Hank's University Romance Ch. 02

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Things start to change.
6.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/08/2022
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Over the next month, Mika is pleased that Stacey is complaining less about Hank but also worried that she is now complaining more about Ethan. It turns out that the stocky, golden haired goalkeeper's relationship with her tall, beefy boyfriend is less than perfect. Ethan seems to only want her for sex and is pressuring her to give him more than just the blowjobs, pressuring her for the next step. She finally gave in and it felt extremely good, which was the reason she forgave him quickly for it. But he keeps demanding more and more. It only makes Stacey more disgruntled when she sees how kind and caring Hank is to Mika, always patient and never pressuring her for sexual favors. She can only wish that Ethan would look at her the way Hank looks at Mika.

Hank stopped roasting Stacey once she became nicer to him. His ability to stop himself from ogling her has ceased to annoy her and gained her respect now. She still feels like her friend deserves better than him but has stopped saying it. Right now the boy is with Mika, getting hot and bothered on her couch. His hands are on her back as she leans in to lock lips with him. He can feel his cock getting very hard in his plants from feeling her ample tits pressing against his chest. His hard on demands attention and he moans as she finds it with her small hand.

Mika smirks as she feels how hard his cock is. She tongue-fucks his mouth, sucking his lips aggressively. The girl then pulls a box of condoms out from her bag, showing it to him. "Let's not be virgins any longer," Mika says, kissing Hank again and unzipping his pants to get at his penis. Hank feels his cheeks redden as he coyly nods, letting her caress his prick in gentle strokes, getting to his full five inches erection. Mika bites on his lower lip, making him moan from it as her other hand plays with his hair, her fingers grazing his scalp.

Hank feels so good with her mouth on his and her hand pumping his tool. He hunches up, thrusting into her hands. The black haired boy couldn't believe that the day is finally here. He is now about to lose his virginity to a girl that he really loves. "Are you sure about this baby?" he asks her as they pause and she gets packet out of the box. "I mean, I'd really love to sleep with you but I don't want to pressure you into anything."

Mika giggles at this, tousling his hair affectionately. He is so cute when he is worried and looking out for her this way, she thinks to herself. The girl looks up at him and tears the pack open with her teeth, making even more blood rush down to his engorged rod. "Baby, I have been eye-fucking you since the day we first met," she says. "I feel like I should be the one making sure you are okay."

Hank gulps as he chuckles nervously at her words. He lies back on the couch to give her a better angle to access his dick. "Oh, I'm more than okay with where this is going," he then tells Mika before she starts unrolling the condom down his penis. What happens next is the most embarrassing moment of his entire life. Hank was so primed up and anxious that the moment she put the rubber on him, he climaxes, jettisoning a volume of semen inside the condom. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry. It's just that I was so nervous and thinking about how hot it would be, so I got too excited and carried away. And I..."

Mika hushes him with a kiss, holding him tight as his body shakes from the embarrassment. She consoles the very embarrassed boy with her kind words. "It's okay, honey. I know that the first time could always go wrong. But we still have each other. We can work it out." The two of them cuddle on the couch, gently making out. Hank puts his trousers and boxers back on with a sheepish, apologetic look on his cute face. He feels ashamed for getting her worked up and failing to deliver.


Stacey is inside her room now, trying to work out a soccer training regiment. Her old one was good enough but she feels like she could get even better. She has already put herself on a strict diet to reduce the tiny bit of extra weight she has and build even more muscles in her legs and arms. The blonde athlete is musing over how to do this when someone knocks on her door. Sighing, she gets up from her seat and walks over to look through the peephole and find out who is on the other side.

Noticing that it is Ellie, a friend from the soccer team, she opens the door for her and lets her in. Ellie quickly enters and closes the door behind her. "You won't believe me but today I was out shopping and saw Mika's boyfriend. I saw him when he was walking out of Gateway Foundation. It's a rehab center, by the way." Stacey raises her eyebrows. As little as she thinks of him, she has to admit that he looks better than a druggie would. But then again, appearances can be very misleading. It is entirely possible that the apparent straight-laced, goody two shoes is secretly a drug addict.

