Haight-Ashbury, 1969


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She knew that Shay was there and that Shay was watching them, but that didn’t bother her at all, and when Shay leaned forward and brought her own lips against Lee’s, Lee could feel the nervousness and cautiousness in Shay’s kiss, her fear of rejection, and it seemed to sweet and unnecessary to her. Unnecessary because their being together seemed so logical and obvious that Lee didn’t even think to object.Did she do women? Of course she did! She was Libra, the Balance, the divine go-between. This was Haight-Ashbury in 1969. She did everything.

Shay’s kiss became more ardent, more confidant as she realized that Lee wouldn’t pull away, wouldn’t deny her. Her passion, so long dammed up and tentative, now came out, and her kiss became more sensual and delicious than Coyote’s had been, worshipful and loving. Shay’s lips were soft, and still tasted faintly of the lipstick she wore to work, but more than that they were eager, and they slid reluctantly at last from Lee’s mouth, down over her jaw to the side of her neck. Lee let her head fall back and let herself be worshipped by Shay’s kiss, and she knew instinctively by the heat in the other girl’s lips that Shay rarely, if ever, got to indulge her passion for women ,and that now that she had found a willing partner she could barely contain her ardor, her desire.

Lee also knew with that sudden clarity that marijuana often brings that Coyote and Shay had a strange and open relationship in which they shared each other and tried to share and even procured lovers for each other, and that through some great good fortune Lee had somehow ended up here with them both. She saw this with absolute certainty and with a kind of gratitude that made her want to give herself totally to both of them.

Shay was on her knees behind her, lips pressed to the base of Lee’s neck, and as Coyote’s kiss found her mouth again, Lee felt Shay’s hand come around and cup her breast. She felt the excitement of Shay’s touch pulling her back down onto the bed in a wonderful sensual haze, and Coyote crawling carefully over her.

Lips and tongues and tender caresses. Her blouse was pulled up, her naked breasts fell prey to Shay’s mouth and hands as Coyote slid down her body. His mouth suddenly covered her crotch and the feel of his hot breath through her jeans made her groan and jerk her hips up towards his mouth. Her old boyfriend had done this to her once in Kansas, but tentatively and without enjoyment, just to say that he’d done it. But now Coyote’s hands played with her pussy through her shorts while he planted kisses up and down the insides of her thighs, and Lee felt herself quiver and open to him like a flower to the sun. She felt his hands at the button of her jeans and then they were open and he was tugging them down over her hips. She raised her ass from the bed, helping him to get them off and out of the way. Her panties tangled with her shorts and she felt the cool air of the room on her inflamed flesh. Then there was the heat of Coyote’s breath, and then the delicious wetness of his tongue right where she needed it.

Lee groaned up into Shay’s mouth, and her tongue tried to tell the other girl how good it felt as Coyote put her thighs over his shoulders and began to eat her, sending his tongue swiping up the crease of her sex, probing into her, moving her flesh around, finding her clit with his soft lips as her hips jerked and twitched with the unbearable pleasure of his knowing mouth.

Shay squirmed around and lay on top of her, wrapped her arms around her and held her tight, pressing her soft breasts against Lee’s own. “It’s good, isn’t it, Lee?” she asked between kisses, “It’s so far out to have a man’s lips on your cunt, isn’t it? Could you do the same thing to me, baby? Wouldn’t you like to try?”

Lee couldn’t even speak. As high as she was, she could feel every nuance of Coyote’s mouth between her legs, almost feel the expressions on his face as his tongue slipped and slid over her lubricious flesh. She had worried that he might find her dirty or distasteful. She had heard stories about that. But instead she felt his dizzying male hunger and appreciation of her as he actually seemed to worship her pussy and by extension her whole body. He reached up and took her hand in his to reassure her, to tell her he was there, and she held his hand, feeling his lust and his almost violent joy in the pleasure of her sex. She had never felt so achingly feminine and womanly before, like a goddess of sex, beautiful, radiant, and alive.

Shay had gotten up off the bed and was taking off her clothes, and Lee watched her, her view clouded by those times when her eyes simply lost their focus due to the gusts of overwhelming sensual pleasure that swept over her from her pussy. Shay was beautiful, standing there in the late afternoon California light, with generous hips and full breasts, and Lee thought dully of how strange it was that she’d never noticed how beautiful women were before. She knew cute, and she knew pretty, but she had never known this deep, aching appreciation for a woman’s body, how gentle and benign it was, how it was so obvious made for sensual pleasure.

But then Coyote’s lips found Lee’s little clit, and Lee lost her train of thought as she brought her heels up and squealed with excitement. She levered her pussy up into his mouth. wanting to be taken. She wasn’t a girl given to orgasms but now she felt a delicious tension in her back and pleasure that radiated down to her very feet. It was a tension built of freedom, of not having to please anyone but herself, of being able to let go entirely, and yet just as she was about to let herself go, Coyote removed his mouth and Shay climbed back up onto the bed.

