you dork."

"Stay in for another minute, Jess and I also have to pee."

I could only imagine the three of them on the other side of the curtain. I got a little excited thinking that they were watching each other pee.

I heard the toilet flush and Mel called out.

"Thanks, Cal. We can't wait to see you."

"Ok," I said thinking that was a strange comment.

I considered letting my hand work its wonders and relieve some of my pent-up sexual tension, but I felt awkward doing it with the girls just outside. Still, I managed a few strokes that made me thicken and feel a little tingly.