She thinks about this for a moment, trying to work out the possibility in her mind. Perhaps he just didn't get too far into it. That would explain why Hank looks relatively healthy. "Thanks for coming to tell me about this," Stacey finally replies, making the other girl in the room with her beams. It makes her wonder if she could make the two of them break up if she reveals his drug problem to her the next time they meet. "Did you, by any chance, already tell Mika about what you saw today? Does she already know she is in a serious relationship with a druggie?"

Ellie shakes her head quickly. "No, she doesn't. I immediately came to find you after finding out about it," she says. The girl is almost like a loyal minion to Stacey in her devotion to the stunning goalkeeper. She never, ever questions anything the large ass teen says. Stacey could probably talk her into eating her shoes if she wanted. "Are you going to tell her yourself? I mean, you two are best friends, after all. Mika would be more likely to believe it if it came from you. She wouldn't think that you were lying to her."

Just as they are discussing that, the girl in question and Hank arrives. Both of the the girls who have been discussing them stare at the pair. Stacey looks at the couple before saying "Hey, guys. So what have you two been up to today?" She can tell that Hank must have been embarrassed by something earlier, given how he is still slightly red and sweaty. Ellie also seems to notice this as well, given the way she is intently staring at him. He squirms under their combined gazes, trying to appear calm and unbothered. It isn't working well.

Mika smirks and Hank looks at her in a begging sort of way as she takes a step towards Stacey. "Well, there is just this one little thing that happened earlier," she begins, ignoring the pleading look her boyfriend is sending her. He begs her not to say anything but she tells him to stay quiet as she talks to her best friend. "You see, Hank and I were making out on my couch earlier, and he got very horny." This is a partial truth and a lie by omission since Mika deliberately fails to tell the others that she was even hornier than he was.

Stacey watches with interest as her friend teasingly smiles at Hank out of the corner of her eye. It's obvious to all of them that he does not want this conversation to take place at all. But there is nothing he can do about it. "Go on, then. What happened after that? Did you both finally lose your virginity? Or did you stop at just oral?" At this point Mika can no longer restrain herself and starts laughing. Hank looks like he wants the earth to open up and swallow him whole.

Mika laughed for several moments as her friends watch on in amazement. They didn't think whatever she has to say would be so funny. "Well, I got a condom out and was ready to fuck him right there," she continues, cackling. "But guess what? He cummed right after putting it on!" Ellie now joins her in laughter as the two high five, both completely ignoring the crestfallen look on Hank's face before he buries it in his hand. Stacey, though, is approaching it from a completely different angle. She thinks about what Ellie just told her moments ago. It all adds up now. Suddenly, it makes perfect sense.

She smirks at the embarrassed teen who has enraged her several times by refusing to grope her buttocks. "Well, I guess that performance issues is the side effect of whatever drug he is using," Stacey announces to her childhood best friend nonchalantly. Mika immediately stops laughing and turns to face her, confusion etched on her pretty face. Hank's eyes look like they might pop out of his head. "Oh, haven't I told you? Ellie here saw him leaving a rehab center. That's right. He is a drug addict, Mika."

Mika now turns to face her boyfriend, looking very concerned. He is now trying to come up with anything to say to get out of this messy situation. The boy knows that this may ruin what he has with her and he can not let that happen. He loves her and doesn't want to lose her. "Is it true, baby?" Mika asks him. She places a hand on his shoulder and uses the other to tilt his chin up, making him look at her. "Are you really a drug addict, sweetie?"

Hank wants to deny it. Of course he does. But how can he when their friend saw him leaving Gateway Foundation with her own eyes? He also doesn't want to say that it is his sister. She is doing so well with her recovery and he doesn't want to ruin her reputation and opportunities for the future. So he lies. "Yes, baby. It's true. I've been addicted for some time now. I'm on outpatient treatment there. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I was afraid of losing you if you ever found out." He then puts on a realistic show of fake crying, something the boy didn't even know he is capable of.

Stacey immediately points a finger at his face "Aha!" she exclaims. "I always knew there was something wrong with him. And now, here's the proof!" She then turns to face her friend. "What are you waiting for? Dump him. Haven't you heard him confess to being a drug user? He's no good for you!" Ellie nods in agreement, simply repeated what Stacey has already said like she always does, being a good, subservient friend.