Shay got up on one knee and knelt over Lee’s face. Lee saw her spread her pussy apart with two fingers and looked up into the coral pink mystery of another woman’s sex for the first time. She wasn’t thinking about that though. She knew instinctively what to do, and if she hadn’t, Coyote had just given her a master class in cunnilingus, and she was eager to return the favor. She was just reaching for Shay with her tongue when she felt the touch of Coyote’s cock against her pussy, and she took her first taste of a woman’s sex just as she felt the long, thick glide of Coyote’s prick into her hungry body.

“Oh! Oh yes!” she groaned. She reached up and encircled Shays’ hips with her hands just in time to feel the girl shudder with the sensation of Lee’s tongue spearing into her. Lee threw her legs wide for Coyote and arched her back, pressing her mouth up to Shay’s pussy as she went almost numb with pleasure at both ends of her body. Coyote pushed her blouse up higher out of the way and his lips closed on one eager nipple at the same time that Shay lowered herself gently onto Lee’s mouth.

The three of them froze on the bed, all holding their collective breath. Shay’s pussy was wet and slippery between Lee’s lips, and as her tongue reached out and parted Shay’s folds, she felt the girl quiver on her lips. Shay let go of herself, and her fingers traced down to feel Lee’s lips and mouth pressed against her, her pretty young face straining up, searching for the older girl’s clit. Lee groaned as Coyote reared back and then sent his thick rod sluicing up into her cunt again, filling her with a deep sexual satisfaction that she expressed with her lashing tongue and fervent lips.

“Oh fuck!” Shay exclaimed. She took her breast in her hand and began to squeeze it and tease her own nipple as she kept her other hand below her so she could feel Lee’s mouth and face working against her cunt. The girl was a natural: unskilled, but with an enthusiasm and desire that made up for her inexpert technique. She ate Shay’s pussy as though it were her own, with long, teasing licks and deep soulful suckings, her efforts punctuated by grunts of delight every time Coyote’s pubic bone slammed against hers as he stuffed her full of his hard meat.

Shay realized that Lee’s mouth reflected whatever Coyote made her feel, and that the three of them were truly joined into one single organism through the medium of Lee’s body. The thought gave her a lewd thrill and caused her to shudder convulsively. Lee felt it, and redoubled her efforts, wildly excited by the thought that she might bring Shay to climax.

Coyote got to his knees, never removing his prick from the tight clutch of Lee’s distended pussy. “Let’s turn her over,” he panted, speaking to Shay. “I want to see you while she eats you.”

Shay reluctantly lifted her cunt from the girl’s mouth, just in time to see the stands of viscous oil that connected her labia to Lee’s searching lips. In all her lesbian experimentation, Shay had never found a lover as enthusiastic and into it as Lee, and she was beside herself with excitement. her hands shook as she crawled over to sit herself against the headboard of the bed, her thighs apart.

Lee was like dead weight as Coyote pulled his prick from her and tried to turn her over. She didn’t know what he was trying to do at first. She had never been taken from behind, and so the thought didn’t occur to her, but once she saw Shay posed and waiting for her, she understood what they were trying to do. She rolled over and got up on her knees, crawled up the bed and pressed her face back into Shay’s wet and drooling pussy, humming with greedy pleasure.

Coyote got up on his knees and got behind her, took his prick in his hand and pushed forward, and all three of them groaned in unison as the pressure of his cock sent Lee’s mouth up against Shay’s waiting cunt. He reached forward and pulled Lee’s golden-red curls out of the way so he could see her lips and tongue working against Shay’s sopping pink flesh, see the look of obscene depravity on Lee’s childlike face as she licked and slurped at Shay’s twitching box.

He already knew that Lee was something special, a wonderful tight and willing fuck: someone very rare. Now he could tell from Shay’s reaction that she was realizing the same thing too. He’d never seen Shay so transported by erotic fever. She was usually so cool, so much in control, but now her hands trembled as she tried to find something to do with them, caressing Lee’s face, then combing her own hair out of her face, rolling her nipples between her fingers, or reaching back to clutch convulsively at the headboard, beside herself with erotic rapture. All the while her tongue played over her dry lips and her eyes opened wide or closed to trembling white slits as her jaw fell open in transports of lesbian joy. Even the toes on her feet spread wide or curled tight in response to Lee’s sucking mouth, and he could tell from the way that Shay’s tight little belly clenched in quivering spasms that she was already close to orgasm.

The sight of his lover in the thrall of impending orgasm made the blood pound in his veins, and he grabbed Lee’s slim hips and used them as handles to lever himself deep inside her with each thrust. Instinctively he reached beneath the kneeling girl and toyed with her pussy, feeling her flesh folding in and out with each thrust of his massive cock. He found the greasy little nub of her clit and forked his finger around it and began to masturbate her in time to his bruising thrusts, determined that she would come with them.