They are satisfied when Mika slaps him across the face. "How could you not tell me about this?" she demands. "You are so pathetic, just like Stacey said. Just a drug addicted loser who can't even last for more than a few seconds. I don't want to see you right now." She storms out of the room and Hank runs after her, desperately begging her for her forgiveness. Stacey watches in a lot of satisfaction. Even if she hasn't fully torn them apart, at least there is now the beginning of a rift between them forming.


Stacey feels very satisfied with herself. It's been a couple of days since she told Mika that Hank has a drug addiction. As a result of that, things have been very frosty between them. She was so irritated before by how lovey-dovey he was towards her best friend and is glad to see that Hank isn't like that now. He is trying to reconcile but Mika wouldn't let him. They aren't broken up but they are also not the way they were before. They have a very awkward relationship now. It's all going the way Stacey wants and she couldn't be happier about it. Soon she'll have them break up.

The girl is now feeling quite horny as she starts looking at photos of Ethan on her phone. She misses having his hard cock drilling her pussy and thinks about having him pound her ass next. Just the very thought of it gets her cunt soaked. Stacey rubs her clitoris with her fingers, feeling it spasm. The very turned on girl decides that she needs relief soon and that her hot boyfriend can provide it for her. She gets up from her chair and then starts walking to the door, leaving her room and heading towards Ethan's, which isn't too far away.

When she gets there though, the alarm bells start going off in her head. Stacey could hear noises coming from inside. It sounds a lot like moaning, and not just her boyfriend's from masturbating, but also from a girl as well. Using a spare key, she opens it and enters. To her horror, she sees Ethan with another girl, both of them naked with her riding him on the bed. "How could you do this to me?" Stacey cries out in shock. The two of them immediately look over in horror once they realize they've been caught in the act.

Ethan quickly shoves the girl he's been boning off of him and gets up, only to realize it is a bad idea, given how he is still naked and his dick is covered in the evidence of his infidelity. He knows that his girlfriend is the hottest girl around and doesn't want to lose her, just because he can't keep it in his pants. "I'm so, so sorry," he tells her. "It's really not what it looks like." Then Ethan cringes because he knows and she knows that it is exactly what it looks like, and there is just nothing he can do to change to fact that he just cheated.

"Oh, yeah? Are you gonna tell me that you didn't mean it? How it was all an accident?" Stacey looks at him with tears in her eyes and Ethan realizes what a jackass he was. He had the sexiest female athlete on campus as his girlfriend and now he's lost her due to his libido. "I don't see how you can fall and accidentally stick your cock in someone else's pussy! Fuck you, Ethan! We are so done now!" She then storms out of the room, ignoring the looks the people outside are giving her as she walks away from them.

Ethan hurries after her, trying desperately to persuade her to stay with him. She is one hot piece of ass and he doesn't want to let go, especially not before shoving his dick up that ass first. But he knows deep down that he will be unsuccessful, given the amount of damage he did by sleeping with someone else. "Please, just give me another chance. It won't happen ever again. I promise I'm going to make it up to you, baby. I love your ass so much. At least let me fuck it once and then we can break up." He clams up after realizing that his lack of filter only got him into much more trouble.

Stacey glares at him. At six feet four and 195 pounds, Ethan isn't easy to intimidate. But the look the blonde goalkeeper is giving him now is so withering he feels his Adam's apple constrict. "You're damn right it wouldn't happen again, because I will never be with you again." She starts to walk away but turns back to face him one last time. "And you know what? I was planning on letting you fuck my ass when I came here today, but you ruined your chances so you can fuck that skinny bitch's now."

Her sharp insults cut him deep and he finds himself very angry now. Ethan yells at her as she leaves "Fine! Not like I really want what dozens of other guys have already touched! You're just a fucking whore anyway!" Now she is the one to be wounded by words but Stacey refuses to show it and just heads back to her room, wishing she didn't leave it at all but at the same time thankful that she did, because now she knows just how much she really means to him.

The girl feels so depressed she actually considers sneaking in a bottle of beer, but years of religiously maintaining her perfect body prevents her from doing that. Yet Stacey feels that she must do something soon or she is going to go out of her mind from all this. It is ridiculous how deeply hurt she is by what Ethan did and said to her, and she just wants to forget all about it. Something must be able to numb the pain for her, but she can't figure out what it is.

She wishes that Ethan treats her the same way that Hank treats Mika. Hank might be a poorly dressed geek but he is very sweet to his girlfriend and pays attention to her, and doesn't use her for sex. In fact, they still haven't done it with each other yet. Stacey heads outside and walks to a bench, deciding to sit down and get some fresh air that might help her cool her head. The blonde looks up at the bright sky, trying hard to forget the pain she just experienced as waves of it come back to her, just from remembering what has happened.

As tears roll down her perfect cheeks, Hank arrives. He has just apologized to Mika again for his 'drug problem' and this time she accepted and agreed to continue their relationship. The exuberant boy was in a good mood until he sees Stacey crying by herself on the bench. At first he wants to just walk past but his compassion wins out and he sits down next to his girlfriend's best friend. "Hey, what's going on?" Hank asks as he sits down next to her, making her look at him with her puffy eyes. "Are you fine? Is there something you want to talk about?"

Stacey looks at her in confusion. She is very surprised that the boy she has bullied and belittled is now being so nice to her, concerned for her well-being. "Why do you care?" Stacey asks him as she miffs, taking a handkerchief he's extended to her and using it to dry her tears, hating how she appears weak in front of Hank. "You're probably here just to make fun of me sobbing, aren't you? Must be pretty funny to see after everything I did to you, right?" Hank just shakes his head.

"No, I'm not here to make fun of you, Stacey," he says to her, much to the girl's surprise. He takes a deep breath, not sure about what he is going to say next. It's not his favourite thing in the world to hang out with a stuck up, entitled bitch like her but he is going to have to do it. Not just because she is the love of his life's best friend but also because his kind nature wouldn't let him walk away without helping out. "If I didn't care why would I ask? Just tell me what is going on and maybe I can do something to help you out."

The beautiful goalkeeper examines his face curiously, still not sure if he is yanking her chain or not. It's hard to believe that he is being so caring towards her after how nasty she has been to him. "I went to my boyfriend's room earlier," she finally says to him, no longer crying like she did before. "When I walked in I saw him having sex with another girl. They were really loud and I actually heard them through the door but I just wanted to make sure first. Now I really wish I didn't walk in."

Hank finds it hard to believe that someone would actually cheat on such an attractive girl. The boy doesn't know what to do except to lightly pat her on the shoulder. Stacey looks at him in surprise as he rubs her back comfortingly. "That's his loss, Stacey," Hank says in a gentle tone, making her raise her eyebrows. " No one knows how important what they have is until they've lost it. He had your heart and he threw it away for a side piece. From now on, he's going to have to feel it deep inside when he sees you with someone new, someone who could have been him. He doesn't deserve you. You deserve better."

She looks at him like she's never looked at him before. His words strike a chord within her heart. The girl starts feeling butterflies in her stomach. Her heart is beating rapidly in a way that she has never felt before. Stacey takes him in as she asks "Do you really feel that way? After how badly I treated you?" Hank nods. She couldn't resist asking more "But I was a complete pain in the ass and acted like you were beneath me. How could you forgive me for that?"

The boy shrugs. It's always been natural for him to look out for others. Even when they've been mean to him like Stacey was, he couldn't find it in his heart to not help out when he can. Hank has always been this way since he was little and he can't change it now. "Of course! Even though you were very horrible, I still feel that you deserve better. Everybody deserves better than to give someone their heart only to have the person they trusted break it into a million pieces. And you really aren't that horrible."

Stacey stares at him in bewildered. Not that bad? Really? Did she actually hear him correctly. "But I called you many horrible things! And I also disparaged you to my best friend. I've told her right in front of you that she deserves better than you and you're still being so kind to me?" She couldn't believe it as he nods, showing that he really feels the way he said he did. "Not to mention I'm also a massive slut who got upset because you wouldn't cop a feel of my butt the way other guys would."