Lee squealed. In the dimness of her mind, behind the marijuana-induced haze of pure sensual pleasure was the realization that she was going to come, going to experience her first-ever fuck-induced orgasm, something she’d only been able to achieve by use of her own hand in the privacy of her bedroom. She was aware of a great welling of pride: pride that she’d been accepted, pride that she was giving as good as she got, that she was going to bring these two sophisticated and jaded hippies to sexual climax. She felt beautiful, sexual, and powerful: wonderfully slutty and so wonderfully free. Coyote’s cock was pistoning feverishly in and out of her, and she loved the feel of his male strength and insistent need, and Shay’s entire body was tight and trembling, her fingers caressing Lee’s face with spastic abandon as she began to wail out that she was coming, coming in Lee’s mouth, coming in a climax of so lewd and beautiful that she lost all her cool façade, lost everything into the girl’s demanding, sucking mouth.

“Oh Fuck yes!” Shay screamed, throwing her head back, “Oh coming! Coming! Fuck!”

The sight of his girl friend losing it in lesbian ecstasy was more than Coyote could bear and he couldn’t hold himself back. He thrust deep into Lee’s soft cunt and grabbed a hold of her dangling tits, pressed his cheek to her heaving back and felt it come boiling out of him, felt it come up like an avalanche of lewd sexual pleasure as he gushed inside her in hot jarring bolts of shuddering release, and Lee, assaulted from both ends and knowing that there was absolutely no way that she could stave off her own orgasm even if she’d wanted to, didn’t even try; didn’t even try to stifle the animal snarl of obscene fulfillment that tore from her throat and was muffled by Shay’s spasming cunt. She felt the flood of hot animal juice from Coyote inside her, and a sheet of fiery pleasure washed up over her body, starting at the soles of her feet and sweeping up till it gathered in her scalp and she felt each hair prickle with cosmic orgasmic energy. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out into Shay’s twitching quim and howled as her orgasm tore her loose from herself, tore her loose and sent her spiraling into the freedom of total release.

In the sweet enfolding darkness of her orgasmic heaven, Lee saw an image of Jimi Hendrix glowing with the lurid colors of a black-light poster, his buddha-like face surrounded by the cloud of his Afro, brilliant rockets of light shooting from his hair, trailing cascading semen-like trails of dripping light. “Are you Experienced?” “Do you do women?” She wanted to laugh, wanted to scream with joy. Instead she put her mind to it and rode her come, holding on to its fiery pleasure with every fiber of her body.

Jimi had been there, where she was now, had been there and was there still: electric orgasm land, as high as you could get, far out into the orgone and gone. Dimly, she realized that the record was still playing. She heard the menacing tremolo of his nasty guitar sneaking up on her from the beginning ofFoxy Lady, a note so nasty, so full of sexual portent that it still raised the hairs on the backs of her arms; heard it above her own helpless panting mewlings echoing back to her from the spread V of Shay’s still-trembling thighs. She heard it and followed it until it exploded into the opening ejaculatory power chords of the tune itself. She was still high, still coming, the orgasm hadn’t done anything to bring her down, but also straight enough to know that the song was actually coming from Shay’s stereo, not just from inside her, and she let her mind and body be taken by the music. It was so obvious to her that she herself was like some cosmic female guitar in his big, masterful, hands. In everyone’s hands.

Coyote’s cock slid from her dripping cunt, and she rolled weakly over on her side to put her cheek on Shay’s thigh as she savored her first ever taste of female come in her mouth. Jimi played on, singing now in his patient, reasonable voice above the crashing sexual chaos of the music, and she knew with the certainty that comes from being high, that comes directly without even having to think about it, that she was an instrument meant to be played for the beauty of the music she made: beauty for herself, beauty for others. She knew that she had made the right choice coming here, to this perfect place at this perfect time in this perfect state of herself.

She felt Coyote caressing her buttocks, resting his cheek against her smooth ass. She felt Shay’s fingers combing through her hair, still shaking with the force of her release, pushing Lee’s hair back so that Shay could look at Lee’s face with wonder and awe, and Lee smiled.

Everything was wonderful: balanced just so. Everything was perfect.

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sotarosotaroover 6 years ago

read this while listening to Hendrix Band of Gypsies, the Wind Cries Mary. I recommend "Season of the Witch" for more information about San Francisco during this era.

ShyDenZenShyDenZenover 7 years ago
I love everything about this story

This story is 'the shit': even its cliches turn me on. We need more authors like you in the world.

"And I dreamed I saw a bomber-jet-plane flying shotgun in the sky... turning into butterflies above the nation..."

MoogPlayerMoogPlayerabout 10 years ago
Wrong Time Period

I hate to tell you this Doc, but the "Summer of Love" occurred in 1967

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I used to know a Coyote in the Haight back in the day. Very much a revolutionary until he got in another line of work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Barely know where to begin...

Besides being beautifully written, this story is a lush, sensual, sexual, exciting adventure back in time. I love it! Thank you.